WSJ editor won't call Trump a liar, therefore we will screengrab him all ugly.
WSJ editor won’t call Trump a liar, therefore we will screengrab him all ugly.

In eighteen days, Donald J. Trump, who lies a lot, will be officially crowned Liar-In-Chief of the United States. In 2015, Politifact awarded its Lie Of The Year to basically everything that came out of his mouth. According to the site’s current tally, only 14% of Trump’s statements rank as outright true, whereas 18% are “mostly false,” 33% are “false,” and another 18% achieve the “pants on fire” rank of lying. HE LIES A LOT.

So naturally, the editor of the nation’s second largest newspaper should announce that his paper will not be reporting Trump’s lies as “lies,” because that’s unfair and mean and doesn’t let readers decide, based on their immense expertise, whether Trump is lying or not, right? Because that’s what Gerard Baker, editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, told Chuck Todd on Sunday’s “Meet The Press”:

I’d be careful about using the word “lie.” … “Lie” implies much more than just saying something that’s false. It implies a deliberate attempt to mislead. … When Donald Trump says thousands of people were on the rooftops in New Jersey on 9/11 celebrating, thousands of Muslims were there celebrating, I think it’s right to investigate that claim, to report what we found, which is that nobody found any evidence of that whatsoever, and to say that. I think it’s then up to the reader to make up their own mind, to say this is what Donald Trump says, this is what a reliable, trustworthy news organization reports, and you know what? I don’t think that’s true.

I think if you start ascribing a moral intent, as it were, to someone, by saying that they’ve lied, I think you run the risk that you look like … you’re not being objective. And I do think also it applies … people are looking at what Donald Trump is saying, and saying this is a false claim, and I think people say, “You know what? Hillary Clinton said a lot of things that were false.” I don’t recall the press being quite so concerned about saying that she lied in headlines …

BOTH SIDES DO IT! On one hand, maybe they didn’t do that with Hillary as much because, as Politifact found, the majority of the statements she made were at least “half-true,” and literally only 2% of her statements achieved the “pants on fire” rating. In other words, Donald Trump Lies A Whole Fuckin’ Lot More Than Hillary Clinton would have been a good Wall Street Journal headline during the campaign! (In fact, the Journal had lots of headlines, on opinion pieces, calling Hillary a liar.)

On the OTHER hand, news organizations did spend half the campaign reporting breathlessly on Hillary’s emails, quite nicely insinuating that she was guilty of something, that she was corrupt, when all the myriad investigations into her emails, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation found that OOPSIE, she didn’t do anything wrong. Did people get that message from the Wall Street Journal? Doesn’t seem like it!

As Think Progress notes, the example Baker picked to explain how the WSJ will “report” on Trump’s falsehoods, is a particularly egregious lie, since Trump said he saw all those Muslims bouncing around on New Jersey rooftops like “YAY LOL!” on 9/11 on TV, and everybody saw it, wait what, you didn’t see it? Of course you didn’t see it, because Trump is lying. (Hey, remember that great article Teen Vogue‘s Lauren Duca wrote about how Trump is gaslighting America? This is a good example of that!)

The fact is we have a president-elect who lies with such breathtaking frequency, unparalleled in American politics, that our “reliable, trustworthy news organizations” have a responsibility to call him a liar ALL THE TIME WHENEVER HE LIES, and stop worrying about whether the idiots who voted for Trump think they are being BIAS! by reporting Trump’s lies. Let’s remember that Trump has fostered a post-truth environment that will continue on a grand scale in his presidency, and that half the thugs and paste-lickers who love him are convinced that Alex Jones and Sean Hannity report the REAL “news,” whereas papers like the New York TimesWashington Post, and yes, the Wall Street Journal, are liberal lying liars who are part of the conspiracy to keep The Real Trumpian Truth from people like them.

Beverly Hills surgeon explains at home fix for crepey skin around the arms, legs, and stomach.

Let’s also remember that Trump will have a vigorous propaganda Ministry Of Truth of friendly news organizations set up for him, devoted to only and always Lying For Trump.

The other major papers, so far, aren’t completely rolling over for Trump. The WaPo is leading the way, by creating a browser extension that fact-checks Trump’s tweets in as close to real time as they can. THAT is a good example of how to combat the vomit waterfall of lies that comes out of Trump’s mouth every single time he opens it.

And even the Times, which sucks so much, is willing to step up and call Trump a liar when he lies, which is all the time, according to Think Progress. Here’s NYT Executive Editor Dean Baquet, in an interview with NPR:

“I think the moment for me was the birther story, where he has repeated for years his belief that President Obama was not born in the United States. That’s not an obfuscation, that’s not an exaggeration. I think that was just demonstrably a lie, and I think that lie is not a word that newspapers use comfortably,”

That’s a start!

Look, we get that news organizations are in uncharted waters with a Trump presidency. The question is, do THEY get that they are in uncharted waters? Or are they just going to sniff at Trump’s panties and let him get away with lying? Sounds like Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, at least, has decided to coddle Trump, therefore everybody should cancel their subscriptions, wait LOL, you don’t have a subscription to the Journal, because it blows.

