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Anonymous Archived
12/27/16(Tue)22:48:25 No.1196486
File deleted.
>Order a vegetarian lacto-ovo meal for flight
>Get macoroni and cheese for dinner
>Okay fine
>Get Mac and cheese for breakfast as well when meat eaters get to choose between cheese and mushroom omlegte and French toast
>They swap out delicious desserts for fruit salad
>On another flight they mix up and give me Hindu meal and then tell me it's what I ordered when I didn't

Why are meat eaters so retarded
12/27/16(Tue)23:01:59 No.1196494
Sage 12/28/16(Wed)04:01:59 No.1196494
Lol fucking vegetarian
12/28/16(Wed)03:12:45 No.1196588
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)08:12:45 No.1196588
>what is your vegetarian option
>oh, we've got a lovely salmon

kek, errytime, those poor veggers.
12/28/16(Wed)03:55:53 No.1196593
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)08:55:53 No.1196593
>>1196486 (OP)
Was this your first time flying? This is really common in economy class. Be a big boy and eat your mac and cheese or pay three times as much to fly business class.
12/28/16(Wed)04:51:36 No.1196604
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)09:51:36 No.1196604
Just suck it up and eat meat. Why do you torture yourself like that? You do this to yourself. You eat what's available, if there are vegetarian options, you pick that, but if not, you eat meat. What's the fucking problem?
12/28/16(Wed)10:07:02 No.1196676
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)15:07:02 No.1196676
>>1196486 (OP)
>Order a vegetarian lacto-ovo meal for flight
That's your mistake right there
Fucking queer
12/28/16(Wed)10:19:20 No.1196689
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)15:19:20 No.1196689
>>1196486 (OP)
12/28/16(Wed)10:50:19 No.1196695
you know, people like you are really the worst. if i, as the person i am decide, that i dont want to eat meat anymore, its not anyone elses business. i dont ask you why you eat meat all the time, do i?
12/28/16(Wed)10:52:14 No.1196697
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)15:52:14 No.1196697
>>1196486 (OP)
And I just wanna say, I can understand your problem. I work in the military, and last month I was stuck at field practice with the worst meals ever. People who eat meat at least got stuff like sandwiches and similar stuff, but I mostly just got like, two pears and a pack of bread with no spread for it. So yea.

Also, people who go all "hurrdurr why dont you eat meat then" are the worst, really just the worst.
12/28/16(Wed)10:55:15 No.1196700
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)15:55:15 No.1196700
>i dont ask you why you eat meat all the time, do i?
You can ask us that, and we will give a non hypocritical answer: that we don't care about the lives of the dead animals bred for the production of meat
12/28/16(Wed)10:59:23 No.1196703
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)15:59:23 No.1196703
neither do I give an answer like that, I just don't want to eat meat, it's simply as that. It's funny how people always say that vegans are obnoxious about their eating habits, while it's really the ones that eat meat who are.
12/28/16(Wed)11:21:40 No.1196704
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)16:21:40 No.1196704
Im vegan.
But. I aint a fucking idiot either. Feeding myself on carcasses isnt my probleme. Feeding the industry behind is.
So when a plane who obviously doesnt give a shit about my choices, which is totally fine, has no other option than meat, i eat it. When i go to someones house and im hungry and they make chicken wings, i eat it.

Calories = energy. Whatever the source.
Fruits, plants and nuts are the best kind yes. But the rest is still food ffs.

Its like you want drama to occur. The problem here isnt them, its you. And fixing the problem is quite simple. Deal with it or stop playing victim.
12/28/16(Wed)11:52:04 No.1196712
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)16:52:04 No.1196712
Whoa, non-retarded vegan, I didn't know your kind even existed.
12/28/16(Wed)11:53:18 No.1196713
Anonymous 12/28/16(Wed)16:53:18 No.1196713
>>1196486 (OP)
Suck it up you lil shit, complaining on 4chan won't get you anywhere.
12/28/16(Wed)19:27:59 No.1196894
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:27:59 No.1196894
Most vegan dont want anything to eat that was alive. As if plants arent alive, Or microbes even. Right now your body is killing millions of living beings.
Animal suffering, humans included, is simply a signal for help and self preservation.
Plants have that same instinct, it just shows in different ways, chemical signals like freshly cut grass for example.
I stopped BUYING meat because that industry is the biggest threat to the current ecosystem on earth, you know, the one we've been living in for the last 50'000 years.

