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/r/TheBluePill is a satire of /r/TheRedPill and the strategies discussed on that particular sub. /r/TheRedPill is a subreddit for pick up artists who discuss ways of manipulating women. Here's a collection of some of the most popular comments made by TRP moderators, Endorsed Contributors, and users. That said, consider most posts on this sub to have a trigger warning.
Hateful people from hateful subreddits are not welcome here

Are you a recovering RedPillian looking for a supportive space to work through it? Come to /r/ExRedpill!

Don't vote or comment on links. Don't link to RP blogs. USE NP LINKS.

Welcome to The Blue Pill

Why are we here?
The Red Pill: Discussion of rape strategy in a culture increasingly dominated by feminazis and their endless oppression on men.
k so if y'all take the blue pill, we can teach ya how to objectify females and shit
Also everything is gonna sound all dramatic and shit cuz this is like a huge secret truth and shit

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Take the Blue Pill Challenge

Or, if you don't want to waste 6 whole months when you could be out getting a bunch of sexthings on your alpha cock, you can follow these alternative steps:
1) Subscribe to this subreddit
3) Read stuff on this subreddit
4) Remember that females don't count as real people
5) Stop being a beta mangina pussy feminazi shill and start being alpha

Not sure if The Blue Pill is for you?

trust me it is

Required Reading

reading is for feminazis we already know all the knowledge there is to know plus most authors are controlled by this culture of radical feminism

Other Things

No we don't misogyny
Y u say dis
We don't hate women
If we hated them
Why would we want to use them for sex and only sex and nothing else?
Edit: srsly tho we're not misogyny I swear
I for one love females
Mostly for sex reasons
Edit 2: k its not funny anymore
Edit 3: Downvotes, really?
Edit 4: ok fuck you imma just finish this sidebar and if u don't like it deal w/ it


by SaltyChristian, expert on everything
  1. Locate a suitable sexthing. This can be any female. I recommend going to a 7-11 or your city hall to find some.
  2. Approach the sexthing. This stage is actually more difficult than it seems, because you have to move a certain distance. As we know, the world has been corrupted by feminism (e.g. Mitt Romney bothering to make a binder of sexthings because of feminist pressure, /r/seduction being taken over by feminist ideals). You will have to walk through a dangerous feminist area, as all areas are dangerous and feminist, and you might get oppressed.
  3. Talk to the sexthing. Don't use your own words though. This creates conversation, which implies a certain degree of mutual respect. If she talks first, act like you didn't hear her. Use one of the Approved Opening Lines listed in the faq.
  4. Ask us. Take out your phone or other mobile device, and create a post on this subreddit. The many enlightened people here who have also taken the blue pill can discuss the situation with you.
  5. Do whatever it is you're supposed to do. BUT NOTHING MORE. Do not start conversation. Do not answer her, unless your strategy explicitly includes it.
  6. Sex. Yay.

Good Links:

This subreddit stands against hate speech

created by SaltyChristiana community for
all 30 comments
[–]ColeYoteOpen beta v0.9.6 46 points47 points48 points  (1 child)
Repeat: TheBluePill is not an ideology. It is a subreddit dedicated to making fun of you morons.
[–]ponyproblematicthe intrinsic nature of women to destroy things 27 points28 points29 points  (3 children)
deep breath in alright friendos here we go, i should really get cash dollars for this
add a healthy "source?????" to the start and end of every comment i make btw because, like, it's not there
>I mean for fucks sake, when are they even going to REMOTELY address that over half of all marriages in Westernized nations end in divorce?
even if they did (the rate has been going down- the myth that it did was heavily bolstered by a massive amount of divorces as divorce became more acceptable) i fail to see how that's a negative. getting a divorce is infinitely better than staying in an unhappy or abusive relationship
>When are they going to address the fact that 80 percent of women initiate said divorces?
first off, the statistic is actually closer to 70% and maybe if you want women to stop divorcing their partners, men should stop being shitbags. women are often a lot less satisfied in marriage than men, often due to unequal workloads at home.
also, wee nitpick, you mean "70% of divorces are initiated by women", not "70% of women initiate divorces."
>When are they going to address the fact that 97 percent of alimony is paid by men?
i mean, like, it's linked to the fact that men tend to earn more than women as a group, and women are also the partners who tend to make career sacrifices for their partners. so what you need is feminism, friendo
>When are they going to address the fact that in ~86 percent of child custody cases, mother's retain primary custody of children?
idk, when are you going to address that, in the majority of cases where men actually ask for custody, they're more likely to get it than their wives? or that women tend to be relegated to the caregiving parent, which is one of the most important factors when it comes to custody decisions? (hey another thing feminism helps you fucks with)
>When are they going to address the fact that women lie about their past sexual partners by a factor/multiple of 3 less than what their actual sexual partner count is?
seriously, source at all?
and yeah gee if only there was a social movement with one of its goals being to reduce the stigma around women having more sex than societally acceptable. something for women. the feminine, one might say. if only there was some sort of.... feminine-ism.............
>When are they going to acknowledge the fact that whenever an article or blog post comes out about female infidelity, they almost always implicitly shift all of the blame and responsibility to the man who got cheated on?
this is a really big wooshy category with no examples whatsoever, so there's not much to address tbqh. and if we're going off pure anecdote, i've seen a good amount of stories about cheating men explained away with "she wouldn't stop nagging him" or "he was a man, he couldn't help himself." in addition, not saying you do this, but i've seen a hell of a lot of manosphere types say that a woman being raped is cheating on her partner.
>When are they going to address the fact that men don't have obnoxious physiological requirements stated in their Tinder profile, but an abundance of women do (e.g. He must be at least 6'2")?
>When are they going to address the fact that women perceive the vast majority of men to be "below average" in physical sex appeal?
are you talking about that okcupid study? that was actually flawed for a lot of reasons. first, if you look at the male data, it shows men are less likely to consider women that aren't rated as attractive for partners than women are. second, it ignores the fact that when you rate someone, you're not just rating their photos- you're rating their profile. and if you rate a guy high on okc, he tends to take it as a comeon, because he gets a little notification. when i was on there before i met my partner, i ended up rating a lot of guys less attractively than just their physical photos showed, because their profiles had a lot of things i wasn't interested in and i didn't want them to see my like and message me when we were going for different things in relationships.
>When are they going to address the fact that women on average are only a significant net deficit on the tax base?
