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[–]GelfandFominDemocracy Uber Alles 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Do you mean put the Pershing as it was earlier in the war or do you mean develop a more reliable and improved version of the Pershing?

AFAIK the Pershing was like a Tiger in terms of reliability and logistical issues.

Also M4 Sherman & Firefly could destroy tigers and panthers just well enough with the M3, M1, and 17pdr cannons if needed. The thing is the tanks of the USA were not designed to fight heavily armored targets as a main role in mind--they deferred to special up-gunned variants like the 76 shermans, fireflys, and tank destroyers. However, I do believe US tank doctrine used tank destroyers as a rapid response force used to plug armored break throughs rather than supporting antitank offensives.