
Donald Trump Ties Turkey Nightclub Attack to Need to Build Border Wall


screen_shot_2017-01-02_at_11-52-38_amDuring impromptu remarks at his Mar-a-Lago New Year’s Eve party, president-elect Donald Trump suggested that the then-breaking news about a terror attack in a Turkish nightclub was evidence of the need to “build a wall” on the U.S. border with Mexico.

“We’re going to have strong borders, so that when people come into the country, they’re going to come into the country legally, which is the way we want,” Trump said in video obtained by The Palm Beach Daily News. “We will build a wall, you know that. We will build it.”

Trump then seemingly tied the two issues together. “Speaking of walls,” he said, “in Turkey tonight, I don’t know, has anybody heard? Big disaster took place in Turkey tonight, many, many people killed… it’s a horror show. So we’re going to get things running properly.”

Watch above, via The Palm Beach Daily News.

[Image via screengrab]

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