Maybe Trump just thought Ted Cruz was involved
Maybe Trump just thought Ted Cruz was involved

You may be astonished to learn that Donald Trump is once again Wrong About A Thing. This morning, he angrily tweeted about Chevy building its compact Cruze model in Mexico, and threatened to slap a big ol’ tariff on the cars when they’re imported into the USA:


Yeah, shame on you, General Motors, taking jerbs away from American workers like that! Oh, is there more? There is? Turns out, according to a General Motors statement, approximately 98 percent of Chevy Cruzes are already built right here in U.S. America, and such as:


You can see the headlines already, can’t you? “TRUMP FORCES CHEVY TO MOVE CAR FACTORY FROM MEXICO TO AMERICA.” And maybe Trump will hold a rally in Lordstown to celebrate the achievement.

Or if he wants to take the cautious approach, Trump could pull a PeeWee Herman and insist “I knew that, and I was talking about the hatchback the whole time. They need to build the hatchbacks in the USA too.” Donald Trump being Donald Trump, you should probably never bet on the cautious approach.

GM told CNBC that its American sales of the Cruze were about 190,000 in 2016; of those, about 4,500 were the Mexican-built hatchback. And wouldn’t you know it, immediately after Trump’s Tweet this morning, GM shares dropped briefly in pre-market trading, but recovered after the stock market opened.

Beverly Hills surgeon explains at home fix for crepey skin around the arms, legs, and stomach.

GM announced in November that it would be laying off about 2,000 workers at two plants, the one in Lordstown and another in Lansing, Michigan, but the reason they gave was declining sales of passenger cars, not any shifts of production to Mexico. Cruze sales were down by 20%, the company said in November.

Sales of SUVs and pickups are up, so maybe Trump can take credit for any expanded production of those vehicles.

[CNBC / Detroit Free Press]

  • Wes Grogan

    Trump announces success in preventing 200,000 server and bar-tending jobs from being moved overseas. Servers and bar-tenders are grateful despite not being aware of threat. Trump approval ratings soar to 12%.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      I highly recommend everyone invest in alcohol stocks. Also Drano.

      • Angela Ruzzo

        I am investing in Dramamine and Pepto-Bismol.

  • msanthropesmr

    Is there anything that Trump can’t do?

    • Behave as a rational human?

    • UncleTravelingMatt

      Win more than 50% of a vote?

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      You mean “get away with”, right? Correct grammar usage is so important if you are not a Republican….

    • Ezio Auditore

      Not be the physical embodiment of white male privilege?

    • Nockular cavity

      Wield normal-sized fingers and other appendages.

    • Nounverb911

      Not cheat at golf?

    • Painter of Goats

      Rub two coherent thoughts together.

    • Vincent Ricola

      Get pussy without grabbing it without permission?

    • Msgr_MΩment


    • Mary Sandoras

      He’s saving the world with that one weird trick. One lie at a time, or if he’s feeling pesky perky, mutiples there of.

    • WIDTAP

      Complete a single sentence without veering off to three other “ideas”?

    • elviouslyqueer

      Have a hairdo that doesn’t look like a dead sea mammal?

    • Form a complete, intelligible sentence?

    • Shucky Ducky

      Produce spawn that don’t look as if their father had mated with an ugly stick?

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      Take a goddamn President’s Daily Briefing?

    • Ghenghis McCann

      The list is so long it would break the internet.

    • therblig

      piss without dribbling?

    • Edith Prickly

      Keep his mouth shut when he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about?

    • BadKitty904

      Fill Obama’s shoes?

    • Hobbes’ Evil Twin


  • Royal Ugly Dude

    Let’s bring those jobs back to Santa Cruze!

    • Kiri the Resistant Unicorn

      …And demand that Mexico release Pablo Cruise!

      • msanthropesmr

        What you gonna do when she says goodbye?

      • therblig

        as long as he finds his place in the sun

    • OneYieldRegular


    • UncleTravelingMatt

      Enough pandering, libz! Santa Claus is white.

  • DoILookAmused2u ?

