全 46 件のコメント

[–]DeadFoyerM 30s 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (16子コメント)

It just seems like you're taking your one situation and drawing some really broad conclusions.

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (15子コメント)

I can only give my perspective.

I have many articles on the subject and hope to get more involved in this community. The best way to help guys is to show real world actions and the real world impact they've had.

What is the worst that can happen to a man in a deadbedroom? He tries something and gets shutdown?

[–]DeadFoyerM 30s [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Did you have a dead bedroom?

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

I did not, but I've dealt with many men who have and together we've helped fix it.

[–]Secretalias666 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Maybe you can tell us about one case, and tell us step by step how it was fixed?

[–]DeadFoyerM 30s [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

It's just that your post has a very Marie Antoinette "Let them eat cake" vibe to it.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but if the people don't have any bread then it stands to reason that they also don't have any cake. They may find more useful advice from someone who understands their struggles.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

I can only give my perspective.

The perspective of a 29-year old kid who by luck (or good picking) is with a partner who authentically enjoys sex and has a baseline high libido.

I mean, /u/rditsexthrowawayacct points an example out perfectly below: your advice absolutely would not work for many (if not most) of the LL spouses on here. These are people who brush away your hand when you try to initiate. You are so far out of our experience that you have no idea how inapplicable it is to our own situation. You're like Mitt Romney talking about how anyone can be successful with hard work... completely unaware that the millions-dollar loan, connections, and education (both formal and informal) he received from his parents enabled his hard work to actually pay off.

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Why are you a part of this subreddit if you are unwilling to promote all potential avenues which can be taken to bring passion and desire back into a relationship?

Also, what does my age have to do with my experience or advice? I've had to find a way to keep my woman attracted to me for over 13 years, that should let you know that I'm following my own advice and hoping it may help others as well.

I'm not out of touch, I'm just taking a different approach and again, why does this bother you?

I am hoping to help others find that route which works for them.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

unwilling to promote all potential avenues which can be taken to bring passion and desire back into a relationship?

I am, unless those avenues are sexist. Which the red pill is, and not even in the relatively harmless "well, I mean, men and women generally ARE different" sense.

Add to that the fact that, well... your advice isn't a "potential avenue to bring back passion" because it literally won't work for the majority of people here. Because they've tried it. Added to that, it's tremendously facile. I mean, seriously... do you honestly think you're doling out some rare wisdom here? Your advice is super obvious.

Also, what does my age have to do with my experience or advice?

Well, part of it is that you clearly don't have relevant experience, not the maturity necessary to realize that, well... that means that your advice is unlikely to be helpful.

I've had to find a way to keep my woman attracted to me for over 13 years

Tying in to the immaturity/inexperience: your advice clearly indicates that you have a partner that is intrinsically more interested in sex, and more interested in you sexually, than most of the regulars here. You are literally playing your sex life on easy mode, then blustering in here asking us why we keep dying on hard mode, just press the 'fire' button more often, and when your health gets low, find cover and let it regenerate. THERE'S NO REGENERATION IN THE MODE WE'RE PLAYING.

Hell, at least if you had had a dry spell (where she wasn't receptive, where you were the only one initiating, where there were no blow jobs, where you had sex less than once a week/month/year), and your methods turned it around, I could respect that maybe your methods were effective. But you don't even have that; everything has always worked out for you, sexually, so clearly it must be something you're doing, and couldn't at all be independent of some or all of your methods/advice.

why does this bother you?

First, because it's redpill and sexist. Second, because it's just so fucking patronizing. You're the suburban kid who comes into the city for a concert and wonders out loud why the homeless you see don't "just get a job".

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

You have this preconceived notion as to who I am and what I represent because I've posted on TRP. You're blinded to what I'm saying.

My goal is to increase attraction, I read several posts on here that aren't so much touching on the subject of how to fix the deadbedroom but rather the issues that are a result of one.

My age doesn't have shit to do with my advice. I'm not a millionaire, but I understand how to manage wealth.

added to that, it's tremendously facile.

It isn't though, the goal here isn't to discuss deadbedrooms is it? It's to solve the problem causing the deadbedroom, that cause is lack of desire to have sex.

How do you do that?

Through generating attraction & desire to have sex.

How do you do that?

By changing what you've been doing up to this point as it has obviously not been working.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

You have this preconceived notion as to who I am and what I represent because I've posted on TRP.

Preconception or not, you've confirmed it here with statements like "Women do NOT Love you the way you love them. You may be content with your lady just the way she is all the way until death comes knocking on your door — She won’t." and "Women are not evil".

My age doesn't have shit to do with my advice. I'm not a millionaire, but I understand how to manage wealth.

Wait, for real? Did you not get the point of that analogy at all?

that cause is lack of desire to have sex. How do you do that? Through generating attraction & desire to have sex. How do you do that? By changing what you've been doing up to this point as it has obviously not been working.

Except that, well... sometimes it doesn't work. I think most of us on here have done a LOT to improve our attractiveness, getting into the best shapes of our lives, curating independent hobbies and social circles, improving our professional standing... and as a result, we've gotten attention from others, but not from our spouses.