Cows are cool tho, and what they live is horrible. In fact i need to buy brew for this bombass bowl ,that is commin'
12/28/16(Wed)19:45:33 No.1196898
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)00:45:33 No.1196898
there's a huge difference in being alive as we define it and the way that plants or insects are, which can't even feel sensory and/or emotional pain
12/28/16(Wed)20:26:20 No.1196906
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)01:26:20 No.1196906
Nah. fish, lizard, insect and crustacean either. Birds and mammals do.

The flora dont work the same way, like, at all. But that does'nt mean they don't "feel" anything. Like, we know they "feel" temperature, we do too, but the way they feel it is different than us.
It's just the way i see it, they're just so different than us that i dont see how we can judge of their capacities.
We understand that they're much more evolved than us. Also necessary.
12/28/16(Wed)21:31:23 No.1196928
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)02:31:23 No.1196928
>>1196486 (OP)
Ilia Ilin, is that you?
That is what you deserve for cheating
12/28/16(Wed)21:32:47 No.1196929
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)02:32:47 No.1196929
What if you restrict even more. Maybe you will decide it is only ethical to eat fruits that fall from the tree, like some people in India. The flight company will have to pander to you?
12/29/16(Thu)00:16:22 No.1196993
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)05:16:22 No.1196993
You literally made a thread complaining about nothing and calling meat eaters retarded

This is why people hate vegetarians
12/29/16(Thu)01:20:36 No.1197013
Anonymous 12/29/16(Thu)06:20:36 No.1197013
Then you are not a vegan.
Part time vegan is no vegan at all.
Way to stick by your principles
12/30/16(Fri)23:47:30 No.1197845
Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)04:47:30 No.1197845
I'm a similar kind of vegan to that guy. My guess is he doesn't give a shit what "vegans" have to say or what labels are applied. It's also not always about being true to your principles when your health is at stake or you're about to alienate other people from ideas of veganism. You've probably heard meat-eaters call vegans annoying. And he's probably being waaay less annoying- which is good for veganism.

>>1196486 (OP)
Yeah come to travel board and complain about meat-eaters, that's going to help your cause FOR SURE
12/31/16(Sat)00:04:50 No.1197852
Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)05:04:50 No.1197852
Yeah, there have been a lot of recent research done that shows plants in fact feel pain. And though they may not feel it the same way as mammals, does that mean the way they process it doesn't hurt? Can you speak for what the plants feel? I guess you should just dine on air and water. Maybe only eat recycled food. Ever try a fertilizer diet?
12/31/16(Sat)00:16:15 No.1197857
Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)05:16:15 No.1197857
File: leaf eaters.jpg (47 KB, 635x478)
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>>1196486 (OP)
12/31/16(Sat)05:11:29 No.1197903
Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)10:11:29 No.1197903
You cost something on a flight. Because you chose a meal they have to provide but is more expensive to make they cut their costs resulting in you getting shitty food

Airplanes are just one of those places where you would be smarter to suck it up and eat the meat or pick out the meat from the dish. You would get better food that way
12/31/16(Sat)21:07:06 No.1198158
Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)02:07:06 No.1198158
>>1196486 (OP)
Who cares?! Stop being a faggot
01/01/17(Sun)12:02:25 No.1198335
Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)17:02:25 No.1198335
File: W 001.jpg (20 KB, 202x340)
20 KB

Works in an occupation that is all about domination and killing people, yet refuses to eat meat.

p.s. My brother has been in the Marines for 10+ years - I have no illusions about the function of the military.
01/01/17(Sun)12:25:36 No.1198345
Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)17:25:36 No.1198345
>>1196486 (OP)
>follow the Panspacial Zombie Church of the Blessed Ringing
>order a freshly slaughtered animal for flight
>they don't even have live animals on the plane
>can't even bring my own
>can't even bring my ritual slaughter knife
>can't even ring my bell while eating

