
Putin Declares US Inauguration Day Russian National Holiday, Sources Say


(Image: YouTube)

MOSCOW — Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, in a bold, public display of support for US President-elect Donald Trump, will reportedly declare Friday, January 20, 2017 —America’s Inauguration Day— a Russian national holiday.

The unpresidented move sends an international signal of a growing alliance between the United States and the former Soviet Union, or at least between the Russian leader and the incoming president.

This new mutual admiration society builds on decades of unstable, cautious trust first established by former President Ronald Reagan in 1985.

During that year, Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev met in Geneva, Switzerland for an historic summit meeting, followed by a 1986 conference in Reykjavik, Iceland.

In the shadow of Barack Obama’s retaliation for what he claimed was Soviet interference in the US election, Donald Trump’s positive praise for Putin’s restrained response —detailed in a pinned tweet— set in motion this latest display of international intercourse.


Although the national holiday declaration is not yet officially confirmed, government sources say Putin is “strongly suggesting” that businesses and schools take the day off to witness Trump’s historic inauguration, and to celebrate the new administration along with the United States.

“Many businesses are ordering American style inauguration souvenirs,” said market trend watcher Althea Thoone. “School children are learning The Star Spangled Banner, and I’m told preschoolers are being taught popular American slogans phonetically. No one has witnessed anything like this!” Thoone said.

Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany are trending Russian baby names, as is Vladimir for American newborns, according to a new poll.

If any complaints exist about lost revenue resulting from the nationwide business closures, Russian citizens are keeping their grumblings private.

“I think it is a wonderful event,” said dashcam salesman Yakov Pokhis. “It will be a glorious thing when our two countries can become great again together! What a country!” he added.

Seen as a one-time, ceremonial holiday declaration, the official designation of a permanent, annual Jan. 20 celebration is not expected.


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