I'm not against the self-improvement gospel, but I am against the assertion that it will definitely fix a dead bedroom. Because it clearly, by the preponderance of the evidence, is not guaranteed to do so.

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Women do NOT Love you the way you love them

I gave you an example of this from your own sub

getting into the best shapes of our lives, curating independent hobbies and social circles, improving our professional standing

I feel as though you aren't reading what I wrote.

What you just listed is straight from a TRP post.

I didn't just say get a hobby, look better, and grow professionally it's more than that.

You have to break down the 'comfort' you've developed with your SO, you've got to stop viewing her as a woman you've been with for years and start looking at her as a brand new woman.

Break the pattern, break the routine, break the stereotypical 'self-improvement' action and start doing what really needs to be done.

Talk to your girl, find the source and if you can't do what you must to get her laughing, smiling, and desiring again.

This was but one post on how to do that and I was bombarded with your 'THIS DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK' excuse.

Of course it doesn't always work, but you've got to try, then try again differently.

You can't quit on yourself or your spouse until you've exhausted every resource.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Women do NOT Love you the way you love them I gave you an example of this from your own sub

You gave us an example of one woman being a particular way. It is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION OF SEXISM to ascribe the behavior of one member of a group to all members of the group.

[–]I_like_the_word_MUFFDB Poetess [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

....lol... this quote tho "I have shared some insight into how I’ve kept my wife leaking and craving my dick for the past 7 years of our marriage and the 5 years prior to that."

I have socks older than 12 years.... my marriage/relationship was twice as long...

I bet you have no advice on how to keep sex alive above 40 years old? 50? 60? ... yea, when your plan works for 12 years it's great...call me when your dick stops working because you get old.. your wife stops 'leaking' because she's old too... when tank your finances for 5 years and can't afford glow sticks let alone a vacation..

All you are suggesting is hard flirting... yea, well that works when you're both HL and aways up for sex... try reaching for somebody's junk when they're LL and not in the mood and you've got a 5 alarm argument on your hands. My husband became so touch adverse during the waning years of our marriage that he'd literally pull away and yell like I had hurt him when all I wanted to do was hug him... Feels good to be responded to in that way.. now do that 50 times in 3 months.. each time getting the reaction that you are pulling your spouses teeth out with a claw hammer.. Now check your self confidence because after that nightmare you're going to think your a hideous monster with negative sex appeal.. Now do that for a couple of more years.. like 7 .. let's see if your 10 point plan has any effect..

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

my marriage/relationship was twice as long...

I'm trying to help men turn that word to is.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

...why just men? Seriously, about half our membership is women wanting more sex from their husbands.

[–]Secretalias666 [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

I'll be delighted if this dude writes 'ten ways to keep your husband craving your pussy' or some such.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

We all know exactly who he is and why he's here.

In fact, he messaged the mods asking for permission to post a link to his blog. When we said no... he posted anyway. What a douchebag, right?

I allowed the post because I knew we'd shut his privileged idiot self down, and I could remove it after a few hours.

[–]Secretalias666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I know, I'd just really like to take it to the next level!

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I knew we'd shut his privileged idiot self down

I wrote a post to help your sub lose some members as their bedroom is no longer dead, I'm such a dick.

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'm a guy, I can't tell you what it's like to be a woman. I have an idea, but I'd be talking out my ass if for a second I told you I knew what it was like to be a woman. Let your readers read the post and see if they want to apply, why argue every point?

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You're already talking out of your ass about what it's like to have a partner who isn't intrinsically interested in sex for its own sake, why stop at a little think like gender difference?

[–]I_like_the_word_MUFFDB Poetess [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

...just men, right...

LOL... this is the thing, it's so damn parochial.. Flirt and be alpha and you'll win your pussy every day..

No.. that's not how it works for most women. You know what works for me.. a man that has emotional depth, who can create a safe sanctuary in our relationship resides in where we can both share our most intimate thoughts without judgement. Yes, I like a strong man in the bedroom, that's why we have a BDSM relationship.. When sex is "on" I'll gladly take on the role of a submissive. You know what's even better.. for a man to not have to constantly be Alpha and still get's sex. You know what's fucking fantastic, not having to play a role to get sex from your partner. Not having to play games to keep the spark alive.. I don't need a vacation to fuck my BF... it just happens, daily.. you know why? Because we are both HL.. we both love sex.. Sex IS the vacation...

and what about men who are turned on by strong and dominant women in the bedroom? are they just fucked?

what about women who want to be dominant in the bedroom? do they just submit to their husbands even though that it's sexually unfulfilling?

what about men who are older? None of this really works when you've spent 20 years married, going on vacations and being creative.. it's like going to Disney land 30 years in a row--shit get's old.. NONE of this is new and interesting in a long term relationship..

YES..does it work.. for some..but don't come here and say it's a cure all...it's not

[–]simianSupervisor 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You honestly have no idea how little your sexual success has to do with your ongoing actions, and how much it has to do with your choice of partner and her intrinsic interest in sex, do you?

