Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Keep doing you and maybe restaurants will start paying their staff an equitable wage and not depend on their patrons to directly cover the gap.>

Then service would be even WORSE, because there would be ZERO INCENTIVE to get you that 3rd refill or 5 condiments or more bread. It just would be worse if there were no tipping, because then one party that orders "AS IS" that asks for hardly anything the server will get the SAME PAY as my complicated many request orders and that JUST ISN'T FAIR NOR MORALLY RIGHT. You don't agree?

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Except it's not for service, as I just said. It's for them not to starve because the restaurant industry is fucked up. It has little to do with how happy you are and everything to do with them not dying because they're forced into a low end shitty job in order to not let them and their children die and you decided that wasn't a good enough reason to shell out an extra buck.>

Nobody is making them accept the job if they are a lazy worker. Everyone knows good service can make $25/hr and much more money than the average office worker could make in one year even.


Seems like these workers aren't starving.

Tipping IS for service, that is why it's a the END and not a MANDATORY FEE(excluding automatic gratuity of course such as being in a large party or using a coupon that requires that).

Tipping is a judging contest of how hard and nice you have treated the customer. That's why you don't get a tip at the beginning MORON!

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

such a cheap fuck.>

Has NOTHING to do with being cheap. It has to do if the server was good or not IDIOT! What is deserved is deserved, whether it's a wonderful tip for good service or a stiff for horrible service.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Unless they are sick, WHO CARES???

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because it's an Applebee's you thick fuck. You want better service, go somewhere that doesn't scream white trash>

I have had over 30% quality service at Chili's before MANY of times during the years. Just because it's a chain doesn't mean anything. It depends on the SERVER serving you.

For example, we had gone to BR Prime, which is located in Beau Rivage in Mississippi. The cheapest steak in 2011 was $89, that's how EXPENSIVE this place was. Our bill was $293($89 bottle of wine in that, but STILL, VERY EXPENSIVE PLACE). Our waiter forgot my margarita from the bar, didn't even apologize. He took 8-10 minutes for my first coke, then 8-10 minutes for a refill of that coke. So NO, the places doesn't mean that you are going to get better service because the prices are higher and you know it.

My husband's family and I went to Ruth's Chris, which my Ribeye alone was $41. Our waitress forgot one of my refills. She also got my dessert wrong. I had asked her to have blueberries as a topping on the side for the cheesecake, she brings me blueberry sauce. That's NOT blueberries is it? That's blueberry SAUCE, NOT the same. She didn't apologize for that mistake either. Very dingy to be a fine dining waitress to not offer me both options of sauce vs. fresh fruit. My mind was thinking of literally blueberries, NOT sauce at all when I placed my order. I was going by my husband's grandmother's tiny piece of birthday cake they gave her with fresh blueberries and other fruits on hers before we had ordered desserts, so that's how I based my order on. The waitress should have ASKED instead of not getting the order correctly, because blueberries isn't a sauce, just like applesauce isn't an apple.

So that's just a couple of examples of how PRICES don't matter to the service. It's all about the PERSON that serves you, NOT AT ALL the prices or how expensive or pretty the restaurant looks.

WHY do you servers think that how expensive a restaurant is has to do with the service when it doesn't, huh?

Have you ever dined at fine dining? You sure don't sound like it.

I have other examples as well I could tell you. One was at a place in the Imperial Palace Casino where our bill was around $140 for just the 2 of us. Our bill had a $2 overcharge on a margarita I ordered as it came according to the drink menu. So instead of the waiter immediately apologizing, he blames it on a misprint and then apologizes. That's sure not saying you are sorry when you blame it on the menu when it's HIS fault since he was the last person to see the check, HE was supposed to catch that and get his manager to fix it, NOT ME! First time we EVER were there and I knew more than he did. So he comes back to have it fixed, NO COMP and so I tell him something back for being such a mean person by blaming it on the menu when it's not the menu's fault by telling him "You know we don't order from the computer right" and he's like "Well I fixed it." I thought what an asshole. We should have stiffed him for that, but didn't. Because of the poor way he handled it, we left 11%, but BEFORE that happened we would have left him 25%.

So obviously you don't go to fine dining restaurants very often, do you?