Why are nonzombites so retarded?
01/02/17(Mon)17:25:52 No.1198952
Anonymous 01/02/17(Mon)22:25:52 No.1198952
It's unethical to eat animals famalam
01/02/17(Mon)17:32:39 No.1198957
Anonymous 01/02/17(Mon)22:32:39 No.1198957
File: bane.png (563 KB, 569x802)
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563 KB PNG
for you
01/02/17(Mon)18:04:21 No.1198961
Anonymous 01/02/17(Mon)23:04:21 No.1198961
It seems to me you are in some limbo wheter or not your choices have an impact. If more and more people ask for vegan food they'll start supplying it? I used to think like you but I realised if I'm fucked I can skip a meal, it doesn't kill me. I'm making more change by doing so. And no, I'm not the victim, but neither the meat eaters. it's the animals...
Please don't call yourself vegan when you per defintion aren't one it'll only make the term useless

>Most vegan dont want anything to eat that was alive. As if plants arent alive, Or microbes even. Right now your body is killing millions of living beings.
ya bcuz killing a horse and stepping on some bacteria is the same thing, really dude? I'm guessing you aren't vegan for ethical reasons?

no you fucking mongrel. They can not actively sense pain. They can respond to external stimuli but they have no conciousness at all. They can "feel" pain in the same way a robot arm could detect heat and retract to avoid damage. I mean are you seriously arguing that plants are the same as animals or are you just extremely desperate?

more or less anything with a spine actively feels pain and has emotions. Insects are kind of a grey zone but the little research that has been done seems to say they can at least actively feel pain.

>It's also not always about being true to your principles when your health is at stake or you're about to alienate other people from ideas of veganism.
Your health is not at stake if you skip a meal/eat a cruddy one. It makes no sense to ignore core values ideas of veganism to "not alienate" people from it.

ask anyone with a degree in ethics
01/02/17(Mon)18:20:48 No.1198964
Anonymous 01/02/17(Mon)23:20:48 No.1198964
>ask anyone with a degree in ethics
I don't have a degree in ethics, but i'm almost sure it's not as black/white as you seem to think it is. The world isn't either ethical or unethical. Is it ethical for animals to kill their babies?
You seem very biased towards veganism.
01/02/17(Mon)18:39:23 No.1198968
Anonymous 01/02/17(Mon)23:39:23 No.1198968
>no you fucking mongrel. They can not actively sense pain. They can respond to external stimuli but they have no conciousness at all. They can "feel" pain in the same way a robot arm could detect heat and retract to avoid damage. I mean are you seriously arguing that plants are the same as animals or are you just extremely desperate?

They are not the same. They are different. Different enough from animals and us you can't even speak to what their consciousness is. Yet you put animals on a pedestal, only because they are closer to you, and continue to slaughter plants
01/02/17(Mon)19:12:34 No.1198981
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)00:12:34 No.1198981
Well veganism itself isn't black and white, It's the practice of seeking to cause minimal harm done to animals. Some are able to go to a longer extent than others, but more or less anyone can stop eating animal products, it's piss easy... I don't see what animals eating each others babies or sniffing their shit has to do with me paying for systematical animal abuse. The question "Is it more ethical to be vegan than not" provides a very black and white answer though

rofl what? I "put them above" plants since they can actively feel pain, and feel emotional pain, which plants can't. Do you not understand the fundamental difference?
>and us you can't even speak to what their consciousness is
They are not conscious dingus, it doesn't matter how many times you say they are. It's fucking wrong. Again, find a single study that would speak against me
i now realise that theres no way this isn't bait
01/02/17(Mon)19:27:25 No.1198990
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)00:27:25 No.1198990
I aint really in limbo, its just: too poor to be picking when offered a meal mixed with a really fast metabolism and active life.
No i wont skip a meal.

Like you said. Pretty much anything that feel pain as a spine.
Plants dont feel pain. That doesnt mean they feel nothing.
And if you really wanna compare the value of different form of life then i think its you who's in some kind of limbo with your values. Life, is magnificient, but it has no value, its all the same. I still love life and want the best for it. Ffs a wanna be a biologist.
The fact cows feel pain is not my concern. The fact that its an insult and a danger to life is.
Its not good for us, for them, for the balance of the ecosystem. It needs to stop, its not an opinion, its just real.
I really dont care about your vision of how a vegan should be. But i dont present myself as vegan irl anyway. So...eh.
01/02/17(Mon)19:48:39 No.1199008
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)00:48:39 No.1199008
I have a physical work, I burn buttloads of calories constantly and I also have very fast metabolism. If I can skip a meal every now and then (which almost never happens you can always get fruit or some shit) so can you really...

