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[–]hoosakiwi[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (515子コメント)

Hey Everyone,

This post is rising fast, but the comment section is getting pretty out of hand. We don't want to lock the post, so please help us out by following our comment rules:

  • No private/personal information. Information like that can only be posted in the comments once it has been made public by law enforcement or through major news outlets.

  • Do not engage in calls for violence. If you make threats, wish death, or allude to acts of violence, we will ban you.

  • Please keep your comments civil. While this is certainly an outrageous story that has obvious racial components, racism will not be tolerated. This goes both ways (aka black on white, white on black).

  • Make sure to give other users warning about any graphic video you may choose to post by tagging it nsfw.

Lastly, please report any rule-violating comments. There are a lot of comments and we can't possibly review every single one of them.


[–]crielan 5371 ポイント5372 ポイント  (1267子コメント)

I watched the whole thing.... I don't know what to say other than I'm glad they all felt to need to show their faces to the camera so the jury can see them.

[–]A-TeamTown 729 ポイント730 ポイント  (158子コメント)

I did the same thing. I wanted to stop watching but, I wanted to really see it play out before it got cut and chopped. If this isn't a hate crime, I don't know what would qualify anymore. It really showed pure evil.

[–]sumlaetissimus 2003 ポイント2004 ポイント  (182子コメント)

I have been on liveleak many a time, seen many ridiculously horrid videos, but never seen something that made me legitimately sick to my stomach.

Even in videos where someone is killed, it is over quick most of the time. They die in seconds. Here? He suffered for hours presumably. Not only that, but he is mentally challenged. These kids decided to drug, capture, kidnap, and torture a mentally challenged kid for hours because of his race.

These wannabe bad-asses are more racist than any person I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing. My grandfather? Yeah, he says some mildly racist things at the Thanksgiving dinner table, but he has never CONSIDERED harming any person based on race.

These people deserve to be in prison forever.

[–]offshoreshellcorp1 1700 ポイント1701 ポイント  (820子コメント)

Regardless of whether or not the jury can identify them, it seems like police might not treat this as a hate crime: Edit: Here is the transcribed quote from the investigator

"Kids make stupid mistakes, I shouldn't call them kids, they are legally adults, but they are young adults and the[sic] make stupid decisions," Duffin said of the vulgar remarks about Trump and white people. "That certainly will be part of whether or not we seek a hate crime, determine whether or not this is sincere or stupid ranting and raving." https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C1XzSowVQAAocZ6.jpg:large

Edit 3 Here is a video of Duffin making the statement: https://twitter.com/tml103/status/816866814428934145 Edit 6 Twitter deleted the video, here is another link https://twitter.com/tml103/status/816824415115735040

Edit 5 I don't want to editorialize too much, but a minor today was charged with "ethnic intimidation (a hate crime)" for making a video where he called a black student the n-word and made references to him being on welfare: http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-saucon-valley-student-racist-video-investigation-ethnic-intimidation-20170103-story.html Two individual cases don't make a dataset, but it shows just how low the bar can be for a hate crime charge.

[–]WrecksMundi 3233 ポイント3234 ポイント  (286子コメント)

Determine whether or not this is sincere, or just stupid ranting and raving

... Whut?

They kidnapped and tortured a man for between 24 and 4 hours, while filming themselves doing it while yelling "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!"

How the fuck can that not be sincere?

[–]Fixn 994 ポイント995 ポイント  (23子コメント)

"sorry officer, I was not serious about robbing the bank." Do I get to keep the money?

[–]GloriousComments 397 ポイント398 ポイント  (12子コメント)

I didn't know I couldn't do that.

That was good, right? Because I did know I couldn't do that!

[–]InVultusSolis 1075 ポイント1076 ポイント  (198子コメント)

Fuck that, there is no way this is not a hate crime.

[–]Mikehideous 1589 ポイント1590 ポイント x2 (123子コメント)

It's easy to tell if it's a hate crime. Just reverse the colors and ask again. Would four white men kidnapping a black man and beating him on livestream while yelling "Fuck black people" be a hate crime? If the answer is yes, then it's a hate crime. Racism isn't exclusive to when it's convenient for the media.

[–]PhD_In_My_Inbox 66 ポイント67 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Even as an African American I couldn't agree more. This egregious crime was obviously racially motivated. Then again I also believe the media gets off on creating this illusion/double standard. You could even go as far as to say they profit on the very existence of the idea.

[–]randyest 625 ポイント626 ポイント  (57子コメント)

Tell CNN and the Chicago PD that. CNN reports Chicago PD not calling it a hate crime and says it has "more to do with the victim's disability." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKd5FkOPEC0&ab_channel=DronetekPolitics Youtube is taking the videos down left and right so google if this is gone.

They cut him, make him drink toilet water, tie him up, tape his mouth, threaten to put him in the trunk of a car and "put a brick on the gas", and scream "F*** Trump" and "F*** White People"

Chicago police chief says it was "just stupidity" and there is "no concrete evidence" of a hate crime. Yeah.


[–]JutNob 681 ポイント682 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Chicago PD not calling it a hate crime and says it has "more to do with the victim's disability."

Nice try Chicago... disabled people are themselves a protected class within hate crime legislation in Illinois.


 (720 ILCS 5/12-7.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-7.1)      Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.      (a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-2, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively. 

It's in the federal statutes as well.


On October 28, 2009 President Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, attached to theNational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, which expanded existing United States federal hate crime law to apply to crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, and dropped the prerequisite that the victim be engaging in a federally protected activity.

They can sanitize this event of the racial component all they like, It's still a hate crime.