[Think Progress]

  • SuspectedDemocrat

    I’d be careful about using the word hoofwanking bunglecunt because once you ascribe moral intent you run the risk of looking biased. But in this case…

    • pixeloid

      Hoofwanking bunglecunt… I like it! The best words I’ve learned in a while.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Deliberate attempt to mislead?

    Are we sure he wasn’t talking about LIBEL and his linotypist dropped a few letters?

  • msanthropesmr

    Trump’s intent is moral failure itself.

  • Blacktop Autumn

    Well, it’s nice that this guy has completely surrendered his balls. I get that. Still, man the fuck up, get Trump’s tiny cock out of your mouth, and do your fucking job.

    • SessileRaptor

      He is doing his job, it’s just that his job is to be a propagandist for the 1%.

      • Jeffery Campbell

        Always has been.

  • schmannity

    Bearing false witness is apparently another peccadillo that evanjerkicles can overlook.

    • Unpresidented_in_Seattle

      Tell ’em you’ll punish the sluts and you’re all good,

  • Anna Elizabeth

    I beg to differ from this headline. The WSJ is much more of a unwashed testicle. Pussies can take a pounding.

    • TheAmazingBeardedTrangerderist

      Hey there. H’ain’t seen ya in a while. You doon mo’ bettah?

      I know, yer thinking, “Who the hell are you?”

      I lurked for months. I think we transgenderists need to keep tabs on each other and support each other and shit like that.

      • Anna Elizabeth

        Hi! I’m doing well, thanx. Just needed to get thru the holidays and losing Mom and stuffs, but I’m Back-to-Battery, as it were. :)

        Good to know you. :)

  • Msgr_MΩment

    “I know a lot about lying, and lying is a very hard thing to prove, so it could be somebody else.”

  • Unpresidented_in_Seattle

    Donald doesn’t lie, he just tweets.

    • Groundloop

      “I never said that”.

  • Nounverb911

    “Quoting me, is lying about me.”

  • Martini Ambassador

    Much like Faux, Murdoch’s print baby, the WSJ, is now not so much “news” as it is entertainment newspaper reading. But with less entertainment and fewer in-your-face cartoon shows.

  • Me not sure

    “Screen grab him all ugly” seems a bit like a distinction without a difference.

  • memzilla Ω

    Say… you know who else had media outlets that wouldn’t call him a “liar”… ?

    • Me not sure

      Certainly not Abe Lincoln.

    • SuspectedDemocrat

      Charles Foster Kane?

    • schmannity


    • Msgr_MΩment

      Brian Williams?
      Too soon?

    • Unpresidented Ron


    • Msgr_MΩment

      Joe Isuzu?

    • President in Exile Firefly

      Gaius Baltar?

    • Anna Elizabeth

      President Clark?

    • Pissed de Résistance

      Genghis Khan?

    • marxalot

      Senator Palpatine?

    • Msgr_MΩment

      Tail Gunner Joe?

  • Spotts1701, Resistance Pilot

    I think if you start ascribing a moral intent, as it were, to someone, by saying that they’ve lied

    By this logic, you can never call Trump a liar because you can never prove that was his intent! At that point, why even have a news department? The Journal can run Trump press releases unedited for all the work they’re going to put into it.

  • Nounverb911
    • Msgr_MΩment

      We could put a few plants in the crowd to try to convince him to declare martial law.

      • FlownOver

        This comment will be headlined on Breitbart faster than you can say… well, faster than you can say things we can’t say in the not-allowed comments.

      • Celtic_Gnome

        There’ll probably be a trumpanzee in the audience to yell, “You lie!”

    • Pissed de Résistance

      “I’ll keep this short. You fucking idiots voted from Donald Trump. You deserve him. Nice knowing ya.”

      • Nounverb911

        Mic drop!

    • Thaumaturgist

      Typical Sox fan. It’s the view from the South Side.

      I write this form the Land of the Free and the Home of the Cubs.

    • Nockular cavity

      Just out of view to the right: the rocket the O’s plan to immediately board to escape this doomed planet.

    • MΩebym

      I wish this nation were more grateful to you. Instead, we elected an unqualified man who has promised to destroy your hard-earned legacy.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    BREAKING: Truth and trust have jointly petitioned the OED for a silent initial E, claiming that their proximity to Trump in the dictionary has done enormous damage to their professional reputations.

  • Iron Monkey

    we have a president-elect who lies with such breathtaking frequency, unparalleled in American politics

    Add shamelessness to frequency. He doesn’t mind being caught in a lie because he can get away with it

    • marxalot

      It’s pretty obvious that he doesn’t consider it “lying,” so much as “whatever he thinks is right because he’s right, and if you disagree, you’re wrong and also a pootyhead.”

      • Groundloop

        Haters and losers, also too.

  • Unpresidented Ron

    After reading this article, I have decided to cancel my subscription to the WSJ and subscribe to Teen Vogue instead.

    • Pissed de Résistance

      Value for money, my friend.

  • marxalot

    I had a student subscription to the WSJ in undergrad, because it was required for an Econ course. It’s too bad the dorm didn’t allow birds or gerbils, because then it could have gone to good use. I mean. What kind of self-fellating oligarchy-shilling capitalist rag doesn’t even have a crossword puzzle?

    • Groundloop

      An intellectual exercise that doesn’t result in obscene profits? Doesn’t sound American to me.

