上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]anthero 3180 ポイント3181 ポイント  (672子コメント)


"A British man who traveled to Poland to give a lecture on conspiracy theories and was found dead in his Warsaw apartment was conducting an investigation into alleged pedophilia that took place in a US Army-run facility in San Francisco nearly 30 years ago.

Max Spiers, a 39-year-old father of two, was found dead on a sofa in Poland, where he had gone to give a talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs.

Prior to his death, Spiers texted his mother to say 'If anything happens to me, investigate' just days before his mysterious death."

[–]GemaechlichGuenter 1693 ポイント1694 ポイント  (407子コメント)

Mr Spiers had made a career out of investigating UFOs and alleged cover-ups.

“The following day, Mr Spiers vomited two litres of black fluid.”

[–]mecaenas 2265 ポイント2266 ポイント  (321子コメント)

Clearly natural causes. An open and shut case. - Polish authorities

[–]Time-Traveller 1900 ポイント1901 ポイント  (67子コメント)

Despite not performing a post mortem, an investigation by the Polish authorities found Mr Spiers died of natural causes

So obvious that they didn't even have to examine the body. Impressive detective skills.

[–]Feathersofaduck 1175 ポイント1176 ポイント  (27子コメント)

Hopefully they quickly cremate the body against the family's wishes, free of charge. You know, as a friendly gift for the mourning family.

[–]89telecaster [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

Hey! 39 year olds are always dying of natural causes. Jesus was 33.5 when he died of natural causes.

[–]akotlya1 745 ポイント746 ポイント  (211子コメント)

to be fair, if one vomits 2 liters of black fluid, naturally one would die.

[–]Frebdignabliaq 200 ポイント201 ポイント  (198子コメント)

Sounds like some kind of hemorrhagic fever like Ebola or Marburg.

[–]aussie_bob 625 ポイント626 ポイント  (123子コメント)

Warfarin, used in medicine and rat poison, can cause internal bleeding that would result in vomiting black blood.

It's been used in murders and assassinations before, some even think it was used to kill Stalin.

[–]In_between_minds 204 ポイント205 ポイント  (74子コメント)

Even taking Warfarin as directed is scary as fuck. Things they tell you to watch out for include "any abnormal bleeding, bleeding that doesn't stop, bleeding from the fingernails" etc.

[–]politieduif 36 ポイント37 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I remember a case where someone committed suicide by ingesting rat poisen and was then found a while later. For the longest time they thought he was murdered because the internal bleeding the poisen caused made it look like he was severly beaten.

[–]Ezekiel319 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Its not really internal as much as it is every mucous membrane in your body starting to weep blood because its become thin enough to permeate it.

[–]beniceorbevice 86 ポイント87 ポイント  (54子コメント)

"As directed"? Wtf would you take it for

Edit: shit I don't want any fucking blood clots

[–]werter34r 107 ポイント108 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Blood clots, thx YouTube ads

[–]CallTheOptimist [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Some old man on a kayak said he loved not kayaking as much as he used to, and that he loved eliquis, which is like warfarin but helps you kayak, I guess?

[–]BiologyIsHot 28 ポイント29 ポイント  (5子コメント)

If you have life-threatening clot issues. For instance I know a women who has had over a dozen strokes on warfarin.

Also you dont take it in those doses that would lead to significant internal bleeding, typically.

[–]mckinnon3048 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Not OP level bleeding, but dosing in normal ranges can be anywhere from ineffective to hemoragic depending on your current platelet values.... Which change significantly in the span of a couple days.

Even correctly dosed your odds of dying from falls, car crashes, and OTC analgesics increases tremendously. (First two because internal bruising doesn't stop, and the OTC because things like advil and Aleve trick your GI lining into not repairing damage caused by eating and acid... Advil and warfarin can literally let your stomach acid eat your stomach, and everything around it.)

[–]CerveTech 25 ポイント26 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Dad's been taking it for 20 plus years. Blood clots in his leg. Even a small cut shaving he bleeds a lot.

[–]Benedictoe 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (0子コメント)

RN here. Its widely used and causes fuckloads of problems but saves more lives than it hurts. Any sort of trauma is cause for concern especially if you hit your head. That being said we have ways to reverse it in the hospital. Vit K!

[–]bobderf 31 ポイント32 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I have to take it daily to lessen the risk of a blood clot developing round my artificial heart valve.

