(cache) Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op

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Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Every single time the political climate is just right to 'politically' disarm the public, America has mass shootings that trigger Soros media and front groups to go into psy-op mode all pre-scripted to once again disarm the public.  We have the public record to back this FACT up with.

I have to look for it but, I posted on this board the Northcom emergency prep documents that plan the use of psyops on the American people during any number of emergencies.  It barely got a yawn.

The way this operation was conducted  (based on my former military ops assessment), has para military finger prints all over it.   The smoke grenade(s?) in my opinion is the 'smoking-gun' to this shooting.  That's textbook police / military procedure right from the get-go and it really facilitates a false flag operation as well.

In a dark smokey theater you could have several shooters and yet countless witnesses would be led to believe that the shooter in their area was 'THE SHOOTER'.

The so-called lone gunman...
This guy was reported to be in riot gear.  You could have a few people in riot gear who could EASILY take part and NOT ONE OF THEM could be id'ed as single individuals.  All the other Op shooters have to do in order to 'disappear' is, after the shooting, dress down in the theater and 'ACT' as a movie patron caught up in the shooting.  The corrupt FBI that work for the Fusion Center can dispose of the riot gear evidence of multiple shooters.

The timing of this shooting and the way it went down is far too coincidental for me to believe the 'lone gunman' theory.

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Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 11:52:36 AM »
Is NORTHCOM CONPLAN 2501-05 Created To Support False Flage Ops?
BLUE DART Psy-op program

From NorthCom

Scroll down to table of contents. Read Apendix 3 Tab D "Psychological Operations" and implementations.

My point being is that what we are seeing unfolding before us is an off shoot taken from this document
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Offline Geolibertarian

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 12:16:36 PM »
I would suggest this is precisely why 9/11 truth is as important now as ever, because if a critical mass of Americans ever fully awaken to the fact that it was a false flag, and that the political and media establishments have been lying to them all these years in order to justify a fascist takeover of society, then the propaganda-induced spell they've been under will finally be broken, at which point they'll begin to ask:

"So, what other tragedies have these establishment mouthpieces been lying to us about in order to advance their anti-American/pro-NWO agenda?"
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Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 12:22:04 PM »
Alex is making my point right now on-air.

He's bringing up Columbine (also in Colorado)

I would add the Russian false flag ALSO in a movie theater.

Will "TSA on the streets be rolled" out as a part of this psy-op.

One other point...
There is NO QUESTION that this is an on going psyop.

First, the NWO proxy media reported the shooter a 'tea party' member so that's in the public's mind.  NOW, he's a democrat.  This is by design to play on both right and left thinking morons that each political side could be a killer therefore, "WE CAN ALL AGREE GUNS NEED TO BE BANNED".  
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Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2012, 12:25:34 PM »
I would suggest this is precisely why 9/11 truth is as important now as ever, because if a critical mass of Americans ever fully awaken to the fact that it was a false flag, and that the political and media establishments have been lying to them all these years in order to justify a fascist takeover of society, then the propaganda-induced spell they've been under will finally be broken, at which point they'll begin to ask:

"So, what other tragedies have these establishment mouthpieces been lying to us about in order to advance their anti-American/pro-NWO agenda?"


That's why I make it a point NEVER to let the issue get swept under the carpet.  It's the kingpin to the movement to turn the world into one big feudal plantation.
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Offline Geolibertarian

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2012, 12:39:46 PM »

That's why I make it a point NEVER to let the issue get swept under the carpet.

It's also why we must stop making excuses for anti-establishment political candidates who refuse to say the 9/11 emperor wears no clothes.

As time and experience have proven over and over again, doing the "Sieg Heil!" to the official story is not a recipe for electoral success anyway, no matter how right the candidate in question is on other issues.

So if one is going to lose either way as an anti-establishment candidate, at least lose for the right reasons.
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Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2012, 12:51:48 PM »
I'm really wondering if this is just the beginning of more psy-op shootings to follow to push copy-cat shootings as yet another reason to disarm the public during this election year.    Will other 'terror' related events be coupled / morphed into psyops to disarm the public and put TSA out on the street.
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Offline James Redford

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2012, 01:13:17 PM »
On the July 20, 2012 Infowars radio show, Alex Jones mentioned a class of drugs which can turn a person into a complete mind-controlled slave, but Jones didn't know the name for these class of drugs or the name of any specific drug in this class.

The class of these drugs is muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists. The most infamous drug in this class is scopolamine.

The following previous post by me provides a lot of information on scopolamine.

Re: John P. Wheeler III, CFR Member, Mitre Corporation Consultant Assassinated
Reply #45 on: January 05, 2011, 01:42:12 AM

Based upon the below two eyewitness reports, it sounds like John P. Wheeler III was dosed with scopolamine, which is the drug of choice by intelligence agencies and Colombian criminals in order to induce a zombie-like state in their victims whereby the victim will follow any order when the dosage is right. Intelligence agencies use it for various purposes, such as a truth serum, to create a patsy, and/or for blackmail by getting the victim to engage in blackmailable activities (including killing another person) that they would have never otherwise engaged in and recording it.

The eyewitness Kathleen Boyer specifically mentioned that Wheeler had red eyes, which in addition to the delirium both she and eyewitness Iman Goldsborough report is one of the side-effects of scopolamine (as scopolamine dries out the mucous membranes).

High-dose scopolamine can induce delirium that lasts for days. However, one can be seemingly coherent and articulate while in the zombie-state depending on what stage of the intoxication one is in.

Both eyewitnesses report that Wheeler told them that he had been robbed. Goldsborough specifically reported that Wheeler told her that his briefcase had been stolen.

Wheeler was wondering around Wilmington, Delaware after he had apparently been robbed, and doing so in a delirious state. This raises the question of how he was killed. If he was indeed intentionally murdered, why would the person(s) who seemingly drugged and robbed him (and possibly did more with him) let him go free to wonder around Wilmington only to pick him up later to murder him? Did Wheeler gain enough consciousness to relize he was in danger and manage to escape, with his escape facilitated by his assailants not expecting it due to his drugged state? Perhaps he managed to get far enough away from them before they realized he was gone such that it took them awhile to find him once they realized he had escaped.

Another possibility is that Wheeler wasn't killed intentionally. It was cold in Wilmington during that time, and Goldsborough mentioned that Wheeler didn't have a coat. Perhaps Wheeler, in his delirious state, crawled into a dumster to try to get warm, and either died by being crushed by the garbage truck or eventually died due to exposure and/or complications of untreated scopolamine overdose (since many people in Colombia die from being dosed with scopolamine). If this is the case, then perhaps Wheeler's assailants had already gotten what they wanted from him and simply let him go; or, Wheeler did escape, and his assailants couldn't find him.

Eyewitness Iman Goldsborough:

Exclusive: Witness In John Wheeler Case
Authorities Won't Say How John P. Wheeler III Died
Fox 29 (WTXF-TV, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
January 4, 2011
http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news/local_news/010411-exclusive%3A-witness-in-john-wheeler-case , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVOvejdN
http://media2.myfoxphilly.com/video/2011/01/04/claudiaupdate11.flv , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVObzymy

Eyewitness Kathleen Boyer:

Fox 29 Interviews 2nd Wheeler Witness
Fox 29 (WTXF-TV, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
January 4, 2011
http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/video/fox-29-interviews-wheeler-witness , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVP0C74Q
http://media2.myfoxphilly.com/video/2011/01/04/interview.flv , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVOonZji


Below is the Wikipedia article on delirium:

30 December 2010

Scopolamine use to be used to induce so-called Twilight Sleep for childbirth:

Twilight sleep
19 July 2010

Regarding scopolamine's side-effect of red eyes, see the following two sources:

SCOPOLAMINE (Topical) (Patch

SCOPOLAMINE - National Library of Medicine HSDB Database

The best report on the criminal elements' use of scopolamine in Colombia is the following one by VBS.tv:

Colombian Devil's Breath 1 of 2
Ryan Duffy
VBS.tv (Vice)
July 23, 2007

Colombian Devil's Breath 2 of 2
Ryan Duffy
VBS.tv (Vice)
July 23, 2007

Apparently Russian intelligence uses the code-name SP-117 for scopolamine (complete amnesia of events that occured while under the drug is a common effect, with this effect being dosage-dependent; to the person so affected, after they come-to it can seem to them that they had become extremely tired and fell asleep, when in actuality they were still seemingly awake to others):

Truth drug
26 December 2010


A defector from the biological weapons department 12 of the KGB "illegals" (S) directorate (presently a part of Russian SVR service) claimed that a truth drug codenamed SP-117 was highly effective and has been widely used. According to him, "The 'remedy which loosens the tongue' has no taste, no smell, no colour, and no immediate side effects. And, most important, a person has no recollection of having the 'heart-to-heart talk'" and felt afterwards as if they suddenly fell asleep. Officers of the S directorate used the drug primarily to check the trustworthiness of their own illegal agents who operated overseas, including even heroes of the service, such as Vitaly Yurchenko.[14] According to Alexander Litvinenko, Russian presidential candidate Ivan Rybkin was drugged with the same substance by FSB agents during his alleged kidnapping.[15]

14. ^ Alexander Kouzminov Biological Espionage: Special Operations of the Soviet and Russian Foreign Intelligence Services in the West, Greenhill Books, 2006, ISBN 1-853-67646-2 [1].
15. ^ Alex Goldfarb and Marina Litvinenko. Death of a Dissident: The Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko and the Return of the KGB. New York: Free Press, 2007. ISBN 978-1416551652.

Regarding the politician Ivan Rybkin mentioned above, see the following news articles:

Rybkin mystery: Questions remain
February 11, 2004

BBC News
13 February 2004
Russian candidate 'was kidnapped'

He said that, on arrival at an apartment in Kiev, he was offered some refreshments and suddenly became "very drowsy".