      • Naytch

        I know, right? I should mention the Panda insurance I just got for Lori’s McLaren!

    • cmd resistor

      My dad got me a subscription in college, I think, or else it was required for an econ course, or both. This was during my one semester as a business student….ha ha. Yeah, no comics either! They just piled up unread, pretty much.

    • Naytch

      I think of these poor rich people whenever someone mentions the WSJ.

    • puredog

      The Weekend Journal does, or, at least, did.

  • Pissed de Résistance

    “I think if you start ascribing a moral intent, as it were, to someone, by saying that they’ve lied…”

    Oh fuck me with a rusty tire iron. The opposite of the forgoing (on all parts) is integrity.

    • alwayspunkindrublic

      Right? No malign intent behind Trump’s falsehoods. He lies for us, to make America Great Again. We should all bow down and thank him for his great sacrifice of truth.

  • Nounverb911
  • Here’s what we know for sure about a Trump victory: say goodbye to inclusiveness, kindness, acceptance, and human decency. Say hello to oppression, divisiveness and crassness. All in the name of making America great again. I’m sad to live in a country that I thought had progressed beyond the type of extreme sexism and racism we’ve seen put on display in this election.

    Apparently Obama’a success in office wasn’t good enough for the majority of this country. RECORD unemployment numbers, legalized gay marriage, 5% growth, best year for jobs since 1999, consumer confidence up, deficit down 60% in 2014, gas prices low, health insurance cheaper than ever ($85/month), car insurance cheaper than ever ($25/month from Insurance Panda), the 1% starting to be taxed more and more.

    RepubliCONS want to cut education, want to crush healthcare, SS, and Medicare. If you aren’t a white male, you are certainly not equal. These from their own mouths. Sad day for America. Ignorance prevails from the uneducated, slave electorate who want to be amoral like Trump.

    • So long as they have someone else to look down on- Black, Gays, Muslims, Trans, educated, whatever- they are fine with the fucker driving the country back into the toilet.
      Or at least they will be up until the moment their government checks stop arriving.

    • Unpresidented Ron

      I had no idea the shills for Insurance Panda were so het up about the PEOTUS.

      • rofl I totally missed that XD

        • Shan

          Lori changed her name and got a new job.

          • Mehmeisterjr

            But what obscure luxury car?

      • Mary Sandoras

        Even more ironic, insurance companies are going to lurve them some Trump

        • Celtic_Gnome

          Especially after they lose 20 million customers with the ACA repeal.

  • Thaumaturgist

    I feel WSJ-man makes a valid and important point about lies. There is a moral element. I just wish WSJ-man had taken arithmetic, at least as far as addition. Because there comes a time when most of us can spot a trend. At this point, ascribing morality to the Trumpentweeter constitutes (a) a rejection of the principle of regularity and (b) deliberate ignorance.

  • Nounverb911
  • “Lie” implies much more than just saying something that’s false. It implies a deliberate attempt to mislead.

    So, if you’re not going to say Trump is lying, shouldn’t you at least point out that he’s profoundly ignorant? That the majority of his statements have no basis in facts? That he is constantly and consistently wrong about just about everything?

    I mean, Trump is either evil or stupid. If you’re going to shy away from evil, then at least inform your readership of his stupidity.

    • marxalot

      “Falsehood” and “delusion” are both words one can use to devastating effect. Just ask Comrade Mom, mother of tiny fabulists.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    If we could only tap the rotational kinetic energy of John Peter Zenger in his grave right now, there would BE no need for Exxon-Mobil.

  • schmannity

    Oh, wait a sec. Who owns the WSJ?

    • Nounverb911


    • marxalot

      Ding ding ding!

  • Randy Riddle

    “I think if you start ascribing a moral intent, as it were, to someone, by saying that they’ve lied…”

    Is he implying that Trump has early stage dementia and actually believes the crap he says?

    • Thaumaturgist

      Worked for St. Ronnie.

  • geoffalnutt

    They’re all (all the media) sucking on King Trump’s teeny ween so hard in the hopes “there’s gold in them thar hills”…it’s a wonder King Trump hasn’t been turned inside out. Please. Follow the money.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      They’re overly familiar with the wrong Deep Throat.

  • Nounverb911
  • Unpresidented_in_Seattle

    Rupert Murdoch buys Politifact and reroutes all traffic to HTTP: 401 File Not Found.

  • Groundloop

    Most, or all, mainstream news outlets will be worried about losing access to the White House, so they’ll likely soft pedal all of the “L” wording. But I’m wondering how long it’ll take for those same mainstream news outlets to realize that having direct access to the stream of bullshit flowing out of the White House doesn’t really do much for their journalisming. Look how much Farenthold at WaPo and Eichenwald at Newsweek were able to find by doing, you know, their jobs.

    • Anyone can follow Trump on Twitter, so what is the point of White House access?

    • Hobbes’ Evil Twin

      You seem to be suggesting that retyping today’s talking points is NOT journalism. Sheesh, I bet you don’t get invited to ANY of the cool parties in DC.

  • Rick Hill

    So many possible futures…and all of them lead to the people of our country being royally fcked with no protection

  • Mary Sandoras

    Or are they just going to sniff at Trump’s panties and let him get away with lying?