women are also more likely to be not working, to be working for minimum or low wage, or to be working restricted hours. people who earn more pay more taxes. that's how things work. perhaps if, say,
and hey, you want to know why people pay taxes? so that societies can have a safety net for people who need it. that's what they're for.
>When are they going to address the fact that women make-up only 20 percent of STEM despite inflated acceptance rates and scholarships being thrown at them simply for having a vagina?
source on the inflated acceptance rates? as for the scholarships, only 5% of all scholarships have any gender restrictions at all, and of those, 1/5 are for men. so that brings us down to 4%, which doesn't even touch the fact that a hell of a lot of those are restricted to certain majors, not all of which are STEM.
that statistic is a bit overblown- it leaves out fields where women are more likely to be represented, such as healthcare. there's actually been a lot of study done on women in STEM! i hate to be that guy, but there are actually a hell of a lot of studies linked in the wikipedia page that indicate that discrimination is a significant factor.
>When are they going to accept the fact that the vast majority of women will only consider marrying a man who earns a higher income than they do?
coughcoughsource? and not the statistic that shows that women tend to marry men who make more, because, you know, as a group men tend to make more, especially at the same level of education.
>How do they think their personal interests and emotions alone can debunk entire sub-fields of Evolutionary Biology and Evolutionary Psychology and their respective findings?
because evopsych is heavily based on the interpreter's emotions. as is, we have you asking these questions as absolute facts, most of which completely lack any proof. it's not "my feeeeeeemale feels say you're wrong!" as much as it is, you know, the facts. that you could google.
>When will they recognize the obvious implications from data such as women are more likely to orgasm during intercourse with a wealthy man as opposed to a non-wealthy man?
good question! have you managed to actually find that data on the study? because, like, all the links i've found in articles are dead. and all of the articles say that the study was self-reported and also controlled for things like happiness in the relationship, which opens it up hugely for bias. they didn't even ask for number of orgasms, which is a mess. what does it mean to orgasm "often" during sex? "sometimes"? because that's going to mean something different for me (who generally orgasms at least once every time) than it would for a woman who's only had one orgasm in her life before.
oh, and one more thing- they retracted the interpretation that richer men make women orgasm more.00064-6/abstract) whoops.
>When are they going to address the fact and its various implications that for the majority of human history, roughly three women reproduced for every one man?
what exactly are the implications? sources, please!
>When are they going to leave their infantile delusions that humans are monogamous and that only a small minority of women cheat?
because the majority of studies show that men are more likely to cheat than women?
>When are they going to accept that due to fundamentally different reproductive functions, women and men will always implicitly be seen as functionally different for different roles AND THERE IS VALID REASON (not the "MISOGYNY" they constantly bitch and cry about) behind it?
okay, so, like, ignoring the evopsych "it is how it is so therefore that's how it's always going to work" nonsense, let's go back to some of your previous questions. about how hard it is to be a man, who earns more and is seen as less capable of taking care of children. that is because of those same gender roles that you're defending. you can't be all "abloobloobloo why do women get custody" in the same post as "abloobloobloo we all know women are just naturally there to take care of babies!"
these roles are shitty for everyone. not just women. you spent half your post railing against them.
come off it, bro
[–]Sinister_HandReally? Do go on. 44 points45 points46 points  (1 child)
Complains that we're irrelevant because we only pick the low hanging fruit.
Proceeds to lay out a vast field of potatoes to harvest.
[–]18hourbruh 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Blooper blooper blooper get your tubers here!