Mr Rybkin said he was unconscious for four days, coming to on 10 February.

As he awoke, he claims one of his guards told him it was part of a "special operation".

"Then they showed me a revolting videotape with my participation and they told me it was a plan to compromise me and force me to be co-operative."

13 February 2004
Russia's 'spy thriller' saga
Peter Biles
BBC News

I was kidnapped, says Putin election rival
Rybkin claims he was drugged during mystery absence
Jonathan Steele
The Guardian
14 February 2004

Four days later he woke up in a different flat, where he was shown a compromising video of himself.

Repeatedly declining to discuss the contents at yesterday's press conference, where he seemed close to tears, he said it was made by "horrible perverts". He also refused to say who he thought had organised his kidnapping. His captors spoke perfect Russian and were fellow Slavs, he said. "I don't know who did it, but I know who benefited from this," he added.

BBC News
5 March 2004
Rybkin drops challenge to Putin

Below are some news articles and extracts of articles on intelligence and criminal usage of scopolamine:


The below is an excerpt from the article "The Pegasus File, Part 1" by David G. Guyatt, Nexus Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 3, April-May 1997 ( http://web.archive.org/web/19990908024412/http://www.nexusmagazine.com/pegfile1.html , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVNo7wdS ):

Other "neutralisations" verge on the bizarre. An individual who must remain nameless for a variety of reasons - but whose name is known to this writer - underwent an experience that is both horrific and chilling. Readers are warned that what follows is not at all pleasant. For the sake of ease, I shall call this individual "Mr X" or, simply, "X".[10]

Mr X was a leader of one of the largest CIA-backed Contra groups. He recently testified before the US Senate Intelligence Committee. Formerly, X was a senior executive in a South American subsidiary of a leading US soft drinks corporation. During his Senate testimony, he denied any knowledge of CIA involvement in the narcotics trade, adding that condoning such activity would have been foreign to his way of life. Not so, says [Dois Gene] Tatum. Mr X had been recruited into the CIA by then-Director William Casey, with the assistance of Oliver North.

In 1990, when Nicaraguan leader Daniel Ortega announced there would be "free elections", X was ecstatic. He began jostling for position and asked President Bush to ensure he be given a prominent position in the new government - in return for his years of toil at the behest of the CIA and the Enterprise. The pressure came in a form that Bush could not ignore. Failure to help his friend would result in X's intimate knowledge of Bush's involvement in the dope trade being made public. His threat left Bush with a sour taste. A Pegasus team was assigned to "neutralise" him in early 1990.

Mr X, Tatum states, "fancied himself a lover of women. Tall, large-breasted blondes were his favourite. It was determined that, if effectively neutralised, [Mr X] could be an asset. Therefore, it was decided that intimidation would be used to control [Mr X]."

They chose to use the drug Scopolamine, which also went by the nickname "Burundanga" or "the Voodoo drug". The drug is extracted from the pods of a flowering shrub that grows in remote regions of South America. In its processed, powdered form, Scopolamine is "void of smell, void of taste". When properly administered "it causes absolute obedience" without this being "observable by others". Importantly, the target will not recall any of the events that occurred during the period they were under the spell of the drug.

In outlining these details, Tatum adds that it is important to administer the drug in the correct dosage, for he has known targets to die from too high a dose. Others have "remained under the influence of Burundanga for up to three weeks". Precise dosage can be achieved by liquid ingestion, the powder being readily soluble. Ingestion via cigarettes is also an optimum method of ingestion. It is fast-acting and takes no more than 20 minutes to work.

Tatum states that X was invited to spend a relaxing weekend at a luxury hotel as a guest of his friend George Bush. His host for the weekend was a trusted 18-year veteran field-intelligence officer. The evening started with cocktails and was followed by a fine meal. "'Nothing but the best' were the orders."

Following the meal, he was ushered into the suite of a "blonde bombshell" supplied by the CIA. Mr X had already ingested a dose of Burundanga during pre-dinner cocktails. X was gallant with the blonde as they both moved into the bedroom where video cameras were already set up in one corner. In short order, the blonde had X standing naked in front of her and began to indulge his desires. All the while, the video cameras whirred. Slowly stripping off, the "blonde" revealed his manhood in all its glory. Mr X was instructed to reciprocate the favour and perform fellatio. He obliged, his intimate activities recorded at 24 frames a second on videotape.

Tatum says the male prostitute was hired from a bar in New York and killed that same evening.

Two weeks later, X - wholly unaware of the events of that evening - was visited in Nicaragua. He was presented with a copy of the video footage, along with instructions. Tatum says that X can never allow that video to be seen: "Not only does it reveal his homosexuality, but it also reveals his bestiality and satanic worship rituals." As frame after frame flicked by, X reportedly wept, forced to watch himself kill his homosexual "lover" and then engage in the most grisly cannabalistic ritual imaginable.

Neutralised, Mr X became a leading member of the Nicaraguan government a few short weeks later.[11]



10. Tatum has provided me with the name of this individual, a well-known politician. He also asked that I consider excising this account from the article, for a variety of understandable reasons. I have elected to keep it, as I believe it is both an important and highly significant account.

11. I phoned and spoke with Ron Lard, an official at the DEA HQ, Virginia, to ask about the properties of Burundanga. He was unable to provide any information. However, through other sources I can confirm that this drug is well known to cause both amnesia and a zombie-like trance in which the target follows all orders. Dr Camilo Uribe, head of Bogotá's toxicology clinic, says "it's like chemical hypnotism". See Wall Street Journal, 3 July 1995.


[My note: for more on Dois Gene Tatum, see Col. Chip Tatum, "Pegasus: CIA Assassination Project - Tatum's Saga" http://web.archive.bibalex.org/web/20030217204135/http://www.kimsoft.com/korea/pegasus.htm , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVNt2xtK ; and "The Chip Tatum Chronicles: Testimony of Government Drug Running", What Really Happened http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/MENA/TATUM/tatum.html , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVOCRh4C .]


From: hathaway@blitz.iowa.edu (David Hathaway)
Subject: Re: What's the use of mindcontrol?
Date: 1996/04/09
Message-ID: <4kemis$gbe@lace.colorado.edu>

The Wall Street Journal

July 3, 1995

If you thought cocaine was bad news, wait until you hear about Burundanga.

Burundanga is a kind of voodoo powder obtained from a Colombian local plant of the nightshade family, a shrub called borrachero, or "drunken binge." Used for hundreds of years by Native Americans in religious ceremonies, the powder when ingested causes victims to lose their will and memory, sometimes for days.

When refined the powder yields scopolamine, a well-know drug with legitimate uses as a sedative and to combat motion sickness. But in Colombia, the drug's most avid fans are street criminals. Crooks mix the powder with sedatives and feed the Burundanga cocktail to unsuspecting victims whom they then proceed to rob--or worse.

Doctors here estimate that Colombian hustlers slip the odorless, colorless and soluble Burundanga in food or drink to about 500 unwitting victims in the city each month. About half of the city's total emergency room admissions for poison are Burundanga victims.

"It is a very serious problem," says Fernando Botero, Colombia's defense minister. Adds Camilo Uribe, the doctor who runs the city's formost toxicology clinic and who is in charge of toxicology for all of Bogota's public hospitals. "It's epidemic."

It seems that everyone in Bogota knows someone who has been victimized by the drug, Burundanguiado, as the say in Spanish. In one common scenario, a person will be offered a soda or drink laced with the substance. The next the person remembers is waking up miles away, extremely groggy and with no memory of what happened. People soon discover that they have handed over jewelry, money, car keys, and sometimes have even made multiple bank withdrawals for the benefit of their assailants. Because Burundanga is often given at seedy bars or houses of prostitution, many victims are reluctant to come forward.

"The victim can't say no; he has no will and becomes very open to suggestion. It's like chemical hypnotism," says Dr. Uribe. "From the moment it's given, the victim remembers absolutely nothing of what happened." He adds, "From a criminal point of view, it's got a lot of advantages."

Architect David Meneses says he was Burundanguiado twice in one week last December. Mr. Meneses' first encounter with Burundanga took place on a Friday night when he stopped at a pharmacy to buy antacid. Two well-dressed men approached his car. The last thing Mr. Meneses remembers is one of the men unwrapping a piece of candy. "I woke up the next day at noon at my house," he says. He had no memory of how he got there, though the doorman in his building told Mr. Menseses he saw him come in at 7 a.m. looking nervous and confused.

On Monday, Mr. Meneses checked with his bank, where he was told that his ATM card made 13 withdrawals for a total of about $700 on that lost Friday night. Concerned that he might have unwittingly been involved in criminal activity, or that his car had been used, Mr. Meneses went to the local prosecutors' office where he made a sworn statement saying he wasn't responsible for anything that had happened during the hours he was under the influence of the drug.

Three days later, the luckless Mr. Meneses noticed that he had a flat tire. Two men on the street approached him and offered to change it. "I remember they gave me something to drink, which I can't imagine why I drank," he says. Police found him asleep in his car six hours later. He had been robbed of his radio and about $125.

These days, Mr. Meneses is careful to drive with the windows rolled up. He doesn't venture out much at night anymore. "Burundanga is a very dangerous weapon in the hands of the underworld," he says.

Not all cases of Burundanga involve theft or robbery. Sometimes victims have been used as mules to carry cocaine, says Dr. Uribe's brother Manuel, a neurologist practicing at the clinic. In one incident, says Manuel Uribe, a well-known Colombian diplomat disappeared shortly after leaving a function in Bogota, only to reappear in Chile under arrest for cocaine smuggling. Medical tests showed he had been under the influence of Burundanga, and no charges
were filed.

