Saturday, December 31, 2016


by Mr. Mean-Spirited


Few creatures are as disgusting as someone who tries to alter fate.  Few beings are as despicable as a person who tries to change his allotted destiny.  Think of it like this: if you have a bald spot, then a toupee is only going to make you look more ridiculous.

If you were born into wealth, you would not dream of changing anything.  Logically, you must also display the same acceptance of unalterable destiny even if you might happen to have born into abject poverty.   If you were blessed with good fortune at one point in your life, then you must extend that same acquiescence in times of misfortune.  If you endure good health, then you must also enjoy the moments of sickness.

Nothing is more pathetic than a woman who will not accept her age and tries to adjust her destiny with some illicit Botox.   If a lady is fated to have wrinkles, then she must accept those crinkles.  If a dumb broad ties to improve her tiny tits with silicon enhancements, then the end result of attempting to change her fortune will be advanced breast cancer.

When you try to alter your destiny, you cause an even worse disaster.  When you try to modify your nature, you will only become something monstrous.

If you are in an unhappy relationship, then you need to remain in that hapless affair.  Things may well be hopeless, but some lovers are simply destined to be star-crossed.  If you make a stab at finding happiness, you might well end up dissected and dismembered by that new spouse.

If it is your fate to end up as a paraplegic in an automobile accident, then you need to accept that existence.  If you try to change that destiny as a double amputee, then you might well end-up as something even worse – like a quadriplegic.  Should you try to make things better, you will only suffer more.   If you try to avoid your appointment with an easy death, then you will only end up dying in greater agony.  When it is time to die, it is time to die.

When I was a child, everyone knew that the world was going to be destroyed in a nuclear war.   If it is the fate of all America cities to be demolished in a thermonuclear apocalypse, then that is exactly what must happen.  If human beings are supposed to be nuked, let’s get to it.  If you are scheduled for obliteration, then circle that date on the calendar and set out your Sunday best for the appointment.

Love your fate. The alternative is far worse.


  1. Could one argue that "trying to alter your fate" is simply a subset so to speak of your "greater" fate?

    1. That is a bit too "Zen" for my way of thinking. If certain outcome is intended, straight is the way to the end result.

  2. Agree with all of this except for this bit -

    "If you try to avoid your appointment with an easy death, then you will only end up dying in greater agony. When it is time to die, it is time to die."

    As a pro-mortalist I support the right to euthanasia, suicide, whatever one wants to call it. I understand that not everyone wants to kill themselves, and that current circumstances make suicide difficult. But if I was in a situation that I regarded worse than death, I'd be going for the easy way out. It may well be greater agony at the time but at least there's death to look forward to.

    1. Provided that a given subject does not bungle the suicide attempt – as, most assuredly, he botched everything else in life.

  3. This is a poor, ad hoc, and demonstrably false justification for complacency but I think you know that. I am very sorry you feel so hopeless

    1. You are right, I am encouraging complacency – as well as apathy and defeatism. In a religious sense, I am endorsing acedia. I want to dispirit you. Why? Because human beings are not as wise as they would like to believe: as bad as things now are, meddling will only make them worse.

    2. More groundless assertions justifying your sadness. Honey, who hurt you?

    3. Oh, Sweetie, it was you that broke my heart.

      If I had written something hopeful about life, you would not imagine that my conclusions were produced by some sort of psychological trauma. My pessimism could be, just as much, the product of a reasoned, logical evaluation of the true nature of existence.