    You all laugh, but Trump was able to preserve the Moon’s orbit even before being sworn in.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      I lose sleep over exactly these kinds of things.

    • WIDTAP

      Sure, try to distract us with the moon’s orbit, when we all know that rogue unicorns are massing along our western border. Why is no one talking about the rogue unicorns!?!

      • Angela Ruzzo

        Do you mean rouge unicorns, or rogue unicorns, because they are two distinct sub-species who have separate conventions and different private e-mail servers, and I don’t want to worry about the wrong ones.

      • calliecallie

        Why is no one talking about the western border? Did California secede already?

    • OneYieldRegular

      He also miraculously managed to keep the sun rising every day, even when it was obscured by clouds.

    • weejee
    • Oblios_Cap

      But will he be able to stop this year’s solar eclipse?

  • Oh look, the gas suckers are back. Fuck you fossil fuels

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      My mom and I were talking about that last week after we saw an old Hummer H3 pass us on the Interstate. Guess the age of “Get 10 gallons to the mile” is coming back.

    • Creepoman


    • NastyBossetti

      It was nice to be able to see anything at all beyond the car directly in front of me for a while there. Oh well…

  • LarryHoudini

    Great again already!!!! Thank you Mr. Trump!!!
    [lights meth pipe]

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Isn’t the Chevy Cruze the one that helped kill JFK?

    Unsafe at any speed.

    • Zippy W Pinhead

      it was a driveby

    • WIDTAP

      The Hatchback of Notre Dame?

  • Nounverb911

    I still think that trump got the Mexican Chevy Cruze mixed up with the Cuban Ted Cruz.

    • Oblios_Cap

      Or the Canadian one.

    • baconzgood

      You could write my Tonight Show monologue any time.

  • Painter of Goats

    I usually compare Trump’s to tweets to those of a 7th grader. I owe 7th graders an apology.

    • Oblios_Cap

      You’re about 4 grades too advanced.

  • Sedagive

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is how toxic capitalism slits its own throat, swallows its own tail, eats its own young, etc. etc.

    Kinda fascinating to watch, in a lead suit kind of a way.

  • memzilla Ω

    Just more pus dribbled out by this turkeywattled cockscab.

    • Oblios_Cap

      That pointy-headed pigfucker.

  • Mavenmaven

    “or pay big border tax”. Like he says about North Korea, this won’t happen. Who’s he kidding? The moment he starts hurting his fellow rich, they start calling for impeachment.

  • The Wanderer

    “What’s good for General Motors is good for America.” I guess Trump’s forgotten that.

  • Nounverb911

    Trump also didn’t actually make Ford cancel it’s new Mexico plant but will take credit anyway….

    • Oblios_Cap

      Yes he did! Do not underestimate the power of the dark side twitter machine.

  • Nounverb911
    • elviouslyqueer

      Hey Cheeto Satan! Tell your “Hecho En China” label makers to speak American, dammit!

  • Msgr_MΩment

    And wouldn’t you know it, immediately after Trump’s Tweet this morning, GM shares dropped briefly in pre-market trading, but recovered after the stock market opened.

    There it is: the money shot.

  • weejee

    The cuckservative revilelution continues.

  • Vagenda and Tiara

    When will the tariffs kick in on people who manufacture cheap ties and suits in China? Asking for a friend hypocrite.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    A tariff is a sales tax. Welcome to the new Republican Party.

  • The Wanderer

    I want one, just one, billionaire to have the testicular fortitude to stand up and say, “I have enough money to buy and sell Donald Trump, and I’ll buy, build, hire and invest anywhere I fucking well want to.”

    • Edith Prickly

      Paging Warren Buffett….

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      Why, oh why didn’t we take up a collection and offer him $1 billion to go the fuck away during the primaries?

  • Ezio Auditore

    Well yeah, I’m not surprised he didn’t fact check and just ran his mouth. What do you expect from someone who thinks “people are saying” is a legitimate source of information? I feel like someone should hold a big sign that says “CITATION NEEDED” at all of his speeches.