Camilo Uribe said that in a minority of cases Burundanga is used to lure young women who are then abused sexually. When they are found days later, they have no memory of what has happened to them. "You see that a lot with university coeds," he says.

Camilo Uribe is often called by companies and embassies to talk about the perils of Burundanga. One diplomatic mission that takes the problem very seriously is the U.S. Embassy. Its orientation manual warns freshman diplomats never to visit bars or nightclubs alone. "Druggings in group situations are far less common," the manual says, adding that food and drinks should never be left unattended. At the Colombian unit of Dow Chemical Co., security officials periodically tell employees how to avoid getting Burundanguiado. "There have been many cases," says Oswaldo Parra, the company's legal officer. "It's a very common practice in Colombia."

Curiously, just next door in Ecuador, where the plant is grown commercially for medical purposes, its criminal use is unknown. Instead, the plant is the subject of poetry and myth. If one sleeps under the plant in Ecuador, he will be able to tell the future, legends say.

Here, however, Pedro Gomez Silva, a forensic chemical expert, tells police cadets that for fear of Burundanga, Colombians shouldn't accept food, drinks or cigarettes from strangers, nor buy them from street vendors.

What's more, to be on the safe side, Colombians shouldn't help when asked for directions or the time of day. And forget sidewalk romances. The way things go with Burundanga, flirting with a stranger could lead to a really lost weekend.


http://web.archive.org/web/20030626161859/http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=2941170 , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVNYEdIM

Drug Turns Crime Victims Into Zombies

Tue June 17, 2003 08:44 AM ET

By Phil Stewart

BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - The last thing Andrea Fernandez recalls before being drugged is holding her newborn baby on a Bogota city bus.

Police found her three days later, muttering to herself and wandering topless along the median strip of a busy highway. Her face was badly beaten and her son was gone.

Fernandez is just one of hundreds of victims every month who, according to Colombian hospitals, are temporarily turned into zombies by a home-grown drug called scopolamine which has been embraced by thieves and rapists.

"When I woke up in the hospital, I asked for my baby and nobody said anything. They just looked at me," Fernandez said, weeping. Police believe her son Diego was taken by a gang which traffics in infants.

Colorless, odorless and tasteless, scopolamine is slipped into drinks and sprinkled onto food. Victims become so docile that they have been known to help thieves rob their homes and empty their bank accounts. Women have been drugged repeatedly over days and gang-raped or rented out as prostitutes.

In the case of Fernandez, the mother of three was rendered submissive enough to surrender her youngest child.

Most troubling for police is the way the drug acts on the brain. Since scopolamine completely blocks the formation of memories, unlike most date-rape drugs used in the United States and elsewhere, it is usually impossible for victims to ever identify their aggressors.

"When a patient (of U.S. date-rape drugs) is under hypnosis, he or she usually recalls what happened. But with scopolamine, this isn't possible because the memory was never recorded," said Dr. Camilo Uribe, the world's leading expert on the drug.

Scopolamine has a long, dark history in Colombia dating back to before the Spanish conquest.

Legend has it that Colombian Indian tribes used the drug to bury alive the wives and slaves of fallen chiefs, so that they would quietly accompany their masters into the afterworld.

Nazi "angel of death" Joseph Mengele experimented on scopolamine as an interrogation drug. And scopolamine's sedative and amnesia-producing qualities were used by mothers in the early 20th century to help them through childbirth.

Finding the drug in Colombia these days is not hard.

The tree which naturally produces scopolamine grows wild around the capital and is so famous in the countryside that mothers warn their children not to fall asleep below its yellow and white flowers. The tree is popularly known as the "borrachero," or "get-you-drunk," and the pollen alone is said to conjure up strange dreams.

"We probably should put some sort of fence up," jokes biologist Gustavo Morales at Bogota's botanical gardens, eyeing children playing with borrachero seeds everywhere.

"If you ate a few of those, it would kill you."

Although scopolamine can be easily extracted from the seeds, experienced criminals hardly ever bother with them, police say.

Pure, cheap scopolamine is brought across the border from neighboring Ecuador, where the borrachero tree is harvested for medical purposes, Uribe said. The alkaloid is used legally in medicines across the world to treat everything from motion sickness to the tremors of Parkinson's disease.

The use of scopolamine by criminals appears to be confined to Colombia, at least for now, and it's not clear why the drug is such a rampant problem in Colombia. Some analysts blame it on a culture of crime in the Andean nation, home to the world's largest kidnapping and cocaine industries, not to mention Latin America's longest-running guerrilla war.

There are so many scopolamine cases that they usually don't make the news unless particularly bizarre. One such incident involved three young Bogota women who preyed on men by smearing the drug on their breasts and luring their victims to take a lick.

Losing all willpower, the men readily gave up their bank access codes. The breast-temptress thieves then held them hostage for days while draining their accounts.

The U.S. Embassy in Bogota takes scopolamine very seriously and offers staff tips on how avoid being drugged. One piece of advice may seem obvious: Don't let your drinks out of your sight when at a Bogota bar or nightclub.

Still, at least three visiting U.S. government employees here have been drugged and robbed over the past two years. Other American victims from time to time appear at the embassy seeking help, still shaking off a scopolamine hangover.

"I remember one case, an American reported being drugged," an embassy official said. "He says to his doorman 'Why did you let them walk out with my stuff.' The doorman says, 'Because you told me to.'"


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/722302/Latin-America-Victims-of-drugging-and-mugging.html , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVOVSpYI

Telegraph Group Limited

Drugged and mugged

Steve Hide is an experienced traveller. He is also a burundanguiado - a victim of drugging. His story should serve as a caution to all of us.

Report Filed February 2000

IN five years' driving buses for tour companies in Latin America, I had heard a lot of travellers' tales. Some of the most far-fetched were about people who had been befriended on the road, drugged, and then robbed of everything they were carrying.

There was the backpacker who "lost" four days after accepting a biscuit on a Bogotá night bus; he woke in hospital 800 miles away. "The bus wasn't even going there" is the twist in the tale. There was the traveller in Quito, Ecuador, who went for a quick drink and woke up, two days later, naked and in a strange apartment. And then, in an interesting variation, there was the Chilean diplomat who was caught smuggling cocaine on an international flight while in a deep trance.

The stories were gripping, but I never saw them as anything other than entertainment. The account was always second- or third-hand, the victim always "a friend of a friend". Then, one night, in a Peruvian bar, the victim was me.

I was halfway through a sip of beer when I blanked out. It was as though someone had drawn a curtain across my conscious mind. Just as suddenly, I was conscious again, but blind. I could hear voices. I had an incredible feeling of calm. Then I blanked out again.

Luckily, friends got me safely back to the hotel. Next day, they gleefully explained the missing minutes from the night before: I had attacked a stranger at the bar, thrown punches, rolled about on the floor; then, in the taxi home, tried to clamber into the front seat and drive. I had needed restraining.

I listened aghast. I had no sense at all of having lost any time. My mind, like an old record player, had skipped a groove.

By chance, several days later, I met two travellers who had visited the same Lima bar. The South African told me he had suddenly got dizzy a few sips into his first beer. He staggered outside, followed by some locals. His friends got to him first, hailed a taxi and took him home. The Dutch traveller told me that the barmaid had warned her of a gang that laces the drinks of tourists and then robs them outside.

The penny dropped: I was a burundanguiado. That is an Andean word for a victim of burundanga, a potent plant extract based on shamans' old potions. A tasteless yellow powder, it has a fearsome reputation in Colombia, the centre of druggings in South America.

It comes from the datura plants once used by the Chibcha people to sedate the wives and slaves buried alive with deceased chiefs. It is still used in remote areas by curanderos (healers) to induce a "waking trance" state, sometimes preceded by sudden outbursts of violence.

Burundanga can be added to food, drinks or cigarettes. In recent decades, its sinister use on the streets has grown from its role as a weapon in Colombia's gang wars. In Bogotá, hospital doctors say it accounts for half of all poisoning admissions, 500 per month.

In other parts of the Andes, it is known as borrachera, "drunken binge". Across the divide in Brazil, drugging crimes are charmingly called Boa noite, Cinderella - Goodnight, Cinderella - after a popular Seventies television show.

Crimes involving datura are also being reported in Ecuador, where it is used as a "recreational" drug, peddled by local guides to thrill-seeking tourists.

It was in Ecuador that I once witnessed the power of a vine called wantu. On the last night of a four-day jungle trip, our local guides brewed up a bitter potion they said was used by experienced shamans. They then talked half of our group of backpackers into drinking it.

Mayhem ensued. The jungle camp turned into a scene from Night of the Living Dead as the dozen or so imbibers crashed zombie-like through the undergrowth, while trying to tear up money or passports - not very successfully, because they had lost most of their faculties, including

Some lay in their hammocks having hallucinations about beasties. Others tottered towards the banks of the Rio Napo, a swift Amazon tributary that is no place to play blindman's buff. We shepherded them into a wooden hut and guarded them until dawn for their own safety.

The next day, our zombies had returned, partly, to the land of the living, although their eyesight was still a bit haywire (some still could not read their watch faces several days later). None could fully recall their antics of the night before and, irritatingly, they did not believe our version of events.

Wantu, like other datura-based drugs, contains a chemical called scopolamine, which has many legitimate medical uses and is cropped for pharmaceutical companies in South America. Minute doses are used as a seasick cure, stronger ones in anaesthesia.

Scopolamine induces a dry mouth, disorientation, loss of vision, a hypnotic state and hallucinations. An overdose can cause heart failure. It also causes memory loss, which is seen as a benefit to patients undergoing surgery. That is less of a benefit to victims on the street, as Elliott Stares, a 26-year-old Londoner, found when he and his brother were coerced to change hotels before being robbed by a "friendly" couple in Recife, Brazil.

