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Sticky Expectations and the Profitability AnomalyJean-Philippe BouchaudCapital Fund Management Philipp KruegerUniversity of Geneva; University of Geneva - Geneva Finance Research Institute; Swiss Finance Institute Augustin LandierToulouse School of Economics David ThesmarMIT Sloan November 23, 2016 HEC Paris Research Paper No. FIN-2016-1136 Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper No. 16-60 Abstract: We propose a theory of one of the most economically significant stock market anomalies, i.e. the ``profitability'' anomaly. In our model, investors forecast future profits using a signal and sticky belief dynamics à la Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2012). In this model, past profits forecast future returns (the profitability anomaly). Using analyst forecast data, we measure expectation stickiness at the firm level and find strong support for three additional predictions of the model: (1) analysts are on average more pessimistic for high profit firms, (2) the profitability anomaly is stronger for stocks which are followed by stickier analysts, and (3) it is also stronger for stocks with more persistent profits.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 53 Keywords: Stock market anomalies, Sticky expectations JEL Classification: G14; G17 Date posted: March 7, 2016 ; Last revised: December 5, 2016Suggested CitationContact Information