CNN CIA Analyst Shreds Trump Spox’s Russia Comments: ‘What the Hell Is That Dude Talking About?’
Phil Mudd on @seanspicer comments on Russia hack: “What the hell is that dude talking about”
— New Day (@NewDay) January 3, 2017
Former CIA official and CNN counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd was blunt in his criticism of Donald Trump incoming press secretary Sean Spicer, calling his denial of Russian hacking during the 2016 presidential election completely incomprehensible.
New Day host Chris Cuomo asked Mudd about Spicer’s comments the previous day, in which he called CNN host Alisyn Camerota “unbelievable” and illogical for suggesting the Trump transition team should be drawing conclusions about whether Russia hacked the DNC during the election without seeing the evidence first.
Mudd was not impressed. “What the hell is that dude talking about?” he asked. “I don’t understand this. His boss has come out and already drawn conclusions and said, ‘I don’t believe them.'”
“Meanwhile, on the other side, Republicans and Democrats in Congress and the intelligence community have come out and said with high confidence say that the Russians hacked information related to the elections. I agree with the judgment,” he said.
Mudd did say he agreed that “it’s not clear” that the Russians intended to sway the election. “But to say either from the Trump camp or from the government camp that we don’t know what happened and we’re going to wait for the report, do we ignore history here? I don’t get it, this is ridiculous.”
[Image via screengrab]
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