Better restaurants DOES IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM equal better service. We had better service at IHOP, Waffle House, and Denny's at times than those restaurants. That should tell you something. I remember this one time we tipped 25% at IHOP, because we got awesome service unlike these times I have mentioned at these FINE DINING restaurants.

What restaurant it is and how much things cost mean ****NOTHING****** to the service. It all depends on the ***SERVER***** that serves you MORON!

TalesFromTheCustomer 内の DerDonald によるリンク Was kind of appalled by tgichillibees tabletop pay device

[–]Springs131 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The thing is, nobody is saying you have to use the kiosk. That's my point here. That's why I rarely use it.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can tell by your self righteous attitude that you treat nothing you do in life with the same scrutiny.>

Yes I do. I try my best at EVERYTHING I do. You don't know me at all.

AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I do good surveys when the server DOES a GOOD JOB. It's only fair.

I am a good tipper when I get GOOD SERVICE. Tipping for bad service just makes the bad service continue because then WHAT REASON WOULD THEY WANT TO IMPROVE, HUH? They would have no reason to if they are making big bucks no matter what.

"cutting turns" isn't part of my lexicon.>

Well you don't care about your time I guess, but most people DO in general. Especially people that are on their lunch break or wanting to make a movie time or something like that. You are in the rarity on that one. NO ONE WANTS THEIR TURN CUT IN FRONT OF EXCEPT RARE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!

Imagine if you asked for your check, then 4 other tables after that ask for things, but your server decides to do all the 4 other tables while you sit and wait 10 minutes for your check, but you had to be somewhere 5 minutes ago even. You wouldn't be pissed that your server CUT in front of your turn 4 times? Not even a little? If not, then you don't care about your time and that's just rare today. Most people do, that's why so many people get speeding tickets, ask to cut in line, etc. Most people are in a hurry, except rate people like you.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

He wasn't working, he was cheating on you, I would bet money on it.>

No, he was **TRUTHFULLY**** working. Not everyone is a cheater out there. I am not one for example.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why do you use bold, italics, caps and asterisks for emphasis?>

To make my point across, DUH.

How many other people do you see doing this in your online interactions?>

I do see people using caps. I have seen MANY of people do that.

Who cares if they aren't?

Do you realize it makes you look like a maniac?>

NO, because I am trying to emphasis the POINTS I am trying to convey.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Could you briefly explain the "ruin people's lives" thing?>

While you are there, it's ruining your outing and then when I go home from that ruined outing, I am thinking about how MEAN the server was and how she or he treated us unfairly or poorly.

Here's an example:

My husband and I went to a restaurant that on your first visit, you get a free half-order of fried pickles that was $3.99. So I was like OK(our waitress OFFERED this). So at the end when the check came, we were charged for the fried pickles. So I told her nicely that the pickles were on the check and our waitress's reaction was "They didn't take it off." I just said "no", but I wanted and WISH I COULD AND WOULD HAVE SAID "You mean YOU didn't get the manager to take it off BEFORE you brought us our check." So she takes it, no apology for an extra $3.99 on our check and it's the first item even, but yet she had time to write her "THANK YOU" on the check for her little tip points she wanted to earn, which really shows she didn't even check the bill for accuracy, because she was more concerned with doodling "thank you" rather than what is much more important which was to not overcharge your customers. Even if she would have apologized(which she didn't), her REACTION was a very BITCHY one. When she gave the check back, she didn't apologize nor did she get a manager to take a coke off the bill for our inconvenience like I personally would have if I were a server. I would have said I was "SO" SORRY about that right when I did it and after, NEVER putting blame on someone else taking it off. I know she had to get the manager to take it off, but instead of her saying "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't get my manager to take it off for you", she said "They didn't take it off." She was such a bitch. She said "You're welcome" when we told her "thank you" for things, but no sorry for her mistakes. She also forgot my 3 sides of mayonnaise and didn't say she was sorry. She brought out the food, so she had 2 chances to have gotten the 3 mayos right either before the food came or with the food. The reason for the stiff was because she didn't take credit for her mistake and blamed the manager when she offered us this in the first place. I didn't ask about it. What happened as to why she knew it was our first visit was when I ordered, I asked for mustard and it was on the table not realizing it since I was reading the menu and not paying attention to what was on the table. That's when I said "Oh sorry it's our first time here I didn't notice the mustard." So that's when she offered first time customers about the half an order of fried pickles. So this wasn't something we ordered or asked about. My point is, if she would have actually took credit for her mistakes all 4 of them(the 3 mayos missing(yes each mayo is a mistake missing since I had ZERO to start eating my burger with) and most importantly the overcharge is the main issue that she should have taken credit for her mistake. She should not have BLAMED someone else for it. As I said, I wish I would have said to the lying bitch "No, YOU didn't get the manager to take it off." Who is "THEY" anyway? I mean it doesn't make any sense. She may have actually done it INTENTIONALLY, because for every $5 dollars, the server gets an extra dollar on every 20% tip, which $3.99 is close to $4.00, which would have been 80 cents more in the tip, which she knows people usually round up. So she would have stolen a dollar from us in the tip besides the $3.99 and the extra taxes. I think she did it intentionally by the way she reacted. "THEY didn't take it off", like WTH??? So I wish I could have said "Are you illiterate?" Seriously, it was the FIRST ITEM on the check, that's why I think it was VERY INTENTIONALLY left there, because how can she miss that when her job is to verify what she is charging us, that is HER JOB, NOT the manager's job since she is the LAST PERSON to hand us our check? I think it was intentional for her to not say one sorry over a LARGE overcharge like that. She was such a bitch. No tip was left and I am GLAD. I also reported her to the manager how all she had to do was say she was sorry and not blame someone else*, then she would have gotten a tip of some sort. All she had to do was be *HONEST!

