@tribelaw @CruzWhobris For the next 4 years Putin will be free to do what he wants.
@tribelaw I fear Trump will overreact to any hot zone(s) that are on the table when he realizes he has been betrayed by Putin. -
@tribelaw@wonderfullone ▬ Time to#HoldGOPaccountable for#TreasonTrump's so-called foreign policy screw-ups! -
@tribelaw I fear for the future of NATO. -
@tribelaw I fear for the future and freedom of all of us. We've been lulled to sleep but there's a reckoning coming. This doesn't end well. -
@tribelaw Fear for WWIII too because NATO will be compelled to respond -
@seriously211@tribelaw I hear this often, but never explained. US refuses to honor NATO security commitments. Russia advances. And ...? -
@Daniel22223333@tribelaw NATO has 28 members. ALL of them are compelled by treaty to then declare war on Russia. Cannot end well -
@Daniel22223333@tribelaw Alliances are what trigger World Wars, essentially by definition. NATO is the biggest. -
@seriously211@tribelaw I guess if you assume Russian adventurism goes that far, and NATO's response is that severe. -
@seriously211@tribelaw Even then, I imagine DT keeps US neutral. And weren't DT/VP supposedly teaming-up to stop others from having nukes? -
@Daniel22223333@tribelaw US troops in Europe will be killed. Staying neutral very difficult -
@Daniel22223333@tribelaw And would violate US's own treaty commitments and international law
@tribelaw I fear for the future and freedom of Americans . -
@tribelaw You know what DT will push back on. -
@tribelaw@EricSchmittNYT Did it occur to you that Russians are there because NATO forces are on the Russian border? -
@tribelaw@EricSchmittNYT Within shooting distance of St. Petersburg.
@tribelaw@EricSchmittNYT@nytimes@robreiner Time to order a Code Red on Trump. Red appalls me but the Red State appeals him. -
@tribelaw Wonder how@SenJohnMcCain can back it up