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The hundreds of men who've written to me expressing their gratitude for helping them bring joy and sexual satisfaction back into their marriage says otherwise.

It's a combination of so many different aspects to the marriage that I won't even begin to break it down to you here, but I know what I'm talking about and I simply cannot understand why you have an issue with that.

[–]rditsexthrowawayacct [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Wife is doing dishes? Pick her up, carry her to the garage, pin her to a wall, and make out with her hard and fast; then just fucking leave and go sit somewhere with a book. She’ll be in the garage dripping wet wondering what in the actual fuck just happened to her.

I can't think of any LL woman here who would respond well to that at all.

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

She might not or she might respond very well to her husband picking her up, looking into her eyes, and telling her how fucking awesome she is.

This isn't a rulebook, it's simply examples of things that can be done to increase the intimacy between the couple. Breaking the routine that's followed day in and day out, making their life and relationship more enjoyable.

Too many marriages out there are wicked serious, it needs to be broken.

Have fun w/ it, try new things. She may hate getting picked up & spun around or she may love it.

[–]Secretalias666 [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

Yeah, that's all very nice, but if someone doesn't want to fuck you, they aren't going to fuck you. This advice is all very well for keeping a relationship fresh and interesting, but how do you suggest kick starting a sexual relationship when a spouse has refused all advances for months or even years?

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

It's an excellent question and the exact discussion I wanted to start, you start by getting back to the basics.

I don't care if you have been married for 2 or 20 years, when you wake up and your feet hit the floor, you've got to start gaming your wife as if she were a new girl.

Everyday you go back to square one.

You make her laugh, you make her blush, you tease her until she's mad, but not really mad.

You start building a fire and fanning it, adding stick after stick until the attraction explodes.

You have to do things without the overt intention of having sex. Kiss her hard then go back to what you were doing, stop acting like a dog chasing a ball, relax with the drive for sex and then the sex will come to you.

Too many men think their wife is the problem when in fact, they are the problem. These guys are overweight or they're in this routine where they do the same shit day in and day out - that's not going to make a woman feel any attraction, she'll get bored and disgusted by the fat.

Guys need to fix themselves for themselves and their wife will respond accordingly.

[–]Secretalias666 [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Ok, so a guy goes to the gym, gets a hobby and a six pack, romances his wife, but when he tries to kiss her, she rejects him.

What should he do?

And please explain what you mean by 'tease'?

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

I would advise him to sit down with her and discuss what it is she wants from the marriage.

If a wife will not kiss her husband, what are they doing? Marriage is more than sex, but if sex is off the table and the man cannot even get a kiss, then maybe a mistake was made when they tied the knot.

A discussion would help him get to the root cause.


Have fun, play a joke, make her laugh, etc. It has to be catered to the woman as some chicks find different things humorous.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Aha, there we go... finally, the merest crack of admission that maybe this advice isn't sure fire... oh, but hey, in the situations where it doesn't you should probably break up.

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Nothing is surefire, you guys should know this. but do you quit because plan A, B, & C don't work?

No, you go through the whole damn alphabet making sure you've given it your all before you accept it may not work.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I think the big difference is that you're not giving us any new letters here... but you ARE trying to sell a book/get page views, so at least there's that.

[–]Secretalias666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Ah, 'The Talk'.

Ok, they sit down and talk, she promises him she loves him and wants to be with him, that things will get better. She's just under a lot of stress just now because of the kids, her job, the dog, whatever.

A couple of months pass, nothing changes. What's his next step?

[–]NotHoldingMyBreath48 M HL [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

Bugger off back to red pill land.

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Have you had men email you about wanting to kill themselevs because they hate their sexless life?

Have you had men cry to you because they don't know why their wife won't touch them?

Have you helped anyone who needed it?

My inbox is full of men who are trying to find a way to light the fire in their marriage and get back to how things used to be, I don't get paid for this but I can't just look away or bugger off to red pill land because I'm not about red pill, I'm about masculinity and helping men find joy in their life and marriage - a big part of that is by helping them express their sexual nature.

It's easy for you to tell me to fuck off, it's hard for me to read message after message of men who fucking hate themselves and just want to be desired.

I didn't come here for views or 'upvotes' I came her because many of the men emailing me are coming from this sub.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Have you helped anyone who needed it?

Have you?

No, seriously: how many people in that situation, of a truly dead bedroom, have taken your advice and had their situation actually turn around. No confirmation bias, no bullshit: how many took just your advice and had it work, for more than a month or two?

[–]TheFamilyAlpha[S] [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I have no idea, I don't keep a running tally, I just enjoy the emails as they come in.

[–]simianSupervisor [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I just enjoy the emails as they come in

This... this I believe.

So, to sum up... a bunch of sad people email you looking for advice, and you give them advice, but you have no idea if it actually changes their situation... but because they felt better for finding someone who was willing to tell them (truthfully or not) that there was something they could do to fix their situation, well, your advice must work.

You know, for a member of the redpill master race, you engage in a lot of really shoddy logical reasoning.