Slash Your Power Bill & Beat
Obama's Electricity Monopoly For Good


Research References

1. Fox News. “Threat to the Grid? Details Emerge of Sniper Attack on Power Station.” 2014.
2. The Wall Street Journal, Smith. “U.S. Risks National Blackout From Small-Scale Attack.” 2014.
3. World Net Daily (WND), Maloof. “DHS Study: North Korea Capable of EMP Attack on U.S.” 2014.
4. Bloomberg, Gullo. “PG&E Charged by U.S. Over Fatal 2010 Pipeline Explosion.” 2014.
5. Political Affairs, Parenti. “Death and Profits: The Utility Protection Racket.” 2010.
6. NPR, Burnett. “More Stories Emerge of Rapes in Post-Katrina Chaos.” 2005.
7. World Net Daily (WND), Farah. “We're 1 Act Away From Social Cataclysm.” 2013.
8., Amoms. “NES Executives' Salaries Continue to Rise Along With Power Bills.” 2014.
9. The Politico Magazine, Restuccia. “Report: Grid Vulnerable to Attacks.” 2013.
10. Info Wars, Synder. “What Are You Going To Do When A Massive EMP Blast Fries The U.S. Electrical Grid?” 2013.
11., Peterson. “Experts: Civilians Not ready for EMP-caused Blackout.” 2014.
12. AccuWeather, Rodman. “Severe Weather Poses Threat to Archaic US Power Grid.” 2013.
13. The Real Truth, Behrer. “America’s Crumbling Infrastructure On the Path to Ruin?” 2012.
14. Politico Magazine, Richardson. “America’s Third World Energy Grid.” 2014.
15. Prison Planet, Slavo. “Congresswoman: “100% Chance of a Severe Geo-Magnetic Event Capable of Crippling Our Electric Grid.” 2013.
16. The Wall Street Journal, Smith. “Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism.” 2014.
17. Forbes, DeCarlo. “America's Highest Paid CEOs.” 2012.
18. National Geographic. “American Blackout.” 2013.
19. The Blaze, Kreft. “Chilling: Why An Underreported, ‘Significant Incident of Domestic Terrorism’ Might Not Be a Failed Attack at All.” 2014.

*The news organizations, companies, publications and people referenced on this site are not affiliated with and have not endorsed, sponsored or recommended this product and none is claimed.​*

The video presentation on this page will show you some great tips on how to end your slavery to the electricity monopoly forever.This isn't a gimmick... this is real science that has been used by thousands of people all around the world. Watch the entire video because we cannot guarantee how long it will be online, and the end will surprise you!

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