.@Evan_McMullin @realDonaldTrump Major part of Trump propaganda is this laughable "landslide" fantasy
@maliksooch@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump some things don't change or evolve. from Vanity Fair article circa 1993pic.twitter.com/QCJ7qSpv5i -
@kreativekell@maliksooch@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump Another believer in the big-league theory was Hitler. -
@esmepmarm@maliksooch@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump chilling words from Joseph Goebbelspic.twitter.com/QsKksFXyWD -
@kreativekell@esmepmarm@maliksooch@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump That was an insult thrown at Winston Churchill, not prophetic wisdom. -
@Lorenzo_Duartes@esmepmarm@maliksooch I wasn't insinuating it was wisdom, rather it's a destructive & brainwashing mindset Trump exhibits -
@kreativekell@esmepmarm@maliksooch But don't you see this was Goebbels claiming that was Churchill's approach? A lie/insult, not a belief. -
@Lorenzo_Duartes@esmepmarm@maliksooch In the case of Goebbels, it's called "projection".pic.twitter.com/VaFJ39oK8c - さらに表示
@Evan_McMullin@realDonaldTrump He is our President. You are a loser. -
@ChupacabraDel I know you're just following the example of your idol, but personal insults aren't considered adult behavior. -
@morrigan785@ChupacabraDel the common feature of trump supporters and their Dear Leader, is that they all consistently act like 8 year olds -
@_T0M_V_@morrigan785@ChupacabraDel The bad news for you is that we won anyway. Cry harder, loser.#HailVictory -
@jermalvarez@morrigan785@ChupacabraDel yeah yeah your dad can beat my dad blah blah. I get it.
@Evan_McMullin you're right. He is Russia. And that has power in America now. This doesn't make me feel any better. -
@TheNazifur I plan on it within the next 10 months... thanks - さらに表示
@Evan_McMullin Also remember that had just half of those third party voters in 3 states voted for Hillary Clinton, she would be PEOTUS now. -
@Evan_McMullin You, sir, were the only "third party" candidate who clearly attacked Trump, just Trump. The other 2 run just for themselves. -
@Evan_McMullin Third party votes only make sense if those 3rd parties build a coalition with the winner or they need to win like you could. -
@Evan_McMullin Even thought you didn't win Utah, your bid was the right thing to do. Thank you for doing your best to prevent PEOTUS Trump.