@rnd1622 oh please, grow up. Bush “left” 15x more “to die” and you didn’t say a peep. You don’t give a damn about their lives. -
@pullacky@aravosis@rnd1622 It's#GOPHypocrisy and it's on full display right now.pic.twitter.com/4UYWBdTkV4 -
@VictorMDGV@pullacky@aravosis told u already I'm not a Bushy! After I voted for Bill/Gore I studied and learned! Gov't not our friend! -
@VictorMDGV@pullacky@aravosis both parties need to go!!! Career politicians, lobbyists all Kiera to line their pockets! -
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@aravosis See my related thoughts in this NYT piece:http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/14/opinion/gathering-intelligence-is-dangerous-so-is-not-reading-it.html … -
@BenjaminEHaas great job. - さらに表示
@aravosis Trump's vilifying our Intelligent Agencies is the ultimate betrayal of those that lay down their lives for US is despicably insane -
@KoleHam@Stop_the_Morons@aravosis hopefully the CIA and FBI r taking it personally and will be the ones to take him down & ship to fed pen -
@reDQlus@Stop_the_Morons@aravosis CIA maybe FBI that's#Trumpland can you say Comey??? - さらに表示
@aravosis perhaps these intelligence officers should start leaking all they know about@realDonaldTrump -
@slucyyy@aravosis@realDonaldTrump or forget to tell him someone is after his ass!! - さらに表示
@aravosis What's scary is if the CIA, FBI, or Intelligence tells him about a terror attack he might not believe them or tweet about it! -
@danapontillo22@aravosis That is such a great point. I'm going to use that when Trumpkins start yelling "Where's the proof? Fake news!" -
@danapontillo22@aravosis And what's he going to do when they warn of an impending terrorist attack? Ask Putin? -
@coughdrop2270@danapontillo22@aravosis Or Assange. Oh wait, Assange got his intel from Assad who got his intel from... Yeah, ask Putin.