This post if for lurkers and those second guessing their reasons for going MGTOW.
I know posts like this come up from time to time but I just want to share an interaction I had with a self-proclaimed "red-pilled" coworker. He also calls himself a "level 1 MGTOW", and follows one of those new trendy PUA channels on Youtube. He has "no luck" with the ladies, he basically grovels for pussy and calls it being alpha...
He was saying that it is fine to be MGTOW if you are attractive, had good results with women, etc etc. He followed that statement with, "but there are MGTOWs out there who are fat neck beards who live in their parents basement who are just angry that they can't get women, they aren't MGTOWs"
This guy is literally still pedestalizing pussy. Getting women, and learning first hand that american culture (possibly society throughout the world) has made women an extreme risk to men should not be a prereq to use common sense. If you believe that the badge of a woman is necessary to achieve something that is pussy pedestalizing.
Also be careful of trendy PUA bullshit. My coworker follows some bullshit mantra, "be the best you to attract girls, and have amazing sex". To me that sounds like white knighting woven in to PUA. Why be the best "you" to attract girls in the first place? You are not going to get the "best woman" from this (just some used pussy). Manipulating women into thinking your dominant will get you more pussy any day of the week, anyone who has tried it knows this.
I'll close with my favorite quote from this sub. Not getting married is learning from the mistake you never made once.
TL;DR: "Red-pilled" coworker thinks prereqs of getting girls is required for MGTOW