[–]AlreadyTakenDammit 53 ポイント54 ポイント  (3子コメント)

It's a blood thinner. I know someone in their mid-20s who got blood clots caused by birth control pills and has to take Warfarin for ages to prevent developing any more.

[–]holocauster-ride [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Hillary Clinton takes it despite newer medicines being available.

[–]YoMamaIsSoFatThat [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Lots and lots of people take it. My father has been on it for years. Doctors prescribe it a lot.

[–]rvoorheis 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Yep, my dad died because of a mis-calibrated dose of warfarin. He took it as a thinner for an artificial heart valve. Caused a massive bleed in his brain, essentially a stroke.

[–]BristolShambler 101 ポイント102 ポイント  (8子コメント)

It's quite common for blood from internal bleeding to look black if it's in shit or vomit. It usually means it's from deep inside the digestive tract, red blood means the bleeding is close to where you end up seeing it, as it hasn't had time to clot and darken. The guy vomiting black fluid would suggest has had bad internal bleeding, not some weird x files madness.

I take warfarin and have Crohn's, so am unfortunately familiar with such things. The doctors tell you that black tarry looking stuff in your stool is waaaaay more of a concern than red blood, as it could mean internal bleeding deeper inside of you.

...Never thought i'd share that knowledge on reddit...

[–]Frebdignabliaq 35 ポイント36 ポイント  (14子コメント)

Yeah, that actually makes more sense. I don't think anyone has really figured out yet how to weaponize Ebola.

[–]Wobbles42 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (0子コメント)

There was that whole Liberia thing in 2014. Maybe they pissed off the wrong guy.

[–]DrDeath666 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You would bleed from every orifice if you ingested enough to vomit 2 liters.

[–]kiwihead 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Every single time? Or is there still a chance you would only vomit?

[–]SamL214 16 ポイント17 ポイント  (63子コメント)

Not black fluid.

[–]Takeme4granite 108 ポイント109 ポイント  (48子コメント)

Doesn't vomited blood have a black color (serious question)

[–]KILLSBITCHES 26 ポイント27 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I vomited a lot of blood after a surgery. It dripped from my nose to my throat while I slept. At first the blood that I threw up was red/crimson but then when I threw up again later on it did look black.

[–]Mohammed420blazeit 74 ポイント75 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Yes. My old foreman puked up about a liter of black shit last year. He died that night.

Everyone on the job site thought it was because of heat stroke and maybe the drugs he took. Last I heard it was some intestinal problems where blood filled his stomach.

[–]iHaveHobbies 74 ポイント75 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Note to self. If I'm measuring the amount of regurgitated black fluid in liters, FML.

[–]PreWhackedSnakes85 39 ポイント40 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Coagulated / partially digested blood from the GI tract can appear dark brown to black.

[–]Bobbias 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It depends on how old the blood is. Newer blood will still have a red coloring, but older blood will look black.

[–]poopahskoopah 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Blood resting in the stomach over a period of time can turn black. This is common in bleeding ulcers.

[–]RubberSuperior 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It can have a very dark appearance when exiting the body (don't wanna be gross but I've cared for bowel cancer patients and they can lose a lot of very dark fluid in one go and it does look black).

[–]Anndgrim 35 ポイント36 ポイント  (6子コメント)

Wouldn't rule out a suicide staged to look like an assassination.

[–]Earthpig_Johnson 82 ポイント83 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Didn't this exact thing happen in X-Files at one point?

[–]_venkman 21 ポイント22 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I don't think they ever vomited it but yes there was the black oil that the aliens used to possess people

[–]Puffycocos 188 ポイント189 ポイント  (42子コメント)

You know, I'm just gonna throw this out there. What if he caught some acute food poisoning and was given activated charcoal to absorb any "toxins"? It's definitely not uncommon in Eastern Europe to see the use of activated charcoal. It would definitely come our as black fluid if he was vomiting while sick, that shit has amazing absorbance.

[–]SoPacNW69 77 ポイント78 ポイント  (11子コメント)

...and then wiped his lap top on accident while he was puking.

[–]Baseproduct [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

It's also possible anything sensitive is hidden in encrypted volumes on his computer. Mom probably wouldn't be able to find them, much less decrypt them.

[–]HappyZavulon [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Makes sense, but you need to eat a shit ton of it (like a few boxes of pills) for your vomit to go fully black.

Source: Used it during food poisoning, did not turn my vomit black.

