Do not be fooled, men. Women are not the overly emotional, unstable, irrational gender. All emotional outburst by women, no matter how convincing they appear, is all an act.
Behind the teary eyes of women lies a cunning and deceptive serpent which displays vulnerability to get what it wants.
Try it sometime, if you are brave: look an upset or emotional woman straight in the eyes. You will see the indifference, the true lack of empathy or feeling. Even during sex, look them straight in the eyes and see for yourself.
Women know exactly what they are doing. Which is why even when something so ridiculous as "You cheated on me in a dream, now I'm pissed at you in real life" is designed to manipulate a man for as simple as a new pair of shoes. But these shoes will not satiate her for long.
Further, the idea that women can never be satisfied by man is true. This is because men do not possess what women really want. Not even the king of the entire earth has what a woman really wants. Not the Chad nor the ultimate alpha nor even the rich beta bux.
What does a woman really want, then? I have an idea, but what do you think they want?