Courtesy of reader BK, a link to an economic analysis of woman-coddling divorce laws.
CH, thought you would like this article – economist looks at how no consent divorces have changed savings rates and women’s leisure time – the result is that men are saving more to protect themselves and women are taking a lot more leisure time.
Quotes from the research paper:
By regulating when divorce can occur and how resources are divided when it does, divorce laws can affect people’s behavior and their wellbeing both during marriage and at divorce. Household survey data from the United States shows that the introduction of unilateral divorce in states that imposed an equal division of property is associated with higher household savings and lower female employment rates among couples that are already married.
This sounds like a legal backdoor to re-institute “barefoot and pregnant” as a family norm.
During the 1970s and 1980s, divorce laws were rewritten around the United States. Until then, mutual consent—the consent of both spouses—was often a requirement and upon divorce, property was assigned to the spouse who held the formal title to it; usually, this was the husband.
Then, profound state-level reforms brought about the so-called “unilateral divorce revolution.” Most couples now entered a legal system in which either spouse could obtain a divorce without the consent of the other and also keep a fraction of the marital assets, often close to fifty percent.
Here come the negative externalities! (which feminists always miss)
This study explores the impact of the reforms—unilateral divorce and equitable property division—on the economic behavior of couples. In the US, these reforms affect no small number of people, as forty percent of married couples and about one-third of all people over their lifetimes are divorced. So how did the unilateral divorce revolution change the consumption, the labor supply decisions, and ultimately the wellbeing of married and divorced couples?
There are at least two ways in which we might expect the reforms to affect household behavior. First, because divorce is one of those events for which people cannot buy insurance, savings can act as self-insurance, allowing people to face some of the financial costs associated with marriage dissolution. Different ways of dividing property can affect the insurance role of savings. Second, even among couples that do not split up, a change in divorce laws can change a spouse’s options outside of the marriage. For instance, a property division regime change that favors one spouse can improve her position inside the marriage, particularly if she can obtain divorce without the other partner’s consent. This reallocation within marriage could result in changes in private consumption, savings, and labor supply.
Muh incentives and disincentives.
From this “difference-in-differences” exercise, two main facts emerge on the impact of unilateral divorce in states with different property division regimes. First, in states with equal division, households reported higher net savings (around 16%). Second, in such states, women who were already married became less likely to work, by approximately 5 percentage points. By analyzing additional time use surveys between 1965 and 1993, I find that the decrease in the labor supply of women was associated with an increase in the amount of leisure time they enjoyed.
So how is this result explained by the behavior of spouses in marriages operating under no consent divorce laws?
With these features, the model provides a qualitative explanation for the observed empirical patterns. In states with equal division of property, the law favors women at the time of divorce. When the equal division of property grants them more resources in the event of divorce than they are receiving in the marriage, unilateral divorce means that they can use the threat of divorce in their favor while remaining married, thereby increasing their leisure.
How’s that oppressive patriarchy working out for you feminists? Heh.
At the same time, married couples save more because spouses’ individual incentives to save are distorted because they cannot choose how to allocate savings between man and woman in the increasingly likely event of a divorce. Because mandated equal division of property does not reflect the allocation of resources within marriage, it ultimately distorts household saving behavior.
Influenced by the specter of no consent divorce law, marriage has moved from a “build a nest egg” model to a “build an insurance against property loss” model.
So how do divorce laws, which were passed when men and women’s economic outcomes differed substantially, affect wellbeing today? Simulations from the model suggest that, as intended by the policymakers who promoted it, the equal division of property gave more assets to women in the sample compared with a title-based regime that would grant them about 40% of household wealth. Thus, for couples that married before the 1970s, the reforms likely achieved the goal of supporting women through divorce. However, their effect is more nuanced if we believe that today’s couples may have a different, more egalitarian, distribution of resources within marriage.
Here’s a thought: How about crafting equitable divorce law that isn’t deliberately intended to favor women? There must be a word for favoritism in the law…. oh yeah, injustice.
[…] Study: No Consent Divorces Favor Women […]
Suprisingly, whorefinder also favors no consent.
make it your own rape!
> “an increase in the amount of leisure time they enjoyed” ——— Setting aside all the Cluster B insanity, it is just about impossible to overemphasize just how LAZY the modern woman has become. Men have at least a limited ability to deal with modernity [assuming that they don’t become Beta/Gamma scalzified victims of the War Against Boyz], but modernity simply decimates the female soul.
This shiznat about “Muh Grandma got up at 4:30AM to milk the cows, then she chased the chickens and caught one and wrang its neck so that we could eat it for lunch, then she grabbed her broom and stood down a raccoon until the dogs could go after it, then she shined Grandpa’s shoes, and after all that, it was still only 5:59AM and she hadn’t even started her day yet, blah blah blah…” – this shiznat isn’t even a fantasy anymore.
In times of plenty, it seems as though many men [the ones who don’t disappear forever into e.g. World of Warcraft] can still be sufficiently self-motivated to build and create and achieve and accomplish stuff, but women – sheesh – women just check out and quit. Won’t babysit, won’t cook, won’t sew, won’t clean the house, won’t wash the dishes, won’t take out the trash, won’t garden, nothing. If any particular piece of work is NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL, then modern women will simply say “f*ck it” and head straight off to Nordstrom.
let’s be fair now, Cap. nawalt. lots of good girls out there who keep the house stocked with snacks AND try to stay in shape for their husbands
B!tch got motivated – she wasted all of her annual leave on a $ex tourism vacation to Kenya, but when she got there, even t*h*w*a*c*k refused to dip it in her phat @ss. Came back home determined to whip that body into shape…
In all seriousness, when phatties get on a treadmill, they’re looking at a massive risk of cardiac arrest. There’d better be some cardiac paddles & an intubation kit & a couple of vials of norepinephrine within arm’s reach…
“[M]odernity simply decimates the female soul.”
Seems like a good time to bust out another passage from Marjorie Morningstar:
“All girls, including you, are too goddamn emancipated nowadays. You get the idea from all the silly magazines and movies you’re bathed in from infancy, and then from all the talk in high school and college, that you’ve got to be somebody and do something. Bloody nonsense. A woman should be some man’s woman and do what women are born and built to do—sleep with some man, rear his kids, and keep him reasonably happy while he does his fragment of the world’s work. They’re not really happy doing anything else. I’m sorry if I sound like Harry Emerson Fosdick, but the truth is the truth, no matter how stupid it happens to sound. Anyway, nowadays even preachers don’t dare talk this way, it’s considered so corny. The Nazis are the only ones who’ve come right out with it. And THEIR saying it doesn’t make it wrong, either. Two and two make four, even if Hitler says so.”
– from a letter to the title character from her seducer, in which he dumps her, after which she goes chasing after him to Paris.
As an added bonus, you can say that last line and then tell your triggered audience that Herman Wouk wrote it and dare them to go look it up.
…his maternal grandfather, Mendel Leib Levine… took charge of his grandson’s J00ish education. Frustrated by the amount of time he was expected to study the Ta1mud, Wouk’s father told him that “if I were on my deathbed, and I had breath to say one more thing to you, I would say ‘Study the Ta1mud.'”… He would later say that his grandfather and the United States Navy were the two most important influences on his life… Wouk… served in the Pacific Theater during World W@r II, an experience he later characterized as educational: “I learned about machinery, I learned how men behaved under pressure, and I LEARNED ABOUT AMERICANS.”
“I LEARNED ABOUT AMERICANS.” ——— Friggin Eskimos. That’s how much they hate us. Born in the Bronx USA, and it still didn’t consider itself to be an “American”. Friggin genetic psychopaths. Also instructive that the Eskimos consider “machinery” to be beneath their dignity. Apparently the mechanicals get farmed out to the Shkotzim slaves.
If I had a dime for every fattie who tells me she runs marathons, but is out of breath after a couple of 2-steps…..I’d be racin’ Magnum in Hawaii in muh OWN Ferrari.
Btw, yes, everything Hitler said was indeed wrong, even if it’s 2+2=4.
Sez the Dogma.
Fuck WordPress.
Moderate my balls.
The Faggot Within is ahead of them in line.
Faggot within rape!
I rarely mention it, but you crack me the fuck up, rayciss.
WordPress is swallowing my comments. I’ve never heard of no consent divorce. How does it differ from no fault divorce?
It doesn’t. “No Consent” means you don’t have to get the other party’s consent to file (and perhaps be granted) a divorce. “No Fault” means you don’t have to prove the other party’s breach of the marital contract (e.g. adultery, abandonment, serious physical abuse, etc) which was formerly the one way around the consent requirement.
I.e. it’s two different ways to describe basically the same thing.
Thank you for the clarification. Although even if a person has the other spouse’s consent, a divorce is still an “adversary” proceeding (e.g., Kramer v. Kramer). Usually amicable divorces include a “consent decree,” concerning the division of property, child custody, etc. I’m a non-practicing lawyer and I guess I’m not current on the existing legal terminology.
Here’s hoping WordPress let’s this one through!
My comments were not showing up in other comments sections, too. I do not know if it is moderation so much as a fuck-up of the program. Maybe caused by internet traffic?