"We met them for some drinks, but were quickly rendered completely compliant to their will," he recalls. He remembers being in a bar, then has only glimpses of memory as the brothers were walked back to their hotel and told to collect their gear in readiness for a move to another hotel.

He now believes they were moved to make it easier to rob them. He has no memory of checking into the new hotel, but was later told by counter staff that he and his brother had seemed "drunk and dazed" when they arrived and had needed help from the Brazilian couple.

The brothers slept for 20 hours before waking in their strange lodgings. All their money and credit cards were gone. It took another day for them to get their senses together, says Stares, and through comparing notes and talking to hotel staff they managed to piece together the missing hours. "Sometimes things come back to me, little bites of information, but still most of the evening is vague."

He remembers at one point the Brazilian woman giving him a glass of powdery water, while his brother was lying unconscious nearby. "The amazing thing was that I knew what was happening without even realising any danger. I just went along with it."

This type of drugging is not exclusive to South America. Datura-type plants grow on most continents and have long been associated with druggings both in ritual and crime. Modern science has brought us more refined Mickey Finns such as Rohypnol, Halcion and GHB, chemical hypnotics used in "date rapes" in North America and occasionally turning up in Britain.

The Foreign Office says that embassies throughout the world have noticed a rise in drugging cases, but not enough to call a trend. "It's hard to say if the problem is growing or just being reported more, although it is wise to be alert to it," says a spokesman.

Any assessment of the risk is made more difficult by the entanglement of genuine cases with the fictional. Drugs such as burundanga are often a feature of that durable travellers' tale, "I woke up minus a kidney". Stories of organ theft, which proliferate through the internet, have been thoroughly debunked as modern myth (in one study by the UN, no less). They creep so often into mainstream media, however, that in New Orleans (often named as a city where travellers get separated from their body parts) the police department has threatened legal action against those who publish them. "These allegations . . . are completely fictitious and a violation of criminal statutes concerning the issuance of erroneous and misleading information," says the city's Office of Public Affairs.

In other respects, the internet has been a positive force. Real victims of drugging have turned to it as a way to warn other travellers or to secure justice.

A German backpacker, who was drugged and sexually assaulted by a guide on a jungle tour in Rurrenabaque, Bolivia, in 1998, publicised her ordeal on popular traveller internet sites, describing how in the aftermath she had met with "nothing but indifference from the local police and 'my' German embassy".

Her report gained credibility when several other victims came forward. Warnings were posted inside guidebook covers and on hostel walls. Bolivian police eventually arrested the guide last December, but not before two more alleged attacks. He now faces multiple charges of rape and assault.

In some parts of the world, drugging is linked to sex tourism and the victims are reluctant to talk. Sometimes, they are silenced for good. In the Thai resort of Pattaya, police were called to investigate a spate of deaths from heart attack among men - more than could be explained by heatstroke, over-exertion and over-the-counter Viagra. In nine months, 45 male tourists had dropped dead. According to Thai newspapers, police arrested a gang of prostitutes who had been smearing a knock-out paste on their breasts; they had been a bit over-zealous in the application.

For most of us, the risk of being drugged will arise in less compromising circumstances. The Foreign Office warns tourists to take particular care with their food and drink in Brazil, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey and the former Soviet countries. On Russian trains, the word is: "Don't accept any drinks from rail staff."

If you do fall victim, then the official advice is to tell the police and your nearest embassy or consulate as soon as possible. It might not be a good idea to return to your hotel or hostel. "There is a chance the druggers know where you are staying - they may even have copies of your keys - and you could be in continuing danger," says a Foreign Office spokesman.

The embassy itself can act as a temporary safe haven and help with lost tickets, passports and money. The Foreign Office is keen to hear of even minor incidents. If there is credible evidence of a persistent risk in an area, then it can instigate local inquiries and add warnings to its travel advisory bulletins.

Travellers sensibly avoiding the sleazy side of town should take care on buses and trains, and remember that there is no archetypal drugger. Last October, Peruvian police received a dozen reports of druggings by a "sweet middle-aged lady" handing out sweets to passengers on the night bus to Huaraz, a popular resort.

A whole Bolivian family was in on the act on the long-distance bus from Argentina to Bolivia. "They were very friendly," recalls their Danish victim, who passed out after accepting a sip of Fanta from grandmother. He woke to find the family and his bags gone.

Across the Pacific, a couple's trip to Manila last year went awry after they met three "nice, well-educated and rich" Filipinos who invited them to go for a snack. Their after-lunch nap lasted 33 hours, during which Ł4,000 was wiped off their credit cards.

Such cases make for depressing reading. The offer of food or drink is a time-honoured expression of friendship in most parts of the world (especially on Russian trains) and few travellers would want to miss out on it completely. But, when in doubt, it may be better to say no than take a risk. In areas they regard as dangerous, many experienced travellers make a habit of drinking only from bottles or cans they have opened themselves.

Given that so many druggings happen in bars, it is probably a good idea to ensure that when you have a night on the town it is with people you know and trust: go in a group and try to return together. If you do split up, make sure friends know where you are.

Fraser Devan, from London, says he owes his life to fellow backpackers who found him unconscious on his hotel-room floor 24 hours after his drink was spiked in a nightclub in Bangkok. They got him to hospital, where he spent six days in intensive care.

His narrow escape has not dampened his enthusiasm for travel or for Thailand. He is planning to return to Bangkok on his honeymoon in June - "and I'll be checking out that nightclub to see if anything comes back to me".


USUAL SUSPECT: datura extract is used to spike drinks


Colombia is one country where the Foreign Office has noted a trend for robberies facilitated by drugging. The British Embassy in Bogotá says that "these attacks frequently occur on public transport and travellers should never accept food, drink or cigarettes from strangers, no matter how friendly or well dressed the individual appears". Food sold by street vendors or in cheap cafes might also have been impregnated with a drug.

Ben Box, the editor of the South American Handbook (Footprint), says that the Andean countries - Colombia, Ecuador and Peru - are particularly known for cases of burundanga poisoning, but that travellers should also be wary in Brazil, Bolivia and Venezuela, where drugs are constantly being smuggled across borders.

He offers the following advice: never accept a bar drink from an opened bottle unless you can see that the bottle is in general use; always insist that the bottle is uncapped in front of you. When buying bottled water, make sure that the seal is unbroken. When travelling in a drug-producing area, especially in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia, check with the embassy or tourist office before going off the beaten track.

Richard Danbury and Melissa Graham, co-authors of the Rough Guide to Chile, are less convinced that drugging poses a serious risk in South America. For safety's sake, however, they say that you should avoid taking a lot of money or jewellery into bars and carry a photocopy of your passport rather than the real thing.

"Keep yourself as safe as possible by travelling in groups and avoid overnight trains, especially in anything other than a lockable compartment in first class. When travelling on public transport, lock your luggage to something solid." Finally, they say, be wary of people who are over-friendly and refuse to take no for an answer.

According to the poisons unit at Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital in London, symptoms of datura poisoning (other than those described by Steve Hide) include difficulty in swallowing and speaking, flushed skin, dilated pupils with blurred vision, vomiting, difficulty in passing urine, rapid pulse, high temperature, drowsiness, slurred speech, confusion, delirium, agitation and combative behaviour. The effects can last up to 48 hours, although the pupils may remain dilated for more than a week. Following recovery, the victim may have amnesia.

The Foreign Office website has updated advice on dangers in particular areas and individual embassies often have more detailed information.

The South American Explorers Club was set up to give advice to people visiting Latin America. Its website has noticeboards where travellers can recount their experiences.

Clare Thomson


Below is an an excerpt from "1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: 'Truth' Drugs in Interrogation" ( http://web.archive.org/web/20031228151745/http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/history/e1950/mkultra/Hearing04.htm , http://www.webcitation.org/5vVL9hmzw ):


Early in this century physicians began to employ scopolamine, along with morphine and chloroform, to induce a state of "twilight sleep" during childbirth. A constituent of henbane, scopolamine was known to produce sedation and drowsiness, confusion and disorientation, incoordination, and amnesia for events experienced during intoxication. Yet physicians noted that women in twilight sleep answered questions accurately and often volunteered exceedingly candid remarks.

In 1922 it occurred to Robert House, a Dallas, Texas obstetrician, that a similar technique might be employed in the interrogation of suspected criminals, and he arranged to interview under scopolamine two prisoners in the Dallas county jail whose guilt seemed clearly confirmed. Under the drug, both men denied the charges on which they were held; and both, upon trial, were found not guilty. Enthusiastic at this success, House concluded that a patient under the influence of scopolamine "cannot create a lie... and there is no power to think or reason." [14] His experiment and this conclusion attracted wide attention, and the idea of a "truth" drug was thus launched upon the public consciousness.

The phrase "truth serum" is believed to have appeared first in a news report of House's experiment in the Los Angeles Record, sometime in 1922. House resisted the term for a while but eventually came to employ it regularly himself. He published some eleven articles on scopolamine in the years 1921-1929, with a noticeable increase in polemical zeal as time when on. What had begun as something of a scientific statement turned finally into a dedicated crusade by the "father of truth serum" on behalf of his offspring, wherein he was "grossly indulgent of its wayward behavior and stubbornly proud of its minor achievements." [11]


Only a handful of cases in which scopolamine was used for police interrogation came to public notice, though there is evidence suggesting that some police forces may have used it extensively. [2,16] One police writer claims that the threat of scopolamine interrogation has been effective in extracting confessions from criminal suspects, who are told they will first be rendered unconscious by chloral hydrate placed covertly in their coffee or drinking water. [16]

Because of a number of undesirable side effects, scopolamine was shortly disqualified as a "truth" drug. Among the most disabling of the side effects are hallucinations, disturbed perception, somnolence, and physiological phenomena such as headache, rapid heart, and blurred vision, which distract the subject from the central purpose of the interview. Furthermore, the physical action is long, far outlasting the psychological effects. Scopolamine continues, in some cases, to make anesthesia and surgery safer by drying the mouth and throat and reducing secretions that might obstruct the air passages. But the fantastically, almost painfully, dry "desert" mouth brought on by the drug is hardly conducive to free talking, even in a tractable subject.



