@CNN Russians love him more than Americans because Putin owns him. Wish they would take him, we don't want him here destroying our country.
@blumom2015 trump has no chance with you huh? -
@burt4444 He lacks decency and honor, so no. No one of his character should be in any position of power. -
@blumom2015 he lacks those in your opinion.
@CNN I'll bet the street leads to the garbage dump. Or maybe a swamp. -
@CNN this is perfect. Trump is Russia new Manchurian candidate and Putin puppet -
@CNN Don't know why Dems are making a big deal out of this........the same town named the sewage treatment plant after obama. -
@michsnowbird@CNN i know right! Thats tge "top" news they picked up on lol
@ChrisCuomo@CNN It must be super embarrassing working for CNN. Working 24/7 PROMOTING hate and anger trying to divide the country -
@PatHolzer@ChrisCuomo@CNN that would be TRUMP!
@CNN@realDonaldTrump@tponews AMERICA LOVES YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP Unofficial Trump Ad:@lighthousefamly#MAGApic.twitter.com/pGbIru3swL - さらに表示