An algorithm not being clever most likely. It seems pretty random.
“They” are out to get you.
They always accept my dopey comments.
This is what has to be fixed before CO’s buns in ovens can happen.
Does the study look at TFRs [Total Fert!lity Rates] vis-a-vis changes in d!vorce law?
Fat Hawg.
Is that a C-section scar i see in that pic ? God bless her, make dem yt babies !
Probably not a scar from a section – 99% have been bikini cut (horizontal) for decades now.
(Plus very high on her belly)
I’m glad someone said it.
It’s all well and good for CO – probably from a bygone era where traditional monogamy was tenable – to bleat on about white buns in white ovens. In reality, we all want that.
The problem us younger guys have is very simple. What is the point in having kids with a woman who can and will remove them from you permanently on a whim?
Until the odds change, fewer worthy men will risk rolling the dice. This applies to marriage and procreation.
yep. not a c-section scar. it’s that dark line some women get when preggers. when they get that, their nipples usually get darker too.
hormone related and usually fades after she pops the kid out. i read somewhere that it’s more common in women who have a vitamin deficiency. folic acid i think.
The gist of my post was that f@g m@rriage is distraction from the true inequality faced by white heterosexual betas.
For supposedly creative people – f@gs sure picked a lost cause to fight for. Maybe they like the smell of the shit end of the stick. Dunno – Fug’m.
But to your point, f@g marriage is a distraction from the government taxing assets and inheritance. America was once filled with old money families – their now living in unheated mansions cooking hot dogs over a sterno cans – just to pay taxes on the property they inherited.
As a beta provider, I once openly bemoaned the fact that I couldn’t simply give my house to my children – folks here on the board suggested beneficiary trusts and all manner of legal vehicles – but the best solution was – when he turned legal age, I should marry my son.
It’s only inequality if the government doesn’t have an angle into your wallet.
there’s your alimony rape!
While divorce can remain “no consent” to the divorce itself, property distribution and child custody must be based on fault (also known as a breach of [marriage] contract) if we, as a society, are to protect families from internal n destruction by hypergamous women, who, in today’s legal climate, get 50% of everything, usually most of the custody, the lawyers get perhaps 30% of everything (because the courts often order the man to pay the woman’s attorney fees, in addition to his.) The result is the father is usually left with perhaps 20% of his life’s work, kids that are alienated against him by the mother, while she collects steep monthly child and spousal payments from the ex husband, which she will have the government imprison if he cannot/doesn’t pay. Never mind that pesky old 13 Amendment!
Am I the only one who sighs everytime they see some dude getting married? I sigh all the time because I know in a few years that dude’s gonna be on the street wondering wtf happened.
I have a question. For human beings there are 2 main things we need and want in life: sex and to be loved. Do you not agree? It seems like the girls that I don’t love….are down to love me….but the girls that I do want and love (and even fuck) don’t love me or don’t love me the way I want. I guess it seems like a big sick puzzle that doesn’t make sense…idk it could be something wrong with me. I just don’t understand why the last couple girls have been so hard to get the right “love” and admiration from
It’s okay. Someday, you will understand.
@CH Don’t take the bait!
No, the fucked up thing is I’m actually being kind of serious. It’s making me think that I might have obsessive compulsive disorder or anxiety problems lol. I’m too ‘in my head’. I’m bad at living in the moment and getting out of my head. But what I wrote above is one way to put how I feel (keep in mind I dont really have problems hooking up with girls really to be honest either)
OCD, anxiety disorders, etc all bullshit diagnosis. You feel sad because your life sucks. Improve your life.
Let’s say your post isn’t bait. Your posted answered itself.
Please. kind of serious ?
Queer fuck you are,admit it.
Not this… Will you are a needy validation seeker. Full stop. That’s it.
It’s been pointed out to you on multiple exact same styled posts as this one over a few years.
First is was the “high status” fraternity at the “near Ivy” college, the Junior girl you pined for, now med school… All of it validation seeking.
Seriously go back and look at your posts…
Learn to self validate. This is your problem and you need to fix it quick because it will steal your entire life if you dont.
And stop posting the same question over and over fishing for answers you want to hear.
Nut up now.
In a tangential way, I may have answered Will’s question in a recent post…
Will, I hope you realize how fucking lucky you are that Sentient took the time and has the insight you need. Now let`s see whether you are prepared to understand it.
`When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.`
It’s not them, it’s you. Seriously. Grow up. It’s broads. Present aggression and go git em!
No woman ever fell in love with a man who tried to make her fall in love with him. We fall in love with what a man is, as evinced by what he does, external to us.
If you set out to make a girl fall in love with you, odds are pretty good that you’re focusing on what you think she wants and presenting it to her. Except you’ve got no fucking idea what she wants, because men are eternally perplexed by what goes on in a woman’s brain.* You’re essentially cherry-picking the aspects of yourself you think she’ll like, projecting them into your assessment of what she wants, and expecting this woman to respond to it with romantic interest, based on data that is guaranteed to be almost 100% wrong. You’re assuming a whole lot of shit about who she is and what she wants, to the point where she’s become more fantasy than reality for you.
Love isn’t that formulaic, and women aren’t that straight-forward, and that’s an awful lot of assuming going on. We’re pragmatic, not logical. We want something that at least feels real, because fantasy ain’t gonna support the babies. Even the women who don’t want families are still driven by that need for male resource investment.
If you’re idealizing her (too much time spent imagining what she might want will lead to this), consider the possibility that you’re turning her into a caricature of herself, and this might be coming across. No woman wants to feel like she’s playing a specific role defined for her by a man.**
Look, I’m not saying this to be mean. But as a chick with functioning ovaries, I can tell you, the tone you’re using here is kind of… pitiful. Hell, I wrote out a long comment everyone here’s going to tell you to ignore, because I feel sorry for you. No woman falls in love with the guy she pities.
*We’re confused by ourselves quite often too. Hormones do some crazy things to the human brain.
**Except it’s in a kinky way. Or she’s got some other issues. You don’t want to get into a relationship with a Girl With Issues.
My buttox are smooth….
My buttox are round…
My buttox will soon make,
An incredible Sound!
When the gas is discharged, you will have to be in position. You will also have to pay the $5000 fee.
Then, it will be your privilege and honor to…
…..(wait for it, wait for it)…..
Detox my Buttox.
winner winner chicken dinner for BOTT. beta of the thread.
you post some good stuff here and there, but geezus woman, shut it. you arent helping Will the beta…but your ‘feelz’ are in the right place.
this little piece of thread has more depth than anything you’ll see on tv in the next 10 years or so.
> “But as a chick with functioning ovaries” ——— Which are, even now, rapidly transitioning from plums into shrivelled-up rotten old PRUNES. Friggin prune pits. Hurry the f&ck up and have yourself an OOPS! PREGN@NCY before it’s too late. In the blink of an eye, you are going to be barren.
Cynthia, your comments are much appreciated.
Game advice from a women? Sounds plausible for once.
@will, I think the first thing is that you are confusing “what human beings all want” with “what men want vs what women want” with “what each specific individual wants”. Second – I think you’re making the mistake of “my experience is a universal experience” that is – what you have experienced and feel are common for everyone, therefore, everyone should come to the same conclusion/understanding.
Every so often here on CH you will see floated the concept that “women can’t love a man in the way that a man loves a woman”, or even that “women cannot even understand the male point of view, being women”. You could also argue that men can’t love women in the way the women love men and that men can never understand the female point of view… [not necessarily logically true, but I’ll skip that].
I’ll illustrate this: my LTR tells me that she loves me, she feels so safe and comfortable with me [besides the sex, obviously]. Flip the sexes – do I love her because I feel so safe and comfortable with her? Obviously not! My love for her springs from my desire to keep and protect her. Thus, we see love as two complementary parts – the protective dominant love, and the submissive adoring (of the protector) love.
I would avoid mixing up the concept of sexual desire with love, though. Do you love your mother and your father (and say, your eventual children?) (and perhaps friends that you would do anything for at the drop of a hat?), outside of the sexual continuum.
Thus, a good partner is one with good sexual chemistry, but also one in which the proper protective+adoring roles are fulfilled.
I lived through my own beta oneitis, and it was nothing more than a year (or more) of horrible gnawing anxiety, although I felt that I was so deeply in love that I constantly thought of her – an obsession. I think that this was a mistake, and that I was putting myself into the “adoring” mindset, that is, taking the feminine perspective of love, instead of the masculine perspective, which is protective and possessive.
Now you say “don’t love me in the way that I want” – I’m not sure what you mean by love in this instance. If you mean “understand and sympathize with me and stop using their reptilian hamster brains trying to understand me from their feminine perspective” I think you will always be disappointed. It’s said on CH (and other places) that women are inherently solipsistic. Expecting someone like that to be able to consistently put themselves in someone else’s shoes is unrealistic. NAWALT aside.
If you want LOVE, get a dog.
Yes, I’m serious.
If you want sex + babies, you’ll need a woman (sadly), but looking for luh-oove in that corner is like looking for a live unicorn in a factory in Minsk.
Or Cleveland.
