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/loli/ - Lolis

Lolis are Love, Lolis are Life


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File: 1442398121301.png (242.53 KB, 616x602, 44:43, aac1vitruve-2.png)


I know there is already 2 similar boards here but they are both not very well contributed to, nor extensive.

so in an effort to help nurture more artists my self being one of them in the ways of lolicon so that we might have more ample supply of our chosen material.

here is stuff I spent a few days gathering and I shall add to it. please feel free to do the same( maybe eventually we change this over to its own board?


File: 1442398309154-0.jpeg (75.77 KB, 696x600, 29:25, 4Lw4I4B9YPU.jpeg)

File: 1442398309154-1.jpg (227.13 KB, 1200x1777, 1200:1777, 012.jpg)

File: 1442398309154-2.jpg (46.71 KB, 720x512, 45:32, 92C.jpg)

File: 1442398309155-3.jpg (73.78 KB, 960x847, 960:847, 292847_438948382808636_131….jpg)

File: 1442398309155-4.jpg (61.81 KB, 640x595, 128:119, 5588008.jpg)

drawings and drawing tips for head and or hair shape/design


File: 1442398405227-0.jpg (165 KB, 900x712, 225:178, 7886921_orig.jpg)

File: 1442398405229-1.jpg (92.96 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, 13083308_p2.jpg)

File: 1442398405230-2.jpg (57.78 KB, 494x640, 247:320, 14363003487.jpg)

File: 1442398405231-3.png (352.5 KB, 900x524, 225:131, drawing_necks_by_moni158_d….png)

File: 1442398405232-4.jpg (40.53 KB, 467x644, 467:644, head.jpg)

head / hair part 2


File: 1442398477013-0.jpg (123.38 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, how_to_sketch_a_loliloli_l….jpg)

File: 1442398477015-1.jpg (100.27 KB, 657x576, 73:64, how-to-draw-manga-eye.jpg)

File: 1442398477015-2.jpg (32.46 KB, 520x258, 260:129, how-to-draw-manga-style-fe….jpg)

File: 1442398477015-3.png (79.79 KB, 720x547, 720:547, my_first_base_by_karruto.png)

File: 1442398477015-4.jpg (153.04 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, resources_chest_back_fm1_b….jpg)

head and hair part 3


File: 1442398599964-0.png (341.88 KB, 952x773, 952:773, resources_head_1_by_juusan….png)

File: 1442398599964-1.jpg (263.29 KB, 1280x1235, 256:247, resources_head_2_by_juusan….jpg)

File: 1442398599965-2.jpg (71.09 KB, 1200x458, 600:229, resources_head_neck_1_by_j….jpg)

File: 1442398599965-3.jpg (102.72 KB, 753x1061, 753:1061, tips_on_drawing_lolis___ot….jpg)

head / hair part 4


File: 1442398690138-0.jpg (45.07 KB, 640x475, 128:95, anime-eyes-male-i10.jpg)

File: 1442398690139-1.jpg (97.79 KB, 800x1373, 800:1373, eyes_01.jpg)

File: 1442398690139-2.png (658.27 KB, 1024x1063, 1024:1063, eyezzzz_by_moni158_d4ue5s9.png)

File: 1442398690139-3.jpg (102.28 KB, 872x706, 436:353, how-to-draw-anime-boys-eye….jpg)

File: 1442398690140-4.jpg (7.62 KB, 257x190, 257:190, i (1).jpg)

ears / eyes


File: 1442398754430-0.gif (18.85 KB, 400x386, 200:193, earbasics3.gif)

File: 1442398754430-1.jpeg (59.39 KB, 800x480, 5:3, img201404280146300429_inf….jpeg)

File: 1442398754430-2.jpg (154.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, manga-eyes2m-pixels-scaled….jpg)

File: 1442398754431-3.jpg (702.97 KB, 900x1101, 300:367, tumblr_m4y55p58Q81r0094to2….jpg)

File: 1442398754431-4.jpg (250.15 KB, 620x834, 310:417, tumblr_mdzkdaNNzM1qzhe7no4….jpg)

ears / eyes part 2


File: 1442398814813.jpg (287.84 KB, 620x850, 62:85, tumblr_mdzkdaNNzM1qzhe7no2….jpg)

ears / eyes part 3


File: 1442398936157-0.jpg (75.3 KB, 736x519, 736:519, 1cbca17aae5e7c5bae11f30af9….jpg)

File: 1442398936157-1.jpg (51.81 KB, 850x600, 17:12, 1497165.jpg)

File: 1442398936158-2.png (440.25 KB, 900x675, 4:3, different_nose_types_by_mo….png)

File: 1442398936158-3.jpg (8.84 KB, 350x350, 1:1, how-to-draw-a-nose.jpg)

File: 1442398936158-4.jpg (3.97 KB, 176x190, 88:95, i.jpg)

nose / mouth


File: 1442399002918-0.jpg (10.74 KB, 236x324, 59:81, 1e484ae16d7b38eb120d3e4212….jpg)

File: 1442399002919-1.jpg (29.96 KB, 570x577, 570:577, 4 (1).jpg)

File: 1442399002920-2.jpg (45.08 KB, 832x484, 208:121, 95268eb0ac0824a974319aa7b1….jpg)

File: 1442399002920-3.jpg (39.37 KB, 394x604, 197:302, rnqU1_VQkH8.jpg)

File: 1442399002921-4.jpg (254.2 KB, 609x722, 609:722, tumblr_mdzkdaNNzM1qzhe7no3….jpg)

nose / mouth part 2


File: 1442399111869-0.jpg (89.26 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 2.jpg)

File: 1442399111869-1.jpg (23.08 KB, 500x755, 100:151, 037.jpg)

File: 1442399111869-2.jpg (614.21 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 13467871_p2.jpg)

File: 1442399111870-3.jpg (124.88 KB, 900x591, 300:197, ariel__s_hands_by_mermaidh….jpg)

File: 1442399111870-4.jpg (27.1 KB, 491x604, 491:604, Cpbn8M_rQUY.jpg)

hands / arms part 1


File: 1442399165661-0.jpg (7.61 KB, 200x151, 200:151, f8c43be3611365e0ab2d505e1b….jpg)

File: 1442399165662-1.jpg (49.55 KB, 500x403, 500:403, hands and feet.jpg)

File: 1442399165662-2.jpg (68.59 KB, 360x600, 3:5, how-to-draw-anime-hands-an….jpg)

File: 1442399165662-3.jpg (50.18 KB, 561x465, 187:155, how-to-draw-anime-hands-fe….jpg)

File: 1442399165662-4.jpg (229.38 KB, 800x450, 16:9, how-to-draw-anime-hands-ho….jpg)

hands / arms part 2


File: 1442399195019-0.jpg (22.34 KB, 357x558, 119:186, how-to-draw-anime-step-by-….jpg)

File: 1442399195019-1.gif (46.48 KB, 600x455, 120:91, how-to-draw-hands04.gif)

File: 1442399195019-2.jpg (164.15 KB, 640x958, 320:479, how-to-draw-manga-715.jpg)

File: 1442399195020-3.jpg (70.3 KB, 580x455, 116:91, how-to-draw-realistic-hand….jpg)

File: 1442399195020-4.png (369.41 KB, 900x784, 225:196, more_hands_by_moni158_d4ua….png)

hands / arms part 3


File: 1442399246098-0.jpg (127.36 KB, 640x452, 160:113, RUNE_hands.jpg)