    Their going to go with ratings, which will require extensive panty sniffing.

  • Hey, Wall Street Journal Guy!
    He IS purposefully misleading! That is his intent! He is, in fact, lying!
    Glad I could help- maybe you should get a new job in a field that does not involve werds, since werds seem hard for you?

    • Unpresidented Ron

      We’re not just post-fact, we’re headed for post-meaning and ultimately post-language.

      • Cartoon Euchrid Eucrow

        We might even be looking at post-civilization.

    • alwayspunkindrublic

      See Jen? No reason to scold or correct your children if you catch them lying. They’re actually doing a good thing.

  • DoILookAmused2u ?

    I read that piece, and it was basically the George Costanza defense: “Remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it”.

  • disqus_lWwzrwNaw6

    Baker is a reasonably gifted right-wing propagandist (a “must,” if you want to work for Rupert), an enthusiast for European dissolution, a war-lover, a supercilious little shit, the kind of Englishman who prefers to live in America because we’re all so impressed by the fucking accent, and all around your basic fine fascist gentleman–the bespoke suit kind of fascist, not the rumpled, cokehead, Church Militant, Steve Bannon type of fascist.

    A shrill believer that the Eisenhower-like President Obama was a “dangerous left-winger,” Baker came to journalism from a high level career in banking, finance being one of the two “feeder” industries for the right-wing agitprop machine, the other being, of course, fossil fuels.

    So yeah, this is not a guy who’s going to call out Donald for any reason whatsoever, unless Rupert decides Donald is bad for the oligarchy after all. (PS: It doesn’t seem particularly likely THAT’S going to happen any time soon.)

    • Wait until the market bursts again, then he will be VERY MAD about it!
      Trump: Make America 1929 again!

      • disqus_lWwzrwNaw6

        I take your point, but I’m not actually sure they think massive instability would be undesirable, so long as they themselves come out of it intact, as the more ruthless industrialists and financial interests did in the 1930s even as ordinary citizens were reduced to misery, penury, and bread lines.

        I’m reading about the gains the fascists made as a consequence of the global depression in 1929.

        Knowing that these guys are all incredibly nuts (I mean, seriously nuts–most of them would be locked up for observation, for their own good, if not for the fact that they are ridiculously wealthy), and knowing, too, that they are not merely anti-democracy, but anti-modernity, I think some of them seriously believe that a massive, global economic/political disruption would be great.

        It would allow them to dispense with democratic governance for once and for all–which is the silver tuna for these guys–and restore a sort of feudal harmony to the world without inconveniencing them or threatening their own wealth to any significant degree.

    • marxalot

      In my experience, there is no contradiction between “bespoke suit” and “cocaine” as far as fascism is concerned, it’s just that the Saville Row/Brooks Bros boys have the very best powder for Auntie’s nose.

      • disqus_lWwzrwNaw6

        You’re right, you’re right: I mean, two words: Larry Kudlow.

      • msanthropesmr

        None of these guys would be caught dead in Brooks Brothers. That’s what I, low totem academic, wear.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Looks like Trump’s people got to him first. Probably grabbed him by the…. wherever.

  • SayItWithWookies

    Well I certainly wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions about whether Donald Trump was a liar. I mean, if he says he’s worth ten billion dollars and refuses to prove it by releasing his tax returns, who am I to question his motives? He could just be a very private person.

  • DoILookAmused2u ?
    • FlownOver

      The “Costanza Principle” can’t be applied to one who sees the term “believe” as an alien concept.

      • marxalot

        How about one for whom personal internal reality is the same (or greater) than external reality?

  • Wait wait wait….Hillary Clinton lies so it is ok that Trump does. HUH sounds so much like what the spox said about the Russians influencing the election.
    I see a pattern erupting

    • zerosumgame0005

      yes, the ass acne of America is erupting all over!

  • Latverian Diplomat

    BOTH SIDES DO IT! On one hand, maybe they didn’t do that with Hillary as much because, as Politifact found, the majority of the statements she made were at least “half-true,” and literally only 2% of her statements achieved the “pants on fire” rating.

    And that’s even though as in previous elections, Politifact had their thumb on the scale against the Democratic candidate, for “balance” and “fairness”.

    • Yeah, I was shocked at how often a Clinton statement got downgraded to “mostly true” simply because there was no way to prove it was and would always be true throughout time and space.

      • Latverian Diplomat

        That philosophy student intern was a tough grader.

  • Vecchiojohn

    He has a point. We can’t really tell if Trump is lying or just repeating falsehoods he’s too stupid to see through.

  • Kiri the Resistant Unicorn

    “WSJ editor won’t call Trump a liar, therefore we will screengrab him all ugly.”

    Could you add a clown nose to him, Evan?

    • Spurning Beer

      Screengrab him by the pussy, I say.

    • Vecchiojohn

      Is there such a thing as a screengrab that would make this guy look good?

  • shastakoala
  • Fun with Cthulhu
  • Unpresidented_in_Seattle

    Say, you know who else the WSJ didn’t accuse of lying?
    Dick Fuld, Pete Peterson, Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon were awaiting their massage appointments on Grand Cayman and were not available for comment.