There are some really good responses to your post in this thread, well done folks sincerely. The medicine might be strong going down but it is the truth you need to hear. Re-review the 16 commandments of poon and really consider how much you are currently adhering to each commandment. I can tell you are way to needy, validation seeking, coming from a scarcity mindset and have a disney-fied conception of “luvv” instead of a real world understanding of sex/lust/biological needs. Keep working on yourself and good luck bro.
Just ask J. Geils.
You love her, but she loves him, and he loves somebody else, you just can’t win
I have wondered in the past why women frivorce when it is well documented that a woman’s economic outcome post divorce is usually worse.
But after reading this I can see that with kids or the woman being the lesser breadwinner, it is possible that the ex wife comes out ahead. Which explains why divorced women almost immediately shack up post divorce. And explains the disincentive to men for marriage.
In Europe a man is heavily punished in divorce. Which is why many men skirt the issue by never marrying. But much like taxes for entitlements, I wonder if the marriage penalty is just causing less marriages and therefore less redistribution.
“I have wondered in the past why women frivorce when it is well documented that a woman’s economic outcome post divorce is usually worse.”
yeah but you’re thinking like a man. for women, it’s not all about the money. it’s about wanting a man who gives her tingles. when she’s lost the tingles or if she never had them to begin with, no amount of money, security, familial obligation is going to keep her around forever. you can get women if you have money and nothing else. there are women who will settle for providers who don’t turn them on. but they will always be open and maybe even searching for a guy who they are attracted to. that’s in their nature.
women will shoot themselves in the foot and destroy their own lives for a man who pushes all the right buttons. gotta produce tingles and attraction if you want to keep em around. no exceptions to that rule.
If feminists are ok with divorce laws, I am against them. Pretty sure they aren’t designed to hold frivorce and gold-diggers in check.
Well, the only thing they could possibly further alter the landscape in favor of women against men is the threat-point of a call to the police for unproven (and unnecessary) evidence of domestic violence in favor of women. Domestic violence already figures with even the raising of a man’s voice or a demand that the slut NOT bang the new boyfriend in the bedroom next to the children. Financial issues are already tilted completely in favor of women. Eat, Pray and Love, baby! On the way out, she’ll throw your ass in jail.
If you really think about it, feminism hurts women and helps men.
Sex is easy to get, and no need to ever pay for a date. This WAS the power that women had, and they gave it away.
What do they get in return for that — a shitty cubicle life with a nagging boss, plus most are stuck raising kids alone. Instead of a nice, relaxing home and family.
When women start suggesting that I pay for things or be chivalrous, I just laugh and remind them that they are strong and independent equals now. Works every time.
On the other hand, it is a very real detriment to society as a whole. Sex may be easy to get but on condition that we act like feckless hedonists without respect for whoever we’re with. I understand your tone and I feel the same way sometimes but I feel it’s necessary to take the broader overview.
Family life, a stable one, is the best way forward but there are too many infantile adult females out there being encouraged to detonate their marriages for cash and prizes. Encouraged by feminists, divorce laws and the media.
It’s going to get worse before it gets better.
I know a few young women (early to mid 20s) where I work and they have this vague idea that they might have a kid when they’re about 30, perhaps, maybe… (I have literally slapped one woman in the forehead in public in my exasperation)
They don’t seem to realise that you should have kids when the odds are in your favour and go work in a cubicle/office when the kids are little more independent (11+, depending on the child). After all, you can have a dead-end job at any time but kids are difficult to bear in later life.
This mind-set is what feminism has done to women and this may be fine if you’re looking for a one-night stand but it’s poison to any man who wants a large family, a genetic legacy and is looking forward to playing with his respectful (and respectable) grandchildren.
Here endeth the lesson.
Marry this and you will eventually take any divorce you can get:
Best CH article for a long time now. I’m kinda sick of all the anti-mudsharking/white supremacy/political coverage ones. This is legitimate social science.
I have encountered married men with the goal of ZERO savings since their wife could flee with their money at any time. They wanted the newest pickups and guns yet could care less about living in a trailer or shack out in the woods.
Forget the law. The only way to protect yourself is to be choosy as hell about the woman you marry. Get a traditional one.
Create some tests to screen women. For example, tell her about (fictional) “friends” of yours with small children who are getting divorced. Describe an eat-pray-love frivorce situation. Probe her reaction. Does she sympathize with the whorish wife? Does she express concern for the kids? Recoil in horror at the idea of divorce?
Eliminate with prejudice from the potential wife pool any woman who shows sympathy to the eat-pray-love divorcee.
Dalrock has this golden post packed with practical wife-screening tests:
I used some of his tests when screening my now-wife.
yep. it’s lost on many here. but it isn’t all about tolerating every girl we encounter and making the best of it. we should be using our knowledge to make better choices about who we are willing to invest our time in. gotta screen out the bad eggs.
Meanwhile, more science.
Give a summary, most arent going to click a random link
“Women attracted to dark and brooding men because they want to find a mate”
Click the link you fag.
the link is safe. it’s related to the “dark triad”.
[…] Source: Heartiste […]
Out of curiosity, did CH have posts about Trump before last year?
Been reading on/off for eight years, can’t remember one.
VDare is about the only Shitlord site I know of that had a signficant prefiguring of the Trumpening – and I think only one. Probably Sailer – guy is purple pill not red, but anyway a true genius of our time.
Hey, give Brimelow some credit, at least for timing:
“It would take just one speech.” Published vdare 5/15, based on AmRen conference talk 4/15. What happened 6/15?
Then again, the Sailer Strategy has been around for what, 15 years? All it took was someone not donor-dependent.
Dalrock took this issue on a couple of years ago. As I recall, the statistics essentially said the divorce boom started with the institution of irreconcilable differences laws, rather than no consent divorces.
Trump, make marriage great again!
You are correct. And the stats reflect it. 78% of divorces are initiated by no-fault (I’m not haaaaapy), by women. Divorce in exchange for cash and prizes.
Ha – I can see my office in that pic … it’s glorious.
The Trumpenkreig is making the estsblishment cry. He has killed it with 1st place for the last 3 nomination votes and is heading into super Tuesday with the political Panzer division equivalent behind him.
There is no way he can lose without some serious conspiracy backroom deals at this point. By the legal process and the math behind the polling its a near lock. Even cuck and liberal news sources are publishing the material admitting to this.
Question now is, what is the J3w-cuckstablishment’s next move? It seems almost as if the Republican party would rather support Hillary than Trump.
Mr. Trump: stay the course and watch your back as we ride into March. No mercy for the cucks.
The day will be glorious when the ICE border agency is given a real budget, staff and their hands are untied. I cant wait to watch the busses deporting the bazillions of cholos and brown trash out of here.
I have a dream…that one day America will be like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Japan, China and Russia and be allowed to enforce their border laws and protect it’s citizens.
I’m thinking the cuck/shitlib playbook is coming down to this:
1. Hitherto undreamed of voter fraud in November, though I figure Trump has enough money to unmask that.
2. “Lone nut” makes a run at him and then – oops – dies in custody. You know they’re desperate/evil enough to try this if it gets bad enough.
3. False flag event in December that “necessitates” keeping Butt Naked in power “until the situation is brought under control”.
Far as I know, the American 2-party system is based on a similar one used by the 7 Nations, a confederation of Native American tribes of the Great Lakes region, ca. 1700’s, the theory being that having more than 2 parties tends to get confusing and often results in coalition governments, which get next to nothing done, see: Italy (or much of the rest of Europe).
However, there comes a time when party X may have outlived its’ usefulness, and judging by the pretty extreme disconnect that seems to exist between the GOP leadership and most of their voters, maybe President Trump should look into forming a new party out of the wreckage of Neoconnery, leaving the establishment golf course patricians to run back to their respective country clubs, tucking whatever tails they may or may not possess between their fat stubby legs along the way.
That means you, Bush & Christie & Casick & Dole & Romney & McCain & Powell & Rove & Cheney & Bush & Bush & Bush & …well, you get the picture.
Cruz can go and stand in a corner, being righteous and thumping his Bible.
wolfie65, that’s one of the great bullshit con jobs of our time, that we modeled anything after the Indians. The Founding Fathers were horrified at the very idea of political parties and democracy, which they equated with mob rule. The Federalist Papers are one argument after another as to why parties (or factions in their term) are destructive of free republics, and why the structures of the Constitution act to prevent the formation of parties. The argument of the Anti-Federalists was that the structures of the Constitution were insufficient to prevent the rise of parties, that without deliberately cultivating virtue in our populace, the republic would not survive. As originally written, the Constitution does everything possible to ensure that no part of government acts without other parts having their own counter to those actions (there is no “Supreme Court has the final say” nonsense, for example).
Still, parties formed out of broad coalitions by the early 19th c, and one by one almost all of the checks against democracy, that is, mob rule, have been stripped out of the Constitution. The Whig Party outlived its usefulness, collapsing in the 1850s, and while the Democrats argued for the slave states Lincoln spearheaded a new party, the Republicans. So new parties have emerged when old ones failed, and numerous analysts have been predicting the end of the Republicans for the last decade. I don’t think any of them saw the dagger coming from Trump, though.
new party: The Trumpenkriegs
Lost in Mod,
Very able summary of the history of parties in the Colonies.