[–]korismon 40 ポイント41 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Even if they were motivated by the man's disability that's still a fucking hate crime.

[–]burritobandido 1616 ポイント1617 ポイント  (193子コメント)

This shit is infuriating. If this is not a hate crime I don't know what the hell is. No matter what color the victim is this is not right to treat another human being this way.

[–]evsoul 321 ポイント322 ポイント  (11子コメント)

What bothers me the most about this situation aside from the horrible act itself is depending on the severity of the victim's disability he may not be able to talk about it to a therapist which could result in further social/mental/emotional issues in his life as if things weren't hard enough for him as it is. I am beyond words that anyone on this planet could do that to another person. I hope he's able to emotionally and physically heal up very soon.

[–]DreadMcLaren 164 ポイント165 ポイント  (11子コメント)

So because you're a "young adult" that means it isn't as bad/credible thing to do as someone who isn't a "young adult"?


[–]DoomsdayDilettante 49 ポイント50 ポイント  (1子コメント)

How is this not a hate crime? How can you make excuses for evil monsters like these?

[–]dmwe225 5820 ポイント5821 ポイント  (204子コメント)

The victim is in the hospital being treated for his injuries. In case anyone's wondering.

Edit: I'm seeing several comments saying that he is with his family now. I do not have a source though and am at work. Also, thank you for the gold.

[–]redcrystals 1178 ポイント1179 ポイント  (38子コメント)

THe part that worries me is if this kid felt that one of those people were his friend, and he is mentally handicapped... would he feel bad for his "friend" and no wanting him to be hurt. Or what if they girl basically lured him in making him think she was interested would he try to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. I worked with high functioning mentally disabled kids, they all want to be liked or loved. If they consider you are friend they will try to make sure you are safe. They don't understand what has mentally occurred because they just want to be liked or loved.

Ughh this breaks my heart. Sick ppl ughh

[–]Roneci 6228 ポイント6229 ポイント  (252子コメント)

It takes a real sociopathic motherfucker to promote their SoundCloud in a torture video.

What's this shit come to?

[–]homelesschineseman 2984 ポイント2985 ポイント  (166子コメント)

or to just make a torture video in general.

[–]CptSpockCptSpock 2949 ポイント2950 ポイント  (110子コメント)

Yes, but plugging a social media account while torturing someone shows a great disconnect in their mind. They have so completely dehumanizes the victim that they see nothing wrong with their actions, to the point that they view it just like making a YouTube video, where you tell people to follow you at the end

[–]cranktheguy 1585 ポイント1586 ポイント  (40子コメント)

"Be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons and tell me in the comments what kind of torture you'd like to see in the future videos!"

[–]Truyth 283 ポイント284 ポイント  (13子コメント)

I agree completely, this is exactly what we're seeing. It's terrifying.

[–]Elmarcoz 35 ポイント36 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I cant see the video but did this idiot really shout out his mixtape while hes mutilating a dude?

[–]MissType 12.3k ポイント12.3k ポイント  (3024子コメント)

It gets worse...

"The victim, who has special needs, was a high-risk missing person".


[–]Champion_of_Capua 3198 ポイント3199 ポイント  (380子コメント)

in a stolen car


[–]Lasermoon 6404 ポイント6405 ポイント  (341子コメント)

A group of 4 kidnapped a mentally handicaped guy with a stolen car and tortured him because he voted for Trump


[–]Apothleyaholo 8390 ポイント8391 ポイント  (1791子コメント)

Jesus Fucking Christ. "Special Needs"? I thought the guy sounded like he was mentally slow.

They fucking tortured a mentally handicapped person.

[–]DodgerDoan 3772 ポイント3773 ポイント  (510子コメント)

On top of that, the accused were constantly saying fuck white people, fuck Donald Trump in the video while fucking with this guy. It looks A LOT like a hate crime.

[–]hotpocketses 5467 ポイント5468 ポイント  (156子コメント)

It doesn't look like. IT IS A HATE CRIME.

[–]purplepenguinpants 1698 ポイント1699 ポイント  (163子コメント)

Surely that is grounds to make it a hate crime even if the race issue is ignored

[–]Shy_Guy_1919 1451 ポイント1452 ポイント  (245子コメント)

Race not mentioned at all? I mean, that was extremely racist, and they muted the audio so you can't hear it.

[–]HumasWiener 1533 ポイント1534 ポイント  (127子コメント)

Can we not avoid the fact that he was attacked by these idiots that were saying 'Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people'?

This was a hate crime because they thought he voted for Trump, which he very well may have.

[–]polysyllabist2 1655 ポイント1656 ポイント  (178子コメント)

I get that there are a few bad apples and all ... but what really concerns me is that a woman with over 700 friends on FB live streamed this for THIRTY MINUTES and no cops come busting the door down. Why did no one report this as it happened? Her sister comments on the stream, "this isn't funny" as it's happening, but apparently doesn't call the cops nor does anyone else.

That concerns me greatly.

[–]bse50 98 ポイント99 ポイント  (6子コメント)

Another thing that disgusts me is how many people put their violent actions up there on social media websites. At this point they probably do it while knowing that they'll be caught and yet they have this stupid urge... It's disturbing!

[–]dcowan615 5231 ポイント5232 ポイント  (283子コメント)

Charge these kids with a hate crime.

[–]ProgressiveSnark 883 ポイント884 ポイント  (68子コメント)

They likely will be--case law clearly shows hate crime laws can apply to white victims if race was the motivation for the crime.

And that's not even considering that they may have singled out someone with a disability, which I believe hate crime law can apply to as well.

