@mikeaecons @mattyglesias @BresPolitico
I hope your right but I'm afraid we are the ones who are going to be hurting most
@mattyglesias@BresPolitico Didn't you hear? The rich don't lie or cheat. If all congresspersons are rich, no need for ethics panels -
@mattyglesias With Congress' historic low approval ratings. My 2020 slogan is lock them up. -
@mattyglesias@BresPolitico Also: Authoritarians make sure state serves them. Trump pivot idea was always absurdhttp://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/8992650 … - さらに表示
@mattyglesias They keep calling him Representative Goodlatte, but he seems more like a BadAmericano to me. -
@mattyglesias No half-steppin' to goose-steppin'!@deejay90192@BresPolitico -
@mattyglesias. In for a penny, in for a pound. -
@mattyglesias But HRC was the crooked 1?#GOP#HYPOCRITES -
@mattyglesias@deejay90192 It worked at DOD. No audits, no scandals. -
@mattyglesias@BresPolitico election showed facts don't matter. They'll eliminate ethical oversight and then claim other side is corrupt -
@mattyglesias@BresPolitico To misquote Gandhi "Be the swamp you want to see in the world"#GOPFail#YouveBeenTrumped#NotAllChangeIsGood -
@mattyglesias That is EXACTLY right. They're just anteing up so the pot at the end of 4 yrs is filled with truckloads of cash & our souls. -
@mattyglesias@BresPolitico Point and sputter more. Very persuasive.