Well, this happened in September of 2013, it STILL HURTS TO THIS DAY. NOW do you see how a mean server "RUINS" LIVES? Not only while we were there, but years and years later STILL HURTS MY HEART.

When you show a problem to a server, if it was their fault they didn't notice to get the manager to take it off, she should have. I mean she is the person who OFFERED us that, yet she didn't take credit for her mistake. THAT is what hurts. It's not that she overcharged us, it's that she was **************A BITCH****** about the mistake. You don't blame a "THEY", because if the customer can notice an extra item on the check, so can the server. While she couldn't take it off, she was supposed to get the manager to do it. She should have just simply apologized. That's all I wanted.

Now with the mayos, since 3 containers on one plate of food and in only a party of 2, you could tell she didn't check the food against her written order, so for that what hurts is :

  1. That she didn't CARE to check over the food for accuracy.
  2. That she didn't apologize.

That's just ONE example of MANY I have that my life was ruined at the restaurant and then STILL IS YEARS AND YEARS LATER!

AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Another thing, you don't know WHAT you are *******PAYING****** for, so WHY are you PAYING for something you have ZERO KNOWLEDGE* if the server has been *******FAIR********* to your turn or not, huh? I don't quite get that you'd want your server to cut in front of your turn and still pay them well? I don't quite get that one?

AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have no idea what order my waitress is going in.>


If you want to be stupid, go ahead, I can't stop you. So you NEVER have been in a hurry or wanted something quickly? BS if you say you haven't. You can see and HEAR if the server is talking to another table in the back of you, you aren't deaf, right?

This is why I tip at least 20% no matter what.>

That's why we all get bad service at times because of ASSHOLES like you that use it as a "CHARITY" instead of a JUDGING of the service. Tips are supposed to be for if you have good or at least decent service, NOT if the server treats you like shit.

WHY would you pay someone well to treat you like shit, huh? I don't understand? You said "no matter what", but WHY? Servers aren't holier than thou that you have to bow down to JUST THEIR MONEY ONLY. They aren't GOD. They are working people just like the rest of us in the world. They are *EQUALS** to the rest of us. That means if they did a wonderful job, they will get 25%-30% or more from us, but if they are absolutely horrible to us, they won't get a good tip or a tip at all.

You are IGNORANT to tip no matter what. THAT ****CAUSES*******you to have problems. So you think by tipping 20% the server will *LEARN from their mistakes? FUCK NO, they won't. So go on, keep paying them well and you will keep getting the same fucking mistakes over and over again, because you are ****PAYING TO GET THEM**** YOU IDIOT! You are the type of person that is the reason why service is so shitty today in general. If they had an INCENTIVE* they would STOP the bad behavior, but you are making them not stop their bad behavior, therefore, they won't care if they get your order wrong next time around IDIOT! I guess you must like bad service, don't ya? I hope they get your order wrong and you have an overcharge as well. Let's see how happy you are then.

AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's impossible to serve one table completely before helping another except on the slowest of slow nights.>

I NEVER said that YOU IDIOT! Turns means go by **********ORDER OF REQUEST********, YOU STUPID IDIOT!!

That means, let's say table A is first asks for 2 refills let's say and as you pass by table B asks for a box for their leftovers, well since table A asked FIRST BEFORE table B, you should NOT get the box, you should be getting the 2 refills first. If you get the box and give table b their box before getting table A's refills you are CUTTING.

Do you understand what I mean by TURNS MORON? It's from the ******TIME YOU ASKED FOR SOMETHING*******.

Also, you NEVER answered my question that would you be OK if tapped you on the shoulders while taking a food order at another table to ask for 2 refills? Would you actually stop taking their food orders to get our 2 refills? If you wouldn't, then WHY can you cut, but we can't, huh? If you feel that I should wait my turn(which I should), then WHY should table A wait longer for their refills just because table b's request is faster or maybe from where you are it's closer? It's not fair if you make table A wait longer for their refills. They just asked for those refills, it's *******THEIR TURN********, NOT table B's turn until after you fix and bring the refills to table A.

NOW do you understand you STUPID MORON?? ORDER BY ***REQUEST*******, NOT by after each table finishes, of course that's impossible. I agree with you on that, because that's NOT what I am talking about. I am talking about when a person requests something, it's their turn at that point first, then the next table request something, then the next. You should do all of those request in order.

So another example, let's say you are double sat. You greet us, we just want 2 cokes. What you should do is tell the next table(which is a party of 2 as well), you will be right with them in just a few minutes. Then you get the 2 cokes and bring them to us. If we aren't ready to order, then you go to the 2nd table to get their drink orders and bring them to them. After you'd go to the 1st table(us) to get their food orders, then put them into the computer. Then you'd go to the 2nd table to get their food orders and put them into the computer.

What you would probably do is this MORALLY WRONG scenario:

Greet us, then greet the 2nd table. Get all 4 drinks on the tray making us wait longer for not only you going to that other table to get their drink orders, but for you to fix their 2 drinks. You would then give us ours last as we were first off the tray because you are a cutter like that as you have admitted so. Then you'd take our food order, then instead of going to the computer as you should have, you take up our food time that our food could be worked on to go to the other couple's table to get their food orders and then you would put them all in the computer in one trip.

By you doing it your method, you have delayed our drinks and food because of cutting. It was our turn for our drinks and you cut several times in this scenario(1. Which was to go to another table that didn't call you over to get drink orders 2. To fix the 2 other drinks. 3. To actually hand the 2nd table theirs first so you gave them faster, better service than we received.

Then you delayed our food orders by at least 2-3 minutes that we could have had our food faster and even longer possibly if it was busy so other servers beat our orders into the computer while you held it in your hands so the kitchen didn't know about our food all of that time.

You are dumb if you don't understand that TURNS are ********BY REQUESTS********. That means if the table A asks for let's say some extra napkins and table B asked for their check right as you pass by afterwards, table A should get their napkins BEFORE you get table b's check. Table b should not get their check since table A asked for what they wanted BEFORE table B, it's only fair.

I also know why you didn't answer, because you know what I am saying is true that if I went up to you while you were at another table, you'd tell me to wait my turn, WOULDN'T YOU? YOU KNOW YOU WOULD! So if we can't cut, WHY should OUR SERVER, HUH? WHAT'S FAIR IS FAIR and what isn't, isn't. What's good for you, should be good for us, visa versa, so in your mind I should be able to make you stop taking a food order to get our refills because you have the cutting attitude that it's OK for YOU to do it, but NOT US. WHY is that, huh?

Do you understand now IDIOT??

You're a troll.>


AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is the expo's fault because they hand it to your server. They are responsible for the entire dish. But if it is on the ticket expo is 100% responsible for the dish. That is just how it works. If it is correct, the expo hands it to the waiter>

This is when your server if they bring out your food is supposed to check over the expo's and cook's work for accuracy since they are the ones making the tip in order to make a good tip, you have to ***********SERVE************* it as correctly as you POSSIBLY CAN. That means your server is supposed to compare their written order to the food.

