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Beautiful Fighting Girl (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/3/7

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  • Beautiful Fighting Girl
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  • Otaku: Japan's Database Animals
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From "Cutie Honey" and "Sailor Moon" to "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind," the worlds of Japanese anime and manga teem with prepubescent girls toting deadly weapons. Sometimes overtly sexual, always intensely cute, the beautiful fighting girl has been both hailed as a feminist icon and condemned as a symptom of the objectification of young women in Japanese society.
In "Beautiful Fighting Girl," Saito Tamaki offers a far more sophisticated and convincing interpretation of this alluring and capable figure. For Saito, the beautiful fighting girl is a complex sexual fantasy that paradoxically lends reality to the fictional spaces she inhabits. As an object of desire for male otaku (obsessive fans of anime and manga), she saturates these worlds with meaning even as her fictional status demands her ceaseless proliferation and reproduction. Rejecting simplistic moralizing, Saito understands the otaku s ability to eroticize and even fall in love with the beautiful fighting girl not as a sign of immaturity or maladaptation but as a result of a heightened sensitivity to the multiple layers of mediation and fictional context that constitute life in our hypermediated world a logical outcome of the media they consume.
Featuring extensive interviews with Japanese and American otaku, a comprehensive genealogy of the beautiful fighting girl, and an analysis of the American outsider artist Henry Darger, whose baroque imagination Saito sees as an important antecedent of otaku culture, "Beautiful Fighting Girl" was hugely influential when first published in Japan, and it remains a key text in the study of manga, anime, and otaku culture. Now available in English for the first time, this book will spark new debates about the role played by desire in the production and consumption of popular culture."


"A foundational book illuminating the phenomenon of cool Japan, "Beautiful Fighting Girl" explains the global desire for images of little girls that kick ass. Sait s uncomfortably deep understanding of the particulars of this Japanese phenomenon allows us to finally begin to answer questions about the far-reaching implications of the now nearly universal fetish, of our atomizing technologies of interactivity, and of our obsessions with new media. Its place in contemporary letters is nearly unparalleled and I wouldn t be surprised if this book gives that once a decade jostle leading to the n-th wave of feminism or a complete reconfiguration of our understanding of male desire." Jonathan E. Abel, Pennsylvania State University"



  • ペーパーバック: 213ページ
  • 出版社: Univ of Minnesota Pr (2011/3/7)
  • 言語: 英語
  • ISBN-10: 0816654514
  • ISBN-13: 978-0816654512
  • 発売日: 2011/3/7
  • 商品パッケージの寸法: 14 x 1.8 x 21.6 cm
  • おすすめ度: この商品の最初のレビューを書き込んでください。
  • Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: 洋書 - 55,964位 (洋書の売れ筋ランキングを見る)
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Amazon.com: 5つ星のうち 3.5 4 件のカスタマーレビュー
4 人中、3人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
5つ星のうち 5.0 perhaps uneven, but that's forgivable considering the ground being broken here 2014/6/7
投稿者 Jim Pyke - (Amazon.com)
形式: ハードカバー
If you are someone who, like me, is interested in thinking seriously about anime and manga, and the culture of the most intense consumers of anime and manga (the so-called "otaku")...

If you, like me, enjoy reading academic writing that crosses over into readability by an audience that is not exclusively academic...

If you, like me, are interested in thinking thoughts you haven't thought before, and seeing anime and manga from perspectives you haven't imagined before...

...then you are very likely to enjoy this book as much as I have.

I suggest reading some of the translator's introduction available via the "look inside" page for this book. If that piques your interest, you'll probably enjoy the whole thing. The author's insights are impressive, and the translation feels very clean (as opposed to "messy" like some translated texts in which the translators can't seem to decide how to fully convey the meaning of the original, so they annotate the text into a muddy mess) and is highly readable, even if the ideas sometimes take effort to fully grasp.

I'd like to read more books like this one!
8 人中、6人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
5つ星のうち 4.0 Dense, but interesting 2013/2/25
投稿者 Brian White - (Amazon.com)
形式: ハードカバー
Part of a growing body of literature on otaku and Japanese popular culture that has been translated into English, SAITO Tamaki's "Beautiful Fighting Girl" is unique in its psychoanalytic approach to its titular subject. Unlike many sociological or literary studies of otaku culture, Saito uses the figure of the "beautiful fighting girl" (sentou bishoujo) as a touchstone from which to analyze the mindset behind much of Japanese popular culture. With the help of Jacques Lacan and Sigmund Freud, Saito attempts to tackle the psychosexual underpinnings of this phenomenon.

As a literary studies specialist, I found some of his argumentation to be very dense (something I feel about much psychoanalytic theory) and difficult to comprehend, but obviously this will vary with each reader. As far as the intended audience is concerned, it is definitely a book for academics, unlike its more generalist counterparts in "New Academism" such as AZUMA Hiroki's Otaku: Japan's Database Animals. Saito's detour through American "outsider art" was, in my opinion, unnecessary, but it was a nice nod toward the global implications of the study.

In short, the translation "Beautiful Fighting Girl" is a welcome new perspective in the realm of English-language literature on Japanese popular culture, and if you are able to grasp its sometimes tangled psychoanalytic language, your time reading will be well spent.
4 人中、3人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
5つ星のうち 4.0 A book that really grew on me 2011/6/15
投稿者 Azazello - (Amazon.com)
形式: ペーパーバック
So I used to have a review here that was quite negative, complaining that the book's structure was a mess, the comparisons with American/western examples overgeneralized and underargued, and the author's refusal to engage with feminist approaches to manga and anime very disappointing. After reading it a couple more times and discussing it with others, however, I've come to appreciate the book much more. The main argument - that the use of fictional characters as a way to satisfy sexual desire is in its own way socially adaptive - at first appeared rather ludicrous (no doubt in part due to my own initial biases against it). But over time I've come to appreciate Saito's perspective as quite provocative and insightful as a way to understand and (even more importantly) take seriously a certain 'otaku' approach to desire. I've even come to appreciate the Henry Darger chapter and what it adds to the book, a section that totally didn't seem to fit the first time around. Keith Vincent gives some important clues in his excellent introduction, but for this reader at least this book took some time to reveal itself.
87 人中、25人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。
5つ星のうち 1.0 Not for feminists or queers 2011/4/25
投稿者 CreativeLexicon - (Amazon.com)
形式: ハードカバー
If you think this book is feminist, think again. The author is a Freudian psychoanalyst who's argument about these "phallic girls" is inherently sexist, homophobic, and reductive. For example, he argues that the icon of the beautiful fighting girl is capable of encapsulating perversion, "She radiates the potential for an omnidirectional sexuality latent with pedophilia, homosexuality, fetishism, sadism, masochism, and other perversions, yet she behaves as if she were completely unaware of it all." (158) Clearly, this views homosexuality as a perversion = homophobic. Using the term "phallic mother" is basically an argument for the all-powerful status of the penis and the notion that women who are "damaged" through trauma (especially rape) are desirable based on that trauma, and that the beautiful fighting girl is an empty stand-in for the penis because she has never been raped. Clearly, the author assumes that his audience is all heterosexual men, a universal "we." Perhaps something was lost in translation, but by the last 20 pages of this book, I was seriously annoyed by this reductive, outdated psychoanalysis. Aren't there more productive ways to consider images of beautiful girls that aren't totally focused on the penis and male desire?
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