I see a lot of people staying in their anger phase after waking up to the objective reality we live in.
You have to understand that a lot of MGTOW places are healing sanctuaries for men to come free themselves of the slave-programming. The anger, passion and strong negative emotions are a natural process of purging the lies they've grown in.
As all things, anything in excess has the other effect.
Especially as MGTOW is an antidote or medicine, once it is ingested it's time to move on.
Female nature is the same and will always be the same, hypergamy too. You know how to survive in this broken system, so go make the best of it. (business, career, passione etc.)
Unfortunately MGTOW will seldom be a positive place due to its original role of being a place of healing (I personally recommend /r/meditation and /r/stoicism) after this.
If you do excessive healing, then you'll become used to being a victim and we know that we are better thanthat. Why? Cause we're men. An island that self sustains through the storms and good times.
All the best.
PS: I check in once a week/month etc. but avoid the daily once you've internalized the knowledge.