>Plants dont feel pain. That doesnt mean they feel nothing.
They literally can't actively feel anything. I do not understand what you are trying to say
>And if you really wanna compare the value of different form of life then i think its you who's in some kind of limbo with your values
I'm not comparing "values of different forms of life". I am saying that if a plant cannot feel or think anything. It's the same as a machine. You cant hurt something that cannot feel it.
If you think you have any argument as to why it would be unethical to kill plants then go

>The fact cows feel pain is not my concern
It is your concern if you are causing it. It's not your personal choice to hurt someone else since it doesn't only involve you. By paying for animal abuse you are indirectly causing it. It is very much your concern.
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are saying after this
01/02/17(Mon)20:20:39 No.1199015
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)01:20:39 No.1199015
>plants have feelings too
even if they did it would still cause less harm to be vegan. Feeding plants to animals and then feeding the animals to humans is way less effective than just feeding the plants directly to humans. Only about 10% of the energy is transferred.
01/02/17(Mon)20:41:32 No.1199023
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)01:41:32 No.1199023
What you're not getting is that i think plants are alive and very different, they dont know pain, or feelings.
But that doesnt they have no way of interpreting their reality.
They can feel temperature, touch(some) chemicals(what you feel as smells). They cooperate with each other and warn each other based on the information they recieved from their senses. feels pretty alive to me. Some protein found in the brain used to "think", is also found in (some?)plants stem.
01/02/17(Mon)21:02:10 No.1199030
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)02:02:10 No.1199030
Why cant you get it in your head that none of those things are active? It's not conscious on any level. They can't feel temperature. They can detect it just like a thermometer can but it is in no way conscious.
Yes, a plant is alive but that doesn't it conscious.
>Some protein found in the brain used to "think", is also found in (some?)plants stem.
adding citation marks to that word doesn't make it any less stupid. A protein is liteally a very large molecule. It cannot do anything except drift around randomly.
01/02/17(Mon)21:25:49 No.1199037
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)02:25:49 No.1199037
Never said i knew shit. I've kept saying we are in no position to understand their reality. You seem to be convinced you can so....
Think what you want. If you stopped eating meat by empathy thats quite okay.

I dont see why you get mad because i have admiration for life in general.

You think conciousness is above whatever other way life has to interpret itself. I think it's all the same. Get mad all you want idc
01/03/17(Tue)06:50:44 No.1199210
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)11:50:44 No.1199210
why are you vegetarian and not vegan?
your egg and dairy animal are just as abused and guaranteed to die as are their bred for flesh pals.
Vegetarians a bit of a joke these days. Either be vegan fuckign don't bother or at least don't ever complain,.
01/03/17(Tue)07:10:27 No.1199215
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)12:10:27 No.1199215
>They are not conscious dingus,
Neither are animals. Not in anyway compared to humans. Not on our level. Just like they are above plants, we are above them. Top of the food chain.
01/03/17(Tue)08:13:21 No.1199240
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)13:13:21 No.1199240
sry dude I was tired and pissy but why would you start arguing about it if you don't know anything about it? And why wouldn't we be able to understand their reality? I'm mean its not like we know everything there is to know about consciousness but with the knowledge we have it's pretty easy to make an ethical framework. Consciousness is very important here because if you don't have it then you cannot interpret yourself, "you" don't really exist. As I said, it's closer to a machine than animals in this regard.

Yes they are conscious lol. All mammals and birds are self aware, look up the cambridge declaration of consciousness. You might have an argument here if we we're talking "is it ethical to eat this pig for me in order to survive" but since it's not the case, you are just killing animals for your tastebuds pleasure. Even if it's "not as much" it's still there so your argument really makes no sense...