  • exinkwretch

    I cannot tell a lie — the WSJ will be FINE with whatever Trumpie does, as long as he doesn’t jack up corporate tax rates or fuck with the investment banks or hedge-funders.

    • Blacktop Autumn

      “So, Iceland is a nuclear wasteland, California has sunk into the ocean, and the Midwest is now a blighted desert, but we lowered taxes!”

      • SayItWithWookies

        Hey — Iceland had it coming.

    • Celtic_Gnome

      The WSJ went batshit crazy on George H. W. Bush after he broke his “No New Taxes” pledge.

  • TJ Barke

    I hereby declare this to be the Republican Dilemma: are they stupid or are they lying?

    • marxalot

      Forget it, Jake…

    • TheAmazingBeardedTrangerderist


  • WiscoJoe

    “We don’t want conservatives to accuse us of living in a bubble, so we better adapt the framing of a conservative bubble,” news rooms across the nation.

    • Andy_Kreiss

      The cons have been working the refs for decades. The refs have been very polite.

  • azeyote

    actually people won’t trust you if you’re to fucking timid to call out lies that are as blatant as trumps –

  • “We at the WSJ have determined if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck the possibility it may indeed be any of thousands of waterfowl should, in all fairness to our readers and Beloved Leader, be examined.”

    “And oh hey we got platypuses out there, too, ya know.”

  • kareemachan

    Hey, look who owns WSJ these days….

  • An Outhouse for the Resistance

    Luckily the WSJ has a pay wall so I won’t have to learn Russian to read the press releases.

  • data_ninja

    Tin foil hat time: The newspaper industry, knowing that readership and subscriptions are down, formulate a plan to bring revenue back up. They do this by bolstering endlessly a man who is not fit to be president at all, while also attacking his opponent with little cause. Knowing that the man is a liar and just a problem all around, they will begin to report and investigate him properly, but only after he is elected. They will cause enough suspicion to keep readers interested in his nefarious deeds, but not enough to demand impeachment. After all, they still need 4 to 8 years of increased revenue.

    Unless a war starts. That would help them out also, and they made sure they helped put the right man in office to assist with that.

    • House0fTheBlueLights

      I like it.

    • data_ninja

      Also too: Saying that the internet is FULL of fake news, but that the printed edition will never tell a lie, certainly helps.

  • Spurning Beer

    Sometime soon after January 20, the WSJ will roll out their rebranding and renaming as the Border-Wall Street Journal.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    Ya know, press? You can stop taking about Hillary now. Election is over. Trump won.

  • Michael R

    ” We’ll be right back after a word from our sponsor …”

  • Trexit Trexit

    Shamelessness has a new face in trump.

  • Mr. Blobfish

    So, when Trump sez he knows more about hacking than anyone, is he lying or is it just a false claim?

    • Mary Sandoras

      A delusion?

    • Vecchiojohn

      If Trump makes a false claim in the forest and there’s no one there to call him a liar . . .

      • Celtic_Gnome

        It’s still a lie.


    There are good reasons to be cautious about throwing the word “lie” about: the biggest being just because it’s untrue doesn’t equal malicious intent. A person can be misinformed. But…

    OMG!!! R U SERIOUS WSJ? When someone is cavalierly spewing garbage almost 24/7 with no regard for truthfulness or facts or how it could impact people that is JUST AS BAD as a deliberate lie for malice or profit.

    At the very least WSJ should be able to work itself up to a “Trump has bee less than truthful” followed by, I don’t know, documented facts refuting his “inaccuracies”.

    You know, journalism.

    • Msgr_MΩment

      I didn’t mean to kill those innocent bystanders, but you know, when one sprays machine gun bullets in a crowded theater, sometimes they HIT people.

      • C4TWOMAN


    • cmd resistor

      I think somewhere in that interview he said they would also include stuff that might contradict what Trump said and let the reader decide. Maybe that would be ok, if they led off the contradiction with the phrase “what Mr. Trump said is factually false as evidenced by the following: Fact, fact fact.” This would cover them for lies intended to mislead and stupid because he is stupid and misinformed, as well as “just pulled this shit out of my butt so I am saying it.”

  • Fartknocker

    In summary, the WSJ editors will spend the next 4-8 years learning how to polish the turds of Trump. Got it. Thanks.

  • IOnlyLikeCats

    Didn’t they say Clinton broke a rule that didn’t exist (and when it came to existence she complied)?

    • SayItWithWookies

      Democrats break nonexistent rules all the time — like trying to appoint a Supreme Court justice within a year of the end of one’s term, or letting a non-mosque be built within a quarter mile of the WTC site. Their flagrant violation of these basic nonexistent tenets of our democracy is what makes them so dangerous.

  • BoatOfVelociraptors

    I wonder if he “both-sides” the Jewish Blood Libel?

    • Msgr_MΩment

      But the Jews lie about Jesus being the Messiah!!

      • Rouge Skwerl!

        Wait, I thought Trump was the Christian Messiah?

        • therblig

          nope, just the Goddamn Mess.

      • He’s not the Messiah! He’s a very naughty boy!