    • Mary Sandoras

      From Alex Jones lips to Trumps ears.

  • Oblios_Cap

    I certainly hope that the cheetostained shitgibbon is provided with a non-functional nuclear football. Just sayin…

  • elviouslyqueer

    Get. this. asshole. OFF. Twitter.

    Jesus fucking Christ.

    • MynameisBlarney

      No shit!

    • Vagenda and Tiara

      You’d think he’d have the self control to just stop doing it, but he seems to have the impulse control of a puppy.

    • Mr. Blobfish

      I heard one of his spokesvillains say that he will continue to use Twitter because it gets his message out without media spin or some such other nonsense.

  • Spurning Beer

    Seems like I remember some shouty complaints a while ago about the government picking winners and losers.

  • TheGrandWaz00

    If you can’t say something nice, say something stupid.

  • stankbait

    Trump is like one of the group of people everyone tolerates but secretly holds in a high state of disregard. Like the guy they call ‘Blister”. Always shows up after the work is done and tries to take credit for having done more than he actually did.

    Blister will not do shit, doesn’t care what people think of him, will drink most of the fucking beer, and talk badly to any random minority who walks by the kegger.

  • Angela Ruzzo

    Meanwhile, Trump brand clothing is made in China, Bangladesh, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Mexico, China and South Korea.

    • Saxo the Grammarian

      Eric Trump applied for foreign worker permits for the Trump winemaking business, also too.

  • anon_the_great

    Here’s how it works. The Trump spaleen short some stocks, tweet mean shit using Daddy’s account, then cash out. Rinse, repeat.

    Interestingly, this is also Paul Ryan’s plan to replace Medicare and Social Security.

    • Vagenda and Tiara

      See also: South Carolina’s pension system

  • OneYieldRegular

    Meanwhile, the Trump Organization still produces its golf courses in Scotland, Ireland and Dubai, and manufactures the Trump name on towers in Korea, Canada, Indonesia, the Philippines, Dubai, Turkey, Panama, India, the Dominican Republic and Mexico (dammit if the funding didn’t fall through on that one).

    • beingreleased

      They build those with American forced labor – they’ve been known to scoop people off the streets, ship them to Seoul, and force them to build buildings. True story.

  • UncleTravelingMatt

    Also, China is sending knock-off designer clothing to US without paying Ivanka her points. Nobody eats alone.

    • Nounverb911

      Or paying royalties to the designers Ivanka knocked-off the designs from.

      • UncleTravelingMatt

        Whoa there, comrade. Why do liberals always want to stack the deck against entrepreneurs like Ivanka?

        • msanthropesmr

          Entrepreneurs Heh.

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    So who cashed in today on Trump’s manipulation of the market?

    • Nounverb911

      I’d check his kids Swiss bank accounts for any deposits.

    • FauxAntocles

      How much does it cost to get on the pre-tweet tweet list?

  • Lance Thrustwell

    Y’know, people keeping a record of everything Trump says are going to have to make some creative new categories, just for the tweets! Obvious Lies, Completely Wrong, Partly Wrong, Attempted Strategy, Petulant Retaliation, Totally Clueless, etc.

    I can see the book now, in hardcover. It will read kind of like an annotated bibliography of a four-year-old arguing. Best seller!

    • PubOption

      The youuuuge red book?

  • azeyote

    no worries kellyanne – the tweeked out conway – is on the job

    • Mary Sandoras

      He tweets, KaC translates.

      • azeyote

        the twilight zone episode with the dummy and the ventriloquist comes to mind –

  • Sedagive

    Confused old man tweets nonsense; market wobbles, corrects itself. Rinse, repeat.

  • baconzgood

    Why does the market shift based on this dudes tweets. If my stock broker said “Trump tweeted about PPG makes bad paint SELL SELL” I’d go to his office and hit him with a claw hammer.

  • Me The People

    Orangegropenfuhrer Trump will next say that thanks to him, 98% of these cars are now made in the USA.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    America is the second largest car maker in the world at 12 million vehicles, far ahead of Japan (9m) and Mexico (3m). China is first at 24 million. The 12 million cars made here last year is the highest since around 2000.