2. Barkham, J. Truth Drugs: The new crime solver. Coronet, Jan. 1951, 29, 72-76.

11. Geis, G. In scopolamine veritas. The early history of drug-induced statements. J. of Crim. Law., Criminal, & Pol. Sci., Nov.-Dec. 1959, 50 (4), 347-358.

14. House, R. E. The use of scopolamine in criminology. Texas St. J. of Med., 1922, 18, 259.

16. Inbau, F. G. Self-incrimination. Springfield: C. C. Thomas, 1950.
Author of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001) http://ssrn.com/abstract=1337761

Theophysics (a website with information on Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point Theory) http://theophysics.host56.com http://theophysics.ifastnet.com


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2012, 01:29:42 PM »
Aurora is home to a large Defense Department satellite intelligence operation at Buckley Air Force Base.


Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2012, 02:27:06 PM »
Psy op UpDate

Police normally at theater for big events NOT present.

White guy living in black neighborhood.  The next Trayvon Martin media hype soon to follow?

Local police kept out of 'so-called' shooter's apartment.  Feds to be first let into shooters apartment.  

Side Note:
Shooter part of DARPA program.
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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2012, 02:59:00 PM »
I cannot get over the atrocities committed against innocents to bring in agenda.  If nothing else, those responsible should be called on the carpet for these things.  How can the "controllers" live with themselves and sleep at night.  How can all involved in pulling off these operations live with themselves and sleep at night?


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2012, 04:08:03 PM »
I cannot get over the atrocities committed against innocents to bring in agenda.  If nothing else, those responsible should be called on the carpet for these things.  How can the "controllers" live with themselves and sleep at night.  How can all involved in pulling off these operations live with themselves and sleep at night?

I can't imagine the evil it takes to shoot a toddler at point blank range. 

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2012, 10:56:46 PM »
I can't imagine the evil it takes to shoot a toddler at point blank range.  

Shooting one of them at point blank range or killing a whole town of them sitting in a cushy chair 12,000 miles away.
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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2012, 11:13:45 PM »
You take the reality pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2012, 11:17:32 PM »
I cannot get over the atrocities committed against innocents to bring in agenda.  If nothing else, those responsible should be called on the carpet for these things.  How can the "controllers" live with themselves and sleep at night.  How can all involved in pulling off these operations live with themselves and sleep at night?

The conscience is gone. The care is cremated from the top of the pyramid downward. Once that happens, they sleep just fine. Zeena and Nikolas Schreck live this way. There are some good interviews out there where they talk about it. They consider themselves a different species. If their bosses believe as they do, then who will call them to account?
The number one cause of all human poverty, misery, and death is not global warming. It’s GLOBAL LYING.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2012, 11:19:13 PM »
Shooting one of them at point blank range or killing a whole town of them sitting in a cushy chair 12,000 miles away.

Touche, however something tells me those drone ( Nintendo ) pilots view it like a video game, they also don't see the aftermath up-close and personal, I'm a hunter or at least used to be ( now I only do it for food ) I took a head shot to a doe a few years back with my 7mm mag 100 yards away and what that did to that doe changed the way I hunt for ever..

I couldn't fathom being able to pull the trigger to a toddler at 100 yards let alone 5, I hear ya and I'm waiting for the comments..

"Well what are you gona do when the storm troopers come for you arsenal"  

That will be a hole other ball game, that I can assureeeeeeee you !

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2012, 11:48:24 PM »
You want to know how one blows the head off a toddler?  

If you ask such questions I must inform you the answer will NOT be pleasant.  

It's quite easy for a programmer to get someone to do this.

First they get these 'would be' shooters at a very young age and rape them.  Then while raping them they blow the head off one of the other kids right in front of other and act like they are going to do the same to the other.  

By doing that and similar over and over, the programmer splits the conscious mind of the would be shooter into multiple people, multiple consciousness.  Then one of those 'personalities' is programmed to blow the head off anything that stands in front of them with absolutely NO emotion towards it what-so-ever.

This 'account' is NOT me making something up.   This came out in court documents in the Omaha Neb trials of child abuse and ritual.
You take the reality pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.



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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2012, 11:53:15 PM »
You want to know how one blows the head off a toddler?  

If you ask such questions I must inform you the answer will NOT be pleasant.  

It's quite easy for a programmer to get someone to do this.

First they get these 'would be' shooters at a very young age and rape them.  Then while raping them they blow the head off one of the other kids right in front of other and act like they are going to do the same to the other.  

By doing that and similar over and over, the programmer splits the conscious mind of the would be shooter into multiple people, multiple consciousness.  Then one of those 'personalities' is programmed to blow the head off anything that stands in front of them with absolutely NO emotion towards it what-so-ever.

This 'account' is NOT me making something up.   This came out in court documents in the Omaha Neb trials of child abuse and ritual.

Your right, it's not pleasant ... not at all, completely sick.

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2012, 12:03:13 AM »
Recent documentary on SCOPOLAMINE-type drugs:

Awareness. Resistance. Victory.

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2012, 12:19:26 AM »
For me it's CONCLUSIVELY a psy op when Yahoo! has 5 of its top 6 news stories about the shooting. Notice the words used, like 'stockpiling', 'arsenal', 'I do not feel safe"..

Awareness. Resistance. Victory.

Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2012, 12:40:22 AM »
There is no question that this was a calculated psy-op.  I wrote on the other thread...

The more I heard the witnesses on the local Denver talk radio ALL say over and over that they thought the stuff going on BEFORE the shooting was all part of the movie's promotion by the shooter, rang a bell with me.

After hearing this over and over, the shooting seemed less columbine like and much more Sirhan Sirhan manchurian candidate stuff.  

Movies play a major roll in triggering manchurian candidates, there's the well documented Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland techniques by programmers known as Wizard of Oz triggers.

Here is a possible trigger caught on video of Britney Spears.

Also this guy was involved with DARPA.  Which is also similar to the Ft Bragg Shooter.  Which may have been a dry run before deploying these mind control human robots into society.  

Will we see more of this?
You take the reality pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2012, 12:54:38 AM »
For me it's CONCLUSIVELY a psy op when Yahoo! has 5 of its top 6 news stories about the shooting. Notice the words used, like 'stockpiling', 'arsenal', 'I do not feel safe"..

It's interesting you posted this.  

I typed in "I don't feel safe" and Colorado Shooting into the engine and what popped up was interesting.

The MSM is in a blitz to plaster quote after quote, poll after poll that "the people are living in fear".


Unlike when the fires that were raging through the homes and lives in Colorado Obummer waisted no time on getting on every media outlet he could find after the Shooting.


The UN is demanding the US sign the UN gun ban law on Monday.

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2012, 03:28:28 AM »
Security increased at movies following shootings
New York police posted officers at dozens of theaters around the city. Ticket-takers at a multiplex in Washington searched moviegoers' bags and purses. And one of the nation's biggest theater chains barred patrons from wearing masks or costumes.

Security was stepped up in places around the U.S. during showings of the new Batman movie Friday after the massacre in Colorado. And while some people said they were afraid to go to the movies in the wake of the shooting rampage, many others were undeterred by the tragedy and eager to see "The Dark Knight Rises."

Jimmy Baker, 40, waited outside the AMC theater in New York's Time Square for almost three hours to see an early matinee, as a police cruiser sat nearby.

"I just felt bad for the people that had to be traumatized by this entire event," he said. But "I didn't feel like it had any kind of effect on me. ... I'm just here to enjoy a good movie."

Stephanie Suriel, 21, waiting outside the same theater, said her mother was slightly concerned about her going to see the film. But "I'm not nervous at all because I really want to see that movie."

Still, just to be safe, she said, "I'm going to sit in the back."

Theaters took the precautions after a gunman wearing a gas mask opened fire at a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, Colo., killing at least 12 people. There was extra security Friday night at four theaters showing the movie in Aurora, Police Chief Dan Oates said.

In Washington, the Homeland Security Department held a conference call with officials from the commercial, entertainment and shopping mall industries to discuss what security measures they could take to prevent something like this from happening again.

The National Association of Theater Owners said it was working closely with law enforcement authorities and reviewing security procedures, but gave no details of any precautions taken.

AMC Theatres, the nation's second-largest theater chain, with more than 300 movie houses, said it will not allow people to wear costumes or face-covering masks into its theaters.

Fans of sci-fi and superhero movies often dress up as their favorite characters, especially on opening night. New York City's police commissioner said the gunman in the Colorado rampage painted his hair red and called himself the Joker, Batman's nemesis. But Aurora police would not confirm that.

The New York Police Department said was posting officers at about 40 theaters around the city that were showing the film. The increased security was a precaution against potential copycat shooters, and also meant to reassure moviegoers.

"We're doing this to raise the comfort level," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. "We'd certainly encourage everybody to go about their business."

At Landmark Theaters in Baltimore, moviegoer Kelly Hager said a 5 p.m. showing was nearly full with no sense of a somber mood among fellow patrons. She and a friend bought tickets earlier this week and never considered not going.

She said a few police officers were stationed outside but she saw none inside. After the movie, staff members stood outside and thanked people for coming.

"I guess they were worried that people would stay home," said Hager, 32, of Baltimore, a TV station web producer. "I've never seen that happen before."

At the Regal Gallery Place multiplex in downtown Washington, moviegoers trickled into an 11 a.m. showing. Theater employees searched patrons' bags and purses while taking their tickets.