Read this from a former waiter:


Demosthenes9 said:

"Absolutely right. As a waiter, it was ultimately my responsibility to ensure that EVERYTHING was correct with your food. The funny thing is, if waiters took the time to pay attention to the little details like the one's Spring mentioned, they would actually have MORE time on their hands to take care of customers. Afterall, it takes maybe 30 seconds to check over an order and make sure it's correct. Failure to do so means that you now have to go all the way back to the kitchen, argue with a cook, get a replacement side item, then carry it back out to the table. That time could have been better spent taking care of other tables instead."

He's a former waiter and he's saying it was HIS job 100% to actually ********SERVE************* it correctly if he brought out his own food.

If it is correct, the expo hands it to the food runner. The food runner has no idea what you ordered,>

That's when a caring, RESPONSIBLE HARD WORKER would *****ASK******* to see the ticket and compare each detail to the food ******BEFORE********** they serve it YOU STUPID LAZY, UNCARING ASSHOLE MORON!

They have an idea, it's called a FUCKING ******TICKET********** you DUMMY!

your server has already been to 5 tables and doesn't remember your order either.>

They don't have to "remember" anything, because it's all ************************WRITTEN DOWN******************* ON A LIST JUST LIKE WHEN YOU MAKE A GROCERY LIST YOU COMPARE WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR CART TO THE LIST, SAME FUCKING CONCEPT! It's really no different. It's making sure you have the correct items, the correct ways *******BEFORE****** you ***********************SERVE IT WRONG*************. Now, you can't catch every single problem, but a good 95% of issues you can catch, because you can *SEE the issue ******BEFORE******* you deliver it.


You can tell in this picture above the bacon is very crispy just by simply LOOKING at it.


You can tell in this picture above the bacon is NOT CRISPY, just by simple LOOKING at the bacon.

While the server didn't "COOK" the bacon, it's obvious to the SERVER'S EYES that one batch of bacon is crispy and the other isn't to decide to BRING the food to the customer wrong or not. It's my server's fault if they decide to bring me the bacon that's like in picture 2 if I ordered it crispy that she or he didn't tell the cooks it was wrong and get them to cook the bacon more instead of SERVING it wrong. WHY bring it out only for the food to be sent back?


You can clearly see the fries are overdone in the picture above if the customer ordered them "NOT OVERDONE, lightly cooked."


In this picture above, you can see the fries don't appear overdone and the bacon is NOT CRISPY. If a customer asked for their bacon to be crispy, I would REFUSE to serve it and I would have enough CARING and COMMON SENSE to get that fixed BEFORE I brought it to the customer only to have the customer send it back or leave me a bad tip for not caring about their food.

My server's job isn't just to bring out what the kitchen staff gives them, it's also getting the order OBVIOUSLY correct to the table as much as possible in order to get that good tip. As someone said on a blog or forum “They just want to be tipped well and will do pretty much anything reasonable to get your money”, which that IS VERY REASONABLE to think OUR SERVERS ACTUALLY ****************CARE**************** ABOUT THEIR TIP TO GET THINGS RIGHT TO HAVE A BETTER TIP!! If it's another server running the food, they should care from one human being to another and that other server should be paying the server that is helping some of the tip, it's only fair not to be so greedy that the original server is going to keep the entire tip, yet, didn't serve the food. That's not fair if they keep the entire tip to themselves. I know they have to tip out, but that's out of sales to the hostess, bartender, and busser, even some food runners get tipped, but it's out of SALES, so the only way there's an incentive to do so is if the ORIGINAL SERVER PAYS at least a dollar or two to the food runner or other server for their help.

WHY do you act like servers have to "REMEMBER" what you ordered when they ******WRITE IT THE FUCK DOWN*******, HUH? I don't remember what I need at the grocery store by memory alone, SAME FUCKING CONCEPT as serving.

The other server or food runner should be checking the order.

