Saw a post here where someone said they hated Trump not because they hate America but because they love their country. So I thought it would be interesting to post the exact same argument from the opposite side.
I wanted Trump to win. Mainly because I am not an American. I am an Indian Muslim who was brought up in one of the safest countries in the Middle-East. Many of my relatives work in the Middle-East as well, and that's where I'll probably go back to work once I've finished my degree.
In the case of most foreign countries like Venezuela, Japan or Congo for instance I would just observe the election casually, wish the locals good luck and hope they get good leaders. But the USA is not any other country. Your foreign policy greatly affects the rest of the world and has often has often led to disastrous results. More than a million people have died in the middle-east as a result of the direct and indirect affects of US involvement in the region. All these people also had dreams and aspirations like those who died on 9/11, and they also had brothers, sons and friends who want to avenge their death. Also your cultural norms and stereotypes are broadcast-ed to the rest of the world and dominate discussions in internet forums.
I know quite a number of Americans, mostly friends I've made through online gaming, and friends living in the US. And while I really respect many of them and the 'American ideals', and believe that the average American is better than this, it seems as if you don't want to take action and assume responsibility for what your country has done. If the price of being a superpower is the death of all these people and destruction of these countries, and if it is a price that most Americans are willing to pay, it makes it a whole lot harder to wish for your success. Better economic success means more military spending, which means more resources to continue this.
So why Trump over Hillary?
Yes, Trump was anti-muslim among other things, but really the stance of the current administration is hardly much different. Not on paper perhaps, but it would be foolish to think that the current fuck-ups in the middle east were without any forethought. Atleast with Trump, if we are going to get stabbed, it will be from the front rather than behind.
There will be no longer be any false moral superiority due to political correctness. 'You have intentions for getting involved in this country are righteous? Here's what your President called these people in his tweet."
I think this will also make the average American more aware of the the policies taken by your government, leading to criticism rather than apathy. You can't deny that this election has already done this.
I consider Trump winning would be a wake-up call to the good Americans who must realize that all their American fellowmen are not all that righteous as they considered it to be. If the majority of you vote for a racist, xenophobic and misogynistic individual as your president, its hard to argue that this is not the president you deserve.
I don't think that there has been a rise in racists and islamophobes due to Trump. These people already existed, all Trump did what give many of these cowards a face to rally behind so they could come out in the open. Trump's childish statements like "Mexico is sending rapists" are hardly likely to make people hate Hispanics. Its those who cherry pick statistics and explore them eloquently with a patriotic side note that cause this hate for the most part. Tbh, I think Trump rather showed many of these people how foolish they looked saying these things.
On a personal level; when your countries economic success converts into military power and a stronger foreign presence without additional accountability, I fear that it will lead to further destabilization of the Middle-East where as I said, many of my relatives and friends work/live. It will also give more fuel for terrorist organisations which could spread even to India. I bear no ill-will to any of you, and sincerely hope you all can sort out the rich-poor divide and other problems in your country. But in the current state its much better for me on a personal level if your country doesn't do so well and loses some of its economic and military prowess. Hence I would prefer a conman like Trump.
Now on the off-chance, Trump can really turn out to be a good president. All these despicable campaign statements could just be a part of an incredibly smart plan to win the election. Even if it is by virtue of his arrogance, Trump does not like to lose. And if Donald Trump wins at presidency, the American people and the rest of the world win with him. That sounds like hope, which is more than what can be said for Hillary Clinton. (Pre-election result rambling)
I guess this appears selfish, but I think it is justified. Should I post this on the_donald instead? After all I appear to be on their side.
[–]TheFriffinTanorexic Hitler 2k16 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)