I watched this video a couple of years ago and theres some absolute gem information here:
• He says that he's never gonna retire. I've personally taken this on board in my life. I work 2 jobs during the week and volunteer on Saturdays and Sundays at a place I love (They also gave me paid work this year as I'm so dedicated, so 3 jobs really). I now love to work and I'll work till the day I die so I've adjusted my plans accordingly. In fact I'm going to start travelling the world volunteering abroad every year for 2-4 months of the year, maybe even 6 when I earn enough and have enough experience in my main career.
• He states that age does not exist. He hasn't aged since he started bodybuilding at 44 when he was still in a bad marriage. This is incredibly important. I've always stated that as soon as you let go of the myth of love, family, relationships & kids, all other societal norms just fall away. Age is one of these norms as it does not exist. I already know that as a 26 year old man, I'll still be in my mid 20s 40 years from now. Why would you retire when you never age?