Read this:


nixity said:

As a server, I checked EVERY ticket before I took it out and looked at the plates to make sure something wasn't visibly ****ed up before I brought it out to my table. If something was visibly wrong ("Hey, this was supposed to be no onions") I would have a line cook fix it immediately before taking it out. If it's a runner bringing you your food they should be held to the same standard.. but since they don't get the tip they're less likely to care. but also realize there are checks a server can do to prevent the awkwardness of potentially needing to send a meal back because of an over sight.>

WHY are these **HARD, CARING SERVERS***** TELLING YOU THAT YOU ARE WRONG, HUH? THEY DID THE FUCKING JOB and ARE TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE WRONG! YOU ARE JUST A LAZY, UNCARING ASSHOLE WORKER! If that were YOUR FOOD, you would want a server to catch it before it got to you wrong because it wastes LOTS OF TIME as Demosthenes9 said. Most issues you can truly prevent.

NOBODY has to "REMEMBER" what you ordered MORON! Your server should have written it down if they were lazy. That's why servers write shit down.

The expo isn't stepping out of the kitchen to hand me my food MORON, so they can't *****POSSIBLY******EVER********* BE at fault for a mistake I don't have to touch my food to notice it's wrong. It would either by my server if they bring out my food, my server putting the order in wrong, or another server if the order was put in correctly, because BOTH my server and another server have a way to verify if it has the correct items made the correct ways for anything you don't have to touch to notice it's wrong.

But if it is on the ticket expo is 100% responsible for the dish.>

No, the person delivering it is if it's your server for errors you don't have to touch the food to notice they are wrong. If it's another server or food runner, as long as the ticket was correct, they are 100% responsible for any errors they don't have to touch the food to notice it's wrong. Also, any condiments, your server is more responsible for those since your server is the person making the tip, so in actuality, any condiments on the side, your server or another server(if the ticket was correct) is responsible for condiments. The expo NEVER stepped foot out the kitchen and gave me a DUH mistake that I didn't have to touch anything to notice it was wrong. It was either my server or another server(or food runner) that did. YOU ARE DUMB to not understand SELF-RESPONSIBILITY for your actions!!!**

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes, because not everyone is lazy like you are.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

to the server, is worth at least $5 regardless of your order. If you aren't tipping them at least that, then you are almost literally costing them money>

Then WHY is the pay scale 18%-20% then? I am not costing them money.

$5 is not regardless, that's why they have the pay scale at the bottom of the receipt even that tells you. It doesn't say $5 if the bill is $13, I ***GUARANTEE**** you that.

You, eating at a restaurant, takes up a table - booth, seat, whatever - from the server's section. You take up this spot>

That's meaningless to the tip. The tip is for actual **SERVICE*, NOT if we sit or not somewhere. Also, if it was a "rental fee", it would belong to the restaurant owner, NOT the server just like renting a private room at a restaurant for a party or large group.

As for all your other nonsense, riddle me this: do you pay full price for the clothes you buy?>

You are comparing oranges to apples here considering that NOBODY tips store clerks IDIOT! Tipping is not in that therefore, you cannot compare a non-tipping situation to a tipping one. Buying clothes at a store would be like comparing McDonald's cashiers service. Both of those are non-tipping services, so nobody can penalize the service nor reward it since there's no tipping involved.

Because if you aren't docking dollars from the price because of a poor clerk's performance, you're a hypocrite.>

I can't dock prices from a store. This isn't tipping MORON!

AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

But you go there to pick off menu.>

NO, I go there to get what I want for MY HARD EARNED MONEY. I don't go there to please the cooks or the servers. I go there to enjoy my food.

All the stuff I order is on the menu. They list the salad dressings for example, they list different items like cheese and bacon.

You want it the way you'd cook it? you fucking cook it, fam.>

No, I actually wouldn't want it the way I cook it since I am not a good cook honestly. I suck at cooking.

I know what you are trying to convey here, but if you have that attitude, then I have the attitude not to tip my server if that were you if you refuse to satisfy me, because then I'd refuse to satisfy you in the tip. That's how it works.

If you are complaining because you are a lazy cook, then I can't help you there.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you aren't paying at least 5.00 or 20%(whichever is more), then you are abusing a faulty system in order to get a discount on your food at the server's expense.>

If the service sucks, WHY should I CARE about their pay? Caring is a ****TWO-WAY****** STREET. Server's money isn't holier than thou, it's ***EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT AS OURS IS TO US*.