More from r/TheBluePill

submitted by YonderlanderSJWThundercunt

Comments, continued...

[–]QuixoticAnthro 17 points18 points19 points  (0 children)
"TBP is intellectually dishonest!" Proceeds to list a bunch of questions that he dishonestly pretends TBP hasn't already addressed a thousand times already
"TBP only attacks the low-hanging fruit and ignores the serious questions!" Serious questions missing from a front page filled with low-hanging fruit
[–]VienLunaVaginal Endodontist 14 points15 points16 points  (1 child)
"Lots of opinions and half-truths treated as hard scientific fact without backing evidence along with pretending we live in a cultural vacuum where sexism couldn't have an effect on any of the things I'm ranting about!!!!"
[–]YoungPyromancer 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
"The high hanging fruits"
[–]KillACopTodayCelestial Outrage Machine 13 points14 points15 points  (5 children)
Thanks, this post is dynamite! It's just the right combination of arrogant and fucking dumb.
>I was debating at first whether I should even make this post, but I hope this will help articulate a quasi-counterargument for those who are "on the fence".
You know he's got faith in himself when he describes it as a "quasi-counterargument".
>Now, I'm going to state a point that's going to garnish me a lot of criticism, but you'll eventually see how this strengthens and supports my overall argument down the reasoning.
SPOILER: actually, nope, this plot point gets completely dropped after the next two sentances lol
>TBP isn't wrong about everything — in fact, they're generally partially correct on some things, more so than the manosphere generally credits them to be.
>However, here's why their partial credit is effectively irrelevant in the aggregate argumentative scope and theme of argument between the two opposing parties.
"aggregate argumentative scope and theme of argument between the two opposing parties" is the most rediculously tortured phrase I've seen in quite some time. You'll note that he hasn't actually said what bloopers are right about at all, because it doesn't matter and this is entirely a totemistic gesture, a spell that's supposed to make you think "he's clearly not an extremist, he said they were right about some things, this means he's worth listening to!"
>They ALWAYS attack the lowest-hanging fruit and/or some emotional vent/rage post on some manospherian blog.
/u/Sinister_Hand already nailed the response to this. Thanks for posting this rotten apple lying on the ground!
>Now, I'm not advocating we, TRP, or any other part of the manosphere censor these posts; in fact, I encourage them. The manosphere is one of the few places men can have unapologetic discourse about women and human nature, especially female nature. Men need an environment to release their anger and negative energy, that's why I fully advocate it.
hahaha it's simulatenously "releasing anger and negative energy" (and not worth taking literally) and "unapologetic discourse about [...] female nature" (and worth taking literally). Schrödinger's shitpost!
>However, it is the pseudointellectuals who populate TBP who are being intellectually dishonest in claiming that these posts alone are what the core (i.e. what is representative of said group's ideals and principles) of the manosphere and especially MGTOW is about.
"How dare they think what we spend 95% of our time talking about represents the core of our beliefs!"
>I mean for fucks sake, when are they even going to REMOTELY address that over half of all marriages in Westernized nations end in divorce?
It's a pretty common manbaby canard so, yeah, I'm sure it's been addressed countless times. My take is you're making an extremely loaded argument and your assumption that divorce rates are a reasonable Relationship Satisfaction Index or whatever the fuck you're using them as a proxy for is somewhere between questionable and utterly hilarious and/or contemptuous
>When are they going to address the fact that 80 percent of women initiate said divorces?
Second verse, same as the first: loaded arguments based on all sorts of assumptions like the initiator of the divorce being "at fault" for the divorce.
>When are they going to address the fact that 97 percent of alimony is paid by men? When are they going to address the fact that in ~86 percent of child custody cases, mother's retain primary custody of children?
  • When is TRP going to address $FEMINIST_ISSUE_1 and $FEMININST_ISSUE_2?
  • These biases are pretty much entirely an artifact of the traditional TRP Donna Reed 50's sitcom conceptualization of a nuclear family, so laying blame at the feet of feminism (which has spoken out about this as being bullshit, this is literally what we mean when we throw around "toxic masculinity") is pretty fucking misguided
>When are they going to address the fact that women lie about their past sexual partners by a factor/multiple of 3 less than what their actual sexual partner count is?
I think your misogyny is showing, Mr. "there are two kinds of women: sluts and lying sluts"
>When are they going to acknowledge the fact that whenever an article or blog post comes out about female infidelity, they almost always implicitly shift all of the blame and responsibility to the man who got cheated on?
So why are we being held to a higher standard than you hold yourselves to? Coz all y'all assuming everything is a woman's fault 24/7. I guess, thinking about it, the answer is "implicit biases, same as you clownshoes"
>When are they going to address the fact that men don't have obnoxious physiological requirements stated in their Tinder profile, but an abundance of women do (e.g. He must be at least 6'2")?
/r/TheBluePill: Internet date police!
>When are they going to address the fact that women perceive the vast majority of men to be "below average" in physical sex appeal?
Wow, is this were the telephone game that started with that OkCupid clickbait article ended up?