    • C4TWOMAN

      I knew an alt-right group that fronted as antiwar activists. When recruited members(who had no idea it was a con) would question some of the anti-semite propaganda sources, the people running the group would try to deflect concerns by claiming the REAL racists were those blaming Muslims and Arabs for the 9/11 attacks. It got pretty ridiculous when the anti racist members demanded no association with what we now call the alt-right and the scammers responded labelling them as racists blood libelling Arabs. Eventually the anti racists bailed and the group started whining about how they were being “suppressed”…

      So the alt-right does TRY to do this on occasion.

  • Suttree

    So, my mother’s boyfriend tries to gaslight me, with stupid both sides do it, so Trump is betterer.He always brings shit up in the car about 5 minutes from home, so that I don’t have the time to take his shit apart word by word. He is winning this war on facts.

    • IOnlyLikeCats

      Talk over him. Stop somewhere not home and keep the doors locked so he has to listen to you. Start playing a recording of a super liberal podcast with the proper sourcing in the car an make him listen.

      • Suttree

        I know how to do it. I just find the fact that he enjoys gas lighting abhorrent. BTW, while he was talking about how great Turnip will be, he told me that he was a registered dem. He isn’t even shy about lying.

  • Obviously, our next President (OMFG America OMFG what have you done?) has grabbed ’em.

  • The Wanderer

    This almost makes me want to subscribe to the WSJ, just so I can cancel it.

  • Swampay

    I propose that we unify in the Trump Salute. Letter L on the forehead used to mean “Loser”. I propose holding your right fist aloft, with index finger and thumb making a letter L for Liar.

    • The Wanderer

      Too complicated. I just give them the Bellamy Salute.

      • Toomush_Inferesistance

        How does this thing work? I can’t stop it…..

  • Rouge Skwerl!

    When I think of the taco trucks we could have had on every corner, I cry. WE WERE THAT CLOSE TO LIVING THE DREAM! and they took it away.

    • Jeffocaster in the East

      I was hoping that would encourage a fleet of halal trucks to serve lamb and goat……shit……… :-(

      • The Wanderer


      • Rouge Skwerl!

        Mmmm kabobs.

      • Kiri the Resistant Unicorn

        We all falafel about that.

        • Jeffocaster in the East

          Or farfel………

      • Toomush_Inferesistance

        We do have a Greek fast-food place in Petoskey, lots of lamb and goat….I just love it….

  • Villago Delenda Est

    The things that should happen to this asshole, if described, would violate the Commenting Rules for Radicals.

    So let’s talk about kittens!

    • Suttree
    • Vecchiojohn

      Here’s a kitten for you.

    • marxalot

      Can I talk about how my dog’s snoring is adorable, shut up, yes it is?

      • Suttree

        Only if you let me talk about Lizzie’s snoring. It bothered me at first, but I know find it endearing and comforting.

        • janecita

          Dude, Lizzie is going to kick your ass!

          • Suttree

            Maybe? She knows that she snores, and asks me about it. So I think that I’m in the clear. She has sleep apnea, that has been getting better since I started sleeping over. hehe, it’s not because she has been seeing a doctor about it, it’s because I have terrible sleep patterns and constantly poke at her during the night. :)

          • Celtic_Gnome

            This poking you reference, tell me more.

          • Suttree

            Sometimes when a man drinks too much while watching MST3K, he wanders into the bedroom of his sleeping girlfriend………..

      • Vecchiojohn

        My kitty snores more adorably than your dog.

        • marxalot

          That’s possible, but bear in mind, I haven’t been able to live with my dog since May. Everything she does is super adorable right now.

          • Vecchiojohn


      • CatCafe de la Resistance

        Does she wiggle her pawsies a little bit when she snores so adorably?

    • Mary Sandoras
      • CatCafe de la Resistance

        THOSE PINK PAWSIES! The little tongue! I haf forget ALL the heinous propagandists!

    • Doug Langley
      • Suttree

        gah! Snuggle kitty!

  • SayItWithWookies

    Sorry, the Russian hacking issue will have to wait — there’s a real threat to deal with right now — Rosie O’Donnell just tweeted that Trump is mentally ill. Everybody to the war room!

    • FauxAntocles

      Ah, c’mon, I’ve been saying that for weeks! #PrecedentDementia

      • janecita

        And he doesn’t even have a Nancy to help him fake it!

    • Apple Scruff

      She needs to just keep at this for the next 4 years. She might just save us all.

    • C4TWOMAN

      Rosie is very YMMV. For instance, she’s been completely duped by the 911 truther movement.

      Also too, while I despise the ablism wars that devolved into arguing whether “crazy” is a slur or just colloquial English that has nothing to do with insulting actual mentally ill people, in this case I think Rosie is not helping. After the last stunt with the kid, she should kool it and let more media savvy celebs roast Trump..

      • SayItWithWookies

        At this point, the merits of the tweeter don’t particularly enter into it — Trump’s not going to be able to resist responding. I certainly don’t endorse her stances on stuff, but she’ll do for this particular purpose.

  • Toomush_Inferesistance

    Morally questionably intended falsehood!
    Pants on fire!

    What’s wrong with my rhythm here? It just doesn’t scan the way I think it should….

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      Morally questionably intended falsehood-propagator! Morally questionably intended falsehood propagator!
      Garments clothing the lower extremities demonstrably flammable!
      There, better rhythm.