Also, if the service isn't good or you are just ordering something like an easy order a pasta dish that is let's say $10, so your bill is like $12 or $13 total let's say, if I haven't asked for a lot, I am sure not going to give a server $5, it's going to be a 20% tip if I got good service.

I depends on the ***AMOUNT OF WORK****** I have them doing. If I have them getting me lots of condiments and modifications in my order, then if I get good service, they may get more than $5. I have tipped on a $12 and something cent check $7 to a waitress before, because I asked for a lot of stuff.

My example of the pasta dish is because that's not a lot of work. If the order is "AS IS" off the menu and I only ask for like one refill, then why should they get $5 on a $12 or $13 check? They didn't do much to get that much. 20% of a $13 check is $2.60, so around $3 at most I'd poke out for something like a easy pasta dish that they'd have to just press one button. If I am a lot of trouble by asking for a lot, I am VERY WILLING to PAY for it as long as you give me good service of course. As I said before, I had eaten by myself that time my check was $12 and something cents due to my husband was working that day and the waitress gave me the most excellent service possible and I had asked for a lot of modifications and other things. If I am not asking for a lot, then the service should go with HOW MUCH you make your server do, of course as long as the service was good of course.

Not always is $5 deserved if they haven't done much. A good example, let's say I order a coke and a pasta dish that is $10 and my bill is $13. Let's say I only ask for one refill. I ordered that pasta dish as it came off the menu. I didn't send it back or anything like that. Let's say I ate my entire pasta dish so I didn't have to ask for a box and bag even for any leftovers. The server if they did a good job in that situation would only get $2.50 at most. They didn't do much to truly deserve anymore. They didn't do much, so they don't deserve an entire $5 out of it, they did like less than half the work I make my servers usually do for my orders. Some orders I have had 10-20 modifications in one dining experience before if you count like each condiment and/or modification. I go by HOW MUCH WORK DID YOU DO* and what you deserve. I am not going to throw you that $7 for that pasta dish example. You don't deserve it. You didn't work as hard as my server did that received $7. It's not fair to tip the same.

I am not abusing the system if I don't tip $5 for eating out by myself on an easy ass order. That's just basing the pay on the AMOUNT OF WORK I asked the server to do for me. That's how jobs work anyways. How much work did they do for you will determine the amount of pay. I mean wouldn't you want me to give you more money and think you deserve a lot more if I made you do a 15 modification order vs. another customer that orders the same item but doesn't change anything? I bet you'd tell me if I gave you the same tip they did(let's say it's $3 for example) you'd say "ALL OF THAT WORK I DID AND ONLY $3, WTF???", wouldn't you agree? If so, then when you do less work, you should not receive $5 for a small bill amount. It depends on HOW MUCH WORK YOU HAD TO DO FOR THE CUSTOMER. If you did little, the little tip as long as the service was good. If you did a lot, big tip, as long as the service was good.

It's not a discount on food. The tip goes to the server. The food amount goes to the restaurant and the taxes go to the government. You don't understand how tipping works, do you?

AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Now that I think about it, it's always the kitchen's fault.>

HOW? The LAST PERSON TO SEE THE FOOD CAN NOTICE DUH MISTAKES like missing or wrong items, things of that nature.

AskReddit 内の autotroph95 によるリンク What's a sign that someone was raised well?

[–]Springs131 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

My point was, for my example of my server giving me the wrong side dish or forgetting my ranch, it was MY SERVER that last SAW my food and didn't have to touch ANYTHING to notice something was not right about it, so it wasn't the expo's fault. Do you understand now or what?

If it's another server running the food, same concept except that the original server had to put in the order correctly and then this other server should be asking to see the ticket to compare the food to.

The expo isn't at fault for obvious errors you don't have to touch the food to notice it's wrong since the expo isn't the last person to see the food nor he or she is the person to deliver it either.

Drama 内の snallygaster によるリンク Springs1, Patron Saint of Ranch, visits /r/trashy.

[–]Springs131 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Another thing:

If I drop $50 at Applebee's, I'm not expecting anything other than mediocre service and mediocre food.>

WHY? They expect a 20% tip, WHY would you expect mediocre service? Food has ZERO to do with tipping as far as taste goes and you know it.