You're right but almost noone turns vegan over night. Vegetarian is a middle step.
01/03/17(Tue)11:27:22 No.1199307
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)16:27:22 No.1199307
You are also a "machine". Free will is an illusion. your self is simply a bunch of patterns and habits. Learning is interpreting new informations through senses that must passe through "filters"(what you already know/think). Ideas and such are simulations.
Your goal? Survival. The way you do it? You react to stimuli. Conciousness in a great way to do it. For proof look at humanity.

Flora isn't concious. They are something else. When i sau we are different i mean our cells are different and works differently. they dont rely of different parts to support a central point of command(our body and the brain).
They dont live on the same time scale as us.
They're symbiotic on a large scale. Do you really think that 40'000 trees and shrooms all linked to each other, receiving information through senses that we dont have, and yes, making decisions based on those information. isn't it worth considering as something special? Its not conciousness, it doesn't call to mammals empathy. But its something.
When a tree senses it is about to die, it will give all of its reserves of energy to the surrounding younglings, who have been waiting for space. Their motivation isnt emotional, but the goal is the same as when we do it, making survival easier for those that come after.
01/03/17(Tue)11:35:53 No.1199311
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)16:35:53 No.1199311
What a useless argument, and this is coming for someone who doesnt eat meat either.

Do not ever bitch about your diet, nobody cares. Bring your own food if its such a big deal.

I once was in a car ride from Berlin to Holland, I had a vegan driver. When he found out I don't eat meat, he talked for fucking 6 hours about diets. In the roadside restaurant all he could talk about was his diet.

Nobody. Fucking. Cares. Just wait untill lab-grown meat or alternatives are as good and cheap as meat, then simple economics will make people switch away from animal produce. Untill then its just personal ethics with no consequences.
01/03/17(Tue)11:40:35 No.1199316
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)16:40:35 No.1199316
>No concequences
Elaborate? Because i think of a few.
01/03/17(Tue)13:01:32 No.1199339
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)18:01:32 No.1199339
>Free will is an illusion
ok bud time to go read a book instead of sam harris

>something else
would you stop with this pseudo-mystic shit
Have you even read any biology at all? Like you're supposed to learn all of this in high school. You're talking as if evolution is some sort of higher being with a plan. Do you think water that runs down a mountain down to the ocean "knows" where it's going too? Plants are hella complex sure but you keep on talking about it as if they were conscious by using words as "think" "motivation" "goal" etc. There is no "goal" in evolution in the sense you're speaking. I have a goal not to die, yes, but that's because I am conscious and can feel fear etc, not because I was born with some divine intention to survive and breed. You really have elevated darwinism to some psuedo-religion at this point, we are not created with any intention or higher meaning
01/03/17(Tue)14:47:32 No.1199389
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)19:47:32 No.1199389
>>1196486 (OP)

>would you stop with this pseudo-mystic shit
I didnt do any of that. Check yo interpretations, fool.

>Have you even read any biology at all?

>Like you're supposed to learn all of this in high school.
No, what's really important is learned after. If you think the basic of bio that you learned in HS is enough for you to talk about how other things than us are. Then you're the one who needs to read.

>You're talking as if evolution is some sort of higher being with a plan.
No. Im talking as if i didn't know enough about plants to talk in certainty.
>Do you think water that runs down a mountain down to the ocean "knows" where it's going too?
Thats just stupid, water aint a single organism or a collective. Its a chemical Element.

>Plants are hella complex sure but you keep on talking about it as if they were conscious by using words as "think" "motivation" "goal" etc.
That one i give it to ya. Yeah i used the wrong words volontarily, not to cause misunderstanding, simply because there is no good word to descripe their reality. If i avoid all the words used to explain ours, then there's no way to discuss it.

>There is no "goal" in evolution in the sense you're speaking.
You misunderstood me.

I have a goal not to die, yes, but that's because I am conscious and can feel fear etc, not because I was born with some divine intention to survive and breed.
I agree. But your idea of conciousness is skewed i think. And fear is nothing more than a tool for survival, chemical signals relayed to the brain that prepares you for danger. Theres a bunch of those chemical signals, most people call them emotions.
>You really have elevated darwinism to some psuedo-religion at this point
No, you misunderstood me.
>we are not created with any intention or higher meaning
I think the same but its debatable and an uncertainty.
01/03/17(Tue)16:17:40 No.1199418
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)21:17:40 No.1199418
it's pseudo-mysticism until you explain what the hell you are talking about because right now you're still just going "they're very complicated" and "it's something else"
or even explain why this something has ethical consequences
01/03/17(Tue)16:43:43 No.1199428
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)21:43:43 No.1199428
I said it sooner. Idc about ethics. I think plants are more than what meets the eye, yeah. But im still gonna feed on it. After all, they do the same with us when we decompose in the soil.

We, the human race, shouldnt eat animals because it is a waste of resources, a source of pollution and sickness.
All the cars on earth pollute less than the cows. Thats a truth, not an opinion. My values and preferences have no weight in the matter.
I just want my future and the ones of my children to not be completly fucked because of bacon.

And like i said, presently, in 2017 we are still discovering things about plants, yet you seem to know everything there is to know about them. I simply accepted that maybe, juste maybe, we dont understand the extent of their capacities.

Where the fuck do you see mysticism in there?

Lack of understanding doesnt mean majik.
01/03/17(Tue)17:12:05 No.1199437
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)22:12:05 No.1199437
>Idc about ethics
most ignorant thing said in this thread so far, like really dude? Why would you care about wasting resources or pollution or sickness? Why would you give a fuck about anything?
>My values and preferences have no weight in the matter.
ok but if ethics are unimportant then why should anyone care?

lack of understanding doesn't mean you can just make shit up and say "i think its more than what meets the eye" without backing it up with anything at all. I have explained to you why it's ok to kill plants and not animals but you just keep on making shit up about plants which you are not backing up. I (or, well, people who have thought about this a lot more than any of us) have established logical ethical framework that establishes why it's ok to kill plants and not animals because of reasons I've mentioned earlier. Now if someone would find out that plants in fact have some kind of consciousness or whatever that would affect this framework then it wouldd have to be revised. But at the moment you are just making stuff up, there are absolutely no reasons we would have to give a fuck about them other than reasons like destroying forests boosts global warming, which harms us.
01/03/17(Tue)18:06:26 No.1199452
Anonymous 01/03/17(Tue)23:06:26 No.1199452

>most ignorant thing said in this thread so far, like really dude? Why would you care about wasting resources or pollution or sickness? Why would you give a fuck about anything?
Because it can kill me or my offsprings?

>My values and preferences have no weight in the matter.
>ok but if ethics are unimportant then why should anyone care?
Because you wannna live a good life?

>lack of understanding doesn't mean you can just make shit up
When did i make shit up?

>say "i think its more than what meets the eye" without backing it up with anything at all.
Plant cooperation, symbiosis, chemical signals used for information exchange, reaction to stimulus like music(higher freq than us), learning(theres a plant that reacts to touching, when it figured out the scientists werent a danger it stopped defending itself), some weird thing about sending good and bad vibes to them and having real effect, caring for other plants well being. And much more. Its all there on the internet. Look it up.
Thats why i wanna be a biologist, i have an idea and i want answers.

>I have explained to you why it's ok to kill plants and not animals. No, you've got an opinion, shared by many people, to which i have no problem with, that conciousness puts you above everything else. I just dont share that view.

>Now if someone would find out that plants in fact have some kind of consciousness or whatever that would affect this framework then it would have to be revised.
It is not concious, that's not how they work.

>But at the moment you are just making stuff up
I am discussing of an idea i have of what i learned since im young about vegetals. Call it what you want. for me its an exercise and a test.
>there are absolutely no reasons we would have to give a fuck about them other than reasons like destroying forests boosts global warming, which harms us.
Biotechnology is the future of mankind.

Are you even considering that maybe you dont know as much as you think?
01/03/17(Tue)19:11:53 No.1199466
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)00:11:53 No.1199466
You are not saving any animals. They are already dead, they are not slaughtered on demand. Its great that you're not eating meat, but the effect you're having on stimulating meat-alternatives is more productive than not eating meat.
01/03/17(Tue)19:17:53 No.1199467
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)00:17:53 No.1199467
>>1196486 (OP)
This really didn't go the way you thought it would, did it, OP
01/03/17(Tue)19:49:18 No.1199476
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)00:49:18 No.1199476
Theres a restaurant somewhere in...michigan or something, that serves labgrown meat.

Oh and it still bad for your health
01/03/17(Tue)20:57:02 No.1199502
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)01:57:02 No.1199502
>>My values and preferences have no weight in the matter.
>>ok but if ethics are unimportant then why should anyone care?
>Because you wannna live a good life?
what if i feel good about killing someone you dont know, Is that ok? How are we to write laws without ethics, some random mofo just putting out whatever he feels like? If you start saying shit like "there's no right or wrong lma0" which is precisely what ethics are about then you should take a step back and think before you post again

You are still just giving examples of complicated stuff plants do. Why should I give them any more consideration than like a computer? Like what the fuck are you even talking about anymore? The "something else" you are talking about is something you've made up. You have presented absolutely no proof of it or even what it is. It's still psuedo-mysticism to me if you don't elaborate with a single sentence. And stop just mentioning #coolplantthings it serves no purpose in this discussion

>Biotechnology is the future of mankind.
ok? what are you trying to say here? that's just another selfish reason just like my example

eh you're making more of a statement by not eating meat, it's more pressure
01/03/17(Tue)21:49:10 No.1199516
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)02:49:10 No.1199516
>what if i feel good about killing someone you dont know, Is that ok?
How are we to write laws without ethics, some random mofo just putting out whatever he feels like? If you start saying shit like "there's no right or wrong lma0" which is precisely what ethics are about then you should take a step back and think before you post again.
Man, just in case it wasnt clear enough yet.
Ant, fish, microbes, tree, cat, human. All the same value to me. And no, none of them should die for nothing, or fun.
But, their value is null. When I die, the things that make me are gonna become something else, just as useful. Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed

>You are still just giving examples of complicated stuff plants do.
Because conciousness is nothing more than complicated things that humans do. Its not a "thing" in itself. Its a lot of things coming together to form your reality. Like i said, your vision of conciousness is skewed it seems.
Why should I give them any more consideration than like a computer?
You dont have to. I dont. I just like to know wtf im dealing with.
The "something else" you are talking about is something you've made up.
Kinda yeah. Like i said, its an idea i have. I share it with some people thought, didnt come up with it.
You have presented absolutely no proof of it or even what it is.
I only have disparate studies, far too little to have a big picture of things. One day we'll know.

Why do you care so much for what i think? Triggered or what?
01/04/17(Wed)01:00:19 No.1199562
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)06:00:19 No.1199562
Hindu vegetarianism is literally lacto-ovo

01/04/17(Wed)01:01:21 No.1199564
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)06:01:21 No.1199564
>I don't eat meat anymore
>Is a lacto ovo vegetarian
01/04/17(Wed)08:48:43 No.1199662
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)13:48:43 No.1199662
>Ant, fish, microbes, tree, cat, human. All the same value to me. And no, none of them should die for nothing, or fun.
cool so you do care about ethics

>I only have disparate studies, far too little to have a big picture of things. One day we'll know.
allright so you quite literally (LITERALLY) have no idea what you are talking about

im done
01/04/17(Wed)08:55:59 No.1199665
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)13:55:59 No.1199665
It's funny how as a vegan you are approaching this guys POV with the same condescending attitude and ridicule others do to vegans. Pot, meet kettle.
01/04/17(Wed)09:01:22 No.1199666
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)14:01:22 No.1199666
I almost never get angry when discussing but this is by far the absolutely the most retarded conversation I have ever had about veganism

It's like talking to an anti-vaccer, someone who just makes shit up and refuses to acknowledge basic concepts

>Because conciousness is nothing more than complicated things that humans do. Its not a "thing" in itself. Its a lot of things coming together to form your reality. Like i said, your vision of conciousness is skewed it seems.
like fucking read this, what the actual fuck
01/04/17(Wed)09:18:29 No.1199673
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)14:18:29 No.1199673
Nice get.

I'll play your game. I demand that you debunk me. Go ahead. Find any studies saying that conciousness, our view of the world, our reality, isnt a collection of learned patterns and sensory input.

Go ahead.

You keep saying i believe in some kind of psedo-mysticism. But from where i stand you're the one you seems to think conciousness is some magical bullshit akin to a soul.

And what the hell "vegan convo"? This shit stopped being about veganism a while ago. All you've been doing is beaing mad for no damn reason other than refusing to accept aomeone might think something a little stangr. So ficking what? I aint trying to convince you of jack shit. I want to dedicate my life to finding whether my idea is full of shit or not. Whats you problem with that?
01/04/17(Wed)09:27:42 No.1199676
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)14:27:42 No.1199676
What do you mean ffs?
What the hell, yeah i have an idea. I just dont want to explain it to some guy on a travel board while writting on a smartphone on a stupid app on which i cant save as draft, link to sources, and have a dynamic that helps to communicate ideas.

You want to know my IDEA, not a theory, not something I've actively worked on professionally for the last decade, AN IDEA.

Give me your kik or something. If not, here again i ask. Why do you care?
01/04/17(Wed)10:05:24 No.1199682
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)15:05:24 No.1199682
you are entirely missing the point.

Consciousness means that you can have desires and feel things. If you can't feel things or think things then you are not robbing it of anything when killing it, you are not hurting it since it can't feel pain. This is why consciousness and sentience is key to why it doesn't matter if I kill some bacteria or eat a leaf. Animals can get hurt emotionally and mentally (I guess we can agree hurt is a bad thing and we should avoid it). Do you understand?

What triggers me is that you make a claim that it's wrong to eat plants and implying I was hypocritical in my first post for "putting animals on a pedestal". This is absolute horseshit since you cant motivate at all why it would be unethical to eat or harm plants. If you want to find out if you are wrong or not then go ahead, maybe you'll find out something new, but don't make claims like that when there's absolutely no reason for anyone to believe you yet. You didn't come at me with the "this might be" you came at me with "you're wrong"
01/04/17(Wed)11:02:21 No.1199695
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)16:02:21 No.1199695
>Consciousness means that you can have desires and feel things.
Not exactly but whatev.

>If you can't feel things
But they can.

>or think things
Not the way we do. But here again, nothing magical about thinking, its a biological process. Plants dont have a brain, but they have something akin to a nervous systems, which when connected to a whole damn forest, and it is, is a really, really big network. I aint saying they ponder the meaning of life. Im saying we have absolutely no idea what it implies.

>then you are not robbing it of anything when killing it, you are not hurting it since it can't feel pain.
By pain do you mean the processe by which our nervous system and our gland produce a chemical products which put our body in alert and kickstart a fight against whatever the probleme is? Because yes, they have a similar process.
But if you mean that they dont feel what we feel, the concept, if you want, of pain. then no, they dont.

>This is why consciousness and sentience is key to why it doesn't matter if I kill some bacteria or eat a leaf.
Maybe, my reason isnt ethic but balance. Killing bacteria matters. We're almost out of antibiotics that works because no one thought it had consequences to kill bacterias.
But its not wrong or right.

>Animals can get hurt emotionally and mentally (I guess we can agree hurt is a bad thing and we should avoid it).
Eh, its a tool for survival, very good one too. But yeah, quite unpleasant.

>Do you understand?
Yes. I just think my vision of life is different than yours.
01/04/17(Wed)11:03:28 No.1199696
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)16:03:28 No.1199696
>What triggers me is that you make a claim that it's wrong to eat plants
No, i didnt say that.

>and implying I was hypocritical in my first post for "putting animals on a pedestal".
Not hypocrital, just that it restict your vision of life.

>This is absolute horseshit since you cant motivate at all why it would be unethical to eat or harm plants.
Because its not? Never said it was unethical. Even if they do feel somekind of pain and have somekind of conciousness, we still need them for our survival and they need us(animals in general, we are co2 factories for them, also poo).

>If you want to find out if you are wrong or not then go ahead, maybe you'll find out something new, but don't make claims like that when there's absolutely no reason for anyone to believe you yet.
Made no claim, simply exposed a thought. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

You didn't come at me with the "this might be" you came at me with "you're wrong"
Here again. No. But you still interpreted it as such and it's probably my doing.

Just... next time, Ask for clarifications, question the thought, wonder why instead of going all " I can't even...!"
01/04/17(Wed)11:25:29 No.1199703
Anonymous 01/04/17(Wed)16:25:29 No.1199703
>complaining about shitty and non-ethical meal options on a tube flying in 40,000 feet, put in motion by burning fossilised dinosaur juice

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