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submitted by confusedone1234
Hello, since this sub is what sparked my interest in the subject I figured it would be the right place to turn for help.
About me, married late 30s suburban dad. My wife is wonderful but generally vanilla in bed.
After years of me bringing up fantasies she finally decided to indulge me.
Essentially I instigated a fantasy of having sex with a close male friend. He is a close friend, also married with kids.
Initially things were great. We both were enjoying the fantasy, and it was hot.
Until things started to get weird. She basically was trying to initiate an emotional relationship with him.
He is a stay at home dad, and often home and free.
She was stopping by during bike rides, texting and constantly trying to establish some sort of relationship/dialogue.
I felt this was odd, as it wasn't planned between us and then carried out. Many times it never even made it to fantasy land.
The last few things that really got to me were:
She told me she was going to start walking with him. Again it wasn't a plan amongst us that would fuel the fire, it was more like I am doing whatever I want here.
Lastly he tried to invite her out to a pumpkin patch with our kids.
When she checked with me on this, I was pretty much turned off at this point and said I would rather you not go.
So what happens next is confusing. She declined him via text, while he begged her to attend.
Later she deleted things so I couldn't read it. After having a few drinks that same night she sent a text saying "I am in". So basically she was negating my feelings, and I was pissed.
There are more twists and turns here. Hard to put all this on paper.
Just wondering if you guys think I am being overly sensitive?
We didn't have ground rules. But how does being sneaky and trying to be emotional with someone else equate to satisfying your spouse?
all 17 comments
[–]Dingleberry112112 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
You should always have rules..... That's a big thing. It also seems like she doesn't understand that this is for both of yall and not just her. In my opinion it's wrong for her to go behind your back basically and if she's hiding messages that's also a bad sign.
[–]confusedone1234[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
I know, totally should have set rules on this. No idea it would escalate this fast. Yes, feel like she went behind my back. Feel like I can never trust her again. Sucks
[–]Dingleberry112112 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Ya, that's gonna be tough to get over. Sorry to hear bud.
[–]confusedone1234[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Thanks man
[–]grounded3 0 points1 point2 points  (7 children)
Hey man, sorry to read that you are going through this; ground rules are definitely key. To confirm, she did hook up with him? or have you both just fantasize about it?
If he participated, does his wife know? Since he is a close friend, did you set any expectations with him?
[–]confusedone1234[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (6 children)
Didn't hook up as far as I know at least. I asked him if he would be interested in sleeping with her, and he declined.
So all of this was fantasy.
I haven't spoken to him since all of this happened. Strange that he all of a sudden stopped trying to text my wife.
I asked her if she said something to him to end all of this. She says no.
Idk seems to me there is more to the story here.
Had to beg to get to this point and now it's lost. Hope someone learns from my mistakes.
[–]safmy 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
I wouldn't say it's lost more than it was bound to happen, whether you had this kink or not. Given the opportunity (and believe me the opportunities aplenty for women) and the right circumstances, she would have failed you. Now it's for you to understand yourself and what you want out of this likely differing wants from the marriage.
[–]confusedone1234[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (4 children)
That is exactly what I am thinking about now. If she could do this, and not feel like she did anything wrong, what else is she capable of doing. The trust is out the window, so is the kink.
[–]safmy 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
I've been almost exactly where you are but in reverse. Got cheated on first, tried to fix things then eventually tried the fantasy that was always there for years. But nothing changed. The "unwritten rules" were never obeyed. It was more of her emotional relief than the pursuit of pure sexual desire. I understood from her perspective that she needed to connect before being able to have sex but it was everything behind that. I once asked her to stay instead of going, and she went anyway. That caused a massive fight.
At the end of the day, she is interested in number 1, her. The sooner you realise that, the sooner you invest deeper into over-analysing and emotional pain. She either respects you or she doesn't. If it's the latter your efforts while within the marriage are invisible, seen as controlling or other factors that are really her issues that needs dealing with.
You can only deal with yourself and that is a lot of time thinking about the balance of everything, and once you come to a conclusion, just accepting it and move forward with your decision.
[–]confusedone1234[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Wow, thank you for sharing that and sorry to hear of your struggle.
There is a lot of truth in what you said. I'm not sure if she respects me or even likes me at this point.
I mean it seems to me she just wanted to get the emotional relief just as you described.
She appeared to love that she could be appreciated by someone, especially since he didn't know all of her baggage and bullshit.
This was not about sexual pursuit which really puts my head in a bad place,
Really do appreciate your comments, they resonate here.
Of course I am far from perfect in our marriage, don't want to portray I don't have anything to do with her needing emotional relief.
[–]safmy 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I know what you mean about the fault. The only element you can control in this relationship is yourself. I can't stress that enough. All you can do is fix your flaws and then re-assess the situation. I can almost guarantee if you fix those potholes, the road will still not be wide enough for her.
It will take her a while to realise your worth, and most likely it will be at the end of the final brush stroke. Just how some women are built I'm afraid.
[–]safmy 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
sooner you don't invest deeper*
[–]kinkmfmkink 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
You may be overreacting. I was guilty of doing that early on when we first started. Establish some ground rules. BTW not a good idea to cajole a married guy into fucking your wife.
[–]confusedone1234[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I certainly could be. Nice to hear that I'm not the only one.
Yep on the married guy thing. Which was a concern from the beginning. The only reason we fantasized about him was because she said she couldn't get into this thought process with a stranger.
It really wasn't supposed to go past the fantasy stage after he declined. I think that's why I am so upset.
[–]Hgrub2232 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
No. You are not being overly sensitive tell her they are done or you are done - with her. I love reading about the HW lifestyle and from what i know about my Wife I'd never do it, she would become emotionally involved. So it is, and will remain in the Fantasy stage for us. Another point, i never understood the 'fucking my friend' shit. IF I was to indulge in this (I wont but thought about it a lot!!!) I'd probably find a 'dildo with legs' on SLS and basically let her fuck him with hardly any talking. I'd also only do MFM with me there.
[–]confusedone1234[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I did, trust me on that one. She has cut off all ties and tells me if he sends any text at all.
Now I'm sitting here wondering if I can stay with her. Crazy thought over something so small. But it's compounding.
I should probably listen to the other comment about letting go and letting her own her problems or whatever.
Idk, sucks because we have kids and they can tell there is something wrong.
[–]O01lo80Verified 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Yes, it seems to me that you're overreacting/being overly sensitive. Maybe try talking to her about the issues that are bothering you and see if you can come to a compromise or a way to move forward where you feel a bit more secure. The thing is you have to be honest with her and you should at least entertain the idea of believing what she tells you.
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