What would their ideal world look like in terms of trans people?
Every time you see a trans person post on GC about the topic, it's always the same few mixed BS reports.
Some say that trans people should just do nothing and "focus on hobbies instead," as if none of us do anything for fun. Others suggest dressing androgynously, which to me sounds like a consolation prize. Some say that cross-dressing is fine, but no hormones. Some GCers say that hormones are fine, as long as you don't call yourself as your preferred gender.
Some GCers tell us to instead conform to our assigned sex and see if that makes us more desirable. One said "The effort you would have put into becoming a passing trans male could just as easily be put into being a desirable male." Others encourage gender nonconformity, except for transition itself.
Some say that there is no difference between male and female brains, so anything you feel is an illusion. Others say that trans women have male brains and trans men have female brains, applying stereotypes of our assigned gender.
Some GCers say that womanhood is a biological construct. Others say that it's the sacred product of socialization that trans women will never understand.
If you're a feminine trans women or masculine trans man, they'll tell you that you're bound by stereotypes. If you're not particularly conforming, it means you were really a [assigned sex] all along.
GCers will put your name in scare quotes, even after you legally changed it.
Some GCers suggest therapy, without discussing how exactly the anti-trans therapy would work. Others try gaslighting their transgender family and friends.
GCers are almost indistinguishable from regular old conservatives! If they weren't accepting of lesbians and possibly gay men, they'd be no different.
GC is an absolute disorganized mess.
[–]attemptingtobeadult 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]PolishRobinHood 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)