(This is essentially copy-pasted from a comment I made with some edits as I have a serious venting that I need to do)
I get told by my family and some friends (who I understand is frustrated with me because they are helping me right now and have their own bills to pay) that I'm lazy and won't just take "any job." I've APPLIED for "any job" and have been rejected for them because they "found someone who is a better fit." I get really PO'ed when I see women making money just for LOOKING good while I feel like I have to constantly work towards getting even a minimum wage job. If there's anything to pull from stupid dating sites, it's that it's the truth of society. My best friend and I go on those sites just to see how bad it is sometimes. You have women asking for money or drugs and will "do anything" for it. Meanwhile, I apply to food places and grocery stores and get responses with "thanks for applying, but we found someone else."
Here I am trying to find out how I'm going to pay my car note that was due Saturday and trying to get even the most menial job. I have no food, little gas, and nowhere to go. The only places that assist with gas require you to have a job FIRST.
I've worked menial jobs already and I wanted to kill myself then. I worked my hardest at those jobs (didn't let my depression show) and was fired from every one of them. What's funny is that I'm currently looking for work at a place I used to work at (they have a resource room to job search on). It's a place where I helped people find jobs. I exceled at that position and was well known by the community over here for being so good at what I did...and they fired me for being "too helpful." I'm not even kidding. They called it a "violation of company policy" and I lost my apartment and a lot of my stuff as a result. My credit score took a serious nose dive and hurt my chances of getting other jobs...because jobs do a CREDIT CHECK these days.
I started college in 2006 and failed several classes because I was so overloaded with college classes and work and now I've screwed myself out of getting financial aid.
Started work in 2013 (9 MONTHS LATER) at a university and was there for almost 3 years, though new management came in and it was a very liberal feminist manager who definitely was looking for reasons to let me go. I left that in June last year for a job at NASA that paid more than I've ever made before only to be replaced 2 months later by a black woman. I know it was something that had to do with Affirmative Action because in that office, there were no black women at all (though, granted I was the only male in the office). My co-workers said I was doing great, but corporate managers fired me saying it was due to "lack of performance" over me making ONE mistake. "We don't have room for mistakes, not even one" is what they said. B.S.
Fast forward 2 months after that. I lost my second apartment because of not finding work (I applied for 300 jobs at the time and got ONE call back). I ended up landing a temp job with the State of Arkansas (my home area is in Houston, Texas). The pay was dismal and I was barely getting by, but it was paying my bills as I lived in my truck...the very last thing I have left. I got hired with a better temp-to-hire position that had potential to give me more than I made at the NASA job...but they cut me a month later. Why? Performance. Again. Even though I was being told I was doing well, they OUT OF NOWHERE said I was forgetting stuff (though I made sure to write EVERYTHING down). My guess is the woman training me decided she wanted the site manager position they were training me for...because right before they cut me, they started training her on how to be the site manager. I have been cheated time and again, and the thought of starting over again and again makes me tired of even LIVING. That's not even saying that for sympathy, I just feel like I can't even take care of MYSELF and that's all I want to do!
So when my family/friends say "try the military!" Well, can't do that because my credit is shot and I need to lose 40 more pounds (I mean I've lost 20 in the past 3 months, but still my credit history will affect everything).
They say "you need better education!" Well, can't afford to go to school and I perform poorly in classes anyway when I'm working at the same time. I'm better at focusing on one thing at a time and because of poor school performance, I can't get scholarships or financial aid like others can for just being a minority or for being a woman.
Then they say "apply for ANY job!" Well, I HAVE and am rejected for them.
OH, I found a few PERFECT positions!...Oh wait, "Spanish REQUIRED" or "proud WOMAN OWNED small business." Oh, another! Wait, though I meet the qualifications, they want experience in the field that the company does work for ("needs 2 years of experience in inspection" when it's a job doing DATA ENTRY). There went my chances for that.
[–]scissor_me_timbers00 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]megachrispercent[S,🍰] [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]JosefDerArbeiter 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]mg-tower2 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Setinstone0 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)