Better hope he never finds out your Reddit username. :/ Speaking as the kind of well meaning person who would have done this and never would have thought like you, if I ever read this post (as your partner), I'd be devastated.
This is a bit more general, but I think this is a really good example of something I re-learned in couples therapy after learning it in Philosophy courses: a lot of arguments can be prevented just by interpreting words and actions in the most generous way possible. For instance, take the sentence "You look great today!". That can be interpreted two ways. One: "You look particularly awesome today, out of all the days you look good." Two: "You usually don't look good, but today you do!"
One way is positive, one way is a backhanded compliment at best. But, as a good partner, and generally a good human being, the best course of action is to grant your interlocutor the most generous interpretation, which would be option one. To purposefully interpret it as option two is being a bad communicator, to communicate in bad faith, and in a case like this, to be a not particularly great partner.
Based on how you interpreted this series of events, your emotions are totally valid... assuming your interpretation was correct. But, as many others in this post have said, I don't think that your interpretation was correct. But, I'll take it a step further and say that your interpretation was unfair to your partner. It may take some self-consciousness and work, but I'd definitely recommend practicing interpreting things in the way most generous to your partner on a daily basis. I can speak from experience that it makes relationships WAY better, and can only strengthen your upcoming marriage.