Wazup guys, It's been awhile since I posted something.At the moment I am stuck in a dilemma. I can't decide wether I should make my own MGTOW channel or not. I feel like there isn't much left to say and I don't want to repeat what's common knowledge.
Anyway there is a topic I want to adress. It is the redpill rage. Recently I read a post and this dude asked for help on how to get out of redpill rage. Everybody who has gone through the redpill rage, knows that it isn't very pleasurable.
You feel angry, betrayed, maybe depressed and this goes for a very long time. And despite the fact that it is normal, even healthy(more on that a little bit furhter in post), you still need to get out of it.
As the title indicates, my favorite advice is to limit your exposure to the redpill even MGTOW for a awhile. What I mean by that is self explaning if we look at what actually happen when you took the redpill:
Your whole life you have been fooled. Be always nice to her, they said. Threat her like a lady they said. In consideration of the fact that women annoy the shit out of men, one had to repress lots of anger and frustration.
Depending on how long you were fooled, the reality check aka the redpill hits harder and the rage feels more intense.
The normal course of the new awaken is to watch repill videos, especially channels dedicated to feed your rage even more.
I said that the anger and rage is normal. It helps to distance yourself from your bluepill programming by associate negative emotions with such behavior and to let the accumulated frustration go.
It is very important for the newcommer to learn this new emotion and share it with likeminded peers aka the community. (There is a very active ranting niche in the redpill and MGTOW community, kinda funny to read/watch)
It is more important to recognize that this anger and rage MUST BE CONTROLLED. The time I experienced the redpill rage I was steering for trouble. One time I had an argument with a professor and I guess he is still mad at me. And Now I face the consequences.
By the time you recognize that you feel always angry you already formed a habit. What you unconsciously did, was building the neurological path between thinking about women all day long, ranting and hating about women all day long and as a result feeling angry all day long.
Notice the vicious cycle: the more you think about women, the more hateful you get, the more you think about women and so on.
This anger spiral is in fact nothing new. Your habit becomes your strongest enemy.
Redpillers that are stuck in the redpill rage, are stuck in their habit of thinking,ranting and ragin about women.
Now I hope you can see what I am about to say. What is the best medicine for somebody who is stuck in the redpill rage?
Obviously you should break through the cycle by not thinking of women. And this is correlated by lessing your exposure to the repill.
The moment I left the redpill rage,was the moment I realized that by thinking about women I started to feel anger and hate.
I stopped watching all ranting videos and MGTOW channels that were dedicated towards females. Everytime I thought or even started to relapse into the old habit, I immediately started to think of my workout or other stuff. You have to realize that the redpill rage is a habit you builded by yourself.
[–]Coluphid 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]BSmith321 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]BSmith321 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)