subredditcancer 内の Fiery1Phoenix によるリンク r/writingprompts mod admits to selectively deleting posts they find too "sad," later the entire thread is nuked as criticism grows
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の Xeroko によるリンク Internet Archive’s Trump Archive launches today
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TopMindsOfReddit 内の Shredder13 によるリンク Top Mind thinks that life insurance companies not covering early astronauts means the Moon landings are fake or something.
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TheBluePill 内の bluepillbaby によるリンク Dear Incels: THIS COMMENT SECTION IS FUCKING DISGUSTING! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! From: a decent human being.
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の therecordcorrected によるリンク Trump's feud with spy chiefs comes to a head: The feud between Donald Trump and the US intelligence community will play out behind closed doors Friday when the President-elect is given a briefing on allegations of election-related hacking by Russia.
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badwomensanatomy 内の maybesaydie によるリンク Snakes, yeah, sure.
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の Hunterh2 によるリンク If Trump's connections with the Kremlin are a "witch hunt," then what was Benghazi?
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の therecordcorrected によるリンク Conway: Stop trying to 'delegitimize' Trump victory -- But Conway denies the suggestion that Russia wanted Trump to win.
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の hoobacroob によるリンク Trump Stabs NBC in the Back Again Over ‘The Apprentice’
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の TheRootsCrew によるリンク Trump is, again, echoing Wikileaks. Word. For. Word.
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の flapydee によるリンク "Russia says it is drawing down its military forces in Syria." Interesting Timing?
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の bokono によるリンク So Now Donald Trump Is Even Ripping 'Celebrity Apprentice'
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の Revbroke によるリンク Trump: Tax dollars will 'speed up' the wall
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の therecordcorrected によるリンク Trump wants investigation into intelligence leak to NBC
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の BourneAwayByWaves によるリンク Trump has State Department recall all ambassadors by Jan 20.
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の Seventytvvo によるリンク No evidence that Podesta's *email* password was 'password'
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の ranaparvus によるリンク Trump answers his cell phone despite "no caller ID" listed as the caller - Sen. Corker, illustrating how available Trump is to him.
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の Totoroko によるリンク FOX NEWS - Next on the Trump/Republican Congress' Agenda: Cut US funding to the UN as retaliation for resolution condemning Israeli settlements
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AgainstHateSubreddits 内の squrrel によるリンク r/4chan discusses the recent Chicago kidnapping. Post starts off labeling the perpetrators as "didn't do nothings". Gets worse in comments.
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bestoflegaladvice 内の dugongAKAmanatee によるリンク Snack-sized: OP adopts a dog after confirming the original owner doesn't want him. Crazy guy shows up at the shelter demanding "their dog" back
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EnoughTrumpSpam 内の TheRootsCrew によるリンク Updated Trump Twitter Logo
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