    Republicans applaud when manufacturing jobs move from union-oriented states (like Michigan and Ohio) to “right to work”, low wage/low tax states in the South. But get all sanctimonious when jobs move to even lower wage/lower tax places like China and Mexico.

  • mfp

    “…make in USA or pay big border tax”…border tax…border tax–oh, you mean the kind of tax that one trade agreement prohibits?…lemme think, what was the name of that trade agreement, nobody ever mentions it…NASCAR?…no, that’s not it

    little help here?

  • Angela Ruzzo

    I thought Saints Reagan and G.H.W. Bush did away with most tariffs. Otherwise, how do you explain Wal-Mart? I distinctly remember Wal-Mart pushing it’s “Made In The USA” products back in the 80’s, but that is a fading memory.

  • grindstone

    Does he understand anything about NAFT…..ehhhh, never mind.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      He believes in the “Presidential whim” theory of trade policy…and foreign policy, and domestic policy, and, oh fuck it, all policy.

  • Shibusa

    I find the Cruzes made in Canada much more objectionable.

    • Spurning Beer

      Agreed. They’re noisy, unreliable, dangerous, and have a really ugly grille.

  • BadKitty904

    What a baffoon.

  • I’m all for as many jobs as possible going to Mexico.

    The more jobs available, the more likely I’ll find work down there.

  • ibwilliamsi

    No problem – GM has been used as a political pawn since WWII. I’m sure this will turn out just fine for them.

  • TheBoatDude

    So, how do tariffs and “survival of the fittest” capitalism exist in the same space?

    • msanthropesmr

      Don’t ask questions like that.

  • Nounverb911

    So he did take credit for it after all.

    (Did trump learn about ‘Policies” from his mob friends?)

  • FrenchFriar

    GM is quick to explain for the monster they helped create. Not the Cruze. The Donald.

  • Crystalclear12

    And Wall Street is still happy he won.

    Yeah, those are the people I want in charge of my retirement funds.

    Lord, I know stupid people are funny to watch but did you have to make so many?!

  • Good_Gawd_Yall

    This orange buffoon makes me shouty and stabby. I was sitting last night watching Rachel and I found myself wanting to hear Breaking News that someone had taken him out with a well-aimed vote. This is not good for me. It makes me feel like a bad person.

    • Vincent Ricola

      I feel your pain. This whole election has turned my thoughts to a dark place and I hate it. I just want to go back to being a pacifist, I was so much happier then.

    • Rouge Skwerl!

      Coffee also makes me want to poop.
      Trump makes me want to throw it.

    • House0fTheBlueLights

      It’s things like this that make my slightly sorry I signed off the faceplace for a week, so I can’t share it (I’ll never remember by next week)

    • Marceline

      I’m right there with you. I don’t like wishing that kind of thing on anybody mainly because I believe what goes around, comes around and my mother is 80 years old. But after all the good people we lost in 2016 I just feel like something needs to even the scales.

  • Nounverb911

    What will trump’s reaction be when a company relocates to Mother Russia?

    • BadKitty904

      His reaction will be whatever Putin tells him it will be.

    • Thaumaturgist

      Trump already has relocated to Mother Russia.

  • BadKitty904
  • calliecallie

    You know who else was made to look a little foolish by General Motors?

  • Resistance Fighter Callyson

    These tweets are already getting old, and he isn’t even in office yet. Fuck.

    • Nounverb911

      Trump’s presidency is getting old and he isn’t in office yet.

    • Sedagive

      Tweet fatigue is going to settle in pretty damn quick.

      I await the day his account is hacked, someone posts pure gibberish, and it’s liked and retweeted 300,000 times.

      EDIT: OK – it’s already gibberish. A hacker could post “let’s raise taxes on the rich.” Then we’re in business.

      • HogeyeGrex

        Await? You mean that isn’t what’s happening?