[–]saruptunburlan 403 ポイント404 ポイント  (25子コメント)

it will be tough to prove they singled him out based on his disability, but it's obvious they did so based on race.

[–]Siliceously_Sintery 1353 ポイント1354 ポイント  (122子コメント)

Yep. There are definitely hate crimes towards white, somewhere here it says 20% were this year.

Charge these kids as fucking adults.

[–]qa2 1193 ポイント1194 ポイント  (72子コメント)

They are adults. All just turned 18 in the last year or so.

Hope they enjoyed their one year of a adulthood while it lasted.

[–]Klaxun 6805 ポイント6806 ポイント  (249子コメント)

Here is hoping criminals are always this stupid.

[–]Beardaway26 691 ポイント692 ポイント  (42子コメント)

How can you do something like this and think it's a good idea to stream it live? Fuck these idiots and I'm glad they are stupid enough to get caught

[–]georgeorgeg 2271 ポイント2272 ポイント  (72子コメント)

[–]Mankati 624 ポイント625 ポイント  (51子コメント)

It takes a special monster of a person to go after the special needs, to me this is almost on par with assaulting children and just as depraved.

[–]Michaelbama 1718 ポイント1719 ポイント  (94子コメント)

A racially, AND politically motivated hate crime... Holy shit this is fucking terrible.

[–]RawDogSpaDog 5504 ポイント5505 ポイント  (707子コメント)

Here's a link to the live streamed video. The kidnappers bound and gagged him while saying "Fuck White People" and "Fuck Donald Trump" repeatedly and cutting him/using him as an ashtray. Truly horrifying.

[–]mitre32 648 ポイント649 ポイント  (27子コメント)

They better be charged with a fucking hate crime.

[–]ThatOneGuyFromAZ 3777 ポイント3778 ポイント  (307子コメント)

From the CNN article:

"Because the victim was white and the people in the video are black, police are investigating whether hate crime charges are appropriate, Duffin said in response to reporters' questions about the possibility of a bias attack.

It's possible the racially charged statements were little more than "stupid rantings" from young adults about "something they think might make a headline," Johnson added. He said he did not believe the attack was politically motivated."

Fuck you Chicago PD.

[–]Lavalampexpress 1840 ポイント1841 ポイント  (129子コメント)

What the fuck?
"Fuck white people" isn't a hate crime?
"Fuck Donald Trump" isn't politically motivated?
The world is fucked

[–]hdhale 811 ポイント812 ポイント  (50子コメント)

They are sitting on a volcano hoping that it doesn't explode. They would deny racial motivation of just about anything at this point.

[–]phpdevster 209 ポイント210 ポイント  (20子コメント)

While that's a good point, denying it as a hate crime won't exactly show people that it's not ok to commit hate crimes... There are many, many, MANY people who will simply see it as tacit validation of them.

[–]Codeboy3423 527 ポイント528 ポイント  (18子コメント)

Are you kidding?!...The video had ALL the proof it was a racial attack!! What the utter FUCK!

[–]chucktaurus 6378 ポイント6379 ポイント  (718子コメント)

hate crime.

the girl recording and at least two dudes.

10 to life.

if they're lucky enough to make it that long.

i suspect prison won't be very kind to them.

[–]arturo_lemus 5015 ポイント5016 ポイント  (449子コメント)

Normally on Reddit when "Black on White" crimes happen, Reddit screams hate crime and theres usually no evidence to support that except the different skin colors and i always defend that it isnt a hate crime

But this is by far an obvious hate crime. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron. Theyre specifically saying "Fuck White People". Its right there. This is a hate crime

[–]uniqueguy263 1822 ポイント1823 ポイント  (115子コメント)

They basically yelled out of a megaphone: "WE'RE COMMITTING A HATE CRIME!" This looks like one of the most open and shut cases for anything ever.

[–]PM_YOUR_KINKS_TO_ME 582 ポイント583 ポイント  (84子コメント)

[–]Just_a_lurker12 1122 ポイント1123 ポイント  (48子コメント)

Van Harten said there wasn’t enough evidence to establish the claim that Crowchief attacked White because of her skin color, despite the fact that the perpetrator, who had never met the victims before the attack, yelled “I hate white people” before throwing a punch.

Holy shit that reads like something from the onion.

Edit: I also think that it's hilarious that the victim was named Lydia White. Of all the random people she could have attacked after shouting "I hate white people", she attacked someone with the name White.

[–]drboneswildride 921 ポイント922 ポイント  (22子コメント)

"Allahu ackbar, die infidel" We could not ascertain the attacker's motives

[–]c0derx 654 ポイント655 ポイント  (135子コメント)

I was banned from anarchism because I tried to explain that an incident was not race related, the ban was "Showing too much concern for white people" - literally that was the mod ban message - they are the type of people who breed extremists like these people on the video - they believe that you cannot be racist towards a white person and any violence or oppression directed towards white people is justified because of 'privilege' ... it's actually becoming a growing thing - or at least it is online... things will get pretty nasty when that type of mindset leaks out into the real world.

[–]itssexytime 18.4k ポイント18.4k ポイント x2 (4898子コメント)

TL;DW they bound and gag him, stream it on Facebook live where they threaten to "throw him in a trunk and brick the gas pedal," repeatedly cut him and use his wound as an ash tray, all while screaming "fuck white people, fuck Donald Trump"

This is fucking horrific.