"I'm believing that it's not related so much to the movie," Steve Glaude, a 57-year-old federal employee, said of the shooting. "The movie may have been a trigger. It may not have been. We don't know. I don't think it was hero or villain emulation."

Christine Cooley, who works near Tampa, Fla., for the University of Florida, said her 15-year-old daughter has sworn off going to the movies because of the tragedy.

"It's tainted the movie completely for her," Cooley said. "It's summertime. That's a big movie time for teenagers. That movie is off the list now. Movie theaters in general are off her summer to-do list because of that."

Cooley said she tried to explain that the shooting was random and not an indication of security at theaters in general, "but I can see where she's coming from. Why put yourself in harm's way?"

At the United Artists Riverview Stadium 17 in Philadelphia, a steady stream of people headed in for morning showings of "The Dark Knight Rises." Staff members said that there was extra security, but that that was normal for big movies and unrelated to the Colorado shooting.

Neal Mates, 38, a professed "film geek," said: "Shootings can happen anywhere. ... I think it's silly to blame the film."

Warner Bros Pulls Trailer of its other Movie Because of Shooting

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2012, 03:42:08 AM »
I also pose this to you all.


A MK Ultra Psy Op that has a 3 fold agenda.

1.  Gun control

2. DISTRACTION(The Olympic games are in ONE WEEK).

3. Control, problem, reaction, solution.

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2012, 05:21:23 AM »
Wasn't gun control legislation being considered right before the Gifford's shooting occured?

BTW, I just found out the other day that my second cousin was at that theater but fortunately she wasn't harmed.
A government which does not act in accordance with the law forfeits the right to be called a government and cannot expect its people to obey the law.-Sir Robert Ker Thompson, Defeating Communist Insurgency: Experiences from Malaya and Vietnam(1966)

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2012, 06:53:58 AM »
Wasn't gun control legislation being considered right before the Gifford's shooting occured?

BTW, I just found out the other day that my second cousin was at that theater but fortunately she wasn't harmed.

Of course this is just a coincidence.   ;)

UN gun control treaty will reveal gun laws Obama really supports

By John Lott

Published July 18, 2012


Sometime later this week, the UN will finally unveil its Arms Trade Treaty. The exact date the treaty will be released is a secret.

Russia, China, France -- with its new Socialist government -- Britain and the Obama administration are writing the treaty behind closed doors. Yet even if the final treaty is being kept under wraps, we still have a pretty good idea of some of the requirements that will be in it.

The group writing the treaty is not promising. Russia and Britain ban handguns and many other types of weapons. The possession of guns for self-defense is completely prohibited in China. The Obama administration is undoubtedly the most hostile administration to gun ownership in US history, with Obama having personally supported bans of handguns and semi-automatic weapons before becoming president. And remember the recent scandal where the Obama administration was caught allowing guns go to Mexican drug gangs, hoping it would help push for gun control laws.

The treaty seems unlikely to ever receive the two-thirds majority necessary to be ratified by the US Senate, but that doesn't mean it still won't have consequences for Americans. In other countries with parliamentary systems, even if the relatively conservative parties oppose approval, ratification is just a matter of time until a left-wing government takes power. Reduced private gun ownership around the world will surely lead to more pressure for gun control in our own country.

The treaty officially aims to prevent rebels and terrorist groups from getting hold of guns. The treaty claims that at least 250,000 people die each year from armed conflicts and that the vast majority of deaths arise from so-called "small arms" -- machine guns, rifles, and handguns.

Regulations of private ownership will supposedly prevent rebels and terrorist groups from getting ahold of guns. But governments, not private individuals, are the sources for these weapons. For example, the FARC fighting in Colombia get their guns from the Venezuelan government.

The most likely regulations to be pushed by the UN treaty are those that have been the favorites of American gun control advocates for years -- registration and licensing, micro-stamping ammunition, and restrictions on the private transfers of guns. Unfortunately, these measures have a long history of failure and primarily just inconvenience and disarm law-abiding gun owners.

Gun registration and licensing are pushed as a way to trace those who supply these illicit weapons. Yet, to see the problem with these regulations, one only needs to look at how ineffective they have been in solving crime. Canada just recently ended its long gun registry as it was a colossal waste of money.

Beginning in 1998, Canadians spent a whopping $2.7 billion on creating and running a registry for long guns -- in the US, the same amount per gun owner would come to $67 billion. For all that money, the registry was never credited with solving a single murder. Instead, it became an enormous waste of police officers' time, diverting their efforts from traditional policing activities.

Gun control advocates have long claimed registration is a safety issue. Their reasoning is straightforward: If a gun is left at a crime scene, and it was registered to the person who committed the crime, the registry will link it back to the criminal.

Unfortunately, it rarely works out this way. Criminals are seldom stupid enough to leave behind crime guns that are registered to themselves.

From 2003 to 2009, there were 4,257 homicides in Canada, 1,314 of which were committed with firearms. Data provided last fall by the Library of Parliament reveal that murder weapons were recovered in less than a third of the homicides with firearms. About three-quarters of the identified weapons were unregistered. Of the weapons that were registered, about half were registered to someone other than the person accused of the homicide.

In only 62 cases -- that is, nine per year, or about 1 percent of all homicides in Canada -- was the gun registered to the accused. Even in these cases, the registry did not appear to have played an important role in finding the killer. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Chiefs of Police have not yet provided a single example in which tracing was of more than peripheral importance in solving a case.

Note that the Canadian data provided above cover all guns, including handguns. It isn't just the long-gun registry -- there is also no evidence that Canada's handgun registry, started in 1934, has ever been important in solving a single homicide.

Micro-stamping involves putting unique codes on a bullet. The most commonly discussed method is to have a special etching that is on the tip of a firing pin, the piece of metal that strikes a bullet and sets off the explosion, that will leave a mark on the bullet casing. The notion then is that if the casing is left a crime scene, the bullet can be traced back to the owner of the gun. The problem is that firing pins can easily be replaced or altered.

As to restrictions on the private transfers of guns, the most common type of regulation involves background checks. Yet, whether one is talking about the Brady Act or the so-called gun show loophole, economists and criminologists who have looked at this simply don’t find evidence that such regulations reduce crime and may even increase it. Indeed, as the surges in murder rates after gun bans in the US and around the world show, such regulations don’t stop criminals from getting guns. A huge percentage of violent crime in the US is drug gang related, and just as those gangs can bring in the illegal drugs, they can bring in the weapons that they use to protect that valuable property.

The treaty will give Americans yet another insight into the types of gun control laws that President Obama really supports. The good news is that the US Senate will almost certainly prevent him from getting the treaty adopted here. Most rest of the world won’t be so lucky.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/07/18/un-gun-control-treaty-will-reveal-gun-laws-obama-really-supports/#ixzz21FkduN9a

That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.
~Aldous Huxley

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2012, 08:35:03 AM »
"In Washington, the Homeland Security Department held a conference call with officials from the commercial, entertainment and shopping mall industries to discuss what security measures they could take to prevent something like this from happening again."

how many time do these types of shootings have to happen before they decide what needs to happen to prevent it from happening again?

they dont want answers to the problem. they want knee jerk reactions so they can implement more rules and laws to keep the normal average american from enjoying their "freedom".

sorry for being captain obvious statement there but i had to get that out.

i believe in gun control. i use both hands....

when you really think about it we are mk ultra brainwashed to certain. some of recognize it and do something about and others dont so things like this happen. people tend to think these government brainwashing programs go on dark rooms with subjects tied to chairs staring at tv's covered in electrodes and machinery. i dont think that is so. the gov't. feeds us imagery, sounds, and psychological manipulation daily to get us to do what they want. this guy was over run by visions of violence, a lack of self esteem, and a disdain for pressures of society. all of that was fed to him by the FCC, public education, mass media, and most likely all the people around him that are blind to whats happening added fuel to the fire. all of those sources are directly government controlled. he was a test monkey, lab rat, pin cushion or whatever other clever name you want to throw in. he finally broke, people died, and now those in charge have one more piece of data they can add to book of "how to control the masses".

the zombies and robots are here and more are coming. this event was a stepping stone to get what they want to be sure there is nothing we can do about it.

again sorry for being captain obvious

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2012, 10:35:04 AM »

Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan where it all started.

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2012, 12:23:28 PM »
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, and Senate Democrats are pushing for the approval of a controversial UN gun control treaty.

As the United Nations prepares its final push to ratify a controversial gun treaty, the U.S. Senate is set to approve the measure which critics say will not only give away U.S. sovereignty but directly attack the individual gun rights of American citizens, according to a report published Thursday at Stand Up America.

Democrats still hold the majority in the Senate.

Known as "the U.N. small arms treaty," the measure would regulate private gun ownership, according to firearms rights watchdog groups.

Retired Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who has been at the forefront of citizen opposition to the treaty, stated,

    There has been a decree by the administration by the president and the secretary of state saying that our president will sign the United Nations small arms treaty, which is about how we will buy sell and control individual private weapons,” Boykin warned. “That means the United Nations, an international body will decide how you and I as Americans can buy and sell our weapons, how we control those weapons, who is authorized to have those weapons and where they are. This is a dangerous trend.

The treaty has been in the works for several years, and both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have expressed full support for the measure, which critics say is an underhanded attempt to implement massive gun control without having to go through the normal legislative process in Congress.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2012, 12:50:11 PM »
fyi - Epic Fail - Colorado Fusion center   .... didn't stop the tragedy

Colorado's Fusion Center Recognized at National Fusion Center Conference
Release Date: February 23, 2010
New Orleans—The Colorado Information and Analysis Center, an FBI agent assigned to the Joint Regional Intelligence Center in Los Angeles and the deputy director of the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center won awards at the National Fusion Center Conference today as fusion center of the year and as outstanding fusion center federal and state/local representatives.