I quite enjoy the gnashing of teeth over Trump’s success in Nevada yesterday by the cuckservative establishment:
The crying and gnashing of teeth by these cucks brings pure joy. Success breeds success. Strength begets strength.
My only problem now is that Trump is making it look too easy. Even a large chunk of Jeb!’s supporters are jumping in on the Trump bandwagon (they thought they’d mostly go to Rubio).
If anyone has Netflix Instant, they need to check out the film Divorce Corp. It’s must see TV for anyone in the Manosphere.
Agreed. That lawyer/judge revolving door thing made me sick, no joke. I didn’t know about the whole lawyers contributing to judge campaigns, rewarded later in court thing.
That is apparently the basis of the legal system in this nightmare.
You mean Faggotted.
Faggot within rape!
Shut up bitch. Back in the kitchen make me those sandwiches.
No one cares, strapon.
CNN talking heads imploding … Trump not only wins big in NV, he also wins the Latino vote in NV by a huge margin.
In my experience, nobody hates illegal aliens more than the Mexicans and Latinos who spent a great time of time and money to come here legally.
Some truth in that, Cynthia, but IMO what is also operating here is that Donald Trump is the kind of white person a lot of browns and blacks like. They like his brash approach, his bling, his self-confidence and direct manner. They don’t think he’s hiding something, they don’t find him sneaky and two-faced, which is what their complaint about a lot of white people.
Yeah, big night for the Donald in NV.
Yes, yes and yes.
Trump is new and refreshing. His rhetoric is smartly dialed to simple sound bytes and repeatable statements that trace back to his policies. And god damn America likes a winner. And Trump is a winner.
His nonverbal is solid. Leader / king of men solid.
The latinos and blacks that matter almost undoubtedly work for a Trump like character. A good white man who worked hard and runs a business. Or worked under a good white man.
Trump is reversing the flow of the marxist pumping operation that has been sucking the life out of good men and redistributing it to the weak and worthless.
“His rhetoric is smartly dialed to simple sound bytes”
That was the thing Ron Paul never seemed to get. And hell, being able to explain something complicated (e.g. Federal Reserve butthexing) in simple language adds to the impression you know what you’re talking about.
And their inferior genes make blacks and hispanics less emotionally drawn to noble egalitarian aspirations. High genes forget about genetic hygiene due to the advanced mind’s disconnection with the earthier part of the brain.
Get some in a brain scan and I’ll bet that there’s more that binds white Trump supporters and niggers than separates them. Immature, juvenile, unsophisticated, naive – all the things you could say about a Trump supported could be said about a nig nog.
Immature, juvenile, unsophisticated, naive… and also aggressive and emotionally reactive.
Right – and the smart Latinos here recognize that it is far better to remain a small minority living in a modern, functioning White country than to live in a North-of-the-border-Mexico.
And this is why we need to win back the arts, comedy and music etc from the clutches of liberals. We need to evolve through a counter-counter-culture before even thinking about putting a nationalist in power.
We need to inspire high gene whites over to nationalism because the amygdala/fear/Trump approach can(90% of the time)only win over the least among us.
Rather than “smart latinos” being concerned with keeping America white and prosperous I would say they’re much more motivated by not allowing someone else to have it any easier or any better than they do.
Nationalism isn’t their motivation, their motivation is self-interest and petty power self-interest at that. They have the way of the shithole mentality.
In other words envy is their motivation. What they dislike is the prospect of another latino getting more than they have for less work.
But envy is not nationalist at all. A true nationalist would not covet the land and people of another nation no matter the decrepit state of his own. His land is the *best* because it is home and there’s no place like it.
No, if anything Nationalism’s vices/virtues are jealousy and pride – the sense that you have something special and another wishes to take that from you, not the sense that someone else has something special and you yearn to possess that.
And this is why Trump’s marshaling of the envious multi-ethnic bottom of the gene pool in rebellion against the white ruling class is simply 21st century Bolshevism.
Every man and woman dissatisfied with his position and his place seems to be rallying around Trump’s social revolution dressed in nationalspeak. They accept the erroneous ways and pitfalls of liberalism but ignore the fact that the individual liberal is superior to the individual non-liberal. It deliberately ignores the meritable truth that liberals won because liberals(of the time)are/were superior. Trumpism is marxistic in its quest to debase/invert the order of society with no respect for the merits and talents of the individual.
In my experience, nobody hates illegal aliens more than the Mexicans and Latinos who spent a great time of time and money to come here legally.
Yes, all three of them.
Hey UKIP — don’t you have some Muslim gang-rapes or beheadings to clean up over there in your little island? Fuck off.
Yeah we need get them all in America. Remember nobody hates more immigrants than immigrants. So to stop immigration we actually need boost it. After all America is a land of immigration
” A true nationalist would not covet the land and people of another nation no matter the decrepit state of his own. ”
Wonder if anyone else caught this archetypally English – and no less naïve – remark.
Sander’s social revolution is less threatening than Trumps. Just look at the supporters.
Sander’s supporters are young white people who may or may not have ability because they’ve never had opportunity to test them. Trump’s supporters are older whites and co whom miraculously missed the gravy train during the gilded age. These people proved their incompetence and ineptitude time and time again by failing to get cushty during the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. How are they not well off given how easy it was to succeed back then? Trillions upon trillions worth of stimulated economy and foreign slaves running from Reagan to 2008 and they still have nothing to show for it.
Can it already, you limey shill… you’re not fooling anyone.
First it was the likes of the Strapons of this world saying Trump supporters were the less-educated poebelvolk…
Now you’re carrying Cathedral water saying it’s the envious, lazy, and downright stupid who missed the boat…
But each new day shows that Trump is resonating with all walks of life… including the college educated, White and men of good will of other races who respect strong leadership and common sense, and also those who were and are successful, and those who’ve gotten a raw deal over the dispossession of White Americans and America’s manufacturing base.
So shut your scone hole, Jeeves… and go check under your sofa cushions for at least a token payback of Lend Lease.
UKIP is a cuck.
At least Strapon is an honest liberal shill.
Fake opposition rape!
@ Smegma eliot
70% of Republicans with college degrees oppose Trump. In South Carolina, Rubio actually beat Trump among voters with a college degree, 27% to 25%. Almost 30% of all Republicans will not vote for Trump under any circumstance — this has been found consistently across many surveys for the last six months. His net positive favorability ratings are the lowest of any Republican candidate.
A candidate’s standing with college graduates is significant because voting propensity is strongly correlated with educational attainment. The more educated one is, the more likely one is to vote. Therefore, the two most reliable voting groups in the United States are voters with bachelor’s degrees and those with post-graduate degrees. Here are the numbers: According to the 2012 exit polls, 47 percent of voters had at least a four-year degree. Another 29 percent spent at least some time enrolled on campus. That adds up to 76 percent.
In short, college graduates vote more, and there are more of them who vote. There simply aren’t enough working-class voters to make up for the catastrophic losses among college-educated voters Trump is destined to incur.
2012 exit polls? Dude you are straight up parody now…
Go back to your book
and try and explain TRUMP…
If you are not looking for something you will never find it, even it if rolls over you. #TrumpTrain
Or you can say “what false narrative can I use to mask my nefarious goals?”
@ Straw
The Pew Research Center released data in August 2012 about GOP gains among working-class white voters. It found: “Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008.”
Ha ha ha… Yes they tried really really really hard to get the blue collar white vote… by increasing outreach to “latinos” and other minorities and promoting immigration and H1B visa scams… increasing competition and job/wage pressure on same working class whites… Building their Obongo candidate in a lab – RU-BO – to go out and get the “latino” vote…
You see the problems here right?
Strapon, you’re a lying asshole… Trump won those who had attended some college or had an associates degree by 16%, and those who had completed a college degree by 3%.
That 2% advantage your claiming (and note, 2% isn’t exactly a landslide, is it, you shill?) is based upon adding in those with graduate degrees (which, surprise, surprise, are going to be a lot more Cathedral-imbued than the general population).
Somebody throw this lying monkey a banana and shut his hole.
Note the technique of selectively quoting a particular stat to give an overall impression which is false.
A usual Tell of the usual suspects.
If speaking nationally, cite your source.
If speaking Nevada, who cares.
strapon i recall that not too long ago you were crying about how a wall wouldnt work.
i then posted an article about Israel, with pictures so you could SEE it, with quotes from Bibby and facts supporting how the wall does in fact work. and works well.
your cognitve dissonance of simply not comprehending facts is impressive and marginally entertaining.
Despite the metastised cathedral shill efforts like yours, Trump has the following stats:
-2nd Iowa
-1st NH
-1st SC
-1st NV
now run along and go circle jerk at Salon.
strapon fact rape rape!
Strapon, those were the results from SC… there are no reliable “national” stats yet, and DUH.
Google is your friend… those results are published all over, as well as shown on the MSM the day of the primary.