>When are they going to address the fact that women on average are only a significant net deficit on the tax base?
Oh I haven't heard this one before can anyone clue me in on some detail it's probably going to be as good as the bit where feminism/women gets blamed for being ineligable for the draft.
>When are they going to address the fact that women make-up only 20 percent of STEM despite inflated acceptance rates and scholarships being thrown at them simply for haeing a vagina?
So, what's supposed to be argument here? That women being "only 20 percent of STEM" currently is some kind of obvious proof that women can't lift STEM? It's not like we murdered the existing workforce when they started pushing trying to get women. It was 12% in the 70's, if you look at college majors/newgrads the gap closes to ~40% women/60% men. So, yeah, it looks like it's working to me.
>When are they going to accept the fact that the vast majority of women will only consider marrying a man who earns a higher income than they do?
hahaha "you're all just financial/emotional vampires that are right about some things that will not be named just confess!" I don't think I can logic my way out of this one if only I had a dick to do my thinking for me. Hey, wait a minute, Dick, what do you think?
o< : the dude's froot loops quack quack (Dick's my pet duck)
>How do they think their personal interests and emotions alone can debunk entire sub-fields of Evolutionary Biology and Evolutionary Psychology and their respective findings?
I don't know how to break it to you but EvoPsych and EvoBio are the 21st century versions of Phrenology and Eugenics, they're crackpot pseudosciences that pull "scientific" explanations for bigoted garbage out of their asses and are about as respectable as Homeopathy or maybe Accupuncture.
>When will they recognize the obvious implications from data such as women are more likely to orgasm during intercourse with a wealthy man as opposed to a non-wealthy man?
Did they test if women can tell if the guy's just faking being wealthy?
>When are they going to address the fact and its various implications that for the majority of human history, roughly three women reproduced for every one man?
Source: Angry male monthly. And what about the implications? (I'm never getting that scene from It's Alway Sunny out of my head, ever, am I?)
>When are they going to leave their infantile delusions that humans are monogamous and that only a small minority of women cheat?
Wait when the fuck did we start advocating monogamy I missed that meeting?
>When are they going to accept that due to fundamentally different reproductive functions, women and men will always implicitly be seen as functionally different for different roles
The word you wanted there was "inherent" not "implicit" :)
>AND THERE IS VALID REASON (not the "MISOGYNY" they constantly bitch and cry about) behind it?
Nope. See your problem here is you're trying to argue against the definition of the word. Mysogyny means "dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women," whether or not you feel those opinions are valid is orthogonal here. Even if we take at face value the concept that contempt against women (#yesallwomen) is valid, it's still, by definition, mysogyny. You belive it, embrace it bro! Come out of the closet, you'll feel a lot better (at least it worked for me)!
[–]thebirthcontrolpillmagnetic pussy power 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
>When are they going to address the fact that women on average are only a significant net deficit on the tax base?
>Oh I haven't heard this one before can anyone clue me in on some detail it's probably going to be as good as the bit where feminism/women gets blamed for being ineligable for the draft.
I wasn't familiar with this one, either. I'm just going to go out on a limb and assume that if unpaid labor that is done disproportionately by women, like childcare and caring for sick and aging family members, was taken into account, women wouldn't be a net deficit on the tax base, if we are actually a net deficit at all.
[–]18hourbruh 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Also you know, women getting paid less than men for the same work and industries coded as female having their labor devalued
Maybe they're going to really attempt to get justice for this terrible struggle and support equal pay legislation and support the unions of feminine coded industries like teachers, nurses and food service
[–]etherizedonatable 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
>but EvoPsych and EvoBio are the 21st century versions of Phrenology and Eugenics
Evolutionary biology is the 21st century version of eugenics?
[–]KillACopTodayCelestial Outrage Machine 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Yeah, I was thinking that real evolutionary biologists didn't actually call it that and it was just a tent full of modern day scientific racists, but that's just the evolutionary psychology guys dragging their name through the mud by saying "evolutionary psychology and biology" constantly.
Mea culpa and apologies to all the real evolutionary biologists out there.
[–]18hourbruh 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
lolll I just realized that if men initiated 80% of divorces they'd just be hamstering that the person who initiates is OBVIOUSLY the innocent party reacting to their partners aggrievement!!!
[–]Aerik 31 points32 points33 points  (0 children)
you can't accuse us of being a hub of misogyny and racism just because there's a constant stream of it in our sub every single day!
[–]MikauLink 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
>Now, I'm not advocating we, TRP, or any other part of the manosphere censor these posts; in fact, I encourage them. The manosphere is one of the few places men can have unapologetic discourse about women and human nature, especially female nature.
