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Choosing FactorsEugene F. FamaUniversity of Chicago - Finance Kenneth R. FrenchTuck School of Business at Dartmouth; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) November 4, 2016 Fama-Miller Working Paper Tuck School of Business Working Paper No. 2668236 Chicago Booth Research Paper No. 16-17 Abstract: We examine three issues about choice of factors in the five-factor model of Fama and French (FF 2015): (i) cash profitability versus operating profitability as the variable used to construct profitability factors, (ii) long-short spread factors versus excess returns on the long or short ends of the spread factors, and (iii) factors that use the small or big ends of value, profitability, and investment factors versus averages of small and big components. We rank models primarily on the max squared Sharpe ratio for model factors. This metric leads to a three-way tie for best model honors. We choose among the three using other performance metrics.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 32 Keywords: Five-factor model JEL Classification: G12 Date posted: October 2, 2015 ; Last revised: November 6, 2016Suggested CitationContact Information