  • Look, it’s not our job to tell you what’s true. It’s our job to tell you what both sides say is true and let you figure it out.

    Because that’s worked out pretty FUCKING WELL FOR THE UNITED STATES SO FAR HASN’T IT? HASN’T IT?

    God damn motherfuckers…

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      “It’s our job to persuade you that the machinators and manipulators are telling the truth when they’re lying”…. FIFY

  • Anna Elizabeth

    OT – time to face the world.

    Or, to continue our BSG metaphors froms earlier: A Smile, a lip-piercing, and booty shorts are to R voters, Evangelicals, and haters as Commander Adama’s flashlight are to a Cylon’s head.

    • Suttree

      I did not understand any of that, but I would totally go out to the bar with you, and have fun!

      • Where we live, wearing booty shorts would get you a spectacular case of very uncomfortable frostbite

        • Suttree

          My weekend wardrobe when I visit Lizzie, consists of what I wear to get there, and flannel jammies and a sweater for my comfyness. I tend to ask her “what happened to my jammies?” a lot

          • An Outhouse for the Resistance

            Does it work?

          • Suttree

            I steal all of the blankets, after my clothes have been stolen. :)

        • Anna Elizabeth

          I got a few jealous looks today, but it’s almost 40F, and I have my moto jacket. :)

      • Anna Elizabeth

        I’ll have a Pina Colada! :D And, BSG is the re-made Battlestar Galactica, and Commander Adama used to negotiate with the human-model Cylons by beating them with military flashlights. XD

    • janecita

      Happy New Year Anna!!!

      • Anna Elizabeth

        Happy New Year! :)

    • Gregory Brown


    • lroom

      Happy New Year Anna! I’m glad to see your back. I’ve asked after you a few times.

      • Anna Elizabeth

        Happy New Year to you, and thank you, sincerely. :)

        I had a tough month, and I had to focus to get through it, but Anna is Back-to-Battery now. :)

  • janecita

    I guess that Americans decided that it was time to live up to their stereotype again. Just change the guy, and keep the caption.

    • The Wanderer

      Never underestimate stupidity.

  • Mavenmaven

    Imagine that, a journal meant for the wall street people lacks a basic moral center.

    • All the up votes for this.

  • fawkedifiknow

    Not to nitpick, but Trump’s claim that he believes Barrack Obama was not born in the U.S. isn’t necessarily a “lie.” He might just be so stupid – no, he is so stupid that he actually believes it.

    • The Wanderer

      I refer you to Dr. Harry Frankfurt’s essay On Bullshit, which argues that there’s a difference between lies and bullshit.

      While a good proportion of what Trump is spewing from his borscht-caked piehole is lies, a greater percentage is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

    • Alan

      He doesn’t believe it. He just knows there are plenty of really stupid people who do.

      • puredog

        He has a reckless disregard for whether the statement is true or not. Ironically, if that public figure Barry O wanted to sue him for making the statement, this is the standard that he would have to meet.

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      I think it was a deliberate lie. Trump basically has the mentality of a nasty 8 year old bully. It’s just the kind of thing a nasty 8 year old bully would do–make up something cruel about a classmate. He also knew he was lying about Hillary–he said as much. Again, think mean, spoiled, nasty 8 year old and it explains all his actions.

  • Michael R

    This is more important than anything Trump has ever said or will ever say :

    • janecita

      One of the last decent Republicans.

      • Skadi

        And he ended up leaving the party when he saw what it was in the process of becoming.

  • Jeffocaster in the East

    The Wall Street “Journal” has no more integrity since it is owned by Rupert Shitferbrains Murdoch. This semantics crap is no surprise. Nazis used it, too.

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      Right? As though there’s actual, considered thought behind their actions, as opposed to being a propaganda arm. It’s wickedness.

  • OK, things are looking mighty bleak, but now we got this:

    • Suttree

      Needs moar Woodstock!

    • Anna Elizabeth
      • Hi Anna! I was asking about you so it’s good to see you. BTW my name is just like yours only backwards. : ) Also, too, Snoopy is my favorite beagle right after Otis the penguin. Yep, I’m easily amused.

        • Anna Elizabeth

          Well hello there, Backwards Anna. XD Good to see you, too.

          I love Snoopy, I even have a Snoopy Flying Ace Toothbrush! XD

          • I have Snoopy slippers! I meant Opus the penguin but I mean well lol.

          • Anna Elizabeth

            I figured. I love Opus as well. My little brother slept with a stuffed Opus for years. I’m not saying that to make fun of him, because I still have my stuffed Snoopy hugging Woodstock.

  • Resistance Fighter Callyson

    I think if you start ascribing a moral intent, as it were, to someone, by saying that they’ve lied, I think you run the risk that you look like … you’re not being objective.

    For one thing, we are way beyond talking about a politician who stretches the truth to serve political purposes or to cover up an affair or the like. We are talking about a person who repeatedly and habitually lies, doubles down when called on it, and then pretends not to have said what he is on tape as having said. Refusing to call that behavior lying is pretty fucking far from being objective.

    Yeah, there are plenty of other reputable sources for financial and business news. Fuck the WSJ with a chainsaw of lost subscribers and advertising revenue FFS.

