Welcome to Light: Science & Applications

Light: Science & Applications (LSA) publishes high quality optics and photonics research from around the world. The Journal covers fundamental research as well as the important issues in engineering and applied sciences that are related to optics and photonics.

Light: Science & Applications is an open access fully peer-reviewed publication.

Light: Science & Applications has received its 2015 Impact Factor of 13.600.

Cover Image © 2012 Fraunhofer ILT

Volume 5,
December 2016

ISSN (online): 2047-7538

2015 Impact Factor 13.600*
2/90 Optics

Jianlin Cao
Co-Exec Editors-in-Chief:
Tianhong Cui, Stefan Kaierle

*2015 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2016)

Featured Articles

Optical disassembly of cellular clusters by tunable 'tug-of-war' tweezers

Anna S Bezryadina, Daryl C Preece, Joseph C Chen and Zhigang Chen

Light Sci Appl 5: e16158; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.158

High-dimensional entanglement between distant atomic-ensemble memories

Dong-Sheng Ding, Wei Zhang, Shuai Shi, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Bao-Sen Shi and Guang-Can Guo

Light Sci Appl 5: e16157; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.157

Ca1−xLixAl1−xSi1+xN3:Eu2+ solid solutions as broadband, color-tunable and thermally robust red phosphors for superior color rendition white light-emitting diodes

Le Wang, Rong-Jun Xie, Yuanqiang Li, Xiaojun Wang, Chong-Geng Ma, Dong Luo, Takashi Takeda, Yi-Ting Tsai, Ru-Shi Liu and Naoto Hirosaki

Light Sci Appl 5: e16155; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.155

A single Eu2+-activated high-color-rendering oxychloride white-light phosphor for white-light-emitting diodes

Peng-Peng Dai, Cong Li, Xin-Tong Zhang, Jun Xu, Xi Chen, Xiu-Li Wang, Yan Jia, Xiaojun Wang and Yi-Chun Liu

Light Sci Appl 5, e16024; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.24

Energy transfer in plasmonic photocatalytic composites

Xiang-Chao Ma, Ying Dai, Lin Yu and Bai-Biao Huang

Light Sci Appl 5, e16017; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.17

Tunable synchrotron-like radiation from centimeter scale plasma channels

Min Chen, Ji Luo, Fei-Yu Li, Feng Liu, Zheng-Ming Sheng and Jie Zhang

Light Sci Appl 5, e16015; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.15

Label-free detection of single nanoparticles and biological molecules using microtoroid optical resonators

Judith Su, Alexander FG Goldberg and Brian M Stoltz

Light Sci Appl 5, e16001; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.1

Correction-free remotely scanned two-photon in vivo mouse retinal imaging

Adi Schejter Bar-Noam, Nairouz Farah and Shy Shoham

Light Sci Appl 5, e16007; doi:10.1038/lsa.2016.7

News & Highlights

LSA editor, Professor Chunlei Guo leads laser processing research at the new AIM Photonics

Recent Article in LSA Highlighted by Media

Recently, Australia National University posted a press release and YouTube video titled "'Sticky tape and phosphorus the key to ultrathin solar cells", reported Dr Yuerui (Larry) Lu and his team's research in his recently article published in LSA entitled "Optical tuning of exciton and trion emissions in monolayer phosphorene". Followed by these posts, this article was discussed in Nanowerk, R&D Magazine (online), ABC (Australia).

Author of Light: Science & Applications won the Nobel Prize in Physics 2014

On October 7, 2014, the Nobel Prize in Physics 2014 was announced. Shuji Nakamura, an author of Light: Science & Applications, won this prize jointly with other two scientists for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes, enabling bright and energy-saving white light sources.

Light Conference: ICOME 2014 Explores Latest Research Progress

On July 3, 2014, Light Conference: ICOME 2014 (International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering 2014) opened in Changchun, with about 200 delegates attending from around the world, including scores of distinguished scientists in this field. The conference was organized by CIOMP in the name of Light: Science & Applications, a co-published journal with Springer Nature.

Light: Science & Applications Editorial Board Meeting in Changchun

On July 4, 2014, the 2014 Editorial Board Meeting of Light: Science & Applications (Hereinafter referred to as Light) was held on the campus of CIOMP to sum up the editorial work over the past two years and discuss the journal's blueprint for the future. Light is a high quality optics and photonics research journal, co-published by CIOMP and Springer Nature.

Light: Science & Applications ranks fourth in optics with first impact factor

Light: Science & Applications, the open access journal from Springer Nature has today received its first impact factor of 8.476, coming fourth among 82 journals in optics, according to the 2013 Journal Citation Report published by Thomson Reuters, a category that is led by NPG's Nature Photonics. Read more about the news in Springer Nature Press release.

Web Focus: advanced photonic integrated circuits is now live

Light: Science & Applications is proud to present a web focus on advanced photonic integrated circuits, which discusses the range of possible functionalities for these highly integrated optical chips, showing how fundamental work in areas such as transformation optics and materials technologies could lead to new applications for photonic integrated circuits.
Access the web focus today!

LSA Published Paper highlighted on the NFC Website

Prof. John Love accepted the invitation to be the topical editor of Light: Science & Applications

An editorial meeting of the CIOMP-NPG joint journal Light: Science & Applications was held at the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on September 16th, 2012. More information.

From March 2012, NPG will publish the new online only, Light: Science & Applications, in partnership with the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP). This journal is fully open access with papers published online within a week of becoming available.

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16 December 2016