File: 1442399246100-1.png (153.84 KB, 877x643, 877:643, Screen Shot 2014-11-19 at ….png)

File: 1442399246100-2.jpg (39 KB, 376x604, 94:151, SGGkUyP4nM4.jpg)

File: 1442399246101-3.jpg (97.59 KB, 1440x798, 240:133, sketches_hands10mins.jpg)

File: 1442399246101-4.jpg (111.05 KB, 648x500, 162:125, StoryboardingSketchbook_07.jpg)

hands / arms part 4


File: 1442399304850-0.png (378.77 KB, 900x1021, 900:1021, _feet_drawing_tips_by_moni….png)

File: 1442399304850-1.jpg (109.75 KB, 900x800, 9:8, 31.jpg)

File: 1442399304850-2.jpg (7.76 KB, 236x345, 236:345, 892531bc48103e872a71100bae….jpg)

File: 1442399304851-3.jpg (80.84 KB, 1200x550, 24:11, 13229502_p0.jpg)

File: 1442399304851-4.png (87.42 KB, 775x542, 775:542, c2f77d35d9_78536555_o2.png)

Feet / Legs part


File: 1442399363597-0.jpg (83.85 KB, 1262x632, 631:316, drawing_legs_by_moni158_d3….jpg)

File: 1442399363597-1.jpeg (69.65 KB, 734x600, 367:300, drawingfeeti15.jpeg)

File: 1442399363597-2.jpg (34.07 KB, 320x444, 80:111, Dxyl3inBYao.jpg)

File: 1442399363597-3.jpg (92.66 KB, 1024x713, 1024:713, Feet-1024x713.jpg)

File: 1442399363598-4.jpg (241.37 KB, 1596x1060, 399:265, foot drawing.jpg)

Feet / Legs part 2


File: 1442399390028-0.gif (113.9 KB, 1337x742, 191:106, how-to-draw-anime-hands-an….gif)

File: 1442399390028-1.jpg (232.8 KB, 800x600, 4:3, how-to-draw-feet.jpg)

File: 1442399390028-2.jpg (27.48 KB, 440x503, 440:503, how-to-draw-legs-step-1_1_….jpg)

File: 1442399390028-3.jpg (57.07 KB, 520x767, 40:59, hubpages_feet.jpg)

File: 1442399390028-4.jpg (30.56 KB, 713x450, 713:450, legfv.jpg)

Feet / Legs part 3


File: 1442399413199-0.jpg (24.7 KB, 360x604, 90:151, noiH9jr4R2o.jpg)

File: 1442399413200-1.jpeg (66.86 KB, 900x693, 100:77, Каляки-Маляки-разное-NSFW….jpeg)

Feet / Legs part 4


File: 1442399477165-0.jpg (8.5 KB, 236x261, 236:261, 4c8b39dc6d99a6f6fcd864ae8d….jpg)

File: 1442399477165-1.jpg (131.59 KB, 1024x1236, 256:309, 014.jpg)

File: 1442399477165-2.png (269.01 KB, 1280x1265, 256:253, 51858.png)

File: 1442399477166-3.jpg (84.09 KB, 900x566, 450:283, drawing-a-female-ass-3.jpg)

File: 1442399477166-4.jpg (320.51 KB, 1200x1440, 5:6, e_360875_blush_bottomless_….jpg)

Private areas part 1


File: 1442399608817-0.jpg (16.9 KB, 460x300, 23:15, h9991308-001.jpg)

File: 1442399608817-1.jpg (22.85 KB, 654x437, 654:437, how-to-draw-anime-girls-bo….jpg)

File: 1442399608817-2.jpg (75.24 KB, 580x291, 580:291, how-to-draw-a-woman-ass-an….jpg)

File: 1442399608817-3.jpg (54.13 KB, 1025x878, 1025:878, how-to-draw-female-anime-f….jpg)

File: 1442399608818-4.jpg (37.16 KB, 575x489, 575:489, perineal_massage.jpg)

Private areas part - 2


File: 1442399640472-0.jpg (249.33 KB, 667x800, 667:800, q_640797_ass_cauliflower_a….jpg)

File: 1442399640472-1.jpg (330.92 KB, 667x800, 667:800, q_640800_ass_cauliflower_a….jpg)

File: 1442399640473-2.jpg (325.5 KB, 667x800, 667:800, q_640807_ass_cauliflower_a….jpg)

File: 1442399640473-3.jpg (68.83 KB, 500x597, 500:597, tumblr_inline_mjybkz4DfV1q….jpg)

File: 1442399640473-4.jpg (13.62 KB, 400x321, 400:321, tumblr_llz2qc2lLD1qdakpk.jpg)

Private areas part 3


File: 1442399666876.jpeg (145.24 KB, 811x568, 811:568, уроки-рисования-Эротика-5….jpeg)

Private areas part 4


File: 1442399781553-0.jpg (151.58 KB, 1200x1420, 60:71, 004.jpg)

File: 1442399781553-1.jpg (180.51 KB, 1200x1789, 1200:1789, 005.jpg)

File: 1442399781553-2.jpg (11.07 KB, 200x300, 2:3, 9a219f9ee7757471292a4ec46c….jpg)

File: 1442399781554-3.png (197 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 12_realistic_woman_body_sh….png)

File: 1442399781554-4.jpg (120.13 KB, 1024x952, 128:119, 016.jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 1


File: 1442399836369-0.jpg (67 KB, 960x678, 160:113, 307484_487703301266477_916….jpg)

File: 1442399836369-1.jpg (450.71 KB, 1280x586, 640:293, tumblr_lovjunbFnL1qgz53po2….jpg)

File: 1442399836370-2.jpg (57.5 KB, 900x628, 225:157, types_of_woman_body_by_luc….jpg)

File: 1442399836370-3.jpg (79.41 KB, 1181x600, 1181:600, ugirl_skirt2.jpg)

File: 1442399836370-4.jpg (69.07 KB, 802x996, 401:498, women_s_body_tutorial_by_l….jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 2


File: 1442399875356-0.jpg (49.87 KB, 550x778, 275:389, 1011959_538039306232876_80….jpg)

File: 1442399875356-1.jpg (48.36 KB, 624x849, 208:283, 1013083_567568896613250_11….jpg)

File: 1442399875356-2.png (365.5 KB, 900x623, 900:623, 9598803_d5adaa9a.png)

File: 1442399875356-3.jpg (130.8 KB, 1200x550, 24:11, 13014605_p0.jpg)

File: 1442399875357-4.jpg (83.68 KB, 1200x550, 24:11, 13014605_p1.jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 3


File: 1442399941992-0.jpeg (2.32 MB, 3508x2480, 877:620, 1435077782132.jpeg)

File: 1442399941992-1.gif (158.91 KB, 1600x700, 16:7, age progression.gif)

File: 1442399941993-2.jpg (1.09 MB, 1240x930, 4:3, age progression.jpg)

File: 1442399941993-3.png (469.42 KB, 1240x605, 248:121, age progression.png)

File: 1442399941993-4.jpg (34.14 KB, 450x742, 225:371, draw-female-figure-study-0….jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 4


File: 1442399989411-0.jpg (67.58 KB, 900x694, 450:347, female_body___anime_style_….jpg)