Ripp, you have a selective memory. Of course a wall would keep some people out. But it would do nothing for those who come here legally and then overstay their visas. A wall is powerless to stop those. They number about 40% of the 11.7 million illegals. This is precisely what I said several months ago.
Nice to see someone actually thinking about the issue, though.
Many of Trumps voters are older as in elderly. Hence the reason for the less educated. The 8th grade educations of yesteryear were better than the college degrees of today. Get a clue Spirit Within.
“In short, college graduates vote more, and there are more of them who vote. There simply aren’t enough working-class voters to make up for the catastrophic losses among college-educated voters Trump is destined to incur.”
Hillary is a terrible candidate. Trump’s going to mop the floor with her once they debate. Sanders would just wet himself.
Churchill once quipped he would give Satan a good mention in Parliament if he would aid in the fight against Hitler.That is how a sizeable, highly angry portion of the population feels about the ruling class right now. It will be Trump or Sanders.
Your charts and graphs don’t mean shit.
“But it would do nothing for those who come here legally and then overstay their visas”
a wall is an inanimate object. and im glad you understand it will keep people out.
the illegals who overstay their visas will not be able to when an enforcement body is given the proper resources to enforce the law and deport.
right now, the cuck government allows open borders policy, harbors safe zones for illegals and gives them resources. a wall will STOP more of these leeches from coming in.
Trumps plan will also deincetivize the economic benefits for illegals and the George Soros (your evil lord mother) j3ws that have been pushing for this cuck policy.
the wheels have already come off your entire bullsh1t house. honestly if Obama fed you dog sh1t and said it was pudding youd believe it was pudding.
bill cosby strapon jello obama sh1t pudding rape!
Watching that nig ger Van Jones try to start ranting about how Trump is beginning our slide to authoritarianism and trying to hint about him being Hitler made me crack up.
Hey Van, where was your concern when NotMyPresident was being a dictatorial tool?
SJWs always project rape!
For all of you wondering about thwacky boy whereabouts
Dont know if this has been posted yet but here’s some letters from Tolkkien to his son vis a vie women and marriage.
Go from number 43. Tolkien seemed like a pretty red pilled dude, identifying many subjects and trends discussed here at the chateau, although it’s probably more that society in general was much more red pilled than we are today by way not opting to put on it’s own blinders.
Years ago I worked on a divorce case between the husband who was a successful chiropractor and his aging party girl wife . The wife had a shark lawyer out to take this guys whole practice. The case settled on the day of trial with a condition that she get ten k that day and then a hafts chunk later she acted like it was chriatmas day for her
From what I’ve heard, once you’re inside the machine you see levels of evil you had no idea existed beforehand. Apparently women are encouraged to throw child abuse allegations into the mix as a negotiating tactic, among other things.
Somewhere I saw a comment (maybe some years ago) about how to prepare if you think divorce is imminent. Anyone remember what I’m talking about?
Plenty of good advice at forum.mensdivorce d0t com (pretty sure this used to be dadsdivorce d0t com, but seems the site has changed since the last time I visited). Lotsa horror stories there too; should be required reading for college-age males. Actually a post in that forum years ago led me to the Chateau – the Chateau that Made My LIfe Great Again. Good luck.
Just search for “divorce” on CH – probably the one you are thinking of is
or also
Its good reading the comments from “back then” as well. A slightly different group of commenters…
“I’ve got a few moves. DM me bro.” – Juice
I remember within the last six months or a year, some kkkommenter was talking about keeping receipts for all of his w!fe’s liquor & prescription drug purchases, and he even ENCOURAGED her to start taking even more anti-psychotic prescription drugs, and he got her all narked up out of her mind, with a paper trail to prove it, and then he showed it all to the Fam!ly Court judge, and got full custody of the k!dz.
Example of Alpha Male vs. Beta Male:
Glenn cuck Beck giving a speech but when The Donald enters the room the crowd goes wild to welcome him and ignores Cuck Beck.
I thought he was on suicide watch or some sort of hunger strike?
Punchable Cuck Face tournament CH?
Wow. He really does have an incredibly puchable face, doesn’t he? It’s practically dripping with smugness.
And it reinforces my hatred of bow ties. Nice 3-piece chalk-striped suit, though.
another contestant Cuck Rove….
gotta include this tool
Did you even have to ask
The Trump Train has no brakes.
Hail Victory 2016
‘After touting his support for the Second Amendment, he added, “Now we’re going to get greedy for the United States. We’re going to grab and grab and grab.”
Later, Trump said he would keep Guantanamo Bay open and “load it up with bad dudes” before turning to immigration.
Trump concluded, “We’re going to be the smart people. You’re going to be proud of your president, and you’re going to be even prouder of your country, OK?”’
Sidebar: “Donald Trump: I’ll Prosecute Hillary Clinton as President”
1. Game tip: Visualize Trump winning in November, or being sworn into office in the middle of a D.C. winter. Feel the spring in your step that comes from knowing that things are going to get better for Your People, in the country they and their ancestors built. Feel that rush.
Then go out and approach. This might be more of a day game thing, but it worked for me tonight after I heard the news about Nevada.
2. These days, each morning before I head out to work, I say a prayer for three things: the safety and health of my loved ones, for the ability to glorify Him through my work by giving my best, and for the safety of Donald J. Trump, our next President. If you believe as I do, say a prayer for Trump. He’s up against powerful forces.
Hahaha … the first AM news article I read about the NV Trumpenkrieg is scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for ways to criticize Trump:
“Trump inadvertently called attention to questions about his attitude toward women by using an archaic method of introducing the spouses of Ruffin and another casino mogul in the audience, Steve Wynn: “Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ruffin” and “Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wynn.””
LOFL! That’s the best they can do? They are really grasping at straws!
That isn’t even scraping bottom… that’s pure, aged-in-oak 100% inanity.
This is becoming Kafkaesque.
Between alternating bouts of glee at seeing the Cathedral squirm and (((shakin’ mah haid))), I can’t tell whether it’s day or night.
Yeah – if addressing a couple as Mr. and Mrs. John Smith is “archaic” then I must be pre-historic by cuck-shitlib standards.
@Greg Eliot. This guy is just an idiot. More facts. South Carolina has been around the next to last state in education for as long as my lifetime. The Upstate around Greenville County and also around Charleston and a few other places have solid Public schools. It’s the rest of the state that brings it down. You are right to assume that South Carolina is a poor example to use. Trump is however doing well in Massachusetts which is a top education state.
“According to preliminary network entrance polls, he [TRUMP] won every single demographic. He carried men by 24 points and women by 18 points. He won those who describe themselves as very conservative, somewhat conservative and moderate. Just as in South Carolina, he bested Cruz among born-again evangelicals.
The polling showed that he even won among Hispanics. The preliminary polling showed they accounted for about 1 in 10 caucus-goers, a sample that is really way too small to extrapolate from. But Trump boasted about it during his victory speech and will, naturally, continue to do so. (CNN has a nice display of the crosstabs. Study them for yourself here.)”
The media and all professional politicians and pundits (as well as professional stooges like Dustydog and TSW) have been 100% wrong about TRUMP 100% of the time, yet they will continue to blather on and on and on in pure lies, conjecture, speculation, groundless rumor mongering and projection…
Because they cannot accept reality – TRUMP is the single issue candidate in this race (both sides) who cannot be bought, owes no one anything and has the balls to do what he wants. He is 100% anti-establishment and this is what the voters want. It’s been proven now over and over, he is crossing all strata of voters and crossing parties.
Do not be afraid anymore by the media lies, they are fully unmasked now. We have only until March 15th to wait… yes the Ides of March, let us hope that TRUMP does not meet a similar fate that night, the night of his victory.
> “let us hope” ——— let us PRAY
Sentient, I’ve been using data to support my opinions. Maybe you ought to do the same.
Correct: Trump cannot be bought. He spews whatever ball of fecal matter forms in his mouth at that particular moment. He’s reckless politically, personally, and emotionally. Not a leader for the modern age. He’s just a douchebag.
All along, I’ve been 50/50 on his getting the nomination. It’s still possible that the other candidates could gang up on him, a la J Q Adams & Co v Andy Jackson in 1824, throw their weight behind one, and get more delegates. We’ll see.
Furthermore, the media has been reporting on him very honestly, quoting him in context, giving him all the free coverage a candidate could dream of. Either way, it doesn’t matter. Even if he wins the nomination, he can’t win the general election — impossible, no way, no how. See the data in my comment to Smegma Eliot above.
Starp’s – what the fuck you going on about you nitwit? Where in my post you are replying to is any data citation required??? Beyond the FACT the numbers cited are from WAPO… Shakin mu haid…
Are you disputing that the media, the GOP and you and Dustydick have actually been wrong about TRUMP’s chances in the election to date?
Let’s see, someone help me out here, how MANY times has TRUMP faced a “oh no he went too far he’s dead” bleating from the cucked?
Off the top of my head… The Wall announcement, John McCain, making fun of Jeb, Not committing to GOP only run, Megyn Kelly, #whitegenocide tweet, “vulgar” language, protester beat down, ban muslims, pussy, skipping the FOX debate, etc etc etc
At each stretch coffins where dusted off for his campaign… but he keeps on winning.
