.@realDonaldTrump Sweetie, this is the perfect example of something you save for your Presidenting meetings, not glib little tweets.
@realDonaldTrump And just sing: When North Korea threatens us with nuclear war, have a national security briefing even if it's a bore! -
@bessbell you write these jingles in advance knowing eventually he'll trip on everything or are you spontaneously able to bring rhyme time -
@SteveOzanCFE It takes me 20 seconds to write my nephew rhymes to get him to eat his yogurt. This is the same. -
@bessbell it's weird people seem to think we spend all of our lives on this. Like it takes more than 15 seconds to tweet. -
@justinhendrix HAHA reading this nonsense & sipping cocoa frm LIBERAL TEARS mug > https://goo.gl/L2ZALm Trump WON THRICE! Keep libspic.twitter.com/arDciNcltN -
@PriscillaRDave HAHA ordered as a late Christmas & new year gifts for the fam! Thanks for sharing the link! https://goo.gl/rnMvSQ pic.twitter.com/PbH7DpGKhZ -
@TimRAnderson That's EXACTLY what I did!! I also have the previous version! >> https://goo.gl/WE8foM#MAGA pic.twitter.com/mLRDUuq6a4 - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump Was this over dinner with Kim Jong-un? -
@tonyposnanski@realDonaldTrump here comes the hacky comedians trying to get famous off of Trump's twiiter!! -
@yoyao25@realDonaldTrump Here comes the paid trolls with depolable in their name and A Trump picture in their banner. -
@tonyposnanski@yoyao25@realDonaldTrump and the mug and shirt ads will follow -
@duckhunter9090@yoyao25@realDonaldTrump And people who have a receipt to prove they got it -
@TexansGurlCindy HAHA ordered as a late Christmas & new year gifts for the fam! Thanks for sharing the link! https://goo.gl/qvx80r pic.twitter.com/Ummnko2z4F - さらに表示
@realDonaldTrump your are hardly fit to deal with this kind of challenge. Unstable. -
@realDonaldTrump that's why most Americans don't trust you to handle a crisis. We know you are emotionally disturbed, anxious, unwell. -
@justinhendrix@realDonaldTrump but he's our president! !! -
@Garrettmorgan@realDonaldTrump it's bad news Garrett. A mentally unstable old man with fealty to Russian kleptocrats and mafia. -
@TexansGurlCindy HAHA ordered as a late Christmas & new year gifts for the fam! Thanks for sharing the link! https://goo.gl/qvx80r pic.twitter.com/DyaDgEzpOS - さらに表示