Edit: link to video https://www.youtube.com/embed/rfzvrCwjfLE

VidMe link to circumvent age-restriction https://vid.me/jgEa

Edit 2: the victim was forced to drink toilet water https://youtu.be/fDajmXg-wpg

Other sources also note that the victim suffers from a mental disability. The suspects stole a van and kidnapped him from a suburb.

YouTube decided to take the initial video down, but the VidMe link is still up.

Edit 3: periscope feed of official CPD statement https://www.periscope.tv/Chicago_Police/1mrGmNejzAwJy?t=336

Chicago Commander Kevin Duffin referred to the crime as a "stupid mistake, while Chicago Superintendent Eddie Johnson said "if you looked at the video, it was just stupidity."

[–]MyLifeInRage_ 3488 ポイント3489 ポイント  (682子コメント)

http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/01/04/four-people-in-custody-after-alleged-kidnapping-torture-is-live-streamed/ "The victim, who has special needs, was a high-risk missing person from northwest suburban Crystal Lake."

[–]LekeH5N1 1506 ポイント1507 ポイント  (323子コメント)

What is with torturing special needs people lately?

[–]Redditor410 1872 ポイント1873 ポイント  (250子コメント)

They're easy targets.

[–]HexezWork[S] 1195 ポイント1196 ポイント  (194子コメント)

Sad but true, apparently he was drugged to.

[–]aglaeasfather 312 ポイント313 ポイント  (25子コメント)

Sorry but WHY. WHY was that necessary? Like, he wasn't an easy enough target as it was?

[–]HexezWork[S] 329 ポイント330 ポイント  (6子コメント)

Drugging seems a pretty easy way to quietly kidnap someone, especially a vulnerable person with a mental disability.

[–]therealbarryshitpeas 287 ポイント288 ポイント  (18子コメント)

Sadly, this is nothing new. People with special needs are often easy to manipulate, so monsters target them for precisely these reasons. It is so sad.

[–]WhilstTakingADump 447 ポイント448 ポイント  (8子コメント)

Yep, it's sad. I had this kid (20ish?) show up on my doorstep at 2am. He was dressed in regular cloths but had a dress military jacket on. It was weird obviously so I motioned through the window for him to back up off the porch, and grabbed my gun before I opened the door.

Turns out he was looking for a girl that had been chatting him or something online. I thought he was pranking me, but he seemed a bit slow. Chatted with him for a while and it took some time but I figured out that it was someone online posing as a girl interested in him that told him to come to her house. His "friends" were most likely behind it. He was sharp enough that once I explained what they did to him he understood and felt bad, but damn if that isn't a good way to get yourself shot because of some pricks.

Ended up worried for the guy so I asked if he had any family I could call for him. I never did find out how he got to my house, but speculated that he got dropped off from some info I could get. I ended up driving him to the other side of town to take him home. He was a nice guy and harmless, just was taken advantage of and couldn't figure out why they were punking him.

People are assholes.

[–]BanTheSpeech 1328 ポイント1329 ポイント  (297子コメント)

Fuck... this is a perfect storm

I think im going to throw up

[–]willyboxc 1021 ポイント1022 ポイント  (141子コメント)

These are the dumbest idiots in the world... to broadcast it live online... its just so mind numbingly retarded it boggles the fucking mind. What's up with the way they're talking and acting during it.. What has happened to these people. Where is the respect for life, geez I really get a broken heart about people when stuff like this happens. I am glad they were dumb enough to post it online so proving their guilt will be easy.

Edit: RIP inbox

[–]BanTheSpeech 265 ポイント266 ポイント  (19子コメント)

Thats the real sad part about this though, these cunts are idiots. There are many more out there who arent idiots and likely will never be caught.

[–]mattreyu 651 ポイント652 ポイント  (45子コメント)

At least they're foolish enough to do it on FB live

[–]AssuredlyAThrowAway 962 ポイント963 ポイント  (87子コメント)

TL;DW they bound and gag him, stream it on Facebook live where they threaten to "throw him in a trunk and brick the gas pedal," repeatedly cut him and use his wound as an ash tray, all while screaming "fuck white people, fuck Donald Trump"

Are you fucking kidding me?

What the fuck.

[–]lukavago 372 ポイント373 ポイント  (107子コメント)

Theres a 2nd where they show him being forced to drink toilet water.

[–]Boshasaurus_Rex 1593 ポイント1594 ポイント  (921子コメント)

Do you have a link to the video?

Edit: Someone else provided it, here.

Unless they find another motive this appears to be a slam dunk for a hate crime.

[–]dodgersbenny 14.8k ポイント14.8k ポイント x4 (1597子コメント)

It's a hate crime and yet the title doesn't mention race.

EDIT: Beyond that, the guy had special needs :( this is a disgusting mood mixture of grossed out, sad and angry.

[–]Kunta777 1110 ポイント1111 ポイント  (89子コメント)

From CNN:

It's possible the racially charged statements were little more than "stupid rantings" from young adults about "something they think might make a headline," Johnson added. He said he did not believe the attack was politically motivated.

Give me a fucking break. Talk about a double standard...these idiots practically read the text book on hate crimes, and the CPD is wanting to make excuses. Fuck everybody.

[–]nowaygreg 194 ポイント195 ポイント  (16子コメント)

What more would they have to have done? They literally said, "fuck Donald Trump," and "fuck white people." I don't know what else they could have done to make their intentions more clear.

[–]3-14159 83 ポイント84 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Apparently you need to mail the DA a notarized statement of intent to videotape yourself targeting a person by race and torturing them. /s

[–]Codeboy3423 208 ポイント209 ポイント  (28子コメント)

What the actual FUCK?!