Or are you now trying to claim you have been right this whle time???
Here’s a fact that is eluding you dildobreath – He has won the last 3 primaries and has 81 delegates to Raffy Cruz and RU-BO’s 17 each… do try and keep up!
But no doubt Greg will be placing a large order of Humble to top off the crow pie you will be eating – again – come November…
Some more FACTS
“The Nevada Republican Party reported Wednesday morning that more than 75,000 voters participated in the contest. While that might not seem like a stunning number in a state with a population of somewhere around three million, that turnout absolutely demolished the participation record from 2012, when only about 33,000 Republican voters showed up to caucus.
In fact, Donald Trump alone captured 34,531 votes in his near-landslide victory in the state, surpassing the total votes cast in the same contest four years ago.
It’s a pattern that has played out in each of the previous Republican 2016 contests to date.
In South Carolina, more than 730,000 voters turned out during Saturday’s GOP primary contest, up from about 603,000 in 2012. In New Hampshire, Republicans shattered the 2012 tally of about 248,000 with a turnout of more than 284,000 this year. And in Iowa, Republicans counted more than 180,000 participants, up from about 121,000 in 2012.”
Suck it… This is what everyone who is missing the TrumpTrain is missing… TRUMP is floating more voters than ever… These extra votes are NOT switching while he is in the race HOWEVER as his rivals drop out he will pick up SOME of their support rolling forward.
Pay attention – when it is actually raining on your head, put down the weather report claiming sunny skies and your theory as to why it is not actually raining…
Are you disputing that the media, the GOP and you and Dustydick have actually been wrong about TRUMP’s chances in the election to date?
Let’s be clear. Trump has zero chance of winning the general election. No amount of cockswinging and hopey dreaming will change demographics, which are stacked heavily against Trump. He’s an outlier extremist with a horrific personal record against women that hasn’t yet been publically examined. Just wait till that happens. Three wives, a record of bragging about banging other men’s women — that alone will turn off centrist female voters. All college-educated voters will vote against him, and they vote in large quantities. And don’t forget the power that he’ll have to light up the Democrats, who will turn out in greater number than usual to make sure that that the cheeto-dusted narcissistic gasbag never comes within a hundred miles of the White House.
The only thing in question is whether he will secure the GOP nomination. All along, I put the odds of that at about 50/50.
Oh when you back up your assertions with such facts as these, why of course! –
:borrowed duckface
“horrific personal record against women”
“Three wives, a record of bragging about banging other men’s women ”
“make sure that that the cheeto-dusted narcissistic gasbag never comes within a hundred miles of the White House.”
Gentlemen – we now know what Strap’s looks like
Kleenex and Midol forthcoming!
CH, ban this shill. Shit’s getting old
Strapon claiming that Rubio had a 2% advantage over Trump on the college-educated… note the yenta’s disingenuous lies, yet again… here’s how it broke down in SC:
Of all those who had some college or an Associate’s Degree, Trump had a 16% advantage.
Of all those who had completed an undergraduate degree, Trump had a 3% advantage.
Where the 2% advantage for Rubio arose is when tacking on the graduate degree demographic added into the above college stats.
Surprise, surprise, the Cathedral’s favorite candidate had an advantage over those with masters and doctorate degrees… I’d be willing to bet a distinct lack of STEM disciplines there.
And even so, a 2% advantage is not the same as Strapon and others claiming only the uneducated are voting for Trump.
Somebody throw that monkey a banana.
And yet another lie!
I remember distinctly Strapon claiming Trump had NO CHANCE at getting the nomination, before the primaries began.
Fail more, yenta. (((shakin’ mah haid)))
Again, Greg Eliot, you never fail to fail to cite your source. I don’t think I’ve seen you link to anything, ever.
Show us where you’re getting your stats.
Source THIS, asshole… you can’t get out of your shillery that way.
Google is your friend… I saw at least three sources (all MSM news, btw) that repeated those stats from the SC results… and they were plastered all over the screen the day after the primary as well.
Disingenuous cocksucking shill. (((shakin’ mah haid)))
If they’re ALL over the place, then they should be EASY to find. Give us a link, Greggy. Show us all these college-educated voters nationwide backing Trump.
Also, while you’re at it, link to the video that shows Muslims dancing in NJ on 9/11. And the stats showing that the US is the most highly taxed nation on earth. Those are Trump stats, though. He keeps those under lock and key, along with his actual net worth.
I can’t believe that religious people such as yourself — who value absolute truth — would back somebody who believes in absolutely NOTHING except his own vainglory. You’re a dupe.
Trump will end LinkCulture™. The sad, tedious game’s over. All hail real culture, and real life
The Strapon Within is Michael Medved.
“Trump…Not a leader for the modern age.”
This statement – sincerely – interests me greatly. What, in your view, TSW are the main characteristics of this modern age?
In particular, as for me these are the defining characteristics of the present day, I wonder if you could tell us your views on how the US should deal with the fallout from peak debt and the limits to growth, given that an orderly retreat from complexity is impossible.
Geez, Louise… I already mentioned several times those were the results from the SC primary… and I purposely said there are no reliable stats on how the college educated vote, nationwide, for Trump because the brunt of the primaries haven’t been run yet… DUH for a second time.
We have the hard stats from SC… since that was the premiere latest primary, THOSE are the stats I quoted. And I see no reason why, for the time being, they shouldn’t be held as the best litmus test… more to come, Super Tuesday, I imagine.
So pay the fuck attention or shut the fuck up with your squid ink, yenta. This is getting tiresome in the extreme, even for you.
@ vagina dominator
You’ve already described it. We live in an immensely complex modern world, which Trump, in his limited self-aggrandizing narcissistic way, cannot possibly comprehend. I mean, the guy’s spent seven years on a fake television show fake hiring people and fake firing them.
The true weight of the presidency never sunk in to Bush either; that’s why the presidency didn’t age him.
Cooperation is key in the modern interconnected world, and Trump is immensely uncooperative. Strongman politics works best at the local mayoral level, where things are generally much simpler. The job of the presidency requires a man with a complicated, educated, deliberative mind, willing to view all angles on a subject. It’s like playing two hundred chess games simultaneously, all of which depend on one another. Trump just isn’t up to that job. He’s too petty, too self-absorbed, and frankly not intelligent enough.
“I mean, the guy’s spent seven years on a fake television show fake hiring people and fake firing them.”
You must be a woman because you beleive the TeeVee is real… LOl You think TRUMP was spending 2000 hours a year for SEVEN years on a game show?
Do you have any idea how the real world works? You’re scaring me now, my 12 YO has more savvy.
Archaic would be introducing them as “Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weinberg” and then extracting a pound of flesh without worrying about a drop of blood.
OMG, you just pwned the interwebs.
Former Salon writer pens think-piece and launches book about all those sassy single women :
She’s still single.
Sanders fan breaks down and cries about Trump supporters.
Would hate bang.
Dumb and adorable.
“Hi facebook, it’s Chelsea”… LOL of course – “Chelsea”…
Concern over referring to human beings as animals, meanwhile has spent her life trying to afford animals with the same status as humans…
Nevertheless an 8 made up, looks like… No tats, no nose rings. so there is that.
Gents – take note… skinny wrist and the the indent where the deltoids meet the triceps/biceps at the upper arm… she will stay skinny…
Sentient, funny you mention the wrist. Girl I used to work with had chubby and/or thick wrists. At first I figured it was cause she was bloated due to boozing so much with her then fiance/now hubby. More I realized it, I figured she’d be prone to blowing up and the wrist was the giveaway.
For me, with this gal, it’s her arms that I noticed right away, but thanks for the tip on the delt area. I’ll be more keen on that.
I already pay attention to the hair. If that’ shit’s dead, I know she’s got issues. Ahh, sisters, always telling tales out of school and now I benefit!
From an older post, good discussion of girls’ wrists:
“2. The Wrist Test
She’s thin where it most counts but her wrists are old growth logs. Watch out! The wrist bones are a dead giveaway that she has the sturdy frame to support future poundage. She might not bloat to Jabba proportions, but she will “fill out”, to use a transparently softening euphemism.”
Speaking of hot skinny girls… TRUMP being TRUMP
Check out her Igram site…
A two’fer
First – proving the candidate test – “which candidate can credibly say “Baby” to a hot girl” – winner TRUMP
Second – reminder that they are all just silly little girls… don’t sweat it, have fun and YOU TOO might be President one day. LULZ
I’m with Captain Obvious on this one–make fun of her silly politics, knock her up and tell her what an adorable mother she is, and she’ll eat it up and finally be happy. You’ll have to be able to find a way to breathe through her smothering infatuation, but she’d likely be worth it. Sweet, airheaded and adorable.
Damn, that girl needs to be wifed up and knocked up and all at once.
She’s beautiful.
Yeah, she’s pretty hot. But all that excess emotion would be much better spent on her babies.
damn that’s pathetic. i aint got the words……
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, toots… it was, like… really important that we know about people talking mean to you.
I see a splooge face in her future…and her past.
She’s just crying because every man at the Sanders rally is a fag who wouldn’t fuck her.