    • Suttree

      That’s the problem. It isn’t his lies that are so fucking awful, it’s the fact that it’s repeated around the world, over and over again, before these purportedly trust able new sites add an addendum on page 34.

      • Alan

        The bigger problem is the people who are so fucking stupid that they actually believe what he says.

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      Also, as someone said above, he is also, when not lying, delusional and childish, and not to cover THAT is beyond shocking, it is participatory.

  • The Librarian

    No tip of the hat to the WSJ in keeping Mr. Trump’s shit talk flowing. I don’t have a personal account to cancel, and it pisses me off that I can’t cancel the WSJ at work. :P

  • pgjack

    Accusing someone of lying should make media editors and reporters uncomfortable. It should make anyone uncomfortable. But Trump, his supporters and many media outlets had no problem calling Hillary a liar every minute of every day and those claims were shown to be false in almost all cases. That doesn’t mean we should assume Trump is always lying although he certainly seems to stray from the truth a lot and to believe that he doesn’t intend to manipulate his listeners on most occasions would be foolish. I sympathize with any editors discomfort with calling Trump a liar but the fact is he lies with intent all the time. Do you really believe he thought Obama was not a US citizen? I hope news outlets will step up and tell the truth about Trump’s frequent and intentional lying. And since his daughter is apparently going to play a public role I hope they verify the truth of her statements as well.

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      Also too Trump and his supporters are COUNTING on that it makes the media “uncomfortable” to call him a liar. They are deliberately, with Putin’s help, taking advantage of the basic decency of most people, and the fearfulness and pandering of the media.

  • Scrofula

    “[The word] ‘lie’ . . . implies a deliberate attempt to mislead.” Sure, fine, OK. But, there is a condition that describes inhabiting a reality convincing only to oneself: delusion.
    It’s a symptom of dementia seen in more than a few unhealthy septuagenarians, particularly those who have cardiovascular problems, the kind associated with eating over-done eponymous meat and overpriced taco bowls.

    So, WSJ editorial guidelines could say “In another example of Mr. Trump’s further decline, he demonstrates a belief that computers are powered by tiny flashing lights zigzagging through circuit boards: “I’ve seen them. Little lights. Bigly little lights. We have the best lights.” Mrs. Conway then gently led him away from the podium.

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      So, of course, by their own definition, the WSJ is “lying.”

    • Tiny kaiju

      Just waiting until he starts accusing everyone in the White House of burning toast in the Oval Office. Woodrow Wilson redux.

  • Shut Up, Leonard

    “Bullshitter” works for me.

  • Alan

    So you can’t report that someone is a liar. Got it.

  • nightmoth

    “Uncharted waters?” I’d say Goebbels and his Nazi scum charted these waters pretty accurately 80 years ago.

    • CatCafe de la Resistance

      I know, I was saying they should just call it “Das Reich” and get it over with.

  • CindyinEncinitas

    I cleaned his mouse for him. That should help his truthiness real good.

  • Bub the Hoohah! loving Zombie

    Donnie has a “tell,” Mr. Baker. When his lips are moving, he’s lying.

    There. Did your job for you. Journamalism is easy!

  • Iam Reading

    I’m not saying that every decision maker at the WSJ should be dropped in an active volcano. Nope, not saying that. Typing, with votes.

  • Snobo

    Bob Garfield of NPR’s On the Media was on a TV thing and he balls out said ‘Turmp is SUCH a liar!” way beyond the level of how every other politician generally lies sometimes. Which is true. I like truth in my political analysis. More of that please.

  • Tiny kaiju

    How does the WSJ feel about saying Trump is confabulating? It’s more polite than calling him a bullshit artist or an ignoramus who makes shit up.

  • We cannot depend on the media, the talking heads and even the FBI is corrupt. We are truly screwed. His rabid cult will never believe anything negative about Dear Leader no matter how unAmerican or outrageous. I am so angry I can’t even. No one should watch Celebrity Apprentice but we need to boycott and write letters to the advertisers so it sinks.

    • William_C_Diaz

      Now that you realize how screwed we are, thank a Bernie supporter for causing Der Trumpenfuhrer to be elected through Sen Sanders’ lies and hypocrisy.

      Have a great day!

      • I realized it on Election Day. Confidence was high for Hillary. I don’t think anyone thought trump could actually win. I was a Bernie supporter until the convention and then made the change to Clinton supporter. I take it you mean the BoBs and I agree with you there. I just didn’t believe that there were that many idiots that would vote for that creep. I was wrong and I’ve been angry and unable to sleep since 11/9.

        Have a great evening!

  • Bitter Scribe

    The WSJ editor is judging Trump by the George Constanza standard: It’s not a lie if Trump believes it.

  • Last Hussar

    So the press aren’t going to call his lies lies… At least that portion read by True American Patriots of American Patriotness.

    So all he has to say is he built the wall, and it will exist, whether it is there or not. Have you just elected a mentalist?

    • William_C_Diaz

      No, the US elected a ‘mental defective’.

      Have a great day!

  • shaar dula

    @Baker on cooking up excuses. disgusting.

  • Mehmeisterjr

    It’s a<strikethrough< sad day when the Editor-in-Chief of the Wall Street Journal comes out in favor of bald-faced lying.

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