During an awards presentation, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment recognized outstanding fusion centers and their leadership.

Award winners included:
Fusion Center of the Year–The Colorado Information and Analysis Center (CIAC) was recognized for exemplifying every aspect of a robust and mature fusion center. CIAC leadership has been a strong advocate of fusion centers, organizing and supporting the national build-out of the network. They were specifically recognized for their recent support to the Najibullah Zazi terrorism investigation as well as their leadership during the 2008 National Democratic Convention.
In addition, the 12 pilot sites for the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative were recognized for their support to the country’s homeland security mission. These sites included police departments in Boston, Chicago, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami-Dade and Washington; Arizona Department of Public Safety (Arizona Counterterrorism Information Center), Florida Department of Law Enforcement, New York State Intelligence Center, Seattle Police Department/Washington State Fusion Center, and the Virginia Fusion Center.

Colorado ‘fusion center’ to step up intelligence gathering during DNC
By Erin Rosa
Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Colorado’s “fusion” center, a place designed to facilitate intelligence sharing among federal, state and military agencies in an effort to prevent terrorism. But civil rights advocates fear that the Colorado Information Analysis Center, (CIAC) now housed in an inconspicuous office building in Centennial, a southern suburb of Denver, could enable unwarranted spying on Americans exercising their First Amendment rights at the convention.
CIAC opened in October 2004 to respond to possible threats during the year’s election season, but it now handles threats not only relating to terrorism, but to all crimes and hazards, including natural disasters.
Jim Lancy, president of the Colorado Emergency Management Association (CEMA) and a board member of the center for two years, says “CIAC is looked at as a model for the rest of the country in how to build a fusion center and how to work effectively at crime and terrorism prevention."


Colorado Information Analysis Center
 9195 E. Mineral Ave
 Centennial, CO 80112


Colorado Information Analysis Center

In response to the 2001 September 11th attacks, the United States has created specialized agencies to coordinate efforts to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and prosecute acts of terrorism. The CIAC is a multi agency fusion center created to help prevent terrorism incidents in Colorado.

The CIAC is designed to link all stakeholders in Colorado, from local and federal law enforcement officers, to bankers and school teachers. It emphasizes detection, prevention, and information-driven response to protect the citizens and critical infrastructure of Colorado. This counterterrorism effort is centralized in order to enhance interagency cooperation and expedite information flow.

Terrorism cannot be completely eliminated. However, through efficient use of resources, the likelihood and impact of terrorist actions can be reduced.

Prevention is everyone's responsibility. We are one neighborhood, one state, one nation; and it is the responsibility of all to remain vigilant and to report suspicious behavior. One call can make a difference.

Call 1-877-509-2422 to report a suspicious activity.
Eight Signs of Terrorism
5. Supplies- Purchasing or stealing explosives, weapons, ammunition, etc. This also includes acquiring military uniforms, decals, flight manuals, passes or badges (or the equipment to manufacture such items) and any other controlled items.

[ So say a poor college student is buying TNT and thousands of dollars worth of SWAT type gear, I should NOT be suspicious and NOT call in a SARS report? ]

Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole ; He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. - Job 5

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2012, 01:29:04 PM »
Instead of Obama's fake birth certificate dominating the 72 hour weekend news cycle we have this and the timing about the UN treaty is undoubtedly suspect.
This country did not achieve greatness with the mindset of "safety first" but rather "live free or die".

Truth is the currency of love. R[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]ution!

We are all running on Gods laptop.
The problem is the virus called the Illuminati.  ~EvadingGrid

The answer to 1984 is 1776.

Offline John_Back_From_The_Club_O

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2012, 05:14:16 PM »
fyi - Epic Fail - Colorado Fusion center   .... didn't stop the tragedy

Colorado's Fusion Center Recognized at National Fusion Center Conference
Release Date: February 23, 2010
New Orleans—The Colorado Information and Analysis Center, an FBI agent assigned to the Joint Regional Intelligence Center in Los Angeles and the deputy director of the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center won awards at the National Fusion Center Conference today as fusion center of the year and as outstanding fusion center federal and state/local representatives.

During an awards presentation, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment recognized outstanding fusion centers and their leadership.

Award winners included:
Fusion Center of the Year–The Colorado Information and Analysis Center (CIAC) was recognized for exemplifying every aspect of a robust and mature fusion center. CIAC leadership has been a strong advocate of fusion centers, organizing and supporting the national build-out of the network. They were specifically recognized for their recent support to the Najibullah Zazi terrorism investigation as well as their leadership during the 2008 National Democratic Convention.
In addition, the 12 pilot sites for the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative were recognized for their support to the country’s homeland security mission. These sites included police departments in Boston, Chicago, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami-Dade and Washington; Arizona Department of Public Safety (Arizona Counterterrorism Information Center), Florida Department of Law Enforcement, New York State Intelligence Center, Seattle Police Department/Washington State Fusion Center, and the Virginia Fusion Center.

Colorado ‘fusion center’ to step up intelligence gathering during DNC
By Erin Rosa
Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Colorado’s “fusion” center, a place designed to facilitate intelligence sharing among federal, state and military agencies in an effort to prevent terrorism. But civil rights advocates fear that the Colorado Information Analysis Center, (CIAC) now housed in an inconspicuous office building in Centennial, a southern suburb of Denver, could enable unwarranted spying on Americans exercising their First Amendment rights at the convention.
CIAC opened in October 2004 to respond to possible threats during the year’s election season, but it now handles threats not only relating to terrorism, but to all crimes and hazards, including natural disasters.
Jim Lancy, president of the Colorado Emergency Management Association (CEMA) and a board member of the center for two years, says “CIAC is looked at as a model for the rest of the country in how to build a fusion center and how to work effectively at crime and terrorism prevention."


Colorado Information Analysis Center
 9195 E. Mineral Ave
 Centennial, CO 80112


Colorado Information Analysis Center

In response to the 2001 September 11th attacks, the United States has created specialized agencies to coordinate efforts to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and prosecute acts of terrorism. The CIAC is a multi agency fusion center created to help prevent terrorism incidents in Colorado.

The CIAC is designed to link all stakeholders in Colorado, from local and federal law enforcement officers, to bankers and school teachers. It emphasizes detection, prevention, and information-driven response to protect the citizens and critical infrastructure of Colorado. This counterterrorism effort is centralized in order to enhance interagency cooperation and expedite information flow.

Terrorism cannot be completely eliminated. However, through efficient use of resources, the likelihood and impact of terrorist actions can be reduced.

Prevention is everyone's responsibility. We are one neighborhood, one state, one nation; and it is the responsibility of all to remain vigilant and to report suspicious behavior. One call can make a difference.

Call 1-877-509-2422 to report a suspicious activity.
Eight Signs of Terrorism
5. Supplies- Purchasing or stealing explosives, weapons, ammunition, etc. This also includes acquiring military uniforms, decals, flight manuals, passes or badges (or the equipment to manufacture such items) and any other controlled items.

[ So say a poor college student is buying TNT and thousands of dollars worth of SWAT type gear, I should NOT be suspicious and NOT call in a SARS report? ]

Absolutely Great Point.


You take the reality pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2012, 12:55:38 AM »
[VIDEO] Cover-Up? FBI Theater attack warning removed

I think someone posted the screen shot on this board. Can't find screen shot on google
It appears the FBI attempted to remove from the Internet a warning from 2 months ago that US theaters would be attacked.
FBI document showing a terrorist warning issued on May 17, 2012 to watch out for possible attacks at American theaters disappears from the internet after a gunman opened fire early on Friday at a suburban Denver movie theater, leaving 12 people dead and scores others injured.
A new video posted on the YouTube claims that a PDF document warning FBI on passable attacks on US theaters has been removed from the internet minutes after it was put on the Facebook.
You take the reality pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2012, 01:13:18 AM »
[VIDEO] Cover-Up? FBI Theater attack warning removed

I think someone posted the screen shot on this board. Can't find screen shot on google
It appears the FBI attempted to remove from the Internet a warning from 2 months ago that US theaters would be attacked.
FBI document showing a terrorist warning issued on May 17, 2012 to watch out for possible attacks at American theaters disappears from the internet after a gunman opened fire early on Friday at a suburban Denver movie theater, leaving 12 people dead and scores others injured.
A new video posted on the YouTube claims that a PDF document warning FBI on passable attacks on US theaters has been removed from the internet minutes after it was put on the Facebook.

It's right here:

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2012, 10:22:54 AM »
It's right here:


Did the FBI feel they had to re-post the report once they got caught taking it down in order not to attract any more attention?
You take the reality pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2012, 11:56:32 AM »
Alex Jones special report on second Colorado massacre suspect.... NWO. ("You Have To Break Some Eggs To Make An Omelet")

The more information that comes out of this massacre here in Denver, the more and more this looks like a prototypical NWO False Flag.

Alex Jones gives a great history lesson (both current and historic) PROOF on how the people behind the push for global government will kill as many people as possible in order to squash opposition to push their agenda while furthering their agenda as well.

I just want to mention that AJ leaves out the fact the US Government (under Obama) ADMITTED (actually was FORCED to admit) that an "undisclosed" government agency got the 'Underwear Bomber" on the plane.  We all know the agenda behind that.

I also want to point out that it is a part of the public record that criminal elements within the federal government have staged false flag events to further the global governance agenda in America going as far back as post Civil War America where, these criminal elements hired north eastern Canadian Indians to dress up as western American Plains Indians and massacred both American frontier families AND other American Plains Indian tribes.   The genocide of the American Plains Indians were actually America's 'first war on terror'. That operation resulted in on of the biggest land grabs since the Roman Empire.