All I see are echo chambers where you sit around perpetuating bullshit you made up about women, usually based on some anecdotal bad experiences you had with a/a few bad women you have encountered in your life, and you use that to mass generalize against 4 billion people on the planet.
You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Instead of using your 'safe spaces' to make advances in social interactions and the holdover deficits towards men and women caused by patriarchy, which is something that can vastly improve everyone's lives, instead you fallback to the usual 'blame everything on the wimminz' bullshit.
>Men need an environment to release their anger and negative energy, that's why I fully advocate it.
Funny. That's what men claim whenever they're found in a disgusting 'safe space'. I recall the same excuses being given about subs like /r/beatingwomen /r/cutefemalecorpses /r/rapingwomen et cetera. Serious question: Since women (and men) are far more likely to have bad experiences with physical abuse issues from MEN, and women and their children are even likely to be killed by MEN, why don't such equivalent spaces about men exist? I mean, where is /r/beatingmen /r/cutemalecorpses /r/rapingmen ? Why do subs like /r/feminisms actually focus on FEMINIST issues, and not sit around bitching about how evil men are?
If your 'safe spaces' are indeed about coping with the terrible injustices you face, and a space to talk about 'true' female nature where's the flipside where women do the same to men?
I'm not an MRA or anything, but to my uneducated view on this, it seems like bullshit. It just seems that you 'men' just really get off on perpetuating stereotypes and abuse of women in order to blame someone else for all your problems instead of doing something that can effect a positive change to the actual MRA issues that ACTUALLY exist.
>How do they think their personal interests and emotions alone can debunk entire sub-fields of Evolutionary Biology and Evolutionary Psychology and their respective findings?
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, we're done.
[–]lmaotitle 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
>The manosphere is one of the few places men can have unapologetic discourse about women and human nature, especially female nature.
..the fuck?
Where's the discussion about male nature asshole?
Where did the ability to prioritize issues go you imbeciles? Apparently women taking selfies and being loud are more important problems to talk about then ISIS (most of whom are MEN) and, basically every serious criminal ever.
Where's the talk about that, huh??
God they don't even try to hide the bias in that one.
It's either "women nature", "human nature", or..."female nature."
No mention of male nature.
[–]FistofanAngryGoddessAy bby. Made this steam engine. Want sum fuk? 18 points19 points20 points  (1 child)
Funnily enough, a few years ago I made an effort post that went through all of the new posts at that time to test out the cherry-pick theory.
[–]ponyproblematicthe intrinsic nature of women to destroy things 10 points11 points12 points  (0 children)
well that doesn't count because you brigaded the front page so that only the bad stuff was on the front page, clearly
[–]MrOmega2[S] 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
I wish these babies had some actual logic and honest reasoning to go along with their insufferable pseudo-intellectual whinging and ego-filled brains.
I can't stand these fucks.
[–]Gradz45King of Cucks 4 points5 points6 points  (2 children)
I keep wondering when they're going their own way.
Also assuming the 50% divorces rates thing is accurate, how is that automatically bad? That just means people (like so many Red Pill's spouses. Ex) are getting out of bad relationships that could otherwise hurt them or their children.
[–]WindamEarle 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
>I keep wondering when they're going their own way.
I always say that MGTOW are a bit like that person we all know who claims to be over their ex but won't shut-up about them.
[–]Gradz45King of Cucks 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Yeah that's a perfect analogy.
[–]monkeysinmypocket 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
OK. In no particular order let's address some of these issues then...
It's a good thing that divorce is easier.
Perhaps women are Les likely to stay in an unfulfilling relationship for the sake of convenience? So what?
If you want women to be forced into a childcare role and prevent them being able to earn their own money then you have to expect to pay alimony that the woman is more likely to get custody in the event of divorce. All the divorced couples I know share child care duties equally - because this isn't the 1950s.
It doesn't matter how many people anyone has slept with, male or female.
Evo pych is largely a bunch of baloney.
Why does it matter that fewer women than men enter STEM feilds? The important thing is that we all a choice about what we do for a living without being forced into roles on account of your gender.
No one ever said women and men were the same, what feminism say is that men and women deserve equal treatment under the law, which for most of human history hasn't been the case.
There are a lot of stuff here that simply isn't important or actually positive. They do like getting worked up about little things.
[–]SnapshillBot 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Now in Alpha!
  1. This Post -,,,*
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
[–]branchswinginghaster 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
That post was just one giant projection party.
[–]18hourbruh 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
THEY CALLED /u/OmLiLi A BETA? Grab your cucking tools, ladies, this is serious
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