I'm sad that i didn't get to add them to the video. I still wanted to do something so i tried my best to put time stamps and reformat your translation. I do not speak this language so i'm not 100% sure this is correct. Feel free to use it on your first post if you wish to do so.
Starts with "Bir kuytu köşede..."
(0:04-0:10)In a sheltered nook, they're trying to heal up his wounds.
(0:10) He's heavily wounded.
(0:11)There is no narcosis.
(0:14-0:17)Therefore anesthesia could not be done because it(narcosis) doesn't exist.
(0:18-0:21)They're trying to perform surgery while he's alive.
(0:21-0:22)Let's see how they doin' it.
Then video starts to play.
(1:22)-This is the second time I watched this.
(1:23-1:27) slience
(1:27)+Turgay I am an historian.
(1:30-1:33) Throughout the history, too many cruels came through.
(1:33-1:45) I've insulted a lot to Pharaoh, Justinianos , Neron. I apologize to them.
(1:45-1:49)These dishonests, dastards... *starts to cry
(1:50-1:55)He's a five year old child.
(1:55-2:04) During anestesia, he's reading aloud verses of the Quran to not to feel pain. This World should sink.