      • data_ninja

        I’m more concerned about an account hack that would say something to cause an international incident. (granted he could do it on his own, and then blame hackers – which are ‘very hard to prove’)

    • Latverian Diplomat

      “Try as we might, we can’t seem to go out of business. Maybe this will finally do the trick.”
      — Twitter

  • Mary Sandoras

    Who will Trump appoint as Director of Turd-Polishing?

    Isn’t that Kelly a Conways position?

    • HogeyeGrex

      I thought that was just “turd.”

  • UncleTravelingMatt

    So, the plan to Make America Great Again starts with giving Toyota, Honda, Fuji Industries, Daimler AG, Fiat Chrysler, BMW, Nissan, Hyundai, and KIA an unassailable bargaining position?

  • DoILookAmused2u ?

    Ted Cruzes are made in Canada.

  • TheGrandWaz00
    • Nounverb911

      Shouldn’t that be the Trump Error?

  • Markuserektus

    Supposedly GM and Ford pick-ups don’t contain enough domestic parts to be considered American made.

  • Anna Rompage

    And when exactly is Donnie & Ivanka going to move the manufacturing of their own goods to the US?

    • BadKitty904

      What are you, some kinda radical? That might cut into their profits!

  • Spurning Beer

    Is anybody calling this idiot Boss Tweet yet?

    • Nounverb911


      • Courser


        • Poorly Behaved Résistanista

          Honorable mention.

      • Poorly Behaved Résistanista

        That’s my fav. Why have just a cheeseburger when you can have the combo platter?

    • BadKitty904

      Dunno, but I certainly intend to steal that (giving due credit where possible).

    • BMW

      I am going with “Trumple Thinskin.”

  • Rick Hill

    And GM’s stock is doing, what?

    • Nounverb911

      Down enough for the trump kids to short it.

    • Lord-Nash

      Per the wordses above, this did nothing to GM.
      “GM shares dropped briefly in pre-market trading, but recovered after the stock market opened.”

  • Nounverb911

    Trump announces that all industrial design and manufacturing will from now on be done exclusively in Trump Tower.

    • The Librarian

      Shoddy, with an eye towards profit?

      • Max Power

        Watch out, he’s going to tweet about you using the Trump Clothing motto without prior approval.

    • Poorly Behaved Résistanista

      As long as they drive away in American made cars it’s OK?

    • Oblios_Cap

      I’m sensing a comeback by the Yugo!

  • BadKitty904

    Has anyone ever bought one of these cars?

    • Rouge Skwerl!

      They wouldn’t last six months here.

    • BMW

      People who couldn’t afford Chevy Malibus but were too snobby for Aveos.

    • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

      My former co-worker, the one who went all-in on Trump after being a Romney Republican in 2012, has one.

      • BadKitty904

        Really? I’ve never seen one on the road here. Ever.

        • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

          Eh, they’re okay…I mean, pretty much all the mid-size cars drive the same anyway.

    • TJ Barke

      Not on purpose.

    • Not a Chevy, but my boyfriend just bought a Ford Escape with all the bells and whistles. Fantastic car, with AWD, but not the SUV obnoxiousness, and made in the USA.

    • The Wanderer

      I owned its predecessor, the Cobalt. It was sturdy and reliable – the only real trouble I recall having with it was putting in a new battery after the old one died.

    • Poorly Behaved Résistanista

      Hell, I’ve never even heard of ’em.

      • BadKitty904

        Same here, which is what surprises me. I mean, I’m not Joe Automotive and I don’t care if it’s well-made or not. I’ve just never seen or heard of this thing ’til now, which makes me wonder how big of a deal it is…

        • Markuserektus

          190,000 were sold in the U.S. in 2016…

    • Markuserektus

      I was aware of them about five years ago. There was a recall involving oil accumulation in a splash pan underneath; there was a risk of fire

    • msanthropesmr

      It’s a rental car/fleet vehicle. They aren’t horrible. They are not great.

    • Unpresidented Ron

      Rebadged Daewoo. A dull little transportation module for people who buy cars the way they buy toasters.

