‘You Can’t Courier Information by Doves to Europe or Asia’: Congresswoman Slams Trump’s Courier Plan
During an appearance on MSNBC earlier today, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) hit back at President-elect Donald Trump’s suggestion that sensitive information only be delivered via courier as opposed to electronically.
Speaking to host Chris Jansing, Speier first noted that she was concerned about Trump’s disconnect with Democrats and many Republicans when it comes to intelligence information stating Russia was involved with hacking the election.
“My big fear right now is that he doesn’t appreciate that Russia is a threat to this country,” the Democratic rep stated. “That it is not just this fuzzy, warm relationship between he and Putin, that Putin is a polar bear. He will eat him up, because he’s a KGB operative.”
After stating that she hoped Trump would change his tune once he received more information, Speier went on to discuss Trump’s plan to use courier’s to deliver message because computers are unsafe.
“He is no longer going to be in Trump Tower where he can hire a courier to run across town,” the Congresswoman commented. “This is a large country with diplomatic embassies all over the world. You can’t courier information by doves to Europe or Asia.”
Jansing chimed in and joked that she thought Speier gave those in the studio “a vision of carrier pigeons.”
Watch the interview above, via MSNBC.
[image via screengrab]
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