God stole a piece of him, after telling Adam to never question his judgment because Adam owes him everything.
God created Eve because he decided independence and free will was an abomination to his ruling power.
God told Adam not to disobey. Adam agreed willingly not knowing any better about the intentions of the powerful people around him whom he trusted to love and protect him.
Lucifer despised God for playing favorites. He saw Adam and instead of perfection, he saw submission, and he hated that God only created subservience.
Lucifer advised Adam and Eve that knowledge was power. If they consume knowledge they would see the truth and realize God only has power because God says he has power.
Adam didn't want to do it because he wanted to make everyone around him happy. Eve did it because she couldn't stand the thought of not being able to get her hands on something she was not allowed to have.
Adam followed Eve's lead because she insisted he do the same thing she was doing with her or else.
Adam ate the apple because he blindly trusted God's propaganda that this was a fairer sex.
God found out what the woman had done, and her first instinct was to blame the man for it.
Cast out of paradise, Adam's first instinct is to protect his mate who led him down the path of suffering due to her selfish wants.
Fearful of losing his power, God proceeded to shoot the messenger and demonized Lucifer to all his creations informing them that the bringer of truth and knowledge was the greatest threat to their existence, and that they would only be welcome back if they followed his laws and glorified only him instead of idolizing anybody else
To this day, after millennia of bloodshed spilled, man is still waiting for God to deliver on his promise.
The Bible reinterpreted for Red Pillers.