Choke fuck rape!
Yeah, but there were some pretty butch carpet munchers there………just sayin’
Deep down she really wants to be….can’t think of the word…..
treated like obama’s sons treat drunk white girls in their neighborhoods?
obama’s sons rape!
Curious that no one has the actual FB link or name… Rush saying yesterday this is a hoax, propaganda. makes you think.
No one knows this girl?
LBF & Sentient: She HATES Trump. But remember: Hatred – and Anger – are emotions that we can work with. Indifference & Insouciance are what kill us. She probably doesn’t know that Governor John Gaysich of Ohio even exists. And the sound of Rafael Ted Cruz’s whiny voice would send a chill down her spine. But Trump? She knows that she hate Hate HATE HATES Donald Trump. Which means that he’s on her radar, and that she has strong emotions for him…
Reminds me of when I worked at a restaurant. I had a mild interest in the only white girl there–she was future go grrrl and had a plump ass. Face was all types of mushed from baby fat she had yet to drop.
I was too Mr Nice Guy at times and didn’t go all in–more Gamma/Beta based on AlphaGamePlan’s scale. She was into me since I was a tad older and she could talk shit and I would throw it back. (Didn’t know a damn thing about game or negs or any of the like. I was just into her.)
We’d banter back and forth during downtime as we were serving. One thing led to another and she said, “I hate you.” My usual reply was “Good, keep it that way.”
Another girl was watching that and said, “she like you.” Again, uber ignoramus, I figured that the plump ass girl really didn’t like me, or at the least, was just saying something silly.
Yeah, I was that goober. She got a boyfriend later on and moved in with the guy. She was trying to invite me to her wedding and what was troubling, was how she liked the ending of Spider-Man 2 (Sam Raimi version), where Mary Jane leaves the alter her wedding dress to go back to Peter Parker. (I slightly resemble Maguire’s look in that film–buddies would call me subliminal Spider-Man….haha)
Now that I’m where I’m at on all personal levels, I’m glad I avoided that like the plague. She always wanted me to make a move and in this case, being a goober saved me big time.
If this shows up twice, so be it:
Reminds me of a girl I used to work at a restaurant with. She was mildly cute, but had a nice plump ass. Total future go grrrl and typical college girl yadda yadda yadda.
One night, as we were bantering back and forth, she said, “I hate you” and my goto reply to that was always, “Good, keep it that way.”
(Had no concept of game, negs, etc. At times, just would mimic my pops style.)
Another girl waitress said, “She likes you.” I dismissed it.
I know now that the girl longed for me, but waking up and taking the RP, I realized how at that point in time, being beta saved my life. I never went all in to take her and I’m thankful.
Typical high school/college bubblehead, leftie-indoctrinated from the cradle, Let’s hope some snowboarder or hockey player gets to her before José, Jamaal & Abdullah do and she REALLY forgets what it means to be White.
She’s bawling her eyes out about Americans saying mean things about wanting Mexicans to . . . stay the fuck in Mexico! (I laughed when she said she doesn’t even know what White is anymore . . . trust me, kitten – your Dad knows.)
I’d like to show her modern 3D ultrasound images of a 20 week old baby that Uncle Bernie and Hillary and their ilk are perfectly happy to chop up on an abortionists table after a partial birth and see if she even bats an eye.
I got the biggest boner watching Trump take Nevada last night.
How big was it?
It was sooo big I flipped on MSNBC and I still was hard enough to fuck that ugly little boy they have anchoring their “news” station.
Rachel Maddow rape!
Speaking of boners, we are about to go to war with China over “The Woody Islands”. The women there must be totally hot.
WF, that is HARD. Rock hard. DeBeers Diamond hard. Lately I have been thinking about actual r@pe r@pe – or even just the idea of trying to have normal vigorous relations with one of the uglier members of the “fair” $ex – and all I can think is “Viagra” or “Cialis”. Starting to wonder if a little r0mance & mystery & beauty is necessary to help get me in the mood. And of course a fert!le w0mb on her part. Fert!le W0mbs FTW.
Captain, I’m going through the same thing. It’s as if my standards are changing and I’m reverting to my more traditional roots. I’m concerned.
Seriously, LBF, the more I ponder the horrors of hypergamy and mudsharkery and obesity and miscegenation and post-Wall uselessness [of the barren female w0mb], the more I feel like the beeyotch needs to be wine-ing and dining ME. Not vice versa. Needs to make ME laugh. Needs to make ME feel at ease. So that the little fella [and his twin brothers] will feel like rising to the occasion.
“Starting to wonder if a little r0mance & mystery & beauty is necessary to help get me in the mood.”
I LOL’ed at this. seriously though. I dated women in my demographic thought-out my thirties. as I got closer to forty I noticed my wood seemed to go from oak to pine. my aging harem was sucking my vitality away. then I tightened up my game and reached back in time two decades to the girls I dated when I was in my twenties. lo and behold my wood went from pine to lignum vitae.
i won’t lie. pursuing girls half my age took some trial and error. i was way too excited first time i knocked boots with a girl 20 years my junior. but after that critical physiological reinforcement of seeing my pecker reach for the stars at lightspeed I realized there was no turning back and it became my new normal.
interesting thing is you see it reinforcing the girls too. when they have a solid older dude into them their self doubt just melts away. this is how nature designed us
You are not alone WF…
Every media shit-test was answered, no demolished last night by Donald Trump. You can try to slice the results any way you wish to try to explain away his dominance, and trust me they have. But there is no such thing as a demographic grouping that collectively dislikes Trump. No such group anywhere. He dominated both genders, all races, all levels of economic income, and (my favorite) all self-described levels of education. This idea that he appeals only to rubes was supposed to be his Achilles’ Heel from the Cathedral viewpoint. FAIL. And I love the reframe he offered. Standard agree and amplify from Donald, owning his “love for the poorly educated”. Hell, I too love love love the poorly educated, or as I usually call them, uncucked. He was deliberately mocking their tryhard mockery, highlighting their sneer with a sneer of his own.
Cuck Rove however now touting that TRUMP “cannot win” because more than 50% of GOP voters don’t like him… thereby ignoring the steady increase of his delegates.
seriously how the fuck do these anchor people keep a straight face while listening to this kind of nonsense…? and How does Cuck Rove get on the mic – he has been 100% wrong about everything.
Donald Trump ripped Karl Rove at a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma this afternoon that featured former Gov. Sarah Palin.
TRUMP: Karl Rove, this guy he predicted — he thinks Romney won the election. Remember? Romney won. He won. I’m telling you. They had to take him off the air in a basket. This guy — and he’s — everything. I had a poll that was so incredible. I was killing everybody. Like a month ago. He is on television saying, ‘Well, it can change. It doesn’t mean that much. It can change.’ He couldn’t hold his breath. He is like a boiler waiting to explode. The hatred. The hatred. It’s establishment. Because I’m not taking anybody’s money. I don’t want their money. They don’t control me. I’m doing what’s right for you.
damn I love it.
its like this big club of bullsh1t thatd had a lock for decades and trump is blasting holes in their clubhouse which is made of tissue paper.
they have personal fear now. they know how smart trump is and that he will be shutting of the spickets to much of their wealth and lifelines. hell expose their backdoor relationships with j3w bankers and cut off their earmarking and side deals.
they’re scared.
As this continues, we will see certain media organs melting down like the Wicked Witch of the West while screaming “But he’s a racist!!!!….”
Incidentally, now that women are making as much or more as their male counterparts, there’s an increase in support among them for the end of permanent alimony.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing — funny how that works.
Kinda like how the Eskimos spent the entire 1980s ridiculing The Gipper for wanting a Star Wars shield over the USA, but when the USA finally perfected the technology, Israel was the first to be shipped a fully-working implementation of it. G0d in Heaven, I hate hypocrisy and lying filthy liars.
“Kinda like how the Eskimos spent the entire 1980s ridiculing The Gipper for wanting a Star Wars shield over the USA, but when the USA finally perfected the technology, Israel was the first to be shipped a fully-working implementation of it.”
Sorry Captain but I don’t know where to start on this. First, there is no shield over the U.S. Never was. It is a serious facade. If you are talking about the antiquated Patriot missile system then yes, Israel was the beneficiary of it. FWIW, the Patriot missile is like Germany’s V2 rocket in WW 2 compared to what Russia has. The U.S. HAS NO MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM. Hell a plane could get under our radar without notice. The cities in the U.S. are bare naked. Now maybe you were thinking about Russia?
First the Patriot Missiles, but then “Iron Dome”, which we also built for them. In the USA, we are supposed to have a facility in Alaska with some interceptors, and the Pentagon has put a fair amount of money into both lasers & railg*n projectile research. And the ships have “Aegis”.
And the ships have “Aegis”.-
Putin, why did you reference an obvious bullshit story?
‘Veterans Today’, is one of looniest sites I have ever read. Linking to them destroys any credibility the poster might have.
“Putin, why did you reference an obvious bullshit story?”
What part is bullshit? Own it.
“‘Veterans Today’, is one of looniest sites I have ever read. Linking to them destroys any credibility the poster might have.”
