Main Characters in the story
We meet Makabe Masamune, a teenager who's just moved into town and recently joined a high school there. From the beginning he seems like the perfect main character: perfect body, perfect face etc. (basically fanservice for people attracted to him) however, his personality is similar to that of a woman: inflated ego, narcisstic, rude etc. he even has pass similar to the pussy pass that i'll call: chad pass which allows him to get away with a few things a normal person couldn't let alone an ugly person and for 8 years he has one plan that he wishs to intiate: to reject a love confession from Adagaki Aki as painfully as possible.
The 'antagonist' of the series: Adagaki Aki; the pinnicale of female nature inside of an attractive girl: Hench(wo)men? Check and has a maid whos family bloodline has served her masters family for +300 years. Enjoys attention of rejecting boys? Check. Spoilt brat? Check. Inflated ego? Check. Gives cruel nicknames to boys who 'wrong' her? Check. This list could go on but in short she is the textbook definition of AWALT for example, in chapter 6, volume 1 she gets angry because the protagonist didn't pay her enough attention.
Female Nature from story projected in real world scenarioes
Protagonist has waited years for his plan to come life, this is similar to what women do life in general find their target e.g. an unlucky bluepill beta male and wait for years (if they're totally commited to something) to fuck that person over e.g. Divorce, false rape accusations, blackmailing etc.
The maid whos family loyally served her masters family for +300 years decided to jump ship and assist some person they've only met for a couple of weeks, this is similar to what women do life by monkey branching to somewhere which might be better no matter who they fuck over in the process
The 'antagonist' publically humilates all the boys who confesses their love to her, this is mainly happens in school but still happen outside of school as well, women who think their worth is more than yours will belittle and humilate you as much as possible and her female lackeys and beta orbiters will 100% agree with her all the time.
In conclusion, this series exposes the female nature to world and how women would act in the real world via a manga/anime series
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