From the subreddit's own mission statement: "A place to enjoy and appreciate Manly things."
But when you go there, you'll actually see:
- Rosie the Riveter
- comments sections filled with aggrandizement of women; e.g. "This surgeon was the only medical staff on hand, so he had to cut out his own appendix? THAT'S NOTHING THERE'S A WOMAN WHO DID THAT IN ANTARCTICA TOO!!!"
- people of both genders thinking they have the authority to define what "real" men do and don't do
- "As a woman, [insert opinion here]"
- Hurr durr this post doesn't belong here because [honor, loyalty, self-control, or whatever other virtue] isn't JUST for men!
- And of course, reiteration that TRP is not welcome.
Honestly? Are guys not allowed one subreddit, a single fucking one, to celebrate what makes masculinity fucking fantastic?
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