  • beingreleased

    Here’s an interesting little idea. If Trump starts deporting all the Mexicans, including DREAMers and others who were basically raised in the US, telephone customer service jobs will move to Mexico. There was a This American Life piece on this a few years ago. Mexicans, raised in the US, speak perfect English with American accents. You’d never know you weren’t talking to someone in the US and they can be hired cheaply.

    • Nounverb911

      India might object to losing all of the US customer service jobs they’ve had for years.

    • Fancy Meau-Faux

      I think this already happens. I remember hearing an interview somewhere from some poor kid raised in the US, only speaking English, and being deported. The only job he could get was at an English speaking call center in Mexico City.

      • beingreleased

        That was probably the This American Life episode. My point was that if there are more deportations, there are more qualified Mexicans for these jobs (and no question the call center operators will be paying attention).

    • Carpe Vagenda

      Oh, the mormons are going to be pissed. They’ve grabbed a big chunk of that market with all the mission-related language learning.

  • Rouge Skwerl!

    GM dropping 2,000 employees!
    Ford hiring 700!

    This is a huge win for Trump-O-Nomics!

  • fawkedifiknow

    Chevrolet should tell Trump they are going to rename their Cruzes in honor of him, and call them “Crocks.”

    • sgt. jmk of the résistance

      Or “Crooks.”

  • MynameisBlarney
    • beingreleased

      As Nixon implied, if a Trump does it, it is automatically legal.

    • BadKitty904

      Why is this is a question?

    • BosGrl

      Lawrence, Rachel, Joy and Chris Hayes should start their own network.

      • MynameisBlarney

        And draft Olbermann.

  • Lefty Frizzell

    When will there be a tariff on suits made in Mexico?

    • Ezio Auditore

      In Donald’s case, maybe there should be one against hats made in China.

  • tehbaddr

    The stupid, IT BURNZ!!!11!1!!!!111!!!

  • OT, but a small ray of, well not sunshine, but of not so dreary:

    • The Wanderer

      Only because they got caught, and the God-Emperor “disapproved.”

      • Poorly Behaved Résistanista

        All the headlines are saying “Trump rips GOP rule change,” but he was actually just complaining about the timing of the thing, not the thing itself. He wants me to lose my health insurance first.

        • Oblios_Cap


          • Poorly Behaved Résistanista

            The taker in this scenario is fucking Anthem who takes just shy of a grand outta my wallet every month for ever worsening benefits. Though will be looking back on this as the good ol’ days.

          • Oblios_Cap

            Insurance companies have no business in healthcare.

        • The Wanderer

          Of course! Priorities.

  • Nounverb911
    • Rouge Skwerl!

      They got caught, expect it to pass buried in a bill that outlaws credit unions.

      • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

        “Take this message back to your leaders Gul Macet, Speaker Ryan. ‘We know. We’ll be watching. We’ll be ready.'”

    • The fact that 119 of them thought this was a good idea is rage inducing and should be grounds for recall or overthrow

    • And now we have to listen to Trump declare himself the moral guide of the Regressives as a result. I see a bait and switch on the horizon.

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      Goodlatte to be investigated….

  • btwbfdimho

    Nothing matters at this point, as long as you believe in American Exceptionalism.

    • BadKitty904

      Government by faith, not by facts.

    • BosGrl

      The Cult of America: Guns, God and Grift

    • Oblios_Cap

      Well, Americans are exceptionally self-centered, ignorant, and more than a bit delusional. I’m not sure that makes us great.

      But it’s nice to see Flynn trying to get ahead on the grift by hawking his “book”.

    • The Wanderer

      This guy? Fuck this guy.

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      Well, there should be an exception for Americans – we need a handicap…

  • BadKitty904

    Have any of the Trumpanzees asked how all these “American” jobs got overseas in the first place? Didn’t Republican businessmen outsource them to foreign climes?

    • SnarkON

      This is what makes me slap my forehead the hardest, second only to, “I hate billionaires, so Imma vote to put a billionaire in the White House.”

    • Unpresidented Ron

      Funny thing is, the Big Three have always built cars overseas. If memory serves, Ford’s been doing it for a CENTURY now. This is just more pointless outrage to het up the base and score points.