It IS Racial and a hate crime!! BY DEFINITION!

Why even defend them?!

[–]iShouldBeWorking2day 2294 ポイント2295 ポイント  (32子コメント)

Man, Facebook Live's big ad campaign is really paying off. Now everyone's gonna be talking about it!

[–]DraculaBranson 715 ポイント716 ポイント  (55子コメント)

Im a black man. I believe that they would presecute a white person for a hate crime, why not these imbeciles. Please take them thanks.

[–]Soilus 855 ポイント856 ポイント  (44子コメント)

From the CNN article on this, http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/04/us/chicago-facebook-live-beating/index.html

"Although they are adults, they're 18. Kids make stupid decisions -- I shouldn't call them kids, they're legally adults, but they're young adults and they make stupid decisions," Duffin said. "That certainly will be part of whether or not... we seek a hate crime, to determine whether or not this is sincere or just stupid ranting and raving."

It's possible the racially charged statements were little more than people "ranting about something they think might make a headline," Johnson added. He said he did not believe the attack was politically motivated.

What the actual fuck. They were 18 years old and saying overtly racist things. They were saying "fuck white people" while torturing a white person. If a group of four whites had done this in early 2009 or 2013 and had been saying "fuck black people" and "fuck Obama" would the cops be taking this kind of kid-gloves approach to the perps? Would they have been making excuses for the fairly obvious and SELF-DECLARED racial animus involved in the attack?

[–]Vicious43 554 ポイント555 ポイント  (19子コメント)

Perpetrators: "Fuck white people, you deserve this for voting Trump!" CNN: "We have no idea at this point if it is racial or politically motivated."

[–]Hibernia624 656 ポイント657 ポイント  (75子コメント)

CNN is showing it. They showed the attackers saying the "trump" things.

But they conveniently left out the "fuck white people" part.

[–]DownWithPastryarchy 196 ポイント197 ポイント  (12子コメント)

Last time a white (correction, the officer was black) cop shot a black guy they showed a clip of that man's family member screaming for people to burn down the suburbs. They conveniently left that part out and ran the headline, "relative calls for calm amidst protests" or something to that effect.

To expect CNN to not be completely double standard, and bullshit at this point is optimistic... Something, something fake news.

CNN report https://youtu.be/_QZNdjEoOHo

What she actually said https://youtu.be/2ukE60gaRIk

[–]twoscoop 1874 ポイント1875 ポイント  (371子コメント)

They are either going to be charged and they go to prison for atleast 21 years on the one aggrevated kidnapping and a few extra charges and if they search their house and find drugs, more charges, and guns.

They are stupid gang members who think they are tough

[–]flipfontaine 601 ポイント602 ポイント  (121子コメント)

from what I observed they will be charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment, aggravated assault, armed robbery at the very least

[–]goes_bump_inthenight 1244 ポイント1245 ポイント  (148子コメント)

There was actually just a thread in r/Chicago by someone who got mugged on their way home and this judge Marvin Luckman's name came up. Apparently Luckman is notorious for letting criminals walk in the face of overwhelming amounts of evidence (most notably throwing out two separate cases against a violent serial mugger over the summer). Anyway, don't expect that these folks will get what the law mandates because sometimes that's just not how things shake out in Chicago. I don't know if guys like Luckman are the root of the problem or merely a symptom but politics in this city (and indeed the entire state of Illinois) are fucking rotten to the core.

[–]RooLoL 560 ポイント561 ポイント  (59子コメント)

This case will draw too much attention for the judge not to act properly.

[–]xVoltage360 343 ポイント344 ポイント  (36子コメント)

I mean a guy in Montana got 60 days for raping his daughter

[–]RooLoL 216 ポイント217 ポイント  (20子コメント)

Like I stated above, this case will drive too much attention for the judge not to act properly. Politically motivated, race motivated, kidnapping of a mentally disabled person.. I hear you on the guy in Montana but like I said, too much attention to fuck around on this one.

[–]prismatick 426 ポイント427 ポイント  (35子コメント)


It makes me sick that they keep saying it might just have been "stupidity" because they're still so young. If it were the other way around, it would be a HATE crime, no ifs and buts.

[–]Rai_Leviathan 1145 ポイント1146 ポイント  (147子コメント)

Google Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, they never really reached main stream media either. In their case they were kidnapped, raped, sodomized and murdered for their SUV. You'll either get mad or cry.

[–]V_O_L_S 56 ポイント57 ポイント  (0子コメント)

We are coming up 10 year mark this year I think. That tore our community apart, and It was heartbreaking seeing the parents sitting through that trial. I don't really remember much being said about it in the news, but I was young at the time.

[–]drbaconboy 313 ポイント314 ポイント  (90子コメント)

i watched a youtube video of one of the cunts testimony and he blames what he did on a "wet" blunt.

and here's an article on it. Shit is graphic as fuck.

[–]ashmc2001 77 ポイント78 ポイント  (2子コメント)

This case haunted me for years. I google it periodically just to check up on things. Her fathers face throughout the ordeal and trials made me cry.

[–]BenjiG19 53 ポイント54 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I lived in Knoxville at the time. This still makes me furious that there was zero attention by the national news.

[–]werlegunnn 112 ポイント113 ポイント  (8子コメント)

You know I really hope this isn't taken as racist but there is an astoundingly stupid moment in this video.

In the FBL video, you hear a man yell "fuck Donald trump, fuck white people!"

Moments later they show an interview with the superintendent of police saying "we have no evidence of a hate crime but we will investigate"

Let me reiterate. A black man says "fuck white people" and kicks a white man who is tied up and cuts him repeatedly.