File: 1442399989412-1.jpg (100.29 KB, 1024x595, 1024:595, female_poses_chart_by_aomo….jpg)

File: 1442399989412-2.png (130.33 KB, 800x817, 800:817, female_proportions_at_diff….png)

File: 1442399989412-3.png (1.09 MB, 602x8405, 602:8405, how_to_draw_a_loli___shota….png)

File: 1442399989412-4.jpg (98.8 KB, 696x1148, 174:287, how_to_make_loli__little_g….jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 5


File: 1442400062072-0.gif (42.58 KB, 481x699, 481:699, image027.gif)

File: 1442400062084-1.png (792.99 KB, 900x793, 900:793, junk_sketch_109_by_catplus….png)

File: 1442400062085-2.jpg (122.21 KB, 1024x1370, 512:685, loli_tutorial_by_artboy92.jpg)

File: 1442400062085-3.jpg (47.28 KB, 600x418, 300:209, male_and_female_bodies_by_….jpg)

File: 1442400062086-4.png (1013.35 KB, 1024x1406, 512:703, nsio_body_practice1_muscle….png)

Poses / Body shape part 6


File: 1442400118979-0.png (2.04 MB, 1277x4026, 1277:4026, nsio_explains_foreshorteni….png)

File: 1442400118980-1.png (77.51 KB, 850x1153, 850:1153, sample_8ee0e4ba5a4cc02ead7….png)

File: 1442400118980-2.jpg (41.96 KB, 800x614, 400:307, sketchi_tel_04.jpg)

File: 1442400118980-3.jpg (13.02 KB, 284x400, 71:100, teen-adult_woman.jpg)

File: 1442400118980-4.jpg (75.2 KB, 500x564, 125:141, tumblr_inline_mjybey387r1q….jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 7


File: 1442400160609-0.jpg (209.25 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_01.jpg)

File: 1442400160610-1.jpg (148.25 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_03.jpg)

File: 1442400160610-2.jpg (162.11 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_04.jpg)

File: 1442400160610-3.jpg (155.63 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_05.jpg)

File: 1442400160610-4.jpg (156.31 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_06.jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 8


File: 1442400199431-0.jpg (160.07 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_07.jpg)

File: 1442400199432-1.jpg (174.01 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_08.jpg)

File: 1442400199432-2.jpg (162.58 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_09.jpg)

File: 1442400199432-3.jpg (168.83 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_10.jpg)

File: 1442400199433-4.jpg (184.8 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_11.jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 9


File: 1442400242794-0.jpg (168.26 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_12.jpg)

File: 1442400242794-1.jpg (184.62 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_13.jpg)

File: 1442400242795-2.jpg (186.21 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_14.jpg)

File: 1442400242795-3.jpg (171.04 KB, 1200x1697, 1200:1697, 130_Pose_Bible_15.jpg)

Poses / Body shape part 10


ok so that is just about everything worth while and non repetitive i could find,

my sources are yandex.com bing.com exhentai, 8chan , tor , gelbooru, as well as a few others i cant remember.

if anyone finds anything else or manages to draw anything because of this by all means pleast post it this thread is dedicated to advancement and improvement in regards to drawing lolis, or just hentai in general (moainly loli's).



File: 1442401071681-0.jpg (495.22 KB, 1607x2178, 1607:2178, rinayun-162896-Tutorial_An….jpg)

File: 1442401071682-1.jpg (306.6 KB, 1226x1570, 613:785, rinayun-165121-Tutorial_An….jpg)

File: 1442401071682-2.jpg (343.52 KB, 1226x1545, 1226:1545, rinayun-165152-Tutorial_An….jpg)

Allow me to contribute ;)


File: 1442401207881.jpg (3.72 MB, 9778x3000, 4889:1500, lineup (2).jpg)

And this line up I had made for my game project might be helpful to.




thankyou for the contributions

anything that develop the understanding of basic drawing skills will help emensly.



>10 year old looks 14

>12 year old looks 16

>14 year old looks over 20

>16 year old looks like a 30 year old professional Olympian

This is terrible.



Yup, still fun with height charts tough ^^

Tough i will never hire this artist to do work for me again ;)



The 8 and below is passable, but the rest aged up too fast.


Gambate artist-kuns


Another thing… take life drawing classes! I can't stress how important these are. My community used to have free life-drawing classes for the community… before sjws ruined them, of course. That's not to say that yours might not have one!



Is there anywhere where i can find material from them i cant seem to find a site?



First of all, I mean life drawing… from life. Draw actual people. Yes, of course most of us won't have naked little girls to draw, but there are many ways to draw from life… go outside, go for a walk, sit down and draw people.



Sorry replied to the wrong comment i was asking in regards to the "gambate artist-kuns"

You mentioned?


File: 1442482911642-0.jpg (183.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, image.jpg)

File: 1442482911642-1.jpg (100.85 KB, 900x533, 900:533, image.jpg)

File: 1442482911642-2.jpg (138.67 KB, 900x630, 10:7, image.jpg)

File: 1442482911643-3.jpg (73.78 KB, 619x504, 619:504, image.jpg)

File: 1442482911643-4.jpg (72.86 KB, 600x450, 4:3, image.jpg)

Clothing part 1


File: 1442482978020-0.jpg (152.85 KB, 845x946, 845:946, image.jpg)

File: 1442482978021-1.jpg (90.74 KB, 900x879, 300:293, image.jpg)

File: 1442482978021-2.jpg (151.14 KB, 934x855, 934:855, image.jpg)

Clothing part 2


I wouldn't mind making some kind of low-tier tutorial, but I'm unsure as to what people would want it to focus on.



Shoot, thanks. Well a simple one would be basic loli muscle structure like how the limbs and body shape would look and how they should bend ect just basics would help a ton(:

Everything else is pretty much been explained i just cant find anything on muscle structure and body shape(:



I know what you're getting at. You think we all suck…haha nah I'm just kidding. This will help me out so much. Thanks OP!


File: 1442561042526-0.jpg (1.73 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_3048.JPG)

File: 1442561042526-1.png (43.73 KB, 860x522, 430:261, Untitled.png)

Ok my goal for this board as well as mys elf and the others who frequent it will be for us to eventually get to the point to where at least a few of us or at least the ones who don't already me being one of them, to make our first commission.

i will frequent this thread and try to post pictures of my improvements(: and i request you all do the same(:

no, moving on, this is my tool of choice it is a Wacom bamboo draw tablet and it works quit well with paint on windows as well as the apple counterpart.

this is a (rushed) example of how paint can be utilized with a bamboo draw tablet.

these can be purchased (specifically the model i have) for as low as around $150 new or less used.

i encourage everyone to at the very least use this.

note, and ipad and stylus work just as well in some cases. however this bamboo is not sensitive to touch from skin only the stylus it comes with.


File: 1442565255759.png (287.58 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, attempt number 1 stage 1.png)

Ok so far this is what i am working on, i do not know if i will take it further but considering i already have a hard on just looking at this who knows XD.



You can't draw humans without learning the basics. That looks totally flat.



do better



I know i need to inprove that is why i made this thread so that we could improve or learn or start ect.

So sweet, how do i make it look not "flat"

Any tips? My ears are open and can take critisizm(:


File: 1442583627380.jpg (75.38 KB, 592x553, 592:553, 1.jpg)


You are on the right track…

You need to exaggerate more, to go too far… then come back a bit, to get to "artistically acceptable perspective".