      • BadKitty904

        Smoke’n’mirrors, to keep the peasants busy while Putin finishes crippling America and the GOP loots the treasury.

  • SnarkON

    “Cruze” sort of sounds like a Spanish surname, so of course Trump assumed the car is made in Mexico. A mistake anyone could make, really.

    • Lord-Nash

      It’s Canadian.

      • Doug Langley

        Oops. Ha ha, he was holding the map upside down.

  • Markuserektus

    Ford is investing $700 million to expand its Flat Rock assembly plant and hiring 700 new workers to build self-driving and electric vehicles along with the Mustang and Lincoln Continental already produced at the Downriver site. The automaker is canceling plans for a new $1.6 billion plant in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, but confirmed that the next-generation of its Focus compact will be produced at its Hermosillo, Mexico factory. (Detroit Free Press)

    • SnarkON

      UGH. Trump will take credit for this, too.

      • BadKitty904

        He’ll take credit for the sun rising and the American media will lap it up.

        • Toomush_Inferesistance

          Sun rising? Overrated. Just went down a few hours ago. I like suns that stay up!…Sad….

          • BadKitty904


    • h4rr4r

      So where are the C-Max and Fiesta going?

      • Unpresidented Ron

        The Fiesta is also built in Europe, Brazil, Argentina, China, India, Taiwan, Thailand, and South Africa. From what I can find the C-Max wasn’t built in Mexico in the first place.

  • goonemeritus

    Trump will pivot to accusing GM of involvement in the Kennedy assassination.

  • Nounverb911

    Quick Kellyanne, get Pootie Poot Putin on the phone Donnie’s getting bored and is just typing aimlessly into his phone:

    • Tetsu Kaba

      I’ve been wondering about Donnie’s twitter habit and the security of his phone. Eight years ago a big deal was made about Obama having to give up his Blackberry for security reasons. No one has said anything about the Orange shitgibbon giving up his phone. Why?

      • BadKitty904

        *koff* He’s white. *koff*

        • Oblios_Cap

          Because his tweets are just like Jack Handy’s “Deep Thoughts”?

      • beingreleased

        Here’s an old comment of mine on this topic, based on an NPR story:

        Regarding Trump and Twitter:

        Several cybersecurity experts told NPR that it’s highly unlikely intelligence personnel will recommend use of the Twitter mobile app on Trump’s government smartphone.

        Recommend because it has a funny clip of Obama taking about the presidential cell phone:

        It doesn’t take pictures, you can’t text,” Obama told Jimmy Fallon. “The phone doesn’t work. You can’t play your music on it. So, basically, it’s like — does your 3-year-old have one of those play phones?”

        • Tetsu Kaba

          So who’ll get to tell Shitgibon in chief to hand the phone over? And will he? I wonder if his friend Vlad gave him a special super duper gold plated smartphone, with a few extra hidden apps that run in the background.

      • Markuserektus

        So far, both he and his staff post Twitter comments on different phones.

    • tehbaddr

      ADHD, pure stream of consciousness bullshit.

    • Lance Thrustwell

      Mm, yes. Extremely dangerous. A dozen years in prison and no contact with anyone. Why, they’re just brimming with crucial, timely information and sensitive, up-to-the-minute intel! We can’t let them go – it’d be suicide!

  • goonemeritus

    So far Trump has attacked GM, Boeing and Apple. By the end of his term he may realize Tomas Jefferson’s vision of America being a purely agrarian based economy.

    • Nounverb911

      Conagra’s next.

    • UncleTravelingMatt

      3 companies that could learn a thing or two about business from the guy who couldn’t operate a successful casino . . .

  • Max Power

    It’s only a matter of time before he Tweets about the American jobs lost to foreign countries who manufacture Trump clothing. Kellyanne’s going to have a tough time spinning that one.

  • h4rr4r

    Too bad they don’t import more of the better model.
    Sedans suck.

  • Jeffocaster in the East

    I just saved American jobs. I put out my recycling.

