全 19 件のコメント

[–]chickensoup1Beckham 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Do people never search on here before submitting these posts? Every fucking week there's multiple threads of the same shite about why they think Blind is the perfect replacement for Carrick or else asking who we should buy to replace him.

[–]StGrievous 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've seen 2-3 today alone.

[–]murica_sauce -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't forget the other constantly reposted thread topic:

But why do you hate Rooney so much? I mean srsly, guyz. He's a United legnd.

[–]HawksMUFC 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Lol Blind isn't good enough to compete with the best in Europe.

[–]berry2708[S] -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

This is what people has been saying previously about Carrick till recently.

[–]AngryUncleTonyValencia 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah but the easy rebuttal to that is Carrick started 3 CL finals in 4 years at a key position. Anyone who says he can't compete doesn't know what they're talking about.

[–]macismydog 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

2012/13 is when he started to excel as a deep playmaker and started getting a lot of praise, hasn't been that recent.

Blind has decent passing and positioning, but that only scratches the surface of what makes Carrick so good.

[–]Zargruzh 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why make an entire new post about something that has been said like a 100 times the past months instead of just commenting in one of thoes?..

[–]squeaky_rum_timeScholes 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh FFS. This again!!

[–]Fl1pbvPogba 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I can't wait until we find a replacement for Carrick....so people can stop posting about replacements for Carrick.

[–]Flick_My_Bean_Geoff 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

What post do you think is the perfect replacement for the "replacement of Carrick" threads when we find a replacement for Carrick?

[–]berry2708[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

While you are waiting, we keep on posting

[–]GroteBergMan98Callum Whelan 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

For me he isn't, has the understanding but not the pass forward

[–]AngryUncleTonyValencia 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think we'll ever find a like for like replacement. We never did for Scholes. We never did for Keane. You just find the best players you can and adapt the system around them.

[–]Saf94 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

He's got good passing and vision but that's about it. In midfield he can get found out very easily, he's not a physical presence and his positioning/movement isn't good enough to make up for it.

I don't think his passing was ever at the level of Carrick's either when he played in midfield although he may have improved since then. Remember when you're a CB you generally get all the time in the world to make a pass

[–]faheemunitedThere's only one Zlatan -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I would rather he gives youth a chance there. TFM being the #1 contender in my opinion

[–]Caesar3890 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah except for being absolutely nothing like Carrick. Plus he's mostly played in defence for us, but yeah he will be a CDM.

I see him breaking into the team. That doesn't mean he will be a direct replacement for Carrick

[–]faheemunitedThere's only one Zlatan -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't need a direct replacement for Carrick. Many top teams are doing with a CDM that isn't exactly like Carrick. Yes, he's playing a very important role at the moment but I wouldn't credit all the recent success to him alone.