Vigils for America

Unite for America to Stop Donald Trump

Free the Electors
Join Now Join a Vigil Near You

Vigils for America

unite now
to help stop donald Trump

Free the Electors

Show Your Support for our Electors Voting Their Conscience. Join your fellow Americans in putting Country before party.

Candles of support

Light a candle to show your support for the brave electors voting their conscience. Take a photo of yourself with a candle and post it on your social media #VigilsForAmerica every evening from now until the Electoral College meets on Dec. 19th.

Candles coming together

Place two candles next to each other in your window or on your doorstep every evening to show that communities throughout our nation are united against Trump. #VigilsForAmerica

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On Dec 18th
6:00 PM

Unite in a nationwide candlelight vigil taking place at every State Capitol on Dec 18th at 6pm.

On Dec 19th
From 9:00 AM to Noon

Be at your State Capitol from 9am to noon when the Electoral College will meet in every state.
Be there to show your support for them voting their conscience.

Together we can Light Up America to show that Trump does not represent who we are.


I support the freedom of the Presidential Electors to vote their conscience on December 19, 2016 and vote for the best person for the job as President of the United States.

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