Eg, Ass up, arms and hands down, in 3D space, on the bed/off the bed… Hands and lower legs and feet should seem "smaller", while the ass and head should be slightly larger. Also, the thighs, which is a top-down view, should be about half the length, to simulate a cylinder at a 45-degree angle, which is about half the total length of what is "expected"… Which is why it seems flat. We expect that "Flat" model to have thighs that long, hands that large, body that small, as if they were laying flat.

If he is laying flat, that is a horrible pose. Look-up "strong poses", and that, if it were laying down, in that pose, is a weak pose that would never be drawn. Looks like he is climbing up the side of a building, hugging the wall. (Not an insult, just what you drew as a pose, as it portrays. I assume not as desired… doggy-style.)

The bed, same issue…

Attaching a sample. (Not a prime finished work of art.)

P.S. Wacom… Love it… and art-rage studio and Sketch-book Pro.



When learning to draw… You have to train your brain before you become good-enough to "guess from memory".

Trace real people, or other works of art. Get your brain and hand trained to the curves and proportions, trusting that no matter how "ODD" it looks while drawing, it will end-up looking right.

You have the same problem that I had a long time ago. You "remember" flat, and draw linear and flat… Arms 2.5' long, Legs 2.5' long, Torso 2.5' long… without taking into consideration that angels severely distort shapes and bring new curves into light.

What helped me learn, besides using good references and posing myself on webcams… was "Daz3D", which comes with good base-models you can pose and play with camera-angles, to get that perfect shot. (Instead of trying to hunt down what others already drew. But, you still use their drawings for reference, for what curves to draw, enhance, or ignore.)

P.S. Daz3D Pro is free… For now… get your license while you can.


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As far as tablets go, I suggest looking into Huion. The quality matches bamboo, and is about half the price.

also, started on the whole loli bodyshapes thing.



I was going to draw a pillow under neath her, sort of raising her ass up but so as to jot allow her to lat flat. Bassically a halfway point between doggy and flat down. The folds in the blanket at her feet elbows and knees were to emphasise how displeased and or aroused she was. I will work on it more tomorrow(:

Thank you for the tips though i am currently oracticing foreshortening as you mentioned i should.

Also thankyou for your own concept drawing it looks miles better than anything i could do. Is the lead or a computer based picture?



No, not miles better… Like I said, you are on the right track.

(By the way my bed is way too small. Wasn't going for realism, your was more realistic in proportion there.)

That was just freehand, off the top of my head. Which is why it looks "off"… I never drew a pose like that, in that angle. It is a difficult position to draw well. (Eg, not a good power-pose.)

I was only trying to show an example of going too far, where you can later back-off, to something between, that, and yours.

Shades help too. That is the other good thing about playing with 3D models. You are not using the flat washed-out lighting that others have in photographs.

Same thing there, go dramatic on lighting, and then go back and tone it down.

Normally, when I do tattoo-art, I just build-up and keep squinting my eyes to blur the image, to get lighting to look right.

Keep drawing more. The more you see yourself progress, the better you will want to get. If you doubt your progression, look at your old drawings. My oldest stuff all ends-up in the trash anyways. My new stuff, however, is mostly digital 3DCG, with an occasional outline or cell-shaded conversion, done by hand.



Also adding…

Along the way, your "inaccuracies", will become part of "your style". Adopt the ones others like and work hard as hell to kill the ones that no-one likes.

That is how you get Anime and caricatures and other toons. (Again, with the exaggeration effect.)



Part of your issue is having a background, some people learn doing both others don't.

Figure out whats important to you, a damn good looking figure and character, or the atmosphere as a whole?

If it's figure, character, and pose, then i wouldn't worry about a background for now and just focus on learning to make really nice figures. There's a lot of major artists who are like this.

If the atmosphere as a whole is your thing, which generally requires background, you have to accept your figures may take a while to look decent and you'll have to try harder on subject mater but can benefit from bending the rules. Lot of artists like this too. Also helps a ton more to learn Color and Value here.



You have a good sense of design and form but personally i think this is too simplified. What kind of look are you going for?



>1-2: Not animu

>3-5: Acceptable levels of animu

>6-8: Too much animu




Those are all animu and get out cause the bottom row is the best.







Just realized I was looking at the wrong pic.


File: 1442724770228.png (249.35 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, attempt number 2 stage 1.png)

name change was probably for the best….

ok, so this my attempt number 2 as the subject line says it is. i am still learning how to fore shorten, now before i add any serious detail to this is there any posture / position changes that i should make?

his knees are propped up as a sort of back rest for her to lean against this is an anal portrayal, and i have her hands resting on his upper stomach while he has hold of her upper ankles.

any suggestions? i have decide to do as "ロリコン " suggested and not focus on the background at all until i am happy with the central focus.


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File: 1442741672261-1.png (239.76 KB, 503x1586, 503:1586, nsio_explains__foreshorten….png)


Question, why jump right into poses and sex rather than focus on learning some basic anatomy/structuring first?

This is great in one way since it gets you used to having poses. But i think a little bit of structuring is good. From what i can tell you're good at finding the poses you want but you can't quite see the depth just yet. On top of that intercourse and characters interacting with each other is very challenging stuff.

If you really want to learn foreshortening quickly i think you should do something more extreme and less involving multiple interacting characters. You'll have enough of a challenge making one character look proper i promise you that. But you shouldn't take it easy, do some really extreme angles. Doesn't matter if they always look bad keep doing them.

But also structure your drawings if you can, even if it's just a little. Most of the structuring images you find an artist may not draw all those details but they're at least thinking about it.

Lastly don't do just one pose, do a bunch, spend a short time on one pose before moving to another if you're just learning before moving into other stuff. Beginners tend to have attachment to each and every small drawing, don't do that, it doesn't help you. Value the sketchbook as a whole not the drawings.

Oh and stop doing short strokes, it shows, do longer ones using your entire arm rather than your wrist. If you get friction from the pad, buy smudgeguard or put some panyhose around your pinky and ring finger.

These two images will help you a ton.


File: 1442741914054.png (2.04 MB, 1277x4026, 1277:4026, nsio_explains__foreshorten….png)


oops posted small one, my bad, here's the big one…

Also i said extreme "angles" but i mean poses too, either or. I can post some real life stuff from a really good pose book if you need help.


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This is my suggestion…

Wasn't sure about the loli… Used your guy's thighs to determine her proportions. (Since that was the only linear point of reference "flat")



Take advantage of layers and opacity…

Layer 1 (circles and lines) stick figure poses

Layer 2 (rough edge body outlines)

Layer 3 (rough hard shadows and soft lines)

Layer 4 (Re-ink what looks right)

Layer 5 (Rough shade the ink)

Layer 6 (Final drafting outline)

Layer 7 (Final draft solid shades)

Layer 8 (Final draft details/corrections)



See i have a disk with sketchbook and i know that the pro version is fairly cheap but the disl wont download it and i am waiting in my next pay check to buy pro. Untill then i have to settle for paint shop which unfortanatley does not have layers):




- SumoPaint (online) https://www.sumopaint.com

- OneMotion (online cool options) http://www.onemotion.com/flash/sketch-paint/

- Queeky (Online, Similar to sumo) http://www.queeky.com/app

- Sketchpad (online) https://sketch.io/sketchpad/

- Speed paint (online, play your drawing) http://www.speedpaint.info/

- Gimp (Offline) http://www.gimp.org/



You are reall helpful, are you by chance a well known artist wether sfw or nsfw?

You have already helped me and probally who ever reads this thread a lot(:



I am officially, no-one… xD

Only well known for being an asshole know-it-all. Jack of all trades, master of none.


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Some shit I made in 3D… I make a lot. This was some stuff for a VN.


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Just adding that the houses in there, are complete houses… Inner walls, wall-trim, doors and door trims, full kitchens, some other room components.

These were left untextured here, for "painting" in a paint-program, for that "non-rendered" look.

Most stuff was made in sketchup. (That is the sketchup scale-girl that comes with the default scene.) I had to shrink the houses and Ferris-wheel and other stuff to fit on the city-street intersection.

Here is another sample… Unrelated… Not "my model"… Just one of the characters used, based off Daz3D's model "Skyler", but with the Gen3 genitals added. Only rendered in true-light, and a backdrop, for showing someone the model. Normally I would just use it to pose and be my "reference" for drawing.



I'd recommend krita, it's got a bit of clip studio, photoshop, and sketchbook all in one. If you're looking for a free complete suite.


For just simple sketching, I'd recommend mischief cause of infinite canvas.


Software isn't too important at your level though, personally I think you'd be better off learning to draw on paper.

I've been trying to go full digital since leaving school and years later a sketchbook is still tops for just casual sketching.

It's just easier, and my ideas come out better.

I've been wanting to get a huion or cintiq to see if those are better. But other people I know say it's not by much.



I have to wonder who you're taking to, cause there's definitely more than two people I think :P

Me, I haven't had a debut for my adult work yet. But theres a vn that should be coming out fairly soon (not loli tho).

I'll go by Sacb0y when that happens.



A lot cheaper, and same hardware is the "Motion computing J3600" sold on ebay for around $700 to $1200.

The $700 ones are i3/i5

The $1200 ones are i5/i7

Both have the bright screen "view anywhere". The older ones… LE1700 around $160 are the lowest I would go.

They all have "Wacom" digitizers built-in. Actual "Wacom", not knock-offs like many Toshiba models have.

However, they are all crappy on battery power. Because they are the juiced-up versions of the mobile processors, made for temporary off-power use. (Normally they are on docks and running off live power, which is not an inconvenience as most laptops run this way, 90% of the time. Makes for great "power-outtage, help save-me" use.)

Plus, they all have video-out for monitor duplication and as a secondary extended desktop. Great for more true colors if you have an actual true-color IPS monitor, otherwise it is the same as the rest.



Here is a good review for the Motion Computing J3500.




Hm, thats pretty facinating, I might go for this depending on how my circumstances go. I was looking for something to go along with my desktop mostly.


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Probably seems simple because it wasn't done.


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File: 1445183745058.png (467.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, loli1.png)

Phew, finally started practising. Turned out better than expected, please ignore the hands. Does anyone have any tips on shading in gimp? I've tried but it doesn't look any good.



>implying loli grays

That would be fascinating~




try Krita instead. You might like it.


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I'd rather not worry about a new program right now, it took me long enough to adapt to gimp.

Also Krita's path tool seems harder to use than gimp's, and since I don't have a tablet I'm just tracing over my irl drawings, so I depend on it.

Drawing with the mouse is suicide.



I get what you mean about learning a new program. But unfortunately, GIMP just does not do the job… well. I'd suggest that if you really like using a path tool to maybe check out Inkscape or torrent Illustrator… if you manage to become a GIMP ninja share your secrets.



before you do anything else, start practicing basic anatomy and perspective

what you have right now isn't worth learning shading.


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Bruh, there's no reason not to learn shading at any point in your artistic career. By increasing your grasp on shading you also get a better feel for the three-dimensional nature of your subject and can therefore grasp the errors you make in your art better. When I started out my artistic career I did nothing but color stuff, and I think that helped my eventual step into actual drawing.


As for you I can't give any specific advice since I don't work in Gimp. I would advice you to get a tablet if you want to shade, since without it you won't be able to do any kind of blending. If you're too strapped for cash I'd advice looking into cel-shading, since that's just solid blocks of shadow without softer transition most of the time. A simple google search will give you a lot of resources regardless.

If you wanna do blending in gimp, or any program for that matter, all you need is a basic hard round brush. Set opacity to pen-pressure and use the color picker liberally. You can do this with a mouse too, but it's fucking impossible to get a smooth result, at least in my experience.


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Inkscape looks good. I'll keep using gimp for now but I might switch one day.


Yeah, anatomy is my priority right now, but I feel like I should know some basics about shading.

I guess I'll try cel-shading like >>30689 said, looks gud.


File: 1445435558865.png (505.2 KB, 900x1300, 9:13, Untitled-1.png)

Here, I tried. Give advice if you want, but plz no bully


there's a lot of crap advice and subpar tutorials in this thread and unfortunately i'm about to spew the same advice that people should have already given you.

if you want to learn how to draw lolis then learn how to draw people. learn the musculature and skeletal structure along with body fat distributions and the anatomical subtleties between the male and female form, solidify your understanding of range of movement with gesture and figure drawing, study paintings and photographs for their colour and values, do self portraits, draw objects in your room from multiple angles, focus on specific aspects of your artwork that is falling behind and don't forget to do the things you enjoy doing while you're working towards improvement.

do you think people who make good tutorials just learn from other tutorials? they learn from studying real life and for whatever god forsaken reason they decided that for everyone else a tutorial should suffice. it won't.

following anime tutorials will just impede your progress towards draw proper human bodies. you're going to eventually want to study real people anyway to improve, so why not just start there? the examples posted here, especially when it comes to loli proportions and body shapes are just oversimplified derivative observations that in general don't even look good.

once you can draw a decent looking human form in any pose you want, drawing anime is just simplification and stylistic application.

if you want to learn hair, study real hair and understand hair growth patterns, then take that knowledge and apply it based on what you see in anime.











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I'd fix the shoulders.

Don't give up!!!



This. A million times this.



Thing is there's a ton of artist who skip this entirely and learn as they go and they do fine.

The issue is people being unwilling to learn this stuff in the process, or take time to develop their skill at all.

I'm not saying this is bad advice, it's definitely not.

But I think building a habit of drawing and having a little guidance (or getting used to input) is more important.



Those are the artists who are stuck with one single art style and NEVER improve. They're stuck at the same skill level forever. So yes, they'll be great at drawing lolis in one style, but will they be able to add 'depth' to their art? For example, perspective? More than 5 or 6 poses? etc.




Whoops, I misread what you said. I agree that the issue is people who are unwilling to learn this stuff. You can start drawing wherever you want.



i included the words "and don't forget to do the things you enjoy doing while you're working towards improvement."

that is my implication that there will be no drive to improve if you don't enjoy art in the first place.

i feel if you're looking for tutorials and shortcuts you're at least willing to learn, so advocating proper study made sense.



Yeah that's true, i just don't think diving into learning anatomy is the way to go.

If anything learning the basics of art can do far more.

like the subjects in 2-5 in the ctrl+paint video library.


If you learn the basics, over time you'll learn how to apply your taste to your work, and it's easier to see your flaws and weaknesses.

A while ago when I was getting back into drawing seriously (rather than focusing on 3d work), I watched the ctrl+paint videos as a refresher and that did wonders for me.




i literally can't argue that the basics are necessary for someone who doesn't draw in the first place. if you aren't already drawing then yeah, jumping to anatomically correct humans isn't likely to happen. i should have used less exploitable statements.

when it comes to drawing lolis you're going to be hitting that anatomy section up regardless. if you need to, go through those 5 chapters and then check out the resources in my post.




Plucky? Is that you?


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File: 1447361471178.png (507.35 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, loli2.png)


Who's that?

I tried to do something with the shading


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Your colors are too light, and the shading/highlighting tones are way too close to your base color. I made a thing to help demonstrate what I'm talking about, hope you don't mind me doodling your character.

No.1: Your colors, pulled as best as I could from the image you posted. Your shading tones aren't dark enough, and since the colors are so light you don't have any wiggle-room color-wise to highlight, so it feels a bit flat. Maybe it's just my monitors, but I can barely even see the dot I made for her base skin color in the palette down there.

No.2: Your base colors, with darker shade tones and lighter highlights where I could make them. Colors can now be used to define features instead of inked lines (i.e. bridge of the nose). It's not bad, but still feels limited to me.

No.3: The shade tones from No.2 are now the base. I can now use highlights to help give depth. The girl got a bit of a tan in the process, but this was more to demonstrate a point than about character accuracy.

I got those dark shades by nudging the color wheel closer to the red then decreasing brightness slightly and increasing saturation.

I didn't mess with line colors in my sketches here, but those definitely need to be darker as well if you're not going with straight black.

Still, it's not a bad try. Shading is a tricky thing to get the hang of, so don't feel discouraged. Keep it up, and keep drawing!



Thanks, that's very helpful!

I was at first afraid that the colors would be too different, but now that I look at it, they could use some contrast. They didn't seem that light before, but I was probably looking from the wrong angle. I've been drawing mai waifu with the help of official art, so I'll see how the colors turn out on that one.


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>censoring the one thing the tutorial is trying to teach someone to draw


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for anyone that wants to make guro


Well I'll be getting one of those dank tablets on New Year, woohoo

Does anyone have any reference images for bird's-eye view?


please post some color theory.




Watch this series and you'll get all you need to know.

Not very useful at first but later on is crucial.

May vanish in future cause it comes from a gnomon thing i think.


File: 1451332488769.png (44.27 KB, 189x231, 9:11, 27.png)

>this thread



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Anon probably refers to the quality of work, which is shit. Most of these tutorials/references are only going to make you worse…

I'll post some decent ones with loli in mind. Though I highly recommend the artists in this thread learn the basic fundamentals of drawing BEFORE attempting something super complex…


File: 1451439603493-0.jpg (128.42 KB, 1200x1629, 400:543, 062.jpg)

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Drawing a loli that looks like a loli is all about proportions. Have a basic understanding of figure drawing in mind.


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a good reminder is that the butthole is lower, much closer to the vagina

(left is the correct area)

it's a common misconception i see lots of artists do


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File: 1451531937326-3.png (1.54 MB, 1100x1193, 1100:1193, brown girls.png)

Here, have some /pol/

Because not all lolis are japanese!



We also need references for pregnancy, and possibly fat, if we don't have those already


File: 1452576474379.jpg (305.97 KB, 1200x554, 600:277, tumblr_nvshrkB9Zm1ugwaimo1….jpg)


i have a good tutorial for how to put chub on a loli without making them look womanly

(i have been looking for preg tutorials but the only useful one i found was sadly mpreg..)



No, but the only shit ones are niggers. Asian and white are best lolis. Also the funny part is the black ones are not drawn with black feature 95% of the time, they are literally the same facial features as Asian or white just colored balck.



Did you really say number 2 isnt animu?? The only thing there that isnt animu is 1



>"Same facial features as Asian or white"

Because Asian and White people have giant eyes and lines for lips….Riiiight. Animu faces are completely different from real life faces, stop trying to connect the two.



Even taking away the cliche anime style in anime with more realistic human features it still stands. They rarely draw blacks as black, just swap the colors.



Ive seen its majority of the time (aka larger lips). I hope your not confusing "black" characters with indian type characters.



Nope. But if it's a majority as you claim you can provide countless examples of them draw with proper features, not just a few. The majority of examples are the comically draw black characters.



Hard to provide countless examples when there's hardly any black people show in anime. I've seen like what, probably 3 characters?. Either way, regardless animu characters dont represent white/asian features besides straight hair.



They do in said shows I mentioned with human features. In both the ones with human features and cliche anime features both do not depict black people as any different other than being colored black. If you've only seen 3 how could you claim it's a majority that they are drawn realistically?



mpreg might be a good reference, it's closer to loli than an adult female, considering you already have a flat chest to work with



You could still post the mpreg pic if you want



Because most of the other "darker" skinned characters i saw seem to be depicted as brown (indian for ex), not black (in my opinion at least, the creators hardly ever specify what they are if its not mention specifically in the anime/manga).

If anime was supposed to depict a races facial features, why do they japanese characters have huge eyes like that? Thats not a realistic depiction isnt it?

Point is stop looking too deep into it. Anime isn't meant to realistically depict any races features. There just supposed to look cute/attractive. Otherwise asian characters should visibly look different than white characters. And they do not.



It's not "looking deep" I'm just not being blind, don't try to push it off. You keep saying the same thing even after I out right say even in shows that don't have the anime style, many anime has human features. Since you want to deflect it shows I am correct, they they are not "black" Just a dark color swap version of ever other girl in anime. And the character you mentioned do look different in the non cliche anime chows that I have been talking about this whole time. It's true and there's nothing left oto say about it, whether or not you bring up generic big eyed characters again.


File: 1452840995286.jpg (46.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tumblr_ntjms2Qc2b1si3uvio4….jpg)



She can hardly be called black, much more of a Latin look, but if black helps my point. She has no black facial features in the least.



Alright what are "black features" to you. And how can they be reflected in anime style. (not all black people have big lips btw)


File: 1454101761357.jpg (34.55 KB, 382x385, 382:385, 1454101038681.jpg)

Anime characters don't offer realistic face features as white people either


File: 1454108601831-0.jpg (513.89 KB, 3121x668, 3121:668, 13097463_p0.jpg)

File: 1454108601832-1.jpg (284.7 KB, 2223x563, 2223:563, 13045671_p0.jpg)


its pretty much the idealized features of both race while leaving out the bad parts of both races IMO

i think it started off meant to look more asian maybe but the idealized features part got out of that realm kinda


File: 1454108751842.jpg (190.02 KB, 900x1244, 225:311, mpreg_belly_tutorial_by_bl….jpg)


yeah good point



Personally I don't see how its the idealization of any races. Its really just a human like head with giant eyes.


I'm not really good at art, I have major issues with anatomy and training my brain to remember things by memory only. I'll try drawling something on my tablet now to show you what I mean.


File: 1454179329722.jpg (110.65 KB, 584x800, 73:100, c922e72b82a4e2397576de105d….jpg)



File: 1454207386273.png (472.72 KB, 760x700, 38:35, 238rt7e4t5gpw.png)



thank you, based anon

gonna download all of these



File: 1454320881250.jpg (3.28 MB, 3264x3264, 1:1, wrist_durb8[1].jpg)

Pro tip: stretch out your drawing hand before and after your drawing sessions. Could even be prudent to take a stretching break during the session if it's a really long one. Carpal tunnel and other hand ailments are no joke, and should not be taken lightly. Don't kill your artistic career before it really gets started!



Nice cherry picking, fagget.


File: 1455074128841-0.jpg (1.59 MB, 3456x4608, 3:4, DSC00746.JPG)

File: 1455074128841-1.jpg (1.61 MB, 3456x4608, 3:4, DSC00745.JPG)

Thanks a lot for these OP.

I've been taking a drawing course at uni for the past few weeks thus far, and I did these two recently.

I'm just having the most utter trouble with faces, feet and hands.

Feet and hands perhaps it is because I need larger space to give them more detail, but as far as faces go I cannot, absolutely cannot create a respectable face, life-like or cartoonish.

Whatever I make for a "face" ends up being a disaster and my drawings look like they have downs syndrome and 40 other things wrong with them.

Does anybody have any tips for that?

Also area shading to give a more life-like look to as well.

Thanks. Pics for reference.



Your problem is the same as most beginners, they're bad at drawing and draw like they write with their wrist.

My advice is learn to make simpler drawings, or drawings in less strokes. Use your arm not your wrist.

Practice gesture drawings so you can get decent possess then go back to learning proportion then more specific anatomy.

This vid will help




Actually I also have the sense you have no concept of perspective and form, learn that or you won't go anywhere decent.

I don't get any sense that you're thinking of your drawing in 3d space, just lines to a shape.

And I don't mean shading either, it shows in your drawing, you have no sense of form.

Practice stricture drawing, it's that thing you see in anatomy tutorials where they break things down into simple shapes. That has more to do with how you think than the anatomy itself most of the time. It teaches you a sense of form and perspective.




Yeah, you're right. I'm pretty shitty at perspective. I can't seem to get angles quit right.

Ok, thanks for the advice.



See? All you would really have to do it make the body less masculine and more childlike and you'd be golden


File: 1455775219694.png (24.37 KB, 384x499, 384:499, i can't draw.png)

I have major issues with perspective and anatomy and other stuff. Time to watch how to draw simple shapes.


File: 1455857854778-0.jpg (40.14 KB, 564x416, 141:104, faa553f36c2437eb6f9b2c52f7….jpg)

File: 1455857854778-1.jpg (37.3 KB, 564x534, 94:89, 22cbcb73bb4c426558d5ebb50e….jpg)

File: 1455857854779-2.jpg (293.46 KB, 600x1538, 300:769, body_sketching_tutorial_by….jpg)

File: 1455857854779-3.png (526.52 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, cd01641a1531e61cb3fc05582d….png)


ill dump some tutorials for you (they may not be great though)


File: 1455857976114-0.jpg (39.36 KB, 554x456, 277:228, 55c511d945ee522f69927d05_5….jpg)

File: 1455857976116-1.png (245.29 KB, 1500x1424, 375:356, 40963227_p0.png)

File: 1455857976116-2.png (62.37 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ba48c4739a6e76294206e11eda….png)

File: 1455857976117-3.jpg (339.1 KB, 552x960, 23:40, a8d19e7fcaf7d4b3ed2f563bfd….jpg)


File: 1455858961595-0.png (62.37 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ba48c4739a6e76294206e11eda….png)

File: 1455858961595-1.jpg (82.32 KB, 492x960, 41:80, 2581d75328fa8fa97c25073770….jpg)

File: 1455858961596-2.png (245.29 KB, 1500x1424, 375:356, 40963227_p0.png)

File: 1455858961596-3.jpg (339.1 KB, 552x960, 23:40, a8d19e7fcaf7d4b3ed2f563bfd….jpg)


File: 1455859444737-0.jpg (297.91 KB, 640x616, 80:77, e14f0b6b50276bb54c97814730….jpg)

File: 1455859444737-1.jpg (101.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, a597779c5e00feb445cf55f588….jpg)

File: 1455859444738-2.jpg (157.18 KB, 640x341, 640:341, 50e30ea9acff67e5300705ecb2….jpg)

File: 1455859444738-3.jpg (215.81 KB, 640x401, 640:401, b417fd914f0db3f096333fe902….jpg)



oops i posted twice because it said it didn't go through



This looks like an interesting resource. It's called "Figure drawing for children" but it's seems to me more about drawing children.


What would be the best free drawing program? How's Inkscape?


File: 1462103596411.png (561.69 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 065.png)

This thread is dead. Is everyone gone?

my colors are getting lighter and lighter

save me



i have been practicing i might post some stuff later



This thing is super cute.



File: 1462948352510.jpg (415.22 KB, 2400x1400, 12:7, 12010288_p0.jpg)

i found a thing you guys may like

it's nps sketching process


File: 1463795757642-0.png (3.36 MB, 2400x2000, 6:5, WIP.png)

File: 1463795757643-1.png (1.72 MB, 2900x1000, 29:10, llllllllll.png)

File: 1463795757643-2.png (1.49 MB, 2300x900, 23:9, lllllj.png)

File: 1463795757643-3.jpg (490.91 KB, 1736x2456, 217:307, homura_stalker.jpg)

gonna revive this dead thread with some shitty tutorials


File: 1466405834487.jpg (314.85 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

Long story extremly short was jobless homeless and had to pawn everything working now have a job soon to buy a lap top heres a quick sketch to show improvement!!

Thank younto everyone for making this board a success and leeping the thread alive this whole time!!



Obviously it would be better if i had a pencil and eraser on hand, but there is deffinit improvment.


File: 1466495361813.jpg (594.4 KB, 2448x3264, 3:4, image.jpg)

Just a quick pencil sketch im working on had to scan it on an app for it to show up better camera was fucked up. Will keep working on it.


File: 1466502619606-0.jpg (194.79 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

File: 1466502619606-1.jpg (233.89 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

Never knew this app existed. If i can get accustomed to it it will deffinitly help me improve the quality of my loli….


File: 1466515236961.jpg (315.94 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

Still working on it. Bought a stylus today. Seemed to improve the easyness….. Will keep posting update pictures. Im actually using posts from this board as i do this to help me along. Maybe i will post to gelbooru once done……


File: 1466515368532.jpg (262.43 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

By the way this is the FREE, app that im using…


File: 1466518905301-0.jpg (337.75 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

File: 1466518905301-1.jpg (375.66 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

Working on coloring shading and then line correction and then recoloring. In that order…


File: 1466565492237.jpg (377.99 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

I ended up buying the pro version. Needed the blur tool for shading purposes….


File: 1466829267401-0.png (931.48 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, tumblr_o1kq3saFaX1qaf7v4o3….png)

File: 1466829267402-1.jpg (64.45 KB, 600x420, 10:7, Cg9P8h1WIAADpgf.jpg)

File: 1466829267402-2.png (807.28 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, tumblr_o1gzbc1v911qaf7v4o4….png)

File: 1466829267402-3.jpg (207.76 KB, 1023x699, 341:233, Ck9jGiGUkAEYAsM.jpg)

another dump


File: 1466829544974-0.jpg (160.74 KB, 989x994, 989:994, untitled122.jpg)

File: 1466829544974-1.png (95.4 KB, 708x500, 177:125, pg741bbp.png)

File: 1466829544974-2.jpg (153.75 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, 20131230_155856.jpg)

File: 1466829544974-3.jpg (711.2 KB, 1056x1500, 88:125, 18983600_p0.jpg)


File: 1466829865997-0.jpg (125.25 KB, 982x1399, 982:1399, 000138.jpg)

File: 1466829865997-1.png (69.22 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 0708.png)


make sure to give your art more movement, it's a tiny bit stiff

having smooth curves are much more appealing to the eye


File: 1466849222681.jpg (364.81 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

>>43702 will do thankyou still working on it and trying to smooth the lines will continue to work on this untill it is exceptional(:

Status update included will be redoing nipples as well as adding motion lines ones all is finished(: i am also going to redo her hair style to something a hit easier to shade(:



I also need to work on her muscle lines and jaw structure as well as fixing her eyes i estimate a week or two before im done. I want this to be a masterpiece when done.


File: 1466850149813.jpg (299.79 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)


This will probally suffice….



Just gotta figure out how to make her hair seem more messed up…… I need to practice eyes feet hands nlknees and hair. Like alot……


File: 1466863477799.jpg (367.06 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

Pretty sure i just fucked it up……

Maybe i aught to focuse on the black and white lines before even remotly trying to color it…….?



I'd suggest you finish up that pic as quickly as you can and move on to a new one. Learning to draw is a long process, and to be honest the first couple of months you'll be doing this you're gonna be absolute crap at it.

The only advice that I think is widely applicable to everyone when it comes to art is this: "Fail faster". Just draw a lot of different things, look at what you're not good at, and practice it. Don't spend several days on a single pic when you can instead spend the same time doing several projects and learning from the mistakes you'll no doubt make with those.

Also, study artists you like. Look at how they do things, and try to figure out what their process is like.


>>43748 understood will do(: thanks for the advice. I still need to practice basic muscular structure alot so i will do that. (:


File: 1466971470509.jpg (239.46 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, image.jpg)

Quick sketch


File: 1467329084691-0.png (216.57 KB, 614x748, 307:374, dickless.png)

File: 1467329084692-1.png (158.11 KB, 964x862, 482:431, Lawli kitty.png)

File: 1467329084692-2.png (416.75 KB, 940x874, 470:437, PoV tits.png)

How are these?

I'm trying to improve, so critiques would be awesome.


File: 1467333258616.png (15.59 KB, 301x267, 301:267, Good job.png)


Wow! That PoV is new to me.


File: 1467334570631.png (400.22 KB, 1044x928, 9:8, Better now.png)



I did another one with some flat coloring, though I've noticed some things that aren't entirely right.




>Loli PoV

Absolutely lovely. This isn't done often enough.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Completely agree. Would also love to see more "lolis doing things on webcam stuff."




Well, looks like I have a new fetish.



you're using a very light background. You must adjust the foreground color to match well with the background. I use 60-40% gray background.

The uppper body length should be at least 1.5 - 2 heads, yours exceed 2 heads. You can fix it by making the head bigger or shorten the body. She's lacking hips too.

The knees position is wrong. It needs to be same length from crotch to shoulder (crotch to knees).

I learned drawing by measuring my own body, loli is a challenge since you can't find enough IRL resources.

It's not about practice, its about building your fundamentals.


I love you all.

Thank you.


File: d618021a8c3d1f5⋯.png (179.31 KB, 2048x1108, 512:277, beach lolis part 1 flat co….png)

First loli image I am publicly releasing. What areas should I work on for this/future drawings?



Nice! I quite like it so far. I'd suggest making the dick a little thicker though, it seems a bit small for the size of the guy fucking her, even if it is better sized for her pussy. While guys can have small dicks like that, I think it just looks better if more proportionate. Plus it makes the bulging she's got going on seem more plausible. :)


File: 2eda6e4b071241b⋯.png (173.46 KB, 2048x1108, 512:277, Beach Lolis part1 flat col….png)


Better? I also touched up the hands a bit



thumb is short

feels flat, try practicing any pose exept front facing

either use thinner lines OR purposely thicken lines when it blocks something

practice ears and nose. neck should be thinner. make it as thin as a typical artist doll but this is not necessary if you can pull it off.



Alex was confirmed by the author to be black and chinese.



This is priceless!!!

Where can I found more of this simon stuff? His patreon?


File: 059b2b3a07fac29⋯.png (112.25 KB, 378x706, 189:353, 007-2.png)

I'm trying to improve, could somebody criticize this ?



well, I would point out that the neck is unusually long. You could probably fix this by shifting the head down. additionally, the character's hand to the right appears to be missing a finger.


File: b43e7c2e7a8a573⋯.png (1.23 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, beach lolis part 3.png)


Thank you! Not sure how much of that I can work into the image without a redo, but took it into consideration for this next one. Specifically trying a more complex pose.



Thank you


File: b7aa0ac18af6f82⋯.jpg (194.42 KB, 783x1010, 783:1010, wip1.jpg)

File: 297c10f1a074928⋯.jpg (245.87 KB, 771x993, 257:331, wip2.jpg)

File: 58b5b40baafce9b⋯.png (568.2 KB, 595x744, 595:744, girl1.PNG)

File: c62234b915bd382⋯.png (783.9 KB, 593x738, 593:738, girl2.PNG)

I've been working on this recently and I think its decent enough to move on to the coloring phase, but I'm still concerned about the anatomy, specifically the head and neck. Does it look ok? I keep wondering if the neck looks unnatural or oddly placed and if the head looks a little too big for the body.


File: 7d7d62672564f88⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 244x239, 244:239, Untitled-1.jpg)


where the neck meets the shoulder makes it look like if she was standing straight that her neck would be off to the side, I'm no anatomy expert or anything but in my opinion I think making it a bit more like pic related would help.

Just my 2 cents, see if it looks any better like that.



your doing gods work anon


File: 7e4cfbc0846d973⋯.png (164.32 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, anne2.png)

can anyone try fixing/suggest fix to my work? I think theres something wrong with the head position and the legs



You just need to work on your understanding of anatomy, it looks to me like you started with her legs facing straight on with the camera and then later added the rest of her body in a position thats not actually possible to hold with how her legs are facing.

Poses like that are complicated and unless you have a comprehensive understanding of anatomy or rely heavily on a reference its bound to look off by the end.

Instead of trying to fix an image based on a shoddy foundation just keep pumping out new art while studying anatomy and you'll understand where you went wrong on this one, practice makes perfect.

I was the one who made that request on /b/ by the way, I just didn't want to critique it unprovoked as some people are very sensitive to that kind of thing


File: 6eeb899bfe7dda5⋯.png (134.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, halp.png)


I'm shit at anatomy, so I use this thing called DesignDoll. I got full version from a forum that I really don't remember the name, but it should be easy to find!

I made your pose there, maybe it will help ^^



Wait you got that shit to work. Please give out the code .


File: aa4c521cd611a2d⋯.jpg (293.21 KB, 817x1094, 817:1094, wip3.jpg)


Any better?



Been trying to find something to use lazy nezumi too, If anyone knows about it, please share with us n_n



how did you get the anatomy for the belly and "breasts"?


File: 8265d7ba95ed786⋯.png (418 KB, 625x475, 25:19, 1447581081086.png)


>how did you get the anatomy for the belly and "breasts"?

I don't understand what you're trying to say.



I'm hoping he just wants your technique instead of asking if you have pizza

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