全 5 件のコメント

[–]Coluphid 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I disagree.

The best path is by taking more redpills.

Men crave knowledge. It provides us an awareness of the world we occupy and must move in.

For too long, we Men have been labouring under lies. Intended to shackle and fleece us.

We need more knowledge, not less.

Keep seeking out truth and you'll find far more than just female sexual strategy. You'll find the reasons why the world is the way it is. Who is responsible. And what you as a freed man can do about it.

Yes. It is hard. You will be tearing down your entire worldview and replacing it with one that is far harsher - but true.

You will come out the other side galvanised. Finally with enough truth in your hands to go about life meaningfully. To truly comprehend the nature of the world you inhabit.

To do otherwise is to put your head in the sand and curtail your knowledge arbitrarily.

In other words, you've been confronted by the red pill and decide instead:

"Ignorance is Bliss."

[–]BSmith321 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I disagree that all men want/need that, but you have, indeed, described me and why I keep sifting through collecting greater knowledge and understanding.

[–]BSmith321 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've been headed down this path for a lot of years. I can tell that, for me, on this and many other subjects, it helps to go deep and then get away from it for a while. Whether that is 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year...whatever. Then come back for a while...again, the length of time is only relevant to me in this case.

I needed to understand what Tomassi has offered about Hypergamy, SMV/SMP, stages of a woman's life, etc. Some people don't. They just need to know enough to realize that they are not crazy, defective, whatever...and they're pretty good to go their own way. Personally, I've needed a much deeper understanding of all of this. That is why I watch videos, and read through posts/comments still seeking those "Aha!" moments when someone says something in a way that put another piece of the puzzle together for me in a clearer way.

I think it's really all personal. Some just need to go beat up a tree. Others need info/understanding and lots of it. Some just that they are not crazy and the game is rigged. Beyond whatever their line is...they will just need to work through the 5 stages of loss.

Edit to add: Most women grow up desiring a husband, children...a family. Many men today grow up wanting, needing and expecting the same thing. Some are CRUSHED when they realize that it isn't going to happen. It will take them longer to get over it...if they ever really do.

[–]Eyes_Of_The_Dragon 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

What is the best medicine for somebody who is stuck in the redpill rage?

You need to realize that AWALT, and unless something drastic happens, they see no need to change. Your anger is directed at all the effort you've put into following the directions they gave you to have success with women. Now you know the truth, all that effort seems wasted. But it wasn't. It was pain and suffering you needed to experience to find the truth. The truth should set you free.

The fairy tale you were sold is a complete lie. Women are no better than the guys you know (we all know at least one) who go to strip clubs and drool over the strippers and keep going back and sinking their money into a lie. Women are like that with Chads, except society gives them a free pass.

Now that you know the truth, you can act accordingly. You can either go total Red Pill and pursue pussy in a different light, or go MGTOW and never make women a priority again. Your body, your choice.

Why does society do this? Thousands of years ago women could die in childbirth or not be able to keep their babies alive, so we had to protect them at all costs. Their sole focus in life was collecting berries and making healthy babies, regardless of whom the father was. We haven't really evolved past that mindset, although the world has changed to where we no longer worry about pumping out enough kids to make sure a few survive.

Just imagine you grew up with everyone worshiping you. Would you not act the way women act today?

[–]Adrian3199 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Paul Elam had a bit to say about this very topic a few days ago. It helped me understand the Red Pill Rage and realise that it is OK to be angry. No, more than that, it is a necessary part of the process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63BcP-ajdEg