Am I on crazy pills or is that the literal definition of a hate crime?

[–]UniqueCoverings 555 ポイント556 ポイント  (111子コメント)

I bet this bitch cries when she gets 10 years.

[–]RiseForToday 1280 ポイント1281 ポイント  (168子コメント)

If they don't do massive time, then I don't have anymore faith in this country.

[–]TwoToneTrump 233 ポイント234 ポイント  (25子コメント)

They made him drink toilet water in this new video they just found...


Edit* Youtube deleted the video on the original link replaced with working link.

[–]Deidon 2009 ポイント2010 ポイント  (202子コメント)

And don't forget: They did it all the while screaming, and I quote from the article: "The suspects on the video can be heard yelling, "F*** Donald Trump! F*** white people!""

I don't give a fuck what party you are anymore. Right, left, democrat, republican, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, libertarian, black, white, asian, muslim, british, transexual, whatever. If you don't think these people are less than the fucking scum at the bottom of an old pond for doing this, YOU are a disgrace to humanity. Pro or Anti-Trump, fuck these subhuman pieces of shit.

[–]DooDooDoodle 203 ポイント204 ポイント  (50子コメント)

Why is the Chicago Chief of police saying there is no indication it was politically or racially motivated?

Police said it was too soon to make a determination if the attack was racially motivated. They added that the four offenders had not said anything that led them to believe the attack was politically motivated.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4089510/Four-people-arrested-footage-young-man-beaten-tortured-streamed-live-Facebook.html#ixzz4UqqoYjKU Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

[–]Smooth_On_Smooth 182 ポイント183 ポイント  (28子コメント)

God I wish these spineless fucks would stop giving rational liberals who are concerned about racial issues a bad name. Believe it or not, you can support criminal justice reform & recognize racial inequality in America AND recognize racism against whites too. Not sure why so many in the media and politics don't understand this, because I think/hope most regular liberals do.

[–]Tyrotoxism44 7282 ポイント7283 ポイント  (879子コメント)

They're all human scum. If they would have taken a mere half a second to think, then maybe they would have considered that this will do nothing for race relations and push people farther into racist mind sets. It's sickening.

[–]igottaquestionhelpme 6274 ポイント6275 ポイント  (179子コメント)

These people are racists so they don't care about any of that.

[–]rickulous 1661 ポイント1662 ポイント  (68子コメント)

Exactly, the racist doesn't care about mending race relations or unity. They want turmoil, they want war.

Edit: I'm concerned some are misinterpreting my comment as pointing a finger at POC specifically. That's false. I worry about racially motivated hate in all forms.

[–]Qwxzii 217 ポイント218 ポイント  (23子コメント)

These people are so racist that it is spreading to other people like a virus.

[–]Cool_Muhl 3439 ポイント3440 ポイント  (546子コメント)

This. So much fucking this.

As a black man I can't help, but feel pain and embarrassment because, like it or not, these four black folks represent ME as a person. No matter how hard I try, this scars me instantly the moment anyone looks my way and sees the color of my skin.

Racial tension is at it's utmost worse that I've seen (even though I haven't been around very long), and fucking shit like this; yelling fucking shit like Fuck white people and Fuck Donald Trump (even though I'm not a fan of his) seriously tears me down to imagine the incalculable amount of damned damage they're doing for BOTH sides of this tension filled silent-war between the races.

If they would have taken a mere half a second to think, then maybe they would have considered that this will do nothing for race relations and push people farther into racist mind sets. It's sickening.

People like this don't think far enough ahead. They WEREN'T thinking. These jackasses are no better than the KKK and the lynch mobs from way back in history. I mean honestly what the literal fuck did they hope to accomplish by doing some shit like this? There was no damned thought process for shit like this. They were acting out like the fucking lunatics that they are towards someone who held no level of qualms towards.

Fuck. I feel like 2017 is going to be nothing but a slippery slope from here on down.

Edit: Clarity

[–]Reyrockytop 1635 ポイント1636 ポイント  (142子コメント)

As a white conservative, I don't feel this is representative of you or the black community. This is a representative of who these individuals are. What a sad situation.

[–]mizmoxiev 563 ポイント564 ポイント  (75子コメント)

I'm an African American also, and I think people like this should get the needle. The racial tensions in this country are unbelievable. This is horrid.

[–]arrogantmoose- 919 ポイント920 ポイント  (93子コメント)

It saddens me that you feel these four individuals represent you as a person. The man that murdered 9 people in SC doesn't represent me as a person. He is just an extremely outlier of a massive cross section of people. Love you brother. Keep your head up.

[–]hellobuttface 169 ポイント170 ポイント  (14子コメント)

As a black, lady American, these people do not represent me. I am not an unkind, filthy animal that deserves to never see the light of day. These people are trash. They aren't trash because of their skin, but because they decided to become a disgrace to the human race and are beyond fucked up. I will never apologize for another black person, as we only share a skin color. I share nothing with these inhumane fucks and I hope they rot in a cell. These people do not, and will never will define me as a person.

[–]HexezWork[S] 694 ポイント695 ポイント  (49子コメント)

[–]throwaway452567 389 ポイント390 ポイント  (29子コメント)

I couldn't even get passed them terring his sweat shirt... The literal fear in his eyes is sickening to look at

[–]another-reddit-noob 288 ポイント289 ポイント  (13子コメント)

yeah, there's no way in hell i'm watching that. even if it's censored. i don't even want to see it.

[–]30_Character_Name 144 ポイント145 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Thank God they were fucking stupid enough to put it on Facebook so they were caught.

