This is on a phone, sorry.
So basically we all went out to dinner. We didnt order vegan food so the 6 vegan feminazi sisters got all passive aggressive. My brothers were talking about what we bought oirselves for Christmas with the the sane sisters, and they start losing their shit about how we're ignoring them. Basically the res of dinner was them bitchibg about the patriarchy etc.
So my brothers and two sane sisters open our presents (its warhammer, we want it built in time for Christmas).
So then nazi sisters get mad as fuck because we're 'ruining the holiday' Long story short, it ended with some duels (eldest bro vs eldest sis, victor is obvious. So we stayed up until 5 building it all.
We woke up and found our unopened presents are gone. Looking now. Will update later.
[–]Stridaar 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)