  • Max Power

    It’s Obama’s fault- if he hadn’t rescued GM, we wouldn’t be reading Trump’s tweets about them.

  • Jamoche

    Oh, for fuck’s sake…
    Saw the headline, didn’t believe it: “GOP drops weakening of ethics office, challenged by Trump”

    But that turned out to be spin after all (emphasis mine):
    “With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it may be, their number one act and priority,” Trump had asked over Twitter Tuesday morning.

    • Toomush_Inferesistance

      He’s just cruzin’ now…

      • Swampgas_Man

        For a bruzin’, I should hope.

        • Toomush_Inferesistance

          Wait for it….

  • Jeffocaster in the East
  • Anna Rompage

    Can I sue Trump for the hit my GM stock in my 401k took today…

  • Bill D. Burger

    “Goddamned Trump clothes and ties made in Mexico and China. Sad. Bring those textile jobs back to American. Make Trump crappy stuff in America or pay yooge import fees. American need those jobs. SAD.”

    • Jennifer R

      All he would have to do is move them to our south pacific holdings, then he gets to both make them cheaply with slaves, AND charge more for the bullshit “Made in America” label.

  • Unpresidented_in_Seattle

    All this time Donald thought the term hatchback was used by someone dissing his haircut.

  • Shoto

    Drumpf’s congenital, incessant lying is troubling, but he’s so stupid and unhinged and out of his depth that I can’t help but laugh every time he opens his orange piehole.

    May I please have a few cheap laughs at Drumpf’s expense?

  • Anna Rompage

    I wonder how many folks in the Trump camp are buying up GM stock right now, after it took a hit because of his tweet?

  • BadKitty904

    Donnie drives one of these himself, right? And insists that the rest of his family does, too, right? ‘Cause MERKA!!1!

  • data_ninja

    So now that Trump has pissed off Boeing and GM, who will he piss off next? Because George Carlin’s “Real Owners of America” aren’t going to like their company stocks being devalued for BS reasons. He’s going to piss off the wrong *actual* rich person, and then things are going to get rough for him. That rich person may even be his buddy Vlad, who would probably be the absolute worse to offend, seeing as how so much of Trumps investments are linked to him.

    As annoying and frustrating as his twitter shit is, I honestly can’t see him lasting four years if he keeps it up. Evidence of wrong doing will magically appear overnight, and a resignation will follow in a weeks time. Then Mike ‘Safe Bet’ Pence will step up and just be boring and predictable, the way the rich people want it.

    • Bill D. Burger

      The dumb bastard is actually doing harm to major corporations with this veneer of ‘saving American jobs’ horseshit. He seems hell bent on an Am. First protectionist economic push….a perfect prescription for a trip down a disastrous economic road to hell with good intentions in a very competitive world economy.

  • MynameisBlarney
    • BadKitty904

      Apt. Very.

  • Rouge Skwerl!

    Megyn Kelly to leave Fox for NBC. Will probably become a lesbian.

    • Mary Sandoras

      Or a feminazi.

    • Wild Cat

      NBC no doubt is enthralled by the years of silence she maintained watching her co-propagandists get raped at Fox and how she held an aspirin between her legs and taped her mouth shut while Ailes and O’Reilly asked her to bend over and pick up Glen Beck’s tears.

    • Shoto

      It’ll be interesting to see the number US America Dollars for which she sucker-punched NBC Brass. She’s vastly overrated, as was amply proven when she:

      1. Administered the sensuous foot massage “interview” to Herr Drumpf last May.
      2. Deliberately withheld information about Drumpf trying to bribe reporters for favorable coverage until after the election, presumably to add more juice to her book tour.

      So…$20 Large / Year? More, maybe? Pffffft…

    • Anna Rompage

      Nah, just another cheesy assed huckster like Chuck Todd, but with a prettier face…

    • Bill D. Burger

      RealDonaldTrump. @ realAmerica
      Megyn Kelly to bleed all over nbc. SAD.

    • Anna Rompage

      Megyn proves that even horrible people can be the victims of unwanted sexual harassment…

  • MynameisBlarney
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