That is a bit of a reach. All my credibility is lost? Lol, Why not just say the part about the site and ask for another reference?
Is ABC more your speed?
Oh and Russia can’t jam complex electronic signals?
I smell MIC bullshit.
Turnabout is fair play. Years of Grrl Power propaganda, affirmative action and now well kept men are fleecing the feminists for everything they’re worth.
Boyfriend indicted in Jessica Chambers case ||| Quinton Tellis, 27, originally of Courtland, was indicted on capital murder charges… of 19-year-old Jessica Chambers… also arrested him in the stabbing death of Meing-Chen Hsiao, 34, of Taiwan… |||
confused as to why this isnt front page on CNN, FOX and NBC?????
the j3w cuck media wont be able to lie to everyone forever…
The Daily Mail has featured no less than 5 stories involving blacks killing whites this week. Here’s another one that should blow your mind. Old, but still needs coverage
I’d still hang that nigger myself on general principle, but when I read “boyfriend” I just shook my head — so much White failure behind that story; she was a lost cause.
Apparently he was at least the second 0bama-Voting thug whom she had mudsharked herself to. The first one had moved to Iowa [???] and was quickly ruled out as a suspect.
BTW, I wonder if the Eskimos on Joozney-ABC/MSNBC-CNN-NBC/CBS/NYT/WaPost will give any publicity to this mass-murd3Ring sub-human simian? Do you suppose that Mayor Bl✡✡mberg & Mark Ph✡ckerberg will go to the microphones and demand Simian Control?
MORE SIMIAN NEWS TODAY: Chicago Homicide Rate now DOUBLE same time Last Year
Capn O, check out this site re Chicongo shootings. lolz…
Good news, less chimps.
Let’s get those abortion rates up.
“Like, I don’t know why Whites are making such a bid deal of this — it’s not even a hate crime. There is no evidence of any hate-speech. All he did was pour lighter fluid down her throat and burn her alive.”
wanted badly to post a graphic photo here of the lynchîng of jesse washington here but restrained muh-self
btw “lynchîng” triggers mod. can’t imagine why
“Donald Trump got his first endorsement from a member of Congress today. Rep. Chris Collins, a New York Republican, said in a statement that Trump has “clearly demonstrated that he has both the guts and the fortitude to return our nation’s jobs stolen by China, take on our enemies like ISIS, Iran, North Korea and Russia, and most importantly, re-establish the opportunity for our children and grandchildren to attain the American dream.”
Collins previously backed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in the Republican primary.”
TRUMPS RESPONSE- “endorsements mean very little.”
His opponents, meanwhile, have racked up endorsements. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, for instance, has 138 endorsements from representatives, senators and governors.
OT, the prophet speaks:
watched a few minutes of the link. reminds me of godfather 2 in a sort of way where Michael Corleone is in front of the government in a big spectacle. allthough the context is different, Trump is like a godfather of the beaten down and cheated middle class man.
Don Donald
Really interesting his speaking style and mannerisms are exactly the same as today. and he is conveying authority and that woman on the far left (of Trump) wants him…
More OT (waiting for the next Trumpening post):
Although he’s a turd, Taibbi concedes a few points about journalists while throwing together a long, yet fairly entertaining read. It’s about as neutral a piece as humanly possible, from the Rolling Boner.
The deeper beauty of Der Trumpening is that he has shown how to crush the globalist, PC, anti-White, OMG-you-can’t-say-that media and political establishment. He has shown the power of tapping into White anger at what’s being done to their people and the country they built.
Even if Trump doesn’t gain the presidency — or even if he wins the presidency and is a spectacular failure, the genie is out of the bottle. In a nation of 300+ million, there will be others, perhaps some who are more hardcore race-realists, smart enough to follow the path Trump has blazed. That is what has the establishment shitting their pants more than anything.
A reminder from Being There of how the Establishment traditionally picked its GOP candidate… Pay attention to the details LOLZ…. 1979… there is NOTHING new.
Whoa – the Eskimo who wrote “Being There” was a real piece of work. A town of Poles had risked their lives to shelter their Eskimoz during the N@zi occupation, giving the Eskimoz fictitious baptismal records and whatnot, and that particular Eskimo repaid their kindness by writing a false narrative which painted the Poles as monsters. No kind deed goes unpunished.
hes puncturing wholes in the cathedral left and right and red pills are falling through.
protester cuts off power at Trump rally in Atlanta, and Trump uses it to win even more points.
imagine jeb in this situation. hed cry.
As someone who got screwed in a no-consent divorce, I have a few thoughts about this.
In my case, while we were undergoing an “amicable” divorce. For two years we are going back and forth on settlements, when out of the blue I receive a divorce confirmation.
Somehow I am divorced. I’ve not signed anything, agreed to anything but there it is, the divorce is done and when I look at the asset division, my ex has won the divorce rape lottery.
I have my lawyer dig into it and I find that she had retained another lawyer in a separate divorce case against me which resulted in a quick summary judgement. She had her other lawyer serve me papers at fake addresses out of state, then using that as evidence that I was a non-respondent so she was able to get a summary divorce and of course, all our assets became hers and all her liabilities became mine.
I found that the court was utterly unsympathetic about their being an unwitting accomplice in committing fraud. I mattered not that the same court had an existing open case with the divorce proceedings that I knew about. It didn’t matter that I had documentation proving that my ex and I were in contact via our lawyers when I was supposedly a “non-respondent.” Once she had the default judgement, it was too bad, so sad and my only recourse would be to sue my now ex-wife to get back the house and bank account contents. I sued her in civil court, won, but still got nothing as she had by then sold the house and burned through all the money.
You hear stories about divorce rape and think they’re usually just stories but take it from me, they aren’t.
Dude..that’s awful. I’m sorry. Nothing else to say.
Anon, in retrospect, back when you were “courting” her, what were the warning signs [which presumably you swept under the rug and ignored]? I’d be most interested in actual concrete tangible examples – examples which the n00bs & the youngsters can learn from & be on the lookout for. Thanks.
That’s the thing – when it comes to Western women, you can never really tell. Their thoughts and moods change like the wind. No matter how many stories like Anonymous’s I read, I’m always taken aback by how swiftly those women bare their fangs.
Artificial wombs are going to break all the fucking system
The schoolboy, 16, who will LIVE with a Russian porn star in a hotel for a month after winning a bizarre online competition ||| He appears delighted about the prize, saying the X-rated actress has ‘good sizes’ and he is ‘boiling inside’ – but his mother and sister have reacted furiously… Under the rule of the competition, he can pass on the prize to his ‘official representative’, for example, his father. But the mother is against this too. ‘No, absolutely not,’ she said. She said the prize has led to family ‘quarrels’ and her son ‘has gone mad about it’…
Look at what the mom’s wearing.
Although, if she wasn’t wearing that much makeup and after a few beers….
Yeah, I got the feeling that Mom was enjoying an excuse to pose for a camera. Hamsters gonna hamster…
Wait, is that the mom or the pornstar?
Pr0n Star is in the pink dress; Momz is in the blue dress; Sis is in the red-checkered blouse.
May our next president get the ball rolling on fixing this issue.
BUN -> OVEN @nancythebeat
That actually looks like an excellent family.
When will TSW stop running away from me?
When will TSW finally embrace me?
“Let’s get those abortion rates up.”
I always say a prayer to St. Gosnell.
Okay, this is friggin hilarious, but it’s also gettin pretty d@mned evil.
AMA Crimestoppers Award Recipient
Hmm. This reminds me of a rule I have. In every relationship there are three entities- the man and the woman (I hope) and the state. By the state I mean the government/the social milieu/ everything in total that has the power to bind or pressure or manipulate or affect. It could be family, it could be one’s church community. This affects the dynamic tremendously.
America has one of the worst ‘states’ I believe in history. There are worse, for sure. It certainly has one of the worst for men of European origin- and women too. I was driving two european females to a corporate open house (that I was also attending, thank you very much), and they talked about how men of color were the ones who often harass them and make them uncomfortable- and they are not even 9s or 10s (not that I like to rank). My point is we men think we have it bad. I think we both do. both our lives get messed up. An alpha will find ways and means to overcome or avoid the national karma. There are so many types of karma that come at us- personal karma, family and parental karma, and also national/governmental karma (bring the Trumpening). Some of it is easier to escape than others, but this state is the strong man. Combine women’s cleverness and and ability to act and fake and social intelligence, with the state’s might and force and power to pressure, and you get this poor little man with not much might or strength having to deal. Find a woman with integrity as well as beauty, be a man who is worthy- a hero like a bodybuilder with a good job and confidence, and know how the system works and how to succeed in it, and you might have a good chance at happiness. It’s not fair to the masses, but life ain’t fair. The state is strong though- so it’s not that men are weak per se, but the state is strong. Women can be forgiven for thinking it is them that men are afraid of or submit to. It’s as much the “state” as them that men supplicate to, but the more horror the more chance to be a hero, to be standout (c.f. Roosh V, but many others). Choose your fights properly. Keep em honest
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[…] Courtesy of reader BK, a link to an economic analysis of woman-coddling divorce laws. […]