@m_orenstein @Susan_Hennessey @nytimesworld Shameful. Putin isn't that good. Some Americans are just morons. Now he rules us. Shameful.
@m_orenstein@nytimesworld no evidence has been presented the election was subverted, other than the dem primary by dnc themselves. -
@m_orenstein Dems:deplorable+racist+bigot+misogynist+xenophobe+protest+riot+NO+FakeNews+Recount2016+RussiaDidIt+traitor+kleptocracy=JOKE -
@m_orenstein@nytimesworld Lifting sanctions will send message US is OK w/Russia terrorizing ppl Ukraine, Aleppo n abandon NATO allies. -
@m_orenstein If they are so powerful to control an election, why not just subvert the financial system? Is controlling the president easier? -
@m_orenstein@joshbloch So you're saying that the sanctions had an effect, but not the intended effect. Same old same old.