Also, lets not forget the Lusitania ordeal.  These same criminal elements used the Titanic tragedy that was still fresh in peoples minds to load the Lusitania with weapons bound for England (which was an illegal ACT OF WAR and those responsible would have hung for it back in those days).  That greatly furthered the NWO agenda while killing 10's of millions when the US was drug into the first world war.   Winston Churhchill was quoted as say of the Lusitania ordeal... "You have to break some eggs to make an omelet"
You take the reality pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.


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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2012, 02:11:24 PM »

Monterey CA - January 2012
Aurora Police Lieutenant Gains Intelligence Insight

Aurora (Colo.) Police Lt. Sam McGhee has served numerous traditional roles in law enforcement such as emergency services coordinator, media relations manager, narcotics and intelligence commander and sector commander.

Currently, though, McGhee’s role is one he probably never envisioned when he entered the profession: reviewing counterterrorism intelligence for information pertinent to state, local, tribal and private sector agencies at the Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group (ITACG).

ITACG was established by the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 and comprises federal intelligence analysts along with state, local, and tribal first responders, working at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).

"We have access to classified systems and we read intelligence in various forms to look for pieces of information that may be well served at the state and local level," McGhee said during a recent phone interview.

 "Our job is to read daily intelligence traffic with an eye for the possible implications for state and local partners in our country. We also review intelligence products from various intelligence community agencies to ensure state, local and tribal interests are addressed."

A third component in ITACG’s mission involves informing and educating the state and local agencies about the intelligence community’s offerings as well as to bring a stronger understanding of the state, local and tribal needs to the intelligence community for improved information sharing.

"Our objective is to inform them of what the needs of the state and local community are," he said. "We talk about the assets that we have and the resources the federal intelligence community can leverage. It’s fascinating to watch as each side achieves a new level of understanding. They are literally two different worlds. The feds have their lens and state and local responders have their lens. Post 9/11, it’s more important than ever that the two have continuity with each other."

Part of the challenge for state and local detail members is understanding how the 16 different federal intelligence agencies operate and relate to each other. Also, the mission of the ITACG program differs from that of fusion centers operating around the country. Unlike fusion centers, ITACG does not originate the information being reported, but comments on intelligence and ensures it is available to state, local and tribal partners.

"The difference with us and fusion centers is that we don’t distribute information," McGhee said. "We will comment, edit and modify information. Occasionally we will write a product called a ‘roll call release’ which is a one page summary in an unclassified FOUO (For Official Use Only) format oriented toward police officers in a roll call briefing. Here the objective is to be succinct and informative so you can get officers out on the road."

The roll call release has been expanded to fit the needs of other disciplines such as the fire service, public health and various private sector components, McGhee noted.

One of the challenges with the fellowship was a very steep learning curve in understanding the lexicon and myriad of acronyms along with accessing varied information systems and portals. Once the intelligence is prioritized, McGhee and his colleagues look for what is known as TTP, or Trends, Tactics and Procedures, which helps analysts validate previous pieces of information while also spotting potential new approaches to terrorist activity.

"Once we learn how to navigate there is no shortage of information at our disposal," McGhee noted. "The challenge is to learn the system, interpret, then make sense of it so we can turn it into valuable information that gets shared at the state and local levels."

When he returns to the Aurora Police Department in February, one benefit of his fellowship will be the intelligence contacts and insight the program has afforded him.

Participating in the ELP helped in both arenas by challenging his assumptions, McGhee added.

"They set the tone in the room for challenging our status quo mindsets," McGhee said. "We are constantly challenged to overcome our egos and to take a deeper look at issues.

More than 10 years after the 9/11 attacks provided a catalyst for more intelligence collaboration McGhee believes it is important to reflect on what homeland security has evolved into, and what the future for the discipline holds.

"I see this period in time as a renaissance period for those of us who do this work," he said. "Whether it’s national security or public safety in this country, we are willing to challenge ourselves in how we act, how we perform and what kind of products we are producing."
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole ; He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. - Job 5

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2012, 02:17:09 PM »
Today on This Week without David Brinkley, one of the talking heads barely mention the question of where did the unemployed kid get all the money for all this heavy equipment, but the Stephanopolis changed the subject so fast my head is still spinning.
"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck."  -Frederick Douglass

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Re: Colorado Shooting Most Likely A NorthCom / Fusion Center Psy Op
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2012, 04:10:43 PM »
Warriors, rescuers, spooks - 12/15/2005
The U.S. military's involvement in domestic affairs is growing.

By Terje Langeland (editorial@boulderweekly.com)
Behind a series of doors inside a building at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, a couple dozen people sit inside a conference-style room, each watching multiple computer screens.

There are soldiers, sailors, Coast Guard officers, a National Guardsman, a Canadian military officer, civilian specialists, a lawyer, a meteorologist and a chaplain. Two big video screens loom on the wall in front of them, on this particular occasion displaying computerized maps titled "Operation Western Vigilance" and "Hurricane Support."
Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, who has made a name for himself by grandstanding on the immigration issue, is pushing for NorthCom to play an even bigger role in sealing the border.
Eagle Eyes and MAGIC

Increasingly, evidence of military participation in the domestic surveillance dragnet also is falling into place:

* NorthCom boasts an intelligence "fusion center" that analyzes intelligence from, and exchanges it with, a multitude of sources, including the FBI and local law enforcement. Based on various reports, the total number of intelligence agents working for NorthCom at Peterson and other bases appears to be somewhere between 150 and 300.

* Across the nation, states are setting up similar federally funded "fusion centers" to collect and analyze intelligence related to homeland security from local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. Colorado's Department of Public Safety opened a fusion center in Centennial, south of Denver, last April. The military initially had at least one person permanently assigned to the center, according to Lance Clem, a spokesman. Clem wouldn't provide further details on the military's role at the center.

* The White House is considering expanding the power of a little-known Pentagon agency called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, the Washington Post reported last month. The proposal would give the agency, formed three years ago to protect military facilities from attack, the authority to investigate crimes within the United States such as treason, foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage. Meanwhile, the Department of Defense has pushed legislation to allow the FBI and others to share information gathered about U.S. citizens with the Pentagon, the Post has reported.

* The Air Force Office of Special Investigations three years ago launched an anti-terrorism program dubbed "Eagle Eyes," which urges Air Force personnel and civilians alike to report "suspicious activities" in their communities. Two years ago, Air Force investigators involved with the program showed up at a church in Colorado Springs, where a New York film crew was attending an activist event. The investigators demanded to see footage the crew had shot earlier in the day outside Schriever Air Force Base.

* At least two military agencies have attended meetings of a Colorado organization known as the Multi-Agency Group Intelligence Conference, or MAGIC. Made up of intelligence officials from local, state and federal law enforcement, the group began meeting bimonthly in 1987 to exchange information on "extremist groups," a term that included environmentalists and "left-wing" and "right-wing" organizations. An attendance sheet shows that agents from the Army Criminal Investigation Division at Fort Carson, and from the Department of Defense at Buckley Air National Guard Base in Aurora, attended a 1992 MAGIC meeting. CU and Boulder police were also in attendance.

* The military also participates in a similar intelligence-sharing network run by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Denver, called the Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council. In addition to local, state and federal law enforcement officers from throughout Colorado, the council includes members of the Department of Defense Criminal Investigative Service and Fort Carson's Naval Reserve. The Boulder County Sheriff's office also participates in the network.

* Two years ago, the Pentagon decided to assign "military special agents" to each of the FBI's 56 field offices, whose job would be to track "potential threats to the military," according to the Los Angeles Times. A spokeswoman for the FBI in Denver, Monique Kelso, confirms that military agencies participate in the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, although she refuses to provide further details.

Fusion centers also are convenient mechanisms to work around legal restrictions, Pyle says. "Only the feds are bound by the federal laws, and only the state officials are bound by the state law, and so you just hand [the intelligence] across the desk, and the other person collects it," he explains


Buckley Air Force Base (IATA: BFK, ICAO: KBKF, FAA LID: BKF) is a United States Air Force base in Aurora, Colorado
Buckley Air Force Base is an Air Force Space Command base that serves more than 92,000 active duty, National Guard, Reserve and retired personnel throughout the Front Range community. Buckley AFB defends America through its air operations, space-based missile warning capabilities, space surveillance operations, space communications operations and support functions

[ Notice the acyrnym - ATAC - K ]


Colorado's Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council (ATAC)

Advisory Council Information
Department of Homeland Security
ATAC Membership
ATAC Contact Information

Colorado's Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council (ATAC) Information
The Attorney General of the United States directed every U.S. Attorney to establish an Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council.  These advisory councils coordinate the dissemination of information and the development of investigative and prosecutorial strategy in dealing with terrorism throughout the country.  The advisory councils also provide the operational foundation for a concerted national assault against terrorism.

The Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council serves several purposes.  

First, each council acts as a conduit for information about suspected terrorists between the federal and local agencies. The intelligence obtained will then be disseminated to the local law enforcement officials who can assist in monitoring terrorist networks on the local level.  

Second, the council serves as a coordinating body for implementing the operational plan for the prevention of terrorism.  

Third, the Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council serves as a standing organizational structure for a coordinated response to a terrorist incident occurring in the district.

Finally, the task force will provide and coordinate training for state and local law enforcement agencies.


"As Attorney General, I am proud to be here among you today, to acknowledge your difficult work and your dedication, and to let you know that I am committed to supporting your continued success.  It is critical that we do not relax our guard in the battle against either global or domestic terrorism – that we not become complacent.  You have proven yourselves innovative and effective leaders in the fight against terrorism and I want you to know that the President and I are grateful for your work and will fully support you in every way we can."

       -- Attorney General Eric Holder at the National ATAC  Conference, October 1, 2009



Before Court You Should:

Dress to be neat and comfortable
Eat a Snack
Go to the Bathroom
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole ; He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. - Job 5