[–]TicTac_taco 183 ポイント184 ポイント  (22子コメント)

Thank god for reddit. Seeing this from Australia, I hope the victim gets justice for this absolute atrocity and manages to recover.

[–]humanxing 377 ポイント378 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Perpetrators: "Fuck white people, you deserve this for voting Trump!"

CNN: "We have no idea at this point if it is racial or politically motivated."

[–]curiousbutscared 540 ポイント541 ポイント  (56子コメント)

This is so fucking disgusting. I'm so glad the four are in custody - I hope that poor young man is going to be okay. :( Things like this make me lose hope in everything.

Is there a gofundme page for the victim? Anything we can do to help?

Also: WHAT THE FUCK with the Trump and White People bullshit? You don't get the president that you want, so you TORTURE a disabled person??? Jesus, what is WRONG with people.

[–]tree_dweller 668 ポイント669 ポイント  (53子コメント)

As a person with mentally challenged family members, I am sad.

As a white person, I am sad.

As an American, I am sad.

These people better be locked up for a good portion of their remaining scummy lives.

[–]Oldkingcole225 168 ポイント169 ポイント  (24子コメント)

Prediction: This will not help race relations.

[–]notimetoexplainrun 126 ポイント127 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Watching the video of the previous press conference that the Chicago PD posted on Twitter. https://www.periscope.tv/Chicago_Police/1mrGmNejzAwJy?t=432

A reporter asked a question and the answer from Kevin (unsure of last name as I missed it) on the podium was something along the lines of "Kids, well young adults sometimes make stupid decisions, that will certainly be part of..is this a hate crime. Is this sincere or just stupid ranting and raving"

If you fucking steal a car, kidnap someone (let alone someone with special needs), TORTURE that person, say fuck white people, and stream it live then yeah, it's a hate crime.

Hate Crime; Noun:

a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.

[–]bigbadboris_409 130 ポイント131 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Don Lemon on CNN - "Whats the motive here?"

Really, Don?

Also apparently they were using "anti-Trump slurs", but no mention of what they said about white people? You can't just edit the news as you see fit.

[–]mioabs 192 ポイント193 ポイント  (4子コメント)

This breaks my heart. I hate this. I hate that people so evil exist.

[–]jhill78 516 ポイント517 ポイント  (34子コメント)

CNN just said they don't know if it is racially motivated, and the Chicago PD thinks they did it because of his mental retardation. 😶

[–]f1nest 135 ポイント136 ポイント  (14子コメント)

Just after airing the (edited) video Anderson Cooper did question whether it was being investigated as a hate crime - he at least seemed to think it warranted such a charge.

[–]TheKingOfTCGames 49 ポイント50 ポイント  (3子コメント)

if its because of retardation its still a hate crime against the disabled. but wow this is obviously racially motivated.

[–]Seriouslyserious99 301 ポイント302 ポイント  (14子コメント)

It was just the other week when CNN had the video on their front page of some old white lady talking trash about immigrants.

Should be interesting to see if this gets the same coverage as it is 1000x worse.

[–]Necramonium 40 ポイント41 ポイント  (21子コメント)

Worst part is that none of the news stations have the balls to call it a hate crime, we have 4 blacks who kidnap and torture a white guy, even yelling fuck white people, and its still not considered a hate crime by these liberal news stations.

[–]George_Green 8958 ポイント8959 ポイント  (315子コメント)

Maybe MTV can explain to him what he did to deserve this.

Edit: I appreciate the gold, but if anyone else gets the urge please donate it to a special needs charity instead.

[–]tuckersymmes 170 ポイント171 ポイント  (101子コメント)

Haven't watched MTV in ages. Anyone care to explain?

[–]jessewalby 327 ポイント328 ポイント  (75子コメント)

[–]Valeddy 287 ポイント288 ポイント  (20子コメント)

Damn, this was painful to watch.

[–]Fucanelli 392 ポイント393 ポイント  (12子コメント)

Here is the kicker

It wasn't satire

[–]tuckersymmes 85 ポイント86 ポイント  (6子コメント)

It's a whole new genre

[–]Grasshopper188 127 ポイント128 ポイント  (4子コメント)

The "I can pass it off as satire, but we all know I'm very serious about the message being conveyed and it's only being presented this way because I'm not brave enough to make a serious video about it" genre.

[–]CosmoSucks 3837 ポイント3838 ポイント  (37子コメント)

Dear White People: A few suggestions on how to be a better kidnapping victim in 2017.

[–]ironicalballs 680 ポイント681 ポイント  (10子コメント)

And now reports that he was special needs kid.

Dear Special Needs White People: A few suggestions on how to be a better kidnapping victim in 2017


[–]ghostofexatorp 810 ポイント811 ポイント  (25子コメント)

Apparently he was heard saying something about woke.

[–]haasD87 239 ポイント240 ポイント  (3子コメント)

MTV will tell him he shouldn't have been white, or mentally impaired.

MTV can also eat shit.

[–]plastiqmanb 66 ポイント67 ポイント  (9子コメント)

From CNN Surprisingly - Commander Duffin said : "Although they are adults, they're 18. Kids make stupid decisions -- I shouldn't call them kids, they're legally adults, but they're young adults and they make stupid decisions," Duffin said. "That certainly will be part of whether or not... we seek a hate crime, to determine whether or not this is sincere or just stupid ranting and raving."

Don't fucking downplay it. They are 18 and are tried as adults. Fuck your "kid" mentality.

[–]lokken1234 221 ポイント222 ポイント  (20子コメント)

Chicago pd believe the kids made a stupid mistake and that it was not a hate crime. I'm sorry but this is absolute bullshit.

[–]Contravor21 801 ポイント802 ポイント  (90子コメント)

Lol @ r/politics censoring all related threads because this has nothing to do with "current US politics." Pretty ironic considering a lot of top threads have much less to do with the current political climate than this one, but are still upvoted because they contain anti Trump sentiment.

[–]Um_Nope_Sorry 400 ポイント401 ポイント  (14子コメント)

It's especially funny because you know that if a bunch of Trump supporters kidnapped and tortured a black man, it would occupy the entire front page of /r/politics for the next 4 years.

[–]xcrunner1009 176 ポイント177 ポイント  (8子コメント)

It did. Remember the Mississippi church burning? That was allowed on r/politics, but this is "off topic"

The church burning was a hoax btw.

[–]SaintNicolasD 130 ポイント131 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Not only was it a hoax, but Trump supporters raised over 100K in a crowd-funding effort to rebuild the church (which the MSM never covered). The church was also ironically proven to have actually been burned down by a member of the church as a false flag attempt (not adequately covered by the MSM either keeping people with a false anti-trump narrative)

[–]tlkshowhst 205 ポイント206 ポイント  (4子コメント)

/politics is fucking garbage

[–]pohatu 43 ポイント44 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Should be removed from default. They are way too extreme for a default. But I suppose it's what reddit corporate thinks too.

[–]TooMuchButtHair 3222 ポイント3223 ポイント  (416子コメント)

If this isn't national news, I will be seriously surprised. This us horrific and totally fucked up. If four white people had done this to a young black man and said, "fuck Obama" after he was elected, there would be massive nation wide protests and calls to action from coast to coast.

[–]kanyefan125 2228 ポイント2229 ポイント  (200子コメント)

Trump won, I'm scared people will commit hate crimes now. commits hate crimes

[–]FUCITADEL 726 ポイント727 ポイント  (113子コメント)

Let's for a moment set aside the fact this is an obviously horrific thing to do. Regardless of race, or races involvement it's an amazingly fucked up and depraved thing to do.


[–]HexezWork[S] 413 ポイント414 ポイント  (41子コメント)

During the video you hear one of the guys say not to record him and the woman comments "whose gonna watch this?".

I guess they just got used to recording everything they do cause of easy access smart phones and not realizing recording a hate crime might be a very bad idea.

[–]CanadianAstronaut 120 ポイント121 ポイント  (2子コメント)

thank god they did though, honestly. I'd rather everyone know this disgusting thing is happening and something can be done about it, rather than it just happen in a room and this kid had to endure this alone without anyone ever truly finding out.

[–]LilyForrester 150 ポイント151 ポイント  (15子コメント)

Conservative or Liberal, Black or White, Trump supporters or not I think we can all unite here to condemn these actions, as we did with Dylan Roof.

[–]harrypotterversion2 613 ポイント614 ポイント  (52子コメント)

maybe this will be the tipping point we needed to finally come together and admit that ALL racism is bad.

also, what the FUCK about the headline?

why doesn't it say '4 black suspects record race-related torture of mentally-handicapped white man'? i'm not saying that would be proper, but i'm truly wondering WHY? Because you know if the roles were reversed that would be the exact tone of the headline. Surely it can't be solely because of profit? It seems to me that the media incited this shit by portraying white people as inherently racist, I just can't determine what the motive is for it. Why do they want this unnecessary racial divide?

[–]tastyBulls 558 ポイント559 ポイント  (97子コメント)

as someone that stayed out of the hillary/donald divide, i am genuinely infuriated by the MSM's lack of coverage on this. I swear to god if CNN doesn't have this on their site i will lose it.

edit: i use reuters/bloomberg as my primary new sources for everyone who is asking

[–]LordKazekageGaara83 313 ポイント314 ポイント  (36子コメント)

As a black person, I'm appalled and embarrassed by this. If the scenario was reversed, Al Sharpton would be screaming bloody murder. This is not how you go about proving any point you're trying to make. Racism is racism regardless of the bigot's skin color.

[–]John_Podesta 56 ポイント57 ポイント  (10子コメント)

How can anyone forgive CNN, MSNBC for turning a blind eye to this?

[–]TechDread90 338 ポイント339 ポイント  (102子コメント)

Dude this is seriously fucked up! I am black but they do not represent my people at all! Fuck them and they need to be in prison. This is truly a hate crime.

[–]Boreal_Tri 100 ポイント101 ポイント  (12子コメント)

This is only going to get worse. Doesn't matter what your beliefs are, when the media is reinforcing hatred and justifying violence then you're going to get a few extremists feeling justified in their actions no matter how awful.

People need to stop driving wedges between each other. This is where a society based on divisive gender/racial/political identity politics is getting us.

[–]ThingsAndStuff5[🍰] 25 ポイント26 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Did the cops really just say they weren't sure if it was a hate crime and that it wasn't politically motivated?

The perps repeatedly kept cursing and mocking the victim's race as well as the president-elect. Seems obvious, no?

I guess this is another example of how selective our outrage can be but I give props to reddit this time because it seems in the past they've buried unpleasant news stories. Perhaps this neutrality is the silver lining.

[–]Lincolns_Mistake 23 ポイント24 ポイント  (2子コメント)

So the media will immediately label leaving strips of bacon on a mosque as a hate crime, but this is just 4 (black) teens who just happen to say "fuck white people" while torturing another (white) teen.

Now watch the media tell us that "reverse racism" doesn't exist.