全 5 件のコメント

[–]alphgeek 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Looky here, some double-posting drunk boofhead, high on his own farts, has somehow managed to fumble his way in here for some low-browed shitposting. Don't see that every day...

His hard-won quarter of a bitcoin has earned him thirty-three bucks so he's been double fisting the fruity lexia and has finally worked up the courage to come and flash his fat stacks among the refined denizens here.

Well boofhead, I have exactly zero coins. Why would I need them - I have no interest whatsoever in research chemicals from some dingy Russian lab, nor do I partake in hebephilic upskirt downblouse furry blumpkin hentai. But whatever floats your boat.

So the price is completely irrelevant, except insofar as it correlates to popcorn futures via the SFYL index. It provides entertainment all across the range, whether going up or going down - like your mum did on that donkey.

[–]jackbootedstatist 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

They always come in bragging when the price rises, and then say the price doesn't matter when it falls... except that it does. It's the only thing that really does. And then of course we have the many tales of SFYL which occur when they lose coinz or get exit scammed by the no backsies nature of Biticon. That reminds me, time to buy more popcorn, it's a good moment to restock.

[–]sciencehatesyouSorry for your loss 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have no interest whatsoever in research chemicals from some dingy Russian lab, nor do I partake in hebephilic upskirt downblouse furry blumpkin hentai.

First: you clearly win the employee of the month award. The lizard men are hissing in glee.

Second: I'm also not interested in any of that kinky perverted shit. But I have a friend who is doing research on it, you see, so if you see any, please send it to me and the rBitcoin mod team.

Third: have you noticed that the rBitcoin crowd, esp the mod team, iß full of furries? There aren't that many furries in the world, yet this other sub has a huge representation, including at least one mod, maybe more. What gives?

[–]Uncerious 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Who's going to buy it when's it's 2000? People who you can convince it's actually going to increase even more? Because that's a pyramid.

Everyone who now buys Bitcoins does it to make money in real currency some day.

The early adopters have convinced the post 2012 adopters to hold on as the price is going to hit the roof. So some do and you frequent boards which basically try and get each other to buy more coins and the odd stranger who wonders if it's possible to make money on this every time the market unsustainable rises for no reason.

Your really just an extremely cheap propagandist for the the few who own all the Bitcoins and all the Bitcoin related "news" sites.