[–]GemaechlichGuenter 90 ポイント91 ポイント  (16子コメント)

Well, it's definitely more probable than getting fed something black and terrible by UFOs or those covering them up.

[–]desull [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Personally, I think we need Mulder and Scully on the case. This sounds like another instance of the black oil resurfacing.

[–]Inlikealamb 33 ポイント34 ポイント  (5子コメント)

When you vomit copious amounts of blood it tends to look black, it also tends to be a very bad thing medically speaking. Don't ask me why I know that.

[–]notoriousrdc 668 ポイント669 ポイント  (37子コメント)

Prior to his death, Spiers texted his mother to say 'If anything happens to me, investigate

Anyone else wondering if that was just his standard text sign-off? "Hi, Mom. Having trouble figuring out what to get Uncle Joe for his birthday. Any ideas? Love you. If anything happens to me, investigate."

[–]myles_cassidy 271 ポイント272 ポイント  (3子コメント)

"Gone fishing, if I don't come back, avenge death."

[–]Puskathesecond 73 ポイント74 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"I'm going to use the toilet, if anything hap--"

"Avenge your death, investigate yada yada yada"

[–]anthero 213 ポイント214 ポイント  (16子コメント)

From op article:

" 'Your boy's in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate,' said deceased's last message to mother"

Seems pretty standard to me

[–]TheShallowCurtain 87 ポイント88 ポイント  (14子コメント)

Wouldn't it also make sense that a conspiracy minded person had stomach pain then assumed he was poisoned so he texted his mom to investigated should he perish only to die of a natural undiagnosed stomach problem

[–]XxSharperxX [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

Yes, however I don't know of any sudden stomach problem that would make you vomit 2 liters of black liquid.

[–]IAmNotYourBoss [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Improperly treated stomach ulcers is entirely plausible. Some people will take aspirin for anything, and they will take a lot of it. If you're already bleeding into the stomach, that'll just switch it into overdrive.

[–]laxbro224 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Do natural undiagnosed stomach problems cause you to vomit 2 liters of black fluid?

[–]wilts 27 ポイント28 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Welp, she's done for

[–]SANAFABICH 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (6子コメント)

I'm not saying the guy wan't right about his stories (or that he was actually murdered), but I reckon all conspiracy theorists will say something similar to a relative or friend at some point, but you only hear about those who die.

[–]paulfromatlanta 317 ポイント318 ポイント  (128子コメント)

Max Spiers, a 39-year-old father of two

Sad for his family, of course. But wasn't he the guy that thought Jews were secretly Nazis and vice versa - with both being controlled by aliens? It was only being so incredibly nutty that kept him from being more harmful...

[–]H0agh 81 ポイント82 ポイント  (14子コメント)

He talks about it in the movie linked in the article:

He says "If you look at the word ZION, change one vowel and turn the letters around, you have the word NAZI"


[–]ImmortL1 [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)




Everything makes sense now!

(Not trying to be an ass, so sorry if I come off that way)

[–]H0agh [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)


Now if you google NAIZ, you come to the Wikipedia page of Naiz Hassan, the Maldivian Forward who plays for Football club T.C. Sports in the Dhihevi Premier League.

Now take the first letters of the league, DPL and you get Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage:


Which says!

Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) or diagnostic peritoneal aspiration (DPA) is a surgical diagnostic procedure to determine if there is free floating fluid (most often blood) in the abdominal cavity.[1]

Now what did Max Spiers cough up again? FLUID!!!

Case closed!

[–]ive_noidea [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Man, it sure is nice of these people behind massive conspiracies to leave us all these really overt clues so we can figure it all out instead of putting even the least effort possible into hiding it.

[–]Feathersofaduck 436 ポイント437 ポイント  (60子コメント)

He was probably literally crazy, but happened to be right on one conspiracy theory just by accident, so he got murdered. Broken clocks and all that.

[–]Errk_fu 284 ポイント285 ポイント  (22子コメント)

If I was in charge of keeping dirty laundry from being discovered...the man you described above would be my favorite person. He spouts a bunch of nonsense and one truth and discredits the one truth.

[–]Enderific 121 ポイント122 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Like the episode of the office where Micheal has to make up false rumors about everybody so no one will believe the one true rumor he started.

[–]TominVirginia 130 ポイント131 ポイント  (23子コメント)

Not out of the realm of possibilities that he intentionally did this or had this done to himself to act as the sacrificial lamb for his theories.

[–]wraykerr 93 ポイント94 ポイント  (10子コメント)

I hate to be so cynical, but I kind of agree with you. I have no idea who this guy is, and he might be totally sane, but my exposure to conspiracy theorists has left me with an image of a raving Alex Jones. And he is absolutely batshit. I could totally see him killing himself to make it seem like he was murdered for speaking the truth. Again, I know absolutely nothing about this Spiers guys, but when I think conspiracy theorist I basically think sado-masochist with an overwhelming desire to be persecuted.

[–]TominVirginia 30 ポイント31 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I haven't done much research on Spiers, but if he is the crazy Jew Nazi believing kinda guy, you really cant expect him to be of too sane of mind.

[–]DragoonDM 148 ポイント149 ポイント  (25子コメント)

Prior to his death, Spiers texted his mother to say 'If anything happens to me, investigate' just days before his mysterious death."

Hypothetically, if I were a conspiracy theorist and really wanted people to take my theories seriously, and also happened to be extremely depressed, this is how I would commit suicide. Make it as bizarre and suspicious as possible.

[–]UpBoat420 38 ポイント39 ポイント  (9子コメント)

It doesn't add up, why would someone kill a conspiracy theorist in that manner if they wanted him to shut up? The guy was clearly loopy, if he just disappeared no one would find it very suspicious unless they were already believers.

[–]ali5005 48 ポイント49 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Why quote the dailymail bro.

[–]deadclevinger 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I do not make light of someone's death. My sympathies are with the deceased and his family.
I do want to point out that it seems every conspiracy theorist tells someone 'If anything happens to me, investigate'
They must say that every day because, well, conspiracies...

[–]Nyxxu 896 ポイント897 ポイント  (20子コメント)

Is Max Spiers his real name? Because that's a conspiracy theorist's name if I ever heard one

[–]orangesarenotnasty 142 ポイント143 ポイント  (5子コメント)

It rivals Rusty Shackleford in conspiracyity

[–]NomadJones 28 ポイント29 ポイント  (1子コメント)

"... sounds like helicopters. UN helicopters..."

[–]mrjderp 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Whoa, a black Suburban. The new models are much smaller and greener than last year's."

[–]anthero 20 ポイント21 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think its pronounced 'spears' but lel anyway

[–]wiraqcza 878 ポイント879 ポイント  (39子コメント)

From a more serious polish source, police says that there was no such case. No man by this name died in Warsaw.


[–]Neuromante [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Is funny, as all the sources for this new are tabloids.

Well, and what seems to be his personal webpage: http://www.maxspiers.com/. Oh, and a spanish newspaper that doesn't provide sources.

There's a lot of results from a small seatch on google, but all of them are from terrible sources. So either it actually happened or all those sources made that history up to get some clicks.

We got a conspiracy either way, lol.

[–]Goddamnit_Clown 414 ポイント415 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I'm sorry, but the Independent and the Daily Mail have given me his mum's assurance that it did happen, so I have no choice but to treat that entire country as compromised.

[–]J4CKR4BB1TSL1MS [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Goddamnit clown can't you be serious just once!

[–]strangechoice [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

He's a maverick detective clown who doesn't play by the rules, but goddamnit if he doesn't get results.

[–]MrTastix 31 ポイント32 ポイント  (1子コメント)

This seems like a more likely response as well.

If someone has information you don't want released then finding them dead in their home with mysterious black fluid is probably going to harm you more than just ignoring them like they crazy people many of them happen to be.

[–]irish91 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This happens often in /r/worldnews. Americans don't realise The Daily Mail is famous for creating fake stories a lot of which are about celebrities who can't prove what they are saying is false which leads to law suits which the paper usually loses but has already made that money from selling fake headlines.

They also hack the phones of dead soldiers so they can realise their last messages to their family without their family hearing it.

They also did the same for Millie Dowler, they were listening to a kidnapped kids voice messages. That gave the parents hope because it looked like she was still alive and listening to their messages.

They've done a ton of bad shit and have made up weirder stories. So I'm bit saying this didn't happen but once I see it from a paper that's not the Daily Mail It will be easier to believe.

[–]MushroomMachine 865 ポイント866 ポイント  (149子コメント)

Depending on what caused it, vomited blood can look black.

[–]yaba3800 284 ポイント285 ポイント  (129子コメント)

2 liters though?

[–]derpmeow 514 ポイント515 ポイント  (122子コメント)

Can. Torrential bleed, e.g. ulcer eroding into an artery.

[–]Thohg 1079 ポイント1080 ポイント  (95子コメント)

Can. Torrential bleed, e.g. ulcer eroding into an artery.

Little known fact, ulcer eroding into an artery also causes your laptop to be wiped clean and phone dropped in water. It's a very serious medical condition.

[–]Butthole__Pleasures 129 ポイント130 ポイント  (12子コメント)

I would be surprised if a guy like this didn't have a dead man's switch for his laptop. And I didn't see anything in the article about the phone thing. Did I miss it? I even searched "phone" and "bath" and neither came up with that bit.

[–]keymone 114 ポイント115 ポイント  (25子コメント)

Considering he was paranoid all these things could be explained by him feeling sick and thinking somebody poisoned him.

[–]Washuchan 98 ポイント99 ポイント  (22子コメント)

A paranoid conspiracy theorist who thinks they have been poisoned would be more likely to do a massive data dump in as many places as they could rather than wipe their hard drive and drop their phone in water.

[–]neohellpoet 60 ポイント61 ポイント  (13子コメント)

They have the power to fake a coroners report, so why don't they just arrest him on trumped up charges, get him institutionalized and hopped up on drugs?

Vomiting black liquid and destroying data is the kind of thing that gets regular people suspicious. Robbery, car accident, suicide and a bunch of other stuff is way more plausible and will not get attention from the main stream. The only people who would be suspicious are conspiracy theorists and they're suspicious already. Sure, most people will ultimately dismiss wrong doing, but if there's evidence to be found, you guarantee that there'll be plenty of credible people looking. It just doesn't add up.

[–]nowforthetruthiness 45 ポイント46 ポイント  (11子コメント)

It's funny how The Man has all these plots and programs going on, yet they're incapable of doing a natural looking death.

[–]APiousCultist [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Its like 9/11 and the moon landing, so meticulous they're able to involve thousands of people with the conspiracy and fool tens of thousands of trained experts, but it's so obviously fake that anyone that sees a 30 second youtube clip can instantly spot a dozen reasons why.


[–]riddlz 24 ポイント25 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The lack of critical thinking on reddit truly scares me

[–]keymone 34 ポイント35 ポイント  (5子コメント)

You're assuming people are rational under extreme stress/pain/sickness.

[–]ultrachez 190 ポイント191 ポイント  (48子コメント)

Isn't it possible that A. He was taking some alternative medicine B. He always texts his mom stuff like that C. He purposely wiped his laptop/phone D. He felt really sick, drop the phone, staggered back to sofa

There just isn't enough info to make hold any sort of position

[–]derajes62 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Actually, yes, and I have witnessed a similar incident in a hospital - an elderly man with some kind of stomach ulcer/tumor. There were two or three violent expulsions of black fluid in surprisingly large amounts, as if from a hydrant. Scary picture.

[–]Goddamnit_Clown 27 ポイント28 ポイント  (0子コメント)

To be fair, "2 litres" is an educated guess, at best. Nobody was there while he was dying, holding a kidney dish and a graduated cylinder.

[–]Inlikealamb 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's possible, and likely fatal.

[–]Phatnoir 182 ポイント183 ポイント  (33子コメント)

His mother, Vanessa Bates, has been pushing for a thorough investigation into her son's death, and has reached out to another prominent conspiracy theorist, David Icke, for help.

David Icke is a really interesting person. Used to be a professional athlete, called the end of the world in the 80s and now believes that there is a projector on the moon that emitts what we see of reality and that this illusion is called the 'moon matrix'. This is all done so we can't see the lizard people.

[–]MrGoodEgg 122 ポイント123 ポイント  (23子コメント)

David Icke is a really interesting person. Used to be a professional athlete, called the end of the world in the 80s and now believes that there is a projector on the moon that emitts what we see of reality and that this illusion is called the 'moon matrix'. This is all done so we can't see the lizard people.

Yeah, "interesting". The guy's mentally ill, it sounds this the guy who died is too. It's so sad that there are people that are enabling this when these people need help. David Ike's first revelation was that he was Jesus Christ.

[–]humeanation [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

He's not mentally ill nor does he believe any of this stuff. Have you seen his tours, how much the tickets cost, the amount of books and crap he sells? There's a lot of money swimming around this lunacy. The bloke knows exactly what he's doing. Just a shrewd businessman, misleading a lot of very naive people.

[–]Budalona [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I remember him as a TV presenter, then the meltdown, the lot

IMO, he sobered up a while ago and realises that he has a full on world full of devotees and just decided to go with the paranoic's messiah thing, it's not like he would be doing anything else.

[–]DiceRightYoYo 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Isn't this literally something out of the anime Naruto? It's been a while but I'm pretty sure the main villain wanted to do this

[–]zxcvbnqwertyasfdgh [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

No. that was an infinite genjutsu that required the moon to display light that everybody became brainwashed by.....yeah it's exactly like Naruto

[–]supermikefun 89 ポイント90 ポイント  (8子コメント)

A family member of mine got sick and vomited black fluid. Then she had it sucked through her nose at the hospital

[–]Ben--Cousins 77 ポイント78 ポイント  (1子コメント)

that would have been digested blood from an ulcer or lesion in her stomach/GI tract.

Source: have had blood sucked out of my stomach through a tube in my nose also.

[–]9009stinks 191 ポイント192 ポイント  (25子コメント)

I wonder if there is a serial killer that likes to kill conspiracy theorists.

[–]bigTnutty 128 ポイント129 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Would make for an interesting episode of the X-Files...or It's Always Sunny.

[–]SixGun_Surge 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Of course there is. They're government employed and make tons of money to do shit like this.

[–]QuarterOztoFreedom 212 ポイント213 ポイント  (54子コメント)

The only thing I'm skeptical about is the black liquid. I'm sure governments are better at covertly assassinating their citizens than that.

[–]Gemmabeta 338 ポイント339 ポイント  (25子コメント)

Black vomit (coffeeground vomit) is a sign of serious gastric ulcers where you are bleeding into your stomach.

[–]dankypot 92 ポイント93 ポイント  (6子コメント)

OR the government WANTS to make it look amateur so people think its fake.

x-files theme song

[–]QuarterOztoFreedom 76 ポイント77 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Or the government doesn't even care enough to be discreet because nobody cares and the people who do are just fringe conspiracy lunatics

[–]fanofyou 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Or you're trying to send a message to anyone else who might think to take up the mantle.

[–]neohellpoet 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (0子コメント)

True. The US government learned an important lesson after Snowden, Assange, Abu Graib, Guantanamo and the Catholic church scandal.

No one cares. Prove that the government is listening in on everyone? No one cares. Torture? Nope. Institutional cover up of pedophilia? Ha, not a chance. Lying about reason for going to war? Pfff.

If only the people knew... 90% don't care, 5% are strongly against it and 5% would cheer it on.

[–]maskedman3d 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Seriously, just check out how Russia has assassinated people: ricin. Seems like just a case of the flu, then they die. Doesn't show up on autopsies unless you know to look for it. Any government worthy of being guilty of something like this should know how to do it right.

[–]alekzander01 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (9子コメント)

And the CIA has a heart attack inducing poison

[–]Baz135 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (1子コメント)

But Russia also assassinated a guy by polonium poisoning...

[–]riddlz 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That was pretty clearly done to be obvious and make a statement though

[–]OliverSparrow 108 ポイント109 ポイント  (11子コメント)

So let's see what he was concerend about. Quote:

Sexuality is used to download information. A lot of women were being used to be set up with very important politicians or entertainers - people in high positions - and sleep with them. They would seduce these people in high positions. And when they sleep with them this information would be downloaded through the act of sex, and it would go back to whoever is controlling them. Sex magic is used heavily with these people. My personal belief is that everything that is going on ‘outside’ of myself is an immaculate reflection of what is going on ‘inside’ of myself. This has allowed me to find answers to questions in the immediate world around me.

High in the Autumn hazel groves/ Where the Autumn nutters rove...

[–]Dancing_Cthulhu 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Makes General Jack D. Ripper sound not so insane by comparison.

So... had this guy been denying them his essence, or had he slept with a woman and had the magical sex control code downloaded into him as well?

[–]RedofPaw 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (0子コメント)

He knew too much! So they pumped 2litres of oil into his stomach. The perfect assassination.

[–]xhosSTylex 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (2子コメント)

GI tract/Stomach rupture. Could be caused by many things-- including diet, medications or stress. The black fluid is coagulated blood. When vomiting, it has the appearance of used coffee grounds.

Source: happened to me, but I got to a hospital.

[–]ElMatasiete7 94 ポイント95 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Holy fuck the publicity stunts for Death Stranding are getting out of hand.

[–]MonkeyDJinbeTheClown [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It ain't over yet. Few months time, we'll see: "1,000 babies killed and placed in pods as part of video game publicity stunt"

[–]Psyanide13 102 ポイント103 ポイント  (13子コメント)

"There's truth hidden in all words and in the phonetic sounding of the words and in the writing of the words. If you look at the word zion, you just change a vowel around and you have... and you switch the letters around and you have nazi."

This guy has the same kind of retardation as the Monster Energy is the devil lady.

[–]Dancing_Cthulhu 66 ポイント67 ポイント  (4子コメント)

If you look at the word zion, you just change a vowel around and you have... and you switch the letters around and you have nazi.

"If you take this word, replace a letter, then rearrange them, you get a much more sinister word. Dun dun DUN."

Oh my god, how has no Scrabble master noticed this sinister truth before?! Though I just realized if replace a letter, add 2 more, then reorder them I get... winzip. I always knew it was too good to be true.

[–]seaharvester 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (5子コメント)

If you switch out Z to L you get lion.

[–]Aanarki 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I think this is definitive proof that Bob Marley is not dead, but waiting for the time to return as messiah.

[–]DeportJJAbrams 333 ポイント334 ポイント  (27子コメント)

I just don't understand why the Clinton's would want this guy dead

[–]bjwoodz 50 ポイント51 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Jesus Christ Mulder was on to something... "Purity, more commonly referred to as black oil, and called "the black cancer" by the Russians, was an alien virus that thrived in petroleum deposits underground on Earth. The virus was capable of entering humanoids and assuming control of their bodies. It was sentient and was capable of communicating. It is the "life force" of the alien colonists, which they seemingly use to reproduce their kind, as well as infect other alien races in order to conquer the universe."

[–]georglukacs 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (0子コメント)

colleagues in the conspiracy community

[–]Pennypacking 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (2子コメント)

In the video on this article the dude (being interviewed so I assume it's Max Spiers) says, while talking about hidden meanings in words, "take the word Zion, if you change a vowel around and switch the letters around, you get Nazi..." That's one hell of reach there Max. He also claims that the war between Nazi's and Zionists has been going on for 50,000 years. Looney.

[–]Tb1969 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Aliens 1 Mankind 0

[–]broscientologist 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"If something happens to me. Investigate"

His mom probably rolled her eyes at that text. He probably has said that monthly since he was 18.

[–]Bad_Mood_Larry 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wasn't this a X-Files episode?

[–]senfood 26 ポイント27 ポイント  (5子コメント)

To be honest, I stopped trusting The Independent after that CNN porn article. Yes, yes, this makes me a sheep and I don't care anymore. Life's too short to waste it constantly worrying about who is and isn't lying to. It's easier to just assume everyone is lying and go about your day.

[–]TCobel 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

This guys lack of an internet presence makes me believe he never even existed

[–]johnbonjovial 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

2 litres of black fluid ? Thats 4 pints of guinness. Seems unlikely to me. Still very sad to hear of his passing, especially considering he's a parent. RIP !

[–]smollargeneral [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Black fluid is typically blood from internal bleeding that turns black in the stomach.

Happened to an alcoholic friend of mine years ago. RIP.

[–]Boredeidanmark [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If this article is true (if) he wasn't just a conspiracy theorist, the stuff he believed was totally off-the-wall. Isn't it possible he committed suicide to generate exactly the reaction his death is generating and give credence to his theories?

I'm not saying it definitely happened, but I think it's a possibility we have to consider.

[–]nowforthetruthiness 20 ポイント21 ポイント  (2子コメント)

US intelligence agencies think Russia interfered in the election-"WE NEED ALL THE PROOFS."

Some dude dies-"well, he was clearly murdered for knowing too much about some pedophilia at a army base decades ago."

Holy shit, America and humanity in general deserve to collapse.

[–]Rumbustificator 141 ポイント142 ポイント  (41子コメント)

The comments in this thread are very interesting and seem to mainly consist of jokes about what the black fluid are, or distractions about Spiers' alleged views on Jews. Only OP makes reverence to the paedophilia ring he was investigating - is almost like all the comments are leading away from what Spiers was looking into. Given that this subject is almost definitely about to break wide open all around the world this thread has all the hallmarks of a psy-op distraction piece.

Bottom line looks pretty obvious - this guy was onto something and was totaled for it. No conspiracy - it's fucking obvious