I assume everyone here is familiar with the term "Keeping up with the Joneses", right? So much of western society/culture is based around this. It's the reason why people build horrible McMansions in soulless suburbs, and have to commute for hours each day. It's the reason why people lease cars, or buy cars with auto loans that have inflated interest rates. It's the reason why so many people take vacations they don't even want or enjoy. Keeping up with the Joneses. I am also going to assume that everyone here is more or less familiar with the term "Chad". Chad is a stereotypical alpha male.
Here is another phenomena, one that PUAs and redpill guys are grappling with (And I say this as a former PUA/redpiller).
Keeping up with Chads.
If you have to browse the internet/forums in order to know how to attract women, you're not a chad.
If you have to spend hours and hours on things like getting flashy haircuts (fades et all), working out at the gym, keeping up to date on fashion, pop culture, etc....you're not a chad.
Keeping up with Chad will destroy you. I know guys that are in their early 20s, that have had threesomes, that have fucked a girl and all her friends (and none of the girls are mad at them for it), that have fucked their female bosses, have 4 or 5 or 6 fuck buddies on the go at one time. And the thing is, they're not putting all that much effort into it.
In the same way, that no matter how hard I work, no matter how well educated I am, I will always be at a massive disadvantage compared to some people that I have met who are trust fund babies, or their parents are successful bankers or real estate moguls. I have met Chads that live the sort of lifestyle I was only beginning to approach when I was 100% focused on being the biggest player I know. They do it easily, they do it effortlessly. I used to live my life in a way that I was in direct competition with them, and it made me miserable.
I don't think some people understand how hard it is to compete in the modern day sexual marketplace, how big of an advantage being over 6' is, how nice it is to have a full head of hair. As a guy in his 20s thats balding and only 5'8....I'm fucked.
Don't waste your life guys, don't waste your time and energy trying to keep up with Chad, it won't work, it will leave you hollow and unfulfilled, the same way that keeping up with the Joneses would.
I know there are probably quite a few Red Pill/PUA guys out there reading this sub, and I encourage you to respond to this post. Realistically, no matter how much time and energy you put into things, how will you compete with the 6'3 football star on campus? How will you compete with the guy who got a BMW for his birthday?
[–]enlightenedmgtow 